In the treasure house, Lin Tian is standing in front of the metal gate!

I was so excited to patronize the six pieces of history text just now, and I didn't even notice that there was actually a door in this treasure house with a small treasure house.

Looking at the small treasure house in front of him, Lin Tian didn't choose to go in the first time. To open up a small treasure house in such a treasure house, he always felt a little strange, and he felt like it was unnecessary.

However, in comparison, Lin Tian was more curious. In such a heavily guarded treasure house with six pieces of historical text, he also opened up a small treasure house.

And what is stored in it that can make the Tianlong people pay so much attention to it, even more important than the six pieces of historical text outside.

Secretly shook his head and expelled the extra thoughts in my mind. Since I want to know what is inside, it is very simple. Just go in and see.

With fluorescence flowing on his body, Lin Tian went straight through the door of the treasure house in front of him. Lin Tian's eyes emerged from the door of the treasure house. When he looked forward, he was shocked. His expression was even more surprised than when he saw the six pieces of historical text outside.

The scene in front of me is really amazing. This small treasure house is the same as the one outside, and there is a piece of historical text in the center of the treasure house.

That's right, this treasure house also has the historical text outside, and what is surprising is that only half of this historical text is actually missing, and the remaining half is missing.

A few seconds later, Lin Tian walked out of the gate, looking at only half of the historical text in front of him, Lin Tian was already puzzled.

This more important treasure house actually contains a piece of historical text with only half of it left. Since it is a historical text, why not put it outside, but store it separately.

To explain everything, Lin Tian had only one idea in his mind, that is, the half of the historical text in front of him has an unusual meaning.

After years of investigation, there are 30 pieces of the historical text, of which three are roughly divided into the whereabouts of ancient weapons, and four are the historical text of the road signs, recording the address to Rough Drew, and the historical text is divided into historical introductions and special event records. , There are also other things recorded in the historical text of Fishman Island.

Let the Tianlong people treat it so carefully, and specially develop a treasure store, the half of the historical text in front of it is very likely to be one of the three ancient weapons of heaven in the legend.

Presuming it was useless, Lin Tian quickly mobilized the domineering look, the ability to listen to the sound of all things, and Lin Tian seemed to be able to see that the strange and unique characters suddenly became human.

These words are like an individual, telling what they mean in Lin Tian's ears, and finally these words converge into a paragraph in his mind.

After a while, Lin Tian suddenly opened his eyes. After knowing the contents of this half of the historical text, it proved that Lin Tian's guess was correct. This was indeed the historical text of the king.


Seeing the half of the king in front of him, Lin Tian sighed, his face full of pity.

Although it records the king of heaven, this piece of historical text is only half of it, and it is impossible to determine the whereabouts of the king of heaven. If it were all the king of heaven, then Lin Tian would have gained a lot this time.

After all, the six pieces of historical text outside are not as important as a piece of the king of heaven. Except for the historical text road signs that record the three ancient weapons and the address of Lavdrew, the other 23 pieces are not necessary for Lin Tian, ​​but No matter what.

After all, Lin Tian now has three pieces of historical text road signs in his hand. They only need to get the one in Kaido's hand and gather the four historical text road signs, and they can find the location of Lavdrew.

In the end, Lavdrew was afraid of not knowing the history, there is always more history than a few pieces of historical text.

Compared with the Uranus, Uranus is one of the three ancient weapons. Poseidon, the mermaid princess, is the white star, capable of commanding sea kings with a length of more than 5,000 meters. Pluto is a terrifying battleship with powerful combat power. Destroy an island with one shot, and a country like Dresrosa can be destroyed with one shot.

As for the combat power of the Pluto battleship, the Revolutionary Army has already tested it, and it is only stronger or not weaker than that recorded in the historical text, and it is enough to resist a million army.

It’s a pity that this kind of warship can only be used in large-scale battles. If you encounter a powerful person like the general level, it is not enough to look at it. The general is too strong. Like the green pheasant, an ice age can be enough to destroy the entire Hades battleship. Frozen, completely at the mercy of others.

But the king of heaven is different. The sea king controls the sea, the king of Pluto controls the continent, and the king of heaven controls the sky. Yes, although the specific location of the king of heaven is not recorded in the historical text, when it records the introduction of the king of heaven.

The King of Heaven is a giant war weapon suspended in the sky. The powerful main gun can destroy an island. The King of Heaven is essentially a war fortress transformed from an empty island suspended overhead, suspended in the sky over tens of thousands of meters.

It has to be said that the Uranus is a more terrifying weapon than the Pluto. Pluto can only sail on the sea and has regional restrictions, while the Uranus can reach any place while floating in the sky, and does not limit the climate.

However, the Uranus is also inferior to Pluto, that is, the mobility of Uranus is not as good as that of Pluto. It moves very slowly, so it is also called a fortress of war, but its power is also very terrifying.

Tens of thousands of meters high can be said to be a forbidden land for humans. Only a few means can reach tens of thousands of meters high, or some powerful men can threaten the king of heaven.

But it is really a pity that only half of the historical text records the Uranus, and there is no other half of the historical text to find the whereabouts of the Uranus.

Stroking the smooth cut in the historical text, Lin Tian asked why this historical text was broken into two paragraphs and why it fell into the hands of the Tianlong people.

Although the historical text is claimed to be indestructible, since the Guangyue clan can use this kind of stone to make the historical text, there are naturally other ways in the world to destroy the historical text.

But Lin Tian was curious about who was going to destroy the historical text that recorded the King of Heaven, and why the Tianlong people only had this half in their hands.

These questions flooded Lin Tian's mind, but now is not the time to think about questions. After quickly enclosing and printing the historical text of the king, Lin Tian left the treasure house and was about to leave.

After all, this harvest was beyond Lin Tian's imagination. Originally, he only wanted to get the historical text road signs, but he did not expect to take the opportunity to get five pieces of historical text, and half of the historical text of the king.

Hidden in the ventilation duct, when Lin Tianzheng was about to leave, there was a sound of footsteps from below. When Lin Tian looked down with curiosity, he saw two Tianlongren walking in the passage.

Unlike what you usually see, these two Dracos did not carry helmets, because this is the holy place of Mary Joa.

The rumored Holy Land is the residence of their creator. It is naturally different from the rest of the mortal world. There are untouchables with **** blood. The people living here are gods and people who are recognized by gods.

One of the two Tianlongren was fat and short, and the other was stupid and tall. Lin Tian couldn't help thinking of the term "Fat and Thin Fairy Child" in his mind.

Just listen to the fat Tianlongren speak: "This time the historical text of the road signs can be returned to our hands. It is a great fortunate for us. Fortunately, it was not taken away by the **** of the Moonlight Clan of Oka."

Nodded, the thin Tianlong said humanely: "As long as we can control one of the historical texts that record the address of Ralph, then there will be no situation like the Roger Pirates. Love Drew’s secret is not to reappear in the world."

Sure enough, Lin Tian secretly said that these Tianlong people care so much about the road signs in the historical text, it turned out to be to protect the secrets of Lavdrew.

The people of Tianlong are afraid. They are afraid that the day when the secret of Lavdrew will be exposed, the whole world will be drawn into the flames of war. Then the world will be pulled down from the altar and turned from the god-like creator to trash. It's already **** in the eyes of the world.

"Oh, yes, there is one thing I want to tell you." The skinny Tailongren suddenly thought of something and said: "Just now, I received Nafi from the Kingdom of Alabastan and the Nafirutali family. Rutali Cobra talked and asked. He said he wanted to discuss something with us."

Hearing this, the fat Tianlongren who was walking in front had a pause. Obviously he was surprised by the news, and he couldn't believe it, "What? Nafirutali Cobra would make such a request, right? ".

If other families or kings, Tianlong talents are too lazy to pay attention, but the Nafirutali family is different, they are one of the twenty royal families that created the world government.

However, the Nafirutali family took the initiative to discuss matters with the Dragonite. This was the first time in hundreds of years. While surprising the Dragonite, they were also curious about why Nafirutali Cobra wanted to do this.

The Fat Sky Dragon asked immediately: "Then have you answered him?"

Shaking his head, Shou Tianlong said humanely: "I haven't agreed yet. I just received your message at the time, so I told him to wait for me to discuss it first."

Dragging his chin for a long time, Fat Tianlong said humanely: "Promise him, the time will be tomorrow night. It just so happens that we also have something to ask him."

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