After some intrigue, the World Summit finally entered the topic and finally talked about the issue of the revolutionary army.

When it comes to the revolutionary army, the faces of many kings are silent and solemn. At the last summit meeting, they did not take the revolutionary army seriously and thought it was just a group of hidden rats.

But only four years later, they held the World Summit again, and the Revolutionary Army has become a major enemy that can threaten the rule of the world government.

Especially the year before last, the Revolutionary Army suddenly mobilized tens of millions of troops and captured nearly ten countries within a month, followed by the world government coalition war, which caused several countries to become scorched earth. In just one year of war, the number of countries joining the world government has increased from more than 170 This has become more than 160, destroying more than ten countries in total.

Hirano Masayoshi opened his mouth and said: "I don't need to say more, everyone understands that although our revolutionary army has defeated the revolutionary army this time, and even captured the revolutionary army headquarters, but the revolutionary army leaders including the revolutionary army leader Long and Lin Tian. We did not capture one".

"So although the Revolutionary Army has disappeared and turned into the dark again, but with the high-level resistance of the Revolutionary Army, I think it will not be long before the Revolutionary Army will once again convene a larger and stronger army to challenge our world government." .

"Therefore, we must take advantage of this period of weakness of the revolutionary army, take advantage of the victory, and strive to completely eliminate the revolutionary army at one time."

Hearing that, the faces of many kings were not very good-looking, and they heard the implication in Masato Hirano's words, that is, they once again contributed to destroy the revolutionary army.

The Kingdom of Landelika, a relatively powerful country in the New World, King Khalid III asked: "Your world government previously said that the revolutionary army has been hit hard. In addition to the high-level fleeing, it killed and captured more than With three million revolutionary soldiers, the revolutionary army will not emerge in a few years, so why are we going to start a war against the revolutionary army now?"

"Yes, why did you start a war again after a lapse of a month", Hobbit King Holmes of the West Sea immediately said.

Of all the kings, the biggest complaint against the world government is King Hobbit. This time their Hobbit Kingdom dispatched 100,000 troops in the world government coalition, but only more than 10,000 survived. In addition to the serious injuries, the casualties can no longer be used. To describe it, it can be said that he was almost destroyed by the group.

"I don't agree to start the war again!"

"The war has just ended and we have suffered heavy losses and need time to recover"

"I think I need to wait for a while before speaking"

Many kings agreed with King Hobbit and did not agree to start the war again.

They all have one thing in common, that is, they suffered heavy losses in this war, their teams suffered huge casualties, and they didn't get the slightest benefit. These kings did not want to send their elite troops to the world government as cannon fodder again.

Of course, speaking out against the king is only a small part, only more than a dozen. The remaining thirty kings remained silent, some closed their eyes and calmed down, some were expressionless, and some watched the show with wide eyes.

However, more than a dozen kings objected, and it did make the four of Masato Uehirano look unsightly. The first step was such a huge obstacle.

At this time, Kenichi Ogata said: "Everyone, stop for a moment. This meeting is not a time for a quarrel, nor is the revolutionary army back then. Now the revolutionary army has a powerful force."

"Presumably the revolutionary army is pursuing the belief in building a harmonious, free, equal, and dream-filled world. I must all understand that their purpose is not only to overthrow the world government, but everyone is also among the goals of the revolutionary army."

Kenichi Ogata said so because many kings understand that the revolutionary army is not only aimed at their world government, but you royals are also among them. If you want to protect your current interests, everyone must cooperate to control the revolutionary army. The guy who destroyed the rules of the world they made was destroyed.

Hearing that, many kings stopped immediately, fell into contemplation, and put it in a good way. Among these countries, the country that treats citizens like Alabastan and Dresrosa is definitely not more than the number of hands.

Most royal families are based on oppression of the people, providing their royal families and nobles with a luxurious and noble life, and the revolutionary army’s belief is to overthrow this kind of oppression of the nobles. Therefore, the revolutionary army is not only the dream of countless people, but also a challenge to the world's hierarchical rules for thousands of years.

The essential purpose of the revolutionary army is to change the rules of the world and re-establish a free and equal world. To realize this dream, it will violate the interests of many nobles, and these nobles will naturally destroy the revolutionary army.

Especially the Tianlong people and the high level of the world government, their status is equivalent to this world god, if they stop the revolutionary army, they will one day fall from that altar.

Kenichi Ogata took out a document that had been prepared long ago and said: "It is not that we want to start war again, but the revolutionary army wants to start war again."


Many kings looked suspiciously at the five old stars. A few days ago, their world government hyped up that the Revolutionary Army was hit hard, but now they say that the Revolutionary Army is going to wage war. Are you all fools? If you want to cheat, cheat.

Of course, among the fifty kings, several kings were sitting there calmly. They were not shocked by the news. They, as the revolutionary army camp, had already received relevant information.

Opening the document, Ken Ogata joined together: "This is the news that our cp spy agency paid a high price. A large number of revolutionary troops in the East China Sea have assembled. Not only that, we have found traces of the Revolutionary Army in the West Sea, South China Sea and Beihai. And according to The latest frontline report shows that the revolutionary army in the East China Sea seems to be preparing a counterattack."

"What's the matter?" The King of Xihai waved his hand and said indifferently: "The revolutionary forces are all over the world, just like we didn't know that the revolutionary army actually has tens of millions of troops. It is not surprising that the four oceans find the revolutionary army's traces. However, the number of revolutionary soldiers arrested in our country’s prison is as many as thousands, and there are many mobs.”

Another king echoed: "Yes, this doesn't explain much, it's just that traces of the revolutionary army have been discovered, let alone the four oceans, each of our countries has a revolutionary army."

Obviously most of the kings did not accept the Five Old Stars' statement, how could they be allowed to send their elite troops again with a few words without concrete evidence.

At this time, Kenichi Ogata once again took out a document and said: "We still have other evidence here. This document records in detail that Xihai has supplies for millions of people to live through special channels and flow into the revolutionary army. Under".

Hearing that, the kings who belonged to the West Sea suddenly changed their complexions, and millions of people had living supplies. Could it be that the revolutionary army in the West Sea has reached millions? This is an amazing number.

The Hobbit King Holmes, the boss of the West Sea, quickly took the documents handed by Kenichi Ogata. A few seconds later, King Hobbit could not believe it: "How can the Revolutionary Army need so much supplies? Are they going to survive the Revolutionary Army soldiers? Are all transferred to Xihai?"

Every material transaction on the document is very detailed, and it is impossible for the world government to fake it.

Seeing that the boss said so, the kings of Xihai looked very ugly. Before, they didn't care, or even said they sent troops to help the world government.

But now it's different. Millions of revolutionary soldiers appeared in the West Sea out of thin air. No one would believe that these revolutionary soldiers came to the West Sea for sightseeing.

Millions of the revolutionary army surviving in the New World have poured into the West Sea. How could they resist this force?

Upon seeing this, some kings who had enemies with Xihai were gloating. With millions of revolutionary soldiers, Xihai had no strength to resist, and it was very likely that they would be destroyed.

A triumphant smile flashed across Ken Ogata’s face, and he resolved the West Sea, which was the loudest objection to the dispatch of troops, and the next meeting of the Korean Revolutionary Army to form the world government coalition should be easy to pass.

Putting down the documents, King Holmes yelled to his feet and said anxiously: "Everyone, I'm sorry, we are leaving the Holy Land Mary Joa to go back and prepare for the matter immediately."

Now they, the kings of the West Sea powers, are all in the Holy Land Mariejoa. If the Revolutionary Army takes the opportunity to launch an attack, there will be dragons in the whole world.

Masato Hirano raised his hand and shouted: "Wait a King Hobbit, don’t be so anxious. This World Summit was originally designed to deal with the revolutionary army. You Xihai is naturally difficult to deal with the revolutionary army, so you need to Everyone strength".

Hearing that, the faces of many kings changed transiently, and the situation changed rapidly for a time, becoming favorable to the world government.

In particular, King Holmes's face was very ugly, Masato Hirano had never heard what he meant, and what he heard. This is a dignified plot. If they want to protect the interests of Xihai, they must follow the world government.


When King Holmes waited for the King of the West Sea to return to his seat, he was no longer as sharp as before, and they had to stand on the side of the world government.

The other kings looked very ugly. The Xihai kings were on the side of the world government, which meant that their interests would be harmed. Some kings cursed Xihai as shameless in their hearts.

Masato Hirano would naturally not miss the opportunity, and took the opportunity to launch a vote and said: "If this is the case, let's start voting on whether to re-establish the world government coalition army and take advantage of the weak period of the revolutionary army to eliminate the revolutionary army in one fell swoop."

Without hesitation, the four five old stars raised their hands, which means that they agreed with eight votes. Then all the eight kings of Xihai raised their hands, and the total number was 16 votes.

Subsequently, some kings voted against it. After more than a minute, all but the four kings abstained, all kings cast their votes.

Masato Hirano stood up and announced: "After a round of voting, except for the four kings abstaining, there were 30 votes in favor and 24 against."

For a time, some people in the World Summit were happy and some were worried, but the number of votes has been determined, and the final result is determined. The world government coalition will be established again, and the major countries will redraw their troops to form a coalition.

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