Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1149: Break into the convention center

The voting meeting passed, the world government's formation of coalition forces again is firmly established and cannot be changed. Even if some kings are unwilling but must obey the decisions of the World Summit, unless he withdraws from the world government.

But this is an impossible thing. Withdrawing from the world government at this time will definitely usher in retaliation by the world government, and the entire country will probably be wiped out.

It’s just that although the formation of the coalition is unstoppable, this is only the beginning of the meeting. It is impossible to determine the formation of a coalition. There are also issues such as how many troops each country should send, how strong the coalition should be, and logistics. Need to be discussed.

Therefore, the meeting room has completely become a vegetable market, where the many kings have the previous noble etiquette, and they are caught in a huge quarrel.

There is no way, the next distribution is related to the interests of each country. No one wants to pay more than others, and pay a greater price than others, especially to make wedding dresses for others.

The quarrel continued, and Cobra was in poor health, and he coughed immediately after being stimulated by the shout.

King Liku of the Kingdom of Dresrosa sitting next to him handed out a white tissue at the right time. Cobra was taken aback, said thank you, then took the tissue and wiped the saliva from his mouth.

Looking at the arguing kings in front of him, Liku Wang said: "I didn’t expect that I have not participated in the two World Summits. These people are still the same as before. Every World Summit is like this. According to this situation, look. It is impossible to propose today to abolish the Qiwuhai system."

In this case, Cobra, who has participated in many world summits, has been able to do it as usual. If it is not noisy, it is not the world summit, and all this is just a trend of interests.

"Brother Liku, do you still believe that you want to raise the issue of abolishing Qiwuhai at this meeting?" Cobra said.

Nodded, Liku Wang said: "Although what you told me yesterday makes sense, I still decided to try it. After all, I can't give up so easily."

Knowing that there is little hope for the abolition of Qiwuhai, but when he thinks of the ruins of Dresrosa and the scene of tens of thousands of tragic deaths before him, King Liku's anger towards Doflamingo is even deeper.

And the reason why Doflamingo became a pirate king and enslaved Dresrosa was entirely because of the protection of the pirates by the Qiwuhai system.

This time to participate in the World Summit, the only purpose of King Liku is to propose the abolition of the Qiwuhai system at the meeting. Even if the abolition cannot be achieved, at least he must strive for the world government to modify this system to avoid Dresrosa’s The tragedy happened again.

Cobra said: "Although I can't give you much help, I contacted a few friends last night and will vote for you at the meeting."

"Thank you so much!" Liku Wang said with joy.

Last night King Liku also contacted some slightly better kings, but only a few were sure to agree with him. The rest of the kings said they were thinking about it. Now that the number of votes is increased at once, the confidence is even greater.


This is a meeting room like a vegetable market. Masato Hirano can't stand it anymore. The revolutionary army may already be in action, and they are still cursing the street with shrews.

Masato Hirano stretched out his hand and knocked on the conference table, and the sound passed through the conference room, and the quarreling kings couldn't help stopping.

Suddenly, before Masato Hirano could speak, there was a burst of laughter out of thin air!


In an instant, the complexion of many kings changed drastically, and the four five old stars immediately stood up, their eyes quickly scanned the surroundings, and the previously bustling conference room fell into a strange silence, some of which were only deep breathing, a heavy breath. The atmosphere spreads invisibly along with the air.

Cobra looked around vigilantly. The laughter was not wrong just now. Someone broke into the heavily guarded World Summit Room, but they didn't even notice it. If it weren't for the other party to speak, they would not know the content of the meeting. It was heard enough by others.

At the same time, Cobra had a bad premonition that he could break into the heavily guarded conference room so easily without being discovered. Only one person had this ability in Cobra's heart and had sufficient reason to do so.

"Someone, come out!"

Masato Hirano yelled loudly, and the sound waves radiated in all directions, and the sound waves rushed into both ears, as if someone was holding a drum and beating in their ears. After a while, most kings covered their ears and uttered misery. Screaming, I feel that the eardrum will be shattered by this powerful sound wave.


The pain is pouring into the brain like a tide, as if the whole brain is about to explode.

At this moment, the huge conference room was trembling, as if a strong earthquake of more than ten magnitude had occurred, and even the hard walls were shattered by sound waves, climbing up a series of dense cracks like a spider web.

Seeing that many kings couldn't bear it, Masato Hirano quickly stopped shouting, and the sound wave dissipated. A famous king was lying on his seat, sweating, panting.


Vinsmoke Gage of the Vinsmoke family slapped his face on the conference table again and exclaimed, "What are you doing, do you want to kill us kings?"

As soon as the voice fell, dozens of kings looked at the five old stars in anger. The harsh sound just now almost killed them, and they needed an explanation.

The dignified ruler of the world government has ever been photographed on the table. Wu Lao Xing is very angry, but seeing the angry eyes of all the kings, Wu Lao Xing knows that he must explain to these kings.

Having to suppress the irritation in his heart, the Five Old Star's Masutani Yasuki explained: "Wait a minute, kings, we just want to force that little bug out."

With a cold snort, many kings were obviously dissatisfied with this explanation. If they didn't dare to rant about the five old stars like this, they almost died just now.

At this moment, the void on the conference table was distorted, like a spinning top, blowing up a strong wind out of thin air raging in the conference room.

Seeing this scene, many kings couldn't help but shut their mouths, and the faces of the five old stars changed drastically. They only knew one thing that was teleporting through space.

Lin Tian stepped out of the distorted void, and the heavens and the earth changed their colors, as if they were the dominators of the heavens and the earth, his tall and straight body exuded a terrifying domineering.

In an instant, more than a dozen kings could not bear this domineering, their eyes whitened, they passed out and fell heavily to the ground.

Seeing the figure that appeared, the faces of the other kings were instantly replaced by fear. They are a little envious of the kings who passed out, at least they don't need to face this devil.


A king swallowed his mouth sharply, unbearable this invisible domineering, like ten thousand mountains pressing on him, just this aura makes people unable to resist the slightest feeling.

It is indeed Lin Tian who can kill one of the five old stars Keiichi Hirano. His power is too strong. In the face of this power, these kings who control the life and death of millions of people are actually tiny ants.

At this moment, no one of the king dared to speak up, and even no one dared to look at Lin Tian. They were afraid, their bodies trembling. In the eyes of these kings, Lin Tian, ​​the deputy leader of the revolutionary army, represented death.

Looking at Lin Tian, ​​Cobra's mind turned rapidly. How could this happen? Why did Lin Tian suddenly appear in the World Summit Conference room? This is different from what I said before. What is he thinking?

"Lin Tian, ​​he actually appeared!" King Liku was shocked and couldn't believe it.


Seeing Lin Tian appearing, Keiichi Sonobu, wearing a Bushido robe, subconsciously put his right hand on the hilt around his waist and pulled it out decisively. The blade made a slight rubbing sound against the scabbard. The sharp sword came out of the scabbard. break out.

With the death of Noda Keiichi, five old stars and Lin Tian have already forged a life and death feud, especially the relationship between Noda Keiichi and Sonobe Keichi.

Keiichi Sonobu was about to take revenge, but was suddenly stopped by Yasuki and asked Keiichi Sonobu not to act.

Masuya Yasuki stepped forward and said, "Lin Tian, ​​what do you want to do when you break into our World Summit? Do you want to kill us? I can only say that you are too arrogant."

Hearing that, the hearts of many kings sank and panic flashed across their faces. They were above ten thousand people from birth, enjoying endless rights and arbitrarily deciding the life and death of others. Several kings would want to train to become strong. Among the kings, except for a few who have strong power, the others are just ordinary people.

If Lin Tianzhen did it, they would be killed instantly. In this small meeting room, even the five old stars could not stop Lin Tian.

The twisted void behind him returned to calm, the exuding domineering dissipated, and the corners of Lin Tian's mouth raised and said: "Don't be so nervous, Masutani Yasuki, I haven't been arrogant enough to kill the world conference participant in the Holy Land Mariejoa. Many kings and you".

"Being here this time, in addition to watching many good scenes of kings cursing the street, my purpose is only to declare one thing on behalf of the world government, and then I will leave, so kings can rest assured.

When the words fell, the many frightened kings suddenly let out a sigh of relief. It's better not to deal with them specifically, but the kings didn't notice the disdain flashing in Lin Tian's eyes.

With a cold snort, Hirano said in a humane manner: "Lin Tian, ​​broke into the World Summit, and you still want to leave. Do you think this is a shop you can enter at will?"


Four five old stars flew out and stood on the conference table in four directions, surrounded Lin Tian in groups.

Yuanbu Qiyi said coldly: "There is really a way to heaven, you don't go, there is no way to hell, you just rushed in. We were thinking about how to find you this guy for revenge, but unexpectedly you took the initiative to send it to the door."

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