There was a moment of silence in the meeting room, and the air seemed to be freezing. The atmosphere was too heavy, and it was too heavy for many kings to bear.

From the perspective of most kings, it is of course best that Lin Tian and Wu Lao Xing do not fight. After all, they are on the side, only a few meters apart. If these five people fight, they in the center of the battle will definitely be The shock wave of battle was torn to pieces.

Even if you really want to fight, you have to stay away and don't involve them. Of course, many kings talked about these things. Who would dare to open this mouth? If they angered the lunatic Lin Tian, ​​they would have nowhere to go after they died. Now many kings have become foils and spectators.

His gaze slowly swept across the four five old stars around him, and facing the surrounding of the four five old stars, Lin Tian appeared very calm, his expression unchanged.

However, that dismissive smile was so dazzling in the eyes of Wu Lao Xing. Until now, I have never seen such an arrogant guy surrounded by the four of them.

At this time, Lin Tian said: "Everyone, don't be so anxious about killing me to get revenge. Don't you want to know what I am going to announce on behalf of the revolutionary army when I broke into the Holy Land your meeting this time."

Hearing that, the four of them were startled. They really didn't think about this. Seeing that Lin Tian was thinking of not letting go of this perfect opportunity to kill Lin Tian, ​​solving this confidant problem and helping Hirano Keiichi take revenge.

After thinking about it, Masato Hirano said: "Let's talk about Lin Tian, ​​this will be your last chance to speak."

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised. Lin Tian was very disdainful of what Masato Hirano said. Since he dared to break into the World Summit, he must be sure to leave.

Putting his hands on his back, Lin Tian said: "Listen well, all the kings of the world's franchise countries, as well as the five old stars, have become deputy leaders of the revolutionary army. Your world government has officially declared war!!"

The previous war was only a sneak attack launched by the revolutionary army without warning, and there has never been a real declaration of war.

"Declare war!?"

Many kings were immediately taken aback, and it was impossible to accept it. This was nothing. They were just talking about forming a world government coalition to take advantage of the weakness of the revolutionary army to solve the huge threat of the revolutionary army in one fell swoop.

But it didn't take long before Lin Tian declared war on the world government on behalf of the revolutionary army, and it was decided by the top leaders of the revolutionary army.

This is where the revolutionary army that has been hit hard by the world government, the revolutionary army that has been hit hard, and those who have the courage to declare war on the world government, and even these revolutionary forces make the decision to declare war faster than them.

The King of the Dragon Kingdom Yanhuangte Jinping felt that the world government had fooled them and lied about the real situation. No wonder they wanted them to form a stronger world government coalition again.

In fact, the five elder stars who represent the senior government of the world are also surprised and suspicious. What is surprised is that the revolutionary army actually declared war on them. What is puzzled is where the revolutionary army has the courage, the headquarters was destroyed, and millions of revolutionary soldiers were killed and injured. Dare to take the initiative to declare war.

Cobra and other kings who have secretly joined the Revolutionary Army camp are the strangest. They know the truth about the destruction of the Revolutionary Army headquarters, but they have never heard that the Revolutionary Army has notified them that they will be at the peak of the world government. At the meeting, war was declared to the world government.

So what do they do, the world government has declared war, should they declare that they belong to the revolutionary army camp and also declare war with the world government?

These kings were in a state of confusion at the moment, so they had to remain silent, and after the meeting was over, they would ask the revolutionary army headquarters specifically what was going on.

After Lin Tian finished speaking, he took out a written sheepskin scroll declaration of war from his hand and threw it out. Masato Hirano reached out and took the declaration of war, opened it, and it said that the revolutionary army declared war with the world government.

Although this declaration of war does not matter, the two forces have entered a state of war long ago, but since the establishment of the world government for 800 years, no force has ever submitted a declaration of war.

shame! This is a shame since the establishment of the world government, even worse than the death of Keiichi Hirano.

Masato Hirano squeezed the declaration of war in his hand, and his murderous eyes shot towards Lin Tian as if it were true. If his eyes could kill, Lin Tian would not know how many times he had been killed.

"Our world government accepts your declaration of war. From today on, our two forces are in a state of war," Masato Hirano gritted his teeth.

Although according to the laws of the world government, this declaration of war requires the consent of the kings of many participating countries, but it does not matter now. The revolutionary army in hiding has already come to the door, should they be a turtle?

Kenichi Ogata slowly pulled out the sharp sword around his waist, and the sword light flashed by. A blood-red thunder blasted out of thin air in the conference room, scaring many kings directly from their seats.

"Just use the blood of the deputy leader of the revolutionary army to kick off this war," Ken Ogata said murderously.

With the appearance of the blood-red thunder, Ken Ogata's sharp sword is one of the first generation of the supreme swords, and it is also the rumored demon sword.

According to the legend, an evil sword spirit lives in this sword, which can erode the mind of the swordsman. Therefore, only a swordsman stronger than the sword spirit can control this sword, otherwise it will eventually be swallowed and die. This is a demon sword that will devour the master.

In the town of Rogge in the East China Sea, Sauron had three generations of Ghost Toru, and Sauron once tried and won with his own luck, and finally surrendered three generations of Ghost Toru.

However, Ken Ogata's hand is the original Oni Toru, not only the strongest sword among the three Oni Toru, but also the sword that shaped the legend of Oni Toru.

Legend has it that this knife drank the blood of thousands of people when it was forged and attracted thousands of thunders to destroy it. However, this knife cut through ten thousand thunders, so when it was born, it was accompanied by blood-red lightning, and when it was unsheathed, there would be blood-red lightning.

"What an amazing murderous spirit" Lin Tian's eyes flashed, and he admired: "The legendary Demon Sword, the first generation of Ghost, I heard that no real master of the first generation of Ghosts can surrender him."

Feeling the murderous aura coming from the Demon Blade and Ghosts, Lin Tian felt that the murderous aura on his body had an attractive feeling. This feeling was not even when casting the chasing wind.

Gui Che is not only a demon sword but also a murderous blade, and even the master can back it up, but Lin Tian is a man known as a murderer, and Lin Tian's murderous intent is only stronger than that of Gui Che.

Seeing Lin Tian hitting the ghostly attention in his hand, Ken Ogata couldn't help but sneer and said: "Next, I will have this demon knife to drink up your blood."

Withdrawing his gaze, Lin Tian shook his head and said, "It's a pity, this demon sword is not for me."

Lin Tian's own murderous aura is very heavy. If he uses a ghostly sword, his murderous aura is likely to be affected by the ghost, and will not be controlled. Then it will affect his mind and become a sword-controlling person instead of a person controlling the sword. .


The cold light flashed, and Ken Ogata shook his sword one by one, and the blood-red slash burst out from the Onitoru sword, the slash flashed past, and the void trembled.

Lin Tian had prepared early, when Kenichi Ogata launched an attack, Lin Tian jumped back and flexibly avoided the slashing attack.

Boom... boom...

Facing the sharp slash, the hard wall was like tofu dregs, instantly destroyed and annihilated by the sound of the explosion, turning into bricks and dense smoke on the floor.

The power of the slash was undiminished, blasting through the conference room and slashing towards a tall building a hundred meters away. The sharp slash flashed past, and the whole building was split into two suddenly, and it collapsed with a bang.

This big movement shocked the whole Mary Gioia for a while. There was a battle at the World Summit. This is something that shocked the world.

The quickest response was the guards around the conference room. They quickly gathered towards the conference room and surrounded the conference room.

Immediately there is the headquarters of the three services, headed by the commander of the three services, Gang Gukong, plus the other three military marshals, including the navy marshal Red Dog, and a large number of generals quickly pilgrimage here to Mariagioa. As for the guards, the response is the slowest. of.

Lin Tian turned over and landed, and he felt the many powerful people swarming in the moment when he saw and heard the domineering, and said: "Guardian, Marshal of the Army Gang Bone Kong, Red Dog, Admiral Green Bull and Yellow Ape, plus four and five Old star, your world government really value me."


Ogata Kenichi suddenly exploded with a terrible domineering, and even the air was torn apart, making a deafening air explosion, and a strong white wind rose out of thin air.

The battle broke out without warning, and many frightened kings quickly hid behind their respective Except for this place, there is no place to hide in the entire conference room.

Both feet suddenly stepped on, and the amount of violence gushed out, Ogata flew out with a burst, his fists blasted towards Lin Tian with dazzling light.

However, Ogata Kenichi was strong enough to destroy a warship, but he passed by wearing Lin Tian. At this moment, Lin Tian had already escaped into another space.

Turning back to stop, Ken Ogata said with a solemn expression: "This is Lin Tian's spatial ability, Masuya Yasuki is yours."

To deal with a person with space ability like Lin Tian, ​​space ability must be used, and Zenggu Yasuki has eaten the fruits of space ability, and he can wave the blade of black space at will to launch an attack.

I saw Masuya Yasuki close his index fingers and middle fingers, and then two invisible black space blades appeared on both sides of Masuya Yasuki. With a wave of the closed fingers towards Lin Tian, ​​the space blade quickly flew out towards Lin Tian and killed him.

"Fuck, the blade of space!"

Zenggu Kangji's spatial ability shocked Lin Tian. He didn't expect that Wu Lao Xing had such ability. This kind of spatial blade could indeed attack Lin Tian in the space.

Without thinking about it, Lin Tian waved his hands, and the same two space blades whizzed out and collided together. The space blade impact did not cause any earth-shattering noise, but a large area of ​​space was destroyed and turned into a pitch black void.

The other party had the means to restrain him, Lin Tian did not stay too much, the white light on his body was shining, the whole void began to twist, tables, chairs and people all curved along with the space.

"Space warped!"

In the anger, Lin Tianying's white light palm shot towards the void, the light flashed by, and the distorted space in the conference room was forbidden.

The figure flickered, and Lin Tian disappeared in the unwilling eyes of the four five old stars.

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