South China Sea!

Different from the other three fronts, the commander of the Southern Front is Oka. In the past, Qiwuhai joined the revolutionary army from a newcomer, and within a day, he became the high-level revolutionary army and the new commander of the Southern Front.

It only took a week to reach the South China Sea, but Oka was so busy during this week that Oka only slept for 14 hours in seven days. On average, he only slept for two hours a day, 24 a day. Hours, except eating and drinking Lazar, Oka has 21 hours at work every year.

To manage two million people, the daily documents are half a meter high. In addition, Oka has just joined the Revolutionary Army and is sitting in the position of commander. Many people are deeply dissatisfied, and the Revolutionary Army has some secretive actions to deal with these things. , Building prestige and so on... Anyway, every day is tired like a dog, physically and mentally exhausted.

If others have been exhausted by this high-intensity work, Oka is not an ordinary person. The strong physique of the moonlight family has supported Oka to complete this series of high-intensity tasks, but after seven consecutive days, Oka is also thin. After more than ten catties, Lin Tian had already been miserable in his heart and found himself a job like this.

However, the seven consecutive days of hard work are not without effect. At least Oka has established a certain prestige in the army, has a general understanding of the two million army, and has greatly strengthened his control.

With two dark circles under his eyes, Oka raised his head and asked Cod who came in: "How is it? Have the troops assembled?"

In the past two days, Cod has been a great help to Oka. If Cod hadn't introduced Oka to some things about the Revolutionary Army and his help, it would take Oka at least twice as much time to get it as it is now.

"The army has been assembled, just wait for you to pass, now there is only one hour before the final battle," Cod replied, looking at his watch.



On a small island, forty neat phalanxes of ten thousand people are arranged neatly in four columns and eight rows. It is impossible for more than two million troops to gather together. That way, the goal is too big.

The entire Western Front is divided into five armies. They are stationed in different places. When the battle clock strikes, they will launch attacks on five countries.

At the forefront of the square array, on the high platform that is more than ten meters high, forty pairs of eyes looked up at the incomparably charming woman on the high platform, and they made heavy breathing sounds at the same time. A total of 400,000 people breathed heavily, and the sounds gathered together like Thunder.

As the only woman among the four army commanders, the reputation of the Queen of Charm is not just to talk about it. Just fighting there, without even moving, exudes an inextricable charm. This woman has interpreted the word charm to the extreme. .

What's more, in a barracks full of big men, as the saying goes, the sows can compete with Diaochan after three years of service. For the soldiers of the Revolutionary Army below, facing their commanders is a double torture from both mind and body. .


North Sea!

Tianhe Mountain Range, this is a huge mountain range spreading thousands of kilometers across the borders of several big countries, so it is called Tianhe Mountain.

However, no one thought that in this huge mountain range, there are millions of revolutionary soldiers hidden in it. The beautiful valley in the past was flattened and turned into a huge spot for soldiers, with a total of two million elite soldiers. The army is gathered in an area of ​​several square kilometers, and more than two million people are lined up in a square array. What a shocking scene.

Without any action at all, the killing aura gathered by millions of people alone is enough to make people fearful. No one must have a strong aura and dare not stand under the eyes of these millions of elite fighters.

Step by step, he walked up the tens of meters high platform, and with each step he fell, Lanstead Raff's momentum became stronger.

Lansed Raff, one of the three commanders of the Revolutionary Army, wears a black and green cloak, a long sword at his waist, a white open shirt, cropped trousers and star-print shorts, and both wrists extend to the whole The palms are all wrapped in white bandages, but the seemingly thin body exudes amazing domineering, making people seem to be facing not a human being, but an indomitable giant.

It’s hard to say who among the three commanders of the Revolutionary Army has the strongest combat power, but if you ask who is the most domineering, then the soldiers of the Revolutionary Army will uniformly answer Commander Raf, an extremely domineering man.

Lin Tian once commented that facing Ralph, he felt like facing the four emperors red-haired Shanks.

When Raf walked through more than one hundred steps and stepped onto the high platform, the domineering exudation had reached the peak. Walking in the forefront of the high platform, Raf saw that the dense army was neatly arranged, and the flags were flying in the wind.

Under the constant gaze of these millions of eyes, Love drew out the sharp sword in his hand with a scream, raised it high, and the domineering declaration resounded across the sky.

"The news that the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army was destroyed is just like yesterday. The world government under the decadent system has long lost the right to rule the world. They are afraid, fearful of our revolutionary army, afraid that we will pierce the corruption with the sword of faith and will. World government"

"No matter what conspiracy they use, the dream of building a free, harmonious and equal world will not dissipate."

"Today, the war begins. This is a battle for dreams and beliefs. For the battle of this world, even if we fall on the road of dreams, please remember that more companions will bear our dreams and embark on the journey. Journey, the fire of dreams will never be extinguished!!!"

"Dreams!!! Dreams!!!"

In an instant, deafening shouts sounded, and the shouts of millions of people shook the sky. The soldiers waved their spears and the fire of dreams burned.

"set off!"

Time slowly passed, and finally reached the last moment.

In the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army, the staff room was silent. Everyone was staring at the clock on the wall, and the second hand was turning step by step toward the 12 position.

Chief Long sat in the first seat, and the four phone worms connected to the four fronts were already ready. The four staff officers each held a microphone, and only waited for Chief Long to give an order.

The time that was usually lost quickly, every second at this moment is so long, the second climbs step by step, getting closer and closer to the 12 position, and finally, the second stops at the 12 position with a tick.

12:00! !

"Start!" Long stood up and ordered.

"Start!" "Start!" "Start" "Start!"

Suddenly, the command to "start" was transmitted via telephone worms to the headquarters of all fronts thousands of miles away, and the soldiers of the revolutionary army who had been prepared immediately launched an offensive.

Armies appeared like tides, some from the sea, some from the dense forest...Hundreds of thousands of troops passed through the village and attacked all the kingdoms.

Where hundreds of thousands of troops passed, any resistance was instantly wiped out, and the noble nobles of the past all knelt and surrendered.

East China Sea!

The commander-in-chief of the world government coalition forces, Commander-in-Chief Touré Roland, has had a very comfortable month since the world government sent troops to capture the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army.

It turns out that the coalition forces of the world government have been defeated by the revolutionary army every time. Since the destruction of the revolutionary army headquarters, the morale of the coalition army has greatly increased, and the morale of the revolutionary army has plummeted. The coalition army is almost about to regain the East China Sea granary. The revolutionary army drove out of the country.

But early this morning, General Touré Roland was awakened by his adjutant in his sleep, saying that the revolutionary army was gathering in large numbers and was preparing to attack them.

The sleepy General Toure Roland quickly got dressed and got up. When he came to the front of the barracks, millions of troops of the Revolutionary Army had already assembled and were walking out of the barracks in batches.

The war room was also messed up, and no one thought that the revolutionary army, which was at a disadvantage, would take the initiative to attack.

Seeing the continuous revolutionary army through the binoculars, General Touré Roland said to himself: "The revolutionary army commander is really bold, and he dares to attack us when he is in a disadvantaged position. It just happens that today I will solve you once and for all."

Putting down the binoculars, General Tourey Roland ordered the adjutant on the side: "Order all the troops to begin to assemble, and the artillery is ready to support. Once the opponent reaches the range, don't worry about so many and just fire!"

The adjutant responded and hurriedly conveyed the order.

Because of the news that Lin Tian broke into the World Summit to declare war on the world government, General Touré Roland raised the entire army to Level 1 on the Internet overnight, but he did not expect the Revolutionary Army to act so fast and attack the entire army the next day. Up.

For the next big battle, Marshal Touré Roland was not afraid. A few days ago, his troops were replenished and all the supplies arrived. The world government even sent him a team of Dragon Knights. For this battle, Toure Marshal Roland was confident.


Suddenly in the sky, dozens of stout rays of light flew across the sky, and then a deafening explosion sounded in the barracks. Marshal Touré Roland quickly turned around to look, and saw dozens of fireballs slowly rising.

"The laser beam, how could the revolutionary army have such a thing!" With his fists clenched, Marshal Toury Roland roared angrily.

Isn't the laser beam something unique to the revolutionary army? Now that there is a small amount of pacifist equipment, how can the revolutionary army have such a thing.

Just a few seconds later, within the revolutionary army camp, dozens of laser beams flew out again, and the orange-yellow rays rushed into the barracks, followed by the shock of the sky and the earth.

The laser beam fell down, and the ground was a crater more than ten meters away. The soldiers were blown to pieces, and the sky was filled with dancing figures. There were no standing soldiers within a few tens of meters. There were wounded soldiers everywhere. Screams.

It didn’t take long before the third wave of laser light struck again. At this moment, Toury Roland’s eyes blushed. In this dense military camp, such a powerful explosion will cause many casualties. Toury Roland The German commander did not dare to guess.

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