Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1156: Elastic Fruit

After three consecutive waves of laser light attacks, the barracks have long been chaotic. Soldiers from all over the world have seen laser light. A small speed of light can easily kill hundreds of soldiers. In a short time, the coalition forces have suffered casualties. Over ten thousand.

Tens of thousands of casualties are not worth mentioning for the millions of coalition forces, but it is only a minute that the coalition forces lost tens of thousands. According to this, even if their coalition forces have more than one million casualties, they are not enough for others. Kill them and wipe them out in two or three hours.

at the same time!

In front of the millions of revolutionary army camps, dozens of humanoid weapons that conformed to the appearance of the pacifists lined up in a row toward the coalition.

These humanoid weapons, the white bears, raised their hands high, their mouths opened, and the orange-yellow rays of light flashed continuously, and the laser beams shot out, just like moving human-shaped forts.

Originally, the scientific research manpower of the Revolutionary Army could not produce the cutting-edge technology of laser beams, but Ayin can, Ayin, who had worked under Bergapunk for a period of time, let alone laser beams, even humanoid weapons and pacifism. The creator also knows seven or eight points, plus some of his own improvements, to create a white bear similar to a pacifist.

The appearance of the white bear is similar to that of a pacifist, and the strength is not much different. Even the pirates who offer a bounty of more than 100 million are not opponents. Now placed on the battlefield of the East China Sea level, it is simply invincible.

With pacifists as the vanguard, the coalition forces were plunged into chaos and panic, and there was no obstacle at all. After all, millions of revolutionary troops quickly moved towards the coalition barracks.


At this moment, several beast-like roars were heard from the coalition barracks. Then, under the horrified eyes of millions of soldiers in the revolutionary army, five mythical dragons rushed straight into the sky, breaking through the clouds to block the revolutionary army from attacking. Come to kill.

The huge body like a lizard is nearly ten meters away, with two huge bat wings on the side, and dazzling metal-like dragon scales covering the whole body. There is a protruding spike on the top of the forehead, and the tail is long and winding. thorn.

There is a row of sharp back spines on the back, the giant dragon opens its blood basin and mouths, and a fishy wind blows its face, revealing two rows of teeth that can easily bite steel. The limbs are like ancient Tyrannosaurus rex, with sharp claws tens of centimeters. Can tear steel.

Especially the knights wearing exquisite armor and holding sharp spears sitting on the dragon's back, spewing flames from the hips, this is the legendary dragon knight.

With blood-red wings flashing, these red dragons quickly rushed towards the revolutionary soldiers, their blood basins opened wide, and rows of sharp teeth larger than humans were exposed.

In the next second, orange-yellow flames spurted from the dragon's mouth. This was not a simple flame, but a dragon flame capable of melting steel. Long flame waved his minions, and everything the flame passed by was swallowed.

Ah... Ah...

The neatly arranged camp is the best target. Wherever the terrifying Dragon Flame passed, a large number of soldiers were burned by flames, and in a blink of an eye, the soldiers turned into fire men.

Don't burn that kind of unspeakable pain, the soldiers who turned into fire men desperately pulled off their clothes and screamed in pain. It didn't take long for these soldiers to be swallowed by the flames in extreme pain.

There were also lucky soldiers who extinguished the fire with the help of their companions before it burned all over their bodies. Although they suffered severe burns, they were at least alive.

A famous dragon knight descended from the sky into the crowd, like a wolf into a flock. What the dragon did, its huge body was not something ordinary soldiers could resist. It was simply a bulldozer, and it only needed to be stronger than a steel body. Rampages within the camp can kill dozens of soldiers every second.

Especially the wings that are more than ten meters long, every time they move, the sharp bone spurs on the bones of the wings are like the sharp blades of death. What they did, the revolutionary soldiers were lazily cut off. The wings that were moving at the same time blew up a gust of wind, flying the revolutionary soldiers around him into the air.

The two sides are not of the same level at all. Even if many revolutionary soldiers rushed up like death, they couldn’t even get close to the dragon. Even if they were lucky enough to rush in, these fighters couldn’t break the dragon, which was harder than steel, with spears and weapons. Dragon scales.

There is also the dragon flame that is constantly spraying from the mouth of the giant dragon, the lethality is completely exploded, the fire column tens of meters long,

These five dragons are completely invincible. The revolutionary army has paid tens of thousands of soldiers' lives, and the dragon did not even drop a single dragon scale. Even a slight turn can cause dozens of soldiers to die in just a few minutes. In the past, the revolutionary army suffered tens of thousands of casualties.

For a time, five invincible dragons scurried in the revolutionary army camp. At this moment, the revolutionary army commander Wixon Lincoln rushed out like a streamer and stopped in front of the fiery red dragon.

"Everyone spread out!" Wilson Lincoln commanded loudly.

Ordinary soldiers of the Revolutionary Army are not at the same level as the giant dragon, and they rushed up to only increase casualties.

Many revolutionary soldiers stopped their offensive and retreated step by step. The revolutionary army soldiers surrounded the five giant dragons like a tide.

Looking at the five behemoths in front of them, their strong bodies, the spikes covered with joints all over the body, and the palm-sized dragon scales reflecting the cold light under the sunlight, this is a weapon born for killing.

"It seems that you are the chief scientist of the world government, Begapunk, who recently discovered the dragon knight," Wilson Lincoln said loudly. After the Landers Island incident, the revolutionary army also received news about the dragon knight.

The man-made dragon can't understand human language, but the knights who control the dragon can understand it. The captain of the head dragon knight said: "The three commanders of the Revolutionary Army, I didn't expect you to do it yourself."

With the outbreak of the war, the three commanders of the Revolutionary Army also became famous. If the general is known as the highest combat power of the world government, then the commander is the highest combat power of the Revolutionary Army, and each of them has the monster-like strength of the generals.

In the face of such a strong man, even if the captain is riding a dragon at his feet, he does not have the slightest confidence in his heart.

Beckoning, Wixon Lincoln said lightly: "Come on, use your strongest strength, maybe you can hold on for a few more seconds."

The light tone that seemed to squeeze five ants to death immediately angered the dragon knights. They are legendary warriors. Even against a strong man like Wixon, they are not without fighting strength. Of course, this is what they think. Yes, but when they fight, they will discover how wrong they think they are.

A dragon knight uttered angrily, driving the training dragon flashing his wings, and slaying straight towards Wilson Lincoln.

"Don't underestimate us, Fire Dragon Ball!"

The flaming red dragon opened its mouth in the blood basin, a fishy wind rushed out, and flames burned in the mouth of the blood basin.

The raging flames scorched the void and the earth, the flame bombs pierced the sky, and the red flames reflected on the faces of the soldiers. The distance of tens of meters disappeared in an instant.

The corners of his mouth curled up, and Wixon Lincoln showed disdain. This attack did not meet his expectations at all. I saw that Wixon Lincoln lifted his right hand slightly, his palm aimed at the flying flame bomb, an invisible wave Emitted from the palm.

Suddenly, the extremely fast flame bomb stopped quickly, and then in the dragon knight's shocked gaze, the stopped flame bomb had flown out at a faster speed and hit the dragon knight.


In the rumbling sound, the flame bomb suddenly burst open, and the pillar of fire rose to the sky. As for the dragon knight, the entire fire dragon was swallowed by the flame bomb he ejected.

Seeing this scene, the captain was dumbfounded and couldn't believe it, saying: "What the **** is going on here, how can the flame bomb fly back".

Their attacks were used by the enemy to destroy themselves. This attack method was unheard of by the captain.

Tilting his head, Wixon, Lincoln explained kindly: "I am a person with the ability to bounce fruit, I can bounce everything, whether it is elemental or physical attacks, but also creatures...".

As soon as the voice fell, Wixon Lincoln moved, and his figure appeared in front of one of the dragon knights, with a light punch, without fancy fists, not even the slightest power, let alone a dragon, Not even an ant can be hammered to death.

"Elastic punch!"

However, the face of the dragon knight who was attacked changed drastically, and his armed color was domineering over the spear. In fear, he quickly raised the black spear and stabbed it towards Wilson Lincoln.

But in the next second, the fire-red giant dragon's body began to undergo weird changes. Around the giant dragon's huge body, some places bulged high and some places sunken inward.

Although it is not clear what the change is, the dragon screamed in The huge body struggled violently, and the knight sitting on the back was directly lifted out by the dragon.


A soldier of the revolutionary army swallowed suddenly. This scene is really weird, like a baby punch, but tortured a dragon that tens of thousands of people can resist.

The ability of Wixon Lincoln can inject elastic force into the organism, causing various parts of the organism to move between each other. When the movement reaches the extreme point, the organism will explode, just like now.


Without warning, everyone hadn't reacted from the shock. The dragon banged and exploded, and the flesh was flying everywhere under the impact of the explosion, and the blood fell like rain.

Especially the three dragon knights near the surroundings, all of them were splashed with blood and internal organs from the dragon's explosion. They were covered with blood and exuded a disgusting smell of blood.

But these were not within their thinking. They looked at the pile of shredded dragons, already stunned, a fear spreading in their hearts, this kind of power was not something they could resist.

"Withdraw! He is not something we can deal with"

After the reaction, the captain drove the dragon into the air, panicking and fleeing towards the coalition barracks. The other two dragon knights hurriedly followed. They were already terrified in their hearts and had no courage to face the battle of Wixon Lincoln.

But at this time it was too late to escape, and Wixon Lincoln flew up, already taking advantage of the momentum of the thunder to take care of the remaining three dragon knights.

Seeing that all the dragon knights were killed, General Tourey Roland was very heartbroken. The entire coalition was only a squad, but their deaths were worth it. Not only did they solve the tens of thousands of revolutionary soldiers, they also hindered the revolutionary army’s actions and helped the coalition gather Bought time.

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