Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1162: Fate for Picture

Above the white clouds, Red Earl, whose doubts had been dispelled, flashed a touch of joy on his face. Lin Tian really had a map so that he could go to the ultimate island of Lovedrew.

As for whether Lin Tian would give him or not, Earl Hong did not consider this at all. If Lin Tian can take the initiative, both sides can say that if Lin Tian does not give it, then he has to fight a battle and defeat him. Then Lin Tian will naturally Hand in the map.

"I can give you a map to go to Ravdrew!"

Lin Tian suddenly raised his head and took the initiative to speak, but Earl Hong was taken aback and surprised. He didn't expect Lin Tian to take the initiative to speak out. This was beyond his expectation. He originally thought it needed a big battle. .

However, in the next second, Lin Tian said, "However, I have obtained the map with great pains and pains. Of course, it won’t work for you for nothing. You have to pay a certain price. For example, if I agree to the conditions, I will The map is for you".

He got three historical road signs in his hand. Although it can’t be said to be a life of nine deaths, it did waste a lot of Lin Tian’s strength. If he left it to Earl Red for no reason, he would not do it. If you want a map, you just have to change it. Suffered.

Hearing that, Earl Hong’s face is very calm, without any surprise, it’s an old world. Everyone knows that there is no free lunch in this world. If there is a free lunch in front of you, be careful. Because he is likely to take your life in.

If Lin Tian really gave it to him for free, Earl Hong would be surprised. Instead, Lin Tian made a condition and convinced Earl Hong.

"Tell me about your conditions", without much thinking, Earl Red asked.

Although he is not afraid to fight Lin Tian, ​​it is a better way to get the map without fighting. Why not do it, Red Earl is arrogant, but not a stick.

Putting up two fingers, Lin Tian said: "I have two conditions. If you promise I can give you the map. The first one you get the map, you must wait for us to go together and go alone."

Lin Tian was afraid that this arrogant old man who couldn't figure out his temper had arrived at Lavdrew early, if any nerve was wrong and destroyed something, then he was not at a loss.

Regarding Lin Tian's worries, Earl Hong would naturally understand that, plus it would not infringe on his own interests, he nodded without hesitation and said: "Okay, I can agree to this point, so the second request is now."

Putting down the raised middle finger, Lin Tian said the last request, "The second one is a bit difficult, but it's a trivial matter for you. Use your life for the map."


As soon as the words sounded, Earl Hong's eyes exuded a strong murderous aura, and the aura that he put away broke out again.

Red Earl snorted coldly: "Take my life for a map? I got a map, and I didn't even have a life. What do I want a map for? It seems you are not going to give me a map, Lin Tian!"

"Wait a minute, Earl Red, don't be so excited, I haven't finished talking yet, who said that you will use your life to exchange the map", Lin Tian quickly explained.

Earl Hong was startled suddenly, the murderous aura from his body dissipated, as if doubt was written on his face, his eyes looked at Lin Tian, ​​he needed an explanation.

Seeing Lin Tian smiled bitterly, he immediately said: "You are too excited, Earl Hong, I said to trade your life, not with your life, but with someone else's."

Hearing that, Earl Hong’s complexion has improved a lot, and it doesn’t matter if someone else’s life is used, but then Earl Hong is secretly wary of him, Lin Tian’s combat power, there are a few people in the world who are not his opponents, let him take it There are only a few lives in this world.

Just listen to Lin Tian said: "I need you to help me take the lives of the remaining four five old stars. As long as you can kill one of them, I will give you the map."

At this time, Earl Red was not as decisive as he had promised before, frowning and thinking in secret.

Although the Five Old Stars are extremely powerful, Earl Hong is definitely not afraid. Lin Tian can kill one by himself, so he has no problem with him.

But the problem is that the five old stars usually stay in the sacred place of Marijoa, which is heavily guarded and the strong like clouds. They rarely stand alone, especially the death of Noda Keiichi. The five old stars are more careful, if they want to kill One of the five old stars who stayed together, even Red Earl was not very sure, this kind of thing was too difficult to do.

After thinking about it carefully, Earl Hong shook his head and said: "Lin Tian, ​​I have changed another person. It is impossible for me to kill the five old stars in the Holy Land Mary Qiaoya alone, or I will be replaced by the three emperors. The second emperor is still Qiwuhai, I can do it."

"No, I can only accept the head of the five old stars." Without hesitation, Lin Tian was very sure.

Lin Tian is not an idiot. If you are the Three Emperors, Two Emperors and Qi Wuhai, you still need Earl Red, and Lin Tian can do it.

Seeing Lin Tian's decisive refusal, Earl Hong's face sank, and he said coldly: "Since good deals are not enough, then I have to use other methods."

Needless to say, the method Red Earl was going to use was to **** directly from Lin Tian. In any case, he had to get a map to Love Drew today.

Feeling the murderous aura radiated by Earl Red again, Lin Tian thought helplessly, could it be that the old men of the last generation were so impulsive? They call for killing at every turn. The white beard is similar. When he saw the first side of the white beard, Lin Tian was almost beaten to death by the old man.

After thinking about it, Lin Tian didn't move slowly, and quickly said, "Wait, Earl Hong, since I took the initiative to propose this transaction, I will definitely not put forward the condition that you can't act."

Count Hong did not speak, but looked at him coldly. Instead, he wanted to see how to explain it next to convince himself.

Looking at the red earl, Lin Tian explained: "In fact, to kill the five old stars does not need to enter the holy place, Maria, and there is no need to face the four five old stars. These days our revolutionary army declares war on the world government and launches Nine million troops attacked the four oceans. These days we have occupied half of the four oceans."

"According to the news we got from the Shadows, Kenichi Ogata and Yasuki Masutani, like the five old stars, are going to the West Sea. The commander-in-chief of the three armies will go to the North Sea and the Air Force Marshal will go to the West Sea. They will be formed separately. The temporary coalition government commanded the four major oceans and major kingdoms to resist attacks by our revolutionary army."

Hearing this, Earl Hong's expression finally changed. If he really followed what Lin Tian said, only facing two five-old stars and killing one of them, Earl Hong would still be confident.

However, Lin Tian’s abacus is really good. The five old stars go to the four oceans to sit in town, just like Dinghai Shenzhen. Qunlong has a leader, and the countries that have been veiled and turned by the revolutionary thunder offensive will quickly organize. Even if it can't stop the revolutionary army, it can greatly block the revolutionary army offensive, and provide enough time for the world government to mobilize the foundation into combat power.

If he kills a five-star, the great nations that have been organized with great difficulty will surely be in a mess. Without the revolutionary army’s attack, he will probably become a mess, indirectly changing the whole war, and he may fight. The label of the Revolutionary Army is regarded by the world as a member of the Revolutionary Army.

Lin Tian's move can be described as killing three birds with one stone, solving one of the five old stars of the world government, changing the situation of the battle, and indirectly causing the world to misunderstand that he has become a revolutionary army.

Thinking of this, Earl Red looked at Lin Tian differently. Earl Red’s view of Lin Tian has changed drastically. The kid in front of him is not only powerful in combat, but also wiser than ordinary people. No wonder he almost became the youngest navy ever. general.

"If agree to the second condition", Earl Hong nodded and agreed, and Lin Tian's face suddenly showed joy.

Although he knew that Lin Tian used him indirectly, but what about it, he didn't use Lin Tian to get the map of Lovedru, the island of the end.

And no matter what the situation of the battle, the death of the five old stars has nothing to do with him. As for the world's opinion of him, Earl Hong doesn't care much. He is a man who lives alone and arrogantly.

The bright white light flickered in his hand, Lin Tian palmed his hand, and immediately four folded white papers appeared in Lin Tian's hand. With a wave of his hand, the four white papers flew towards Red Earl.

Reaching out to catch the flying white paper accurately, Earl Hong glanced at the white paper in his hand, raised his head and asked, "What is this?"

"There are four maps to the final island of Lovedru. You have two of the original maps and my translated content. I will provide you with half first. When you give me the head of the five old stars, I will Give you the other half," Lin Tian explained.

Lin Tian was expressing his sincerity. I took out half of the map, so I believed that we had a deal.

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