Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1163: 0 Beast Pirate Group Destroyed

After discussing with Earl Hong, things about the map came to an end. After handing over the specific address of the king to the shadow, Lin Tian did not stay with the king, but left the empty island directly and returned to Qinghai.

An ordinary island in the New World, Lin Tian returned to Qinghai where he temporarily settled. Starting this morning, when the first person to wake up on this island opened the door, the island was plunged into a violent carnival.

Because they have been squeezed on top of their heads, making them live in fear every day, the mountain that was always worried about losing their lives has disappeared.

Lin Tian, ​​who lives in the hotel, was awakened by the cheers in the morning. He couldn't sleep, he ran down to the top of the hotel, facing the sea, and watched the beautiful sea sunrise.

On the sparkling sea, the waves are ups and downs. In the place where the water and the sky meet, a fiery red light rises from the sea. This light is like an invisible spear, dispersing the last remaining darkness on the earth. .

Immediately after the round of fiery red light, a circular red sun rose from the sea, and the warm light shed on the earth, and the world ushered in a better day.

The island was plunged into a carnival that could not be described in words. From 70 to 80 year olds to 3 to 4 year olds, everyone took out the fine wine and food treasured at home to prepare for a grand banquet.

Because they were so happy that they pressed on their heads and made them worry about the destruction of the feared beasts and pirates.

That's right, the three emperors and two emperors, the pirate group of beasts, which has been famous in the world for more than 20 years, was destroyed. Kaido of the beasts died in battle, and the whereabouts of his powerful three plagues are unknown.

A faint sea breeze blowing from the sea, mixed with a breath from the sea, the newspaper placed next to Lin Tian was blown away by the breeze. The more than ten-page newspaper all recorded a piece of news, that is, the One Piece destroy.

On the newspaper page, a huge picture occupies half of the page. The background of the picture is a dense forest and high mountains. On the photo, you can see the big trees hugged by several people lying on the ground. The forest on the sloping ridge is destroyed and the ground is covered. Deep pits of various sizes and dense cracks intersect.

It can be clearly seen that the original mountain was destroyed by huge force, and the entire top of the mountain was blasted off. A crack that was tens of meters wide divided the whole land into two sides. The dark crack was bottomless and seemed to be the gate of hell, leading straight to the depths of hell. , It is completely a doomsday scene.

And above the ruins, there were corpses all over the floor, one by one, the dead corpses maintained their last postures just before they died. There were a lot of exotic animal limbs mixed in between the corpses, which was a Shura field.

On the top of the mountain in the middle of the photo, three figures stand tall, a figure covering a hat with a smile. Who else but Luffy can be, leaving a naked upper body with a tattoo with the white beard Pirates logo on the back, it must be Ace.

Between the two, lies a tall, burly, black-haired shawl, with a pair of horns, a scaly tattoo on his left arm, a naked upper body, and wide pants on the lower body. He looks like an ancient demon. It is said that the strongest creature in the sea, land and air The beast Kaido.

It's just that the beast Kaido in the photo is dead, apparently defeated by Luffy and Ace.

Under this picture that occupies half a page are written such huge headlines.

‘The straw hat boy and the two brothers Baidi Aisi joined forces to kill the beast Kaido! ! ! ’

The content below the title is written like this, the news that shocked the world, the brothers who had been in the war between life and death in the past, gathered together for the first time in two years but created an amazing myth, and killed the beast Kaido, known as the world’s strongest creature. Destroying the Hundred Beasts and Pirates, the former three emperors and two emperors once again became the four emperors fighting for hegemony.

Monkey D. Luffy, one of the most evil generations, as the son of the revolutionary army to gather Monkey D. Dragon, has the most evil blood in the world.

Portgas D. Ace, the former captain of the second division of the White Beard Pirates, his father is the famous Golu. D. Roger, who pioneered the era of the great pirates, but after his death in the war, he went from **** again Returned from China, now the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates.

The two brothers both have identities that shocked the world, but yesterday they once again stirred up the situation in the world, and jointly killed the beast Kaido and destroyed the beast pirate group. They are already weak and have become famous in the world. Big pirate.

The next ten pages are a series of related reports, and the titles are more amazing.

"The conspiracy is still a coincidence, the two brothers joined forces to destroy the beasts"

"The world is disturbed, what impact will the destruction of the Beast and Pirate Group have on the world"

"Does the dispatch of the White Beard Pirates indicate that the sea overlords are about to start a duel?"

"The One Piece Throne is getting more and more after all, will the two brothers turn against each other?"

"Why didn't you see Lin Tian? Is he who disappeared is chased by the world government to escape"

"Finally dead! Will Kaido thank the Straw Hat Boy and Baidi Ace"


After waiting for dozens of headlines, Lin Tian had to admire that these reporters were really open-minded. Not being a conspirator really buried talent.

Under the warm sunlight, Lin Tian closed his eyes slightly with a smile on his face. He defeated the beast Kaido. The text of the last historical signpost was obtained. The map to the final island was finally assembled, and only one more thing was needed. , Then they will be able to go to Love Drew.

Navy Headquarters!

In the wide conference room, many generals and stars gathered. As the head of the admiral Sakarski, three admirals of the navy were sitting next to them, and under the admirals were lieutenants of the navy headquarters. As for the major generals, they did not have their positions. All stand behind the lieutenant general.

The first one, Sakarski, was smoking a cigar with a very ugly face. Obviously, the news of the destruction of the Beast Pirate Group did not make Aka Dog happy. As for the general Green Bull on his left hand side, he was covered with gauze. Regarding the War of Japan, he He also joined the action, but from the perspective of his injuries, General Green Bull did not please Ace and Luffy.

As for Fujitora, as the five great pirate forces, the Three Emperors and Two Emperors, are accumulating their strength and the navy is facing a huge crisis, the red dog had no choice but to recall Fujitora who stayed in the country of Wano by the Green Bull, and Fujitora did not continue. Grievous, gave Akagu down the steps.

With a flutter, the red dog's right fist turned into hot lava, and the hard stone chair suddenly raised black smoke under the burning of the magma.

Just listen to the red dog biting his cigar and angrily said: "Although the demise of the Bai Beast Pirates group turned the Three Emperors and Two Emperors into the Four Emperors, the death of the Bai Beast Kaido has prompted the White Beard Pirates Group. The fame has gained a lot, and the two extremely evil generations of Straw Hat Boy and Trafalgar Luo have emerged. The two little ghosts in the past have evolved into difficult guys second only to the three emperors and two emperors."

The generals below did not speak, but most of their faces were very solemn, and the impact of the destruction of the Beasts and Pirates was too great.

As the chief of the general staff of the navy headquarters, Crane, naturally took the red dog's conversation and said: "In other words, it seems that the Beast Pirate Group has been destroyed, but in fact, a more powerful force has long been born, that is, the white beard. Alliance of Pirates, Straw Hat Pirates and Red Heart Pirates".

"And the rest, whether it is the Qiwuhai or the Blackbeard Pirates, the Redhead Pirates or the BIGMOM Pirates, cannot compete with them. The Whitebeard Pirates are too powerful and will break the balance between the four emperors. The balance of the great route will be broken, and the consequence will be the ignition of war. This will be a great challenge for our navy."

The closed eyes of Fujitora suddenly opened his eyes, his white eyes rolled, and he said lightly: "Lieutenant General Crane, can we understand that the pirates who have been silent for more than 20 years are about to break out of war."

Nodded, Lieutenant General Crane said with a serious face: "Yes, not only the Four Emperors, but according to our intelligence, even the other pirate forces are accumulating strength, especially because of the war between the revolutionary army and our world government. The hidden forces are beginning to emerge."

"The destruction of the Hundred Beasts and Pirates will be a signal for the beginning of the war. I am afraid that it will not take long before the other four emperors will start conflicts. It is very likely that the Redhead Pirates and the Blackbeard Pirates will start conflicts."

As soon as Lieutenant General Crane's voice fell, the atmosphere in the conference room fell into a heavy weight. Everyone did not expect that the matter had been so severe. The Beast and Pirates had just been destroyed, and the four emperors would fight against each other. It was the very ambitious Blackbeard Sea. Thieves.

The Four Emperors have already launched a war. Although Qiwuhai has not acted yet, they will not be far away. This is a battle for hegemony sweeping the entire Pirate World.

Everyone knows that the pirates are fighting, and their purpose is only for the throne that belongs to the king, become the well-deserved king of the sea, and get the legendary treasure ONEPIECE.


Blackbeard Pirates!


Blackbeard could hardly conceal his He remade the newspaper on the table, looked up at the many cadres in front of him, and said angrily: "All of us have been fooled. The **** Ace is not against us at all. When they do, they are actually accumulating power on the surface to confuse us. The real main force is to solve the beast and pirate group, and we only know it now."

Hearing that, Lafitte and other cadres lowered their heads, and the White Beard Pirates Group had accumulated strength to attack them, which was guessed by them waiting to monitor the White Beard Pirates cadres.

Gently shaking off the soot, Xiliu faintly said, smoking a cigar: "Captain, in fact, this is not our opportunity. Although the White Beard Pirates defeated the Bai Beast Pirates and killed the Bai Beast Kaido, the loss is certain. It's not small, we can seize the opportunity to start action."

"The wounded Whitebeard Pirates don't need to worry anymore. We, who have almost accumulated enough strength, can just do what the captain has always wanted to do."

Jing Xiliu reminded that Black Beard suddenly thought of something and burst into laughter.

"Yes, red hair..."

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