The country of peace!

While the battle for the destruction of the beasts and pirates shocked the world, the country of Waka was almost destroyed by the war. The tragedy was no exaggeration than Dresrosa after the death of Brother Ming.

The huge country was divided into two by a huge crack in the abyss. The abyss was hundreds of meters wide. Standing next to the abyss and looking down, there was no bottom. Only darkness came into view, like the gate of the abyss of hell, as if it could devour human souls.

This crack was only a product of the witness of the war. When Ace, Luffy and Kaido tried their best to face each other, the huge power could not even bear the island, and was torn in half by the strength of the two.

Although the country of Hezhi was mostly destroyed by the war, it was the so-called rebirth from the ashes. Only by cutting out the original can the huge country be rebuilt on the ruins.

But the day after the Lin Tian Hundred Beast Pirate Group was destroyed, he came to the country of peace. After all, Lin Tian's location was not very far from the country of peace, and he hurried back immediately.

A remote port in Wano Country, although Luffy and Ace annihilated the Wano country general rebellion and the pirate group of beasts, they are pirates after all. After all, they cannot become a warrior imprisoned by the spirit of Bushido. The country.

As a ten-year-old boy, Momanosuke must be supported by the people in order to become a king. How could he risk the world’s disobedience to contact the pirates in public, even his king’s father became Roger’s pirates. All are strictly confidential.

Therefore, Momosuke specially approved a port specifically for Luffy and others to stay, and no other Japanese people came here, so now the port is basically the White Beard Pirates, Straw Hat Pirates, and Red Heart Pirates. The members mingle.

They were gathering together to celebrate the defeat of the Kaido Pirates of the beasts, reporting the huge banquet cheers, and the sound of the sky rang through the clash of wine glasses.

Suddenly a blue thunder and lightning descended from the sky. Accompanied by a loud noise, everyone playing in the field was shocked. Some were so scared that they fell directly to the ground, and the wine was spilled everywhere.

The drunkenness on the faces of more pirates suddenly disappeared, and they quickly took out their weapons, thinking it was an attack by the enemy.

Before everyone could react, Lin Tian's laughter and cursing came from Thunder, "You guys are not waiting for me for a banquet. It's so unkind."

"I was shocked, it turns out Lin Tian!"

"Go on, everyone continue to drink, I was interrupted just now, now we start again"

"Come on, whoever is afraid of whoever is afraid, I will definitely drink you this time."

Seeing Lin Tian stepping out of the thunder and lightning, everyone was suddenly relieved. After a brief shock, the suspended banquet was held again.

Nami and Robin showed happy smiles on their faces, and they leaned to the side at the same time, squeezing a spot for Lin Tian to do.

Lifting the wine in the glass, Ace beckoned and smiled: "Lin Tian, ​​you really happened to be in a coincidence, you just arrived when we started the banquet, do you smell the fragrance of our banquet?"

"That's natural, I can see the bonfire burning here from the sky, and smell the aroma of the barbecue," Lin Tian said with a smile.

With that said, Lin Tian has already walked to the bonfire and is next to Robin and Nami, and Nami and Robin coincided with each other, leaning on Lin Tian very tacitly. It will take more than a month for each of them, Nami and Luo. Bin thought of Lin Tian every day.

His gaze quickly scanned the surroundings, beside the bonfire, besides Ace, there were also Luo, Sauron and others, including the captains of the White Beard Pirate Group, and Moonlight Moria. This time without his help, Luffy and the others may not be able to destroy the Kaido Pirates, but they did not see Luffy.

Lin Tian couldn't help asking: "Why didn't I see Luffy? Where did he go?"

Chopper holding a wine glass shrugged his head and replied: "Luffy was seriously injured in the battle with the beast Kaido, and he is still in a coma. It will take at least three days to recover."

Hearing this, Lin Tian suddenly realized that this is the case. It is no wonder that after such a grand banquet, he would not see the guy Luffy. It turned out that he is still in a coma. It seems that even with the help of Ace, this battle in the country is also It is more difficult than imagined.


Amidst the laughter, a glass of wine was raised high, the glasses collided with each other, and the bright red wine splashed. Everyone cheered for the victory of the battle.


The banquet lasted until late at night, until the moonlight hung high in the sky, and the sky filled the starry river flowing like a ribbon, shed countless stars.

Under the shining white moonlight, thousands of people were drunk on the grass at the port. There were wine glasses on the floor. Only the bonfire was still burning and crackling. The whole tons of wine were all consumed.

In the Sonny’s kitchen, which is also the conference room, Ace, Margau, Luo, Nami, Robin, Sauron, Sanji, Shi Zhihao... and others are sitting on both sides of the dining table.

At this time, everyone gathered together so solemnly, it must be for the historical text road signs obtained from Kaido this time.

Robin took out three pieces of white paper printed with historical text and placed it on the dining table. Although everyone found a lot of historical texts, it was impossible to bring all these historical texts on board, so Robin kept only Include this.

Looking at the strange patterns on the white paper, everyone looked confused. Basically, everyone was stubborn. They didn’t even read books often, let alone the words from thousands of years ago. They could understand the words in the audience. Only Robin was the only one, Lin Tian didn't watch but listened.

Robin got up and introduced: "These three pieces are the historical text road signs specifically used to record locations in the historical text. As we all know, the One Piece King Gelu D. Roger buried the legendary treasure ONEPIECE in Love Drew."

"And the sea area where Lovedrew exists is called the taboo sea area. Now humans can't sail in that sea area by all means. Only the Pirate King Roger has passed through that sea area intact, and Roger can reach Love. Drew is because he controls the map."

"The four stones that record the final point of "Ralph Drew" are all red and are called the historical text of the road sign. There are 4 red stones in the historical text of the road sign in the world, and each red stone records a location. After these locations, when the four points are connected on the map, the last island "Lafdro" emerges in the center!!!"

As Robin fell, everyone looked at the white paper on the desktop with their eyes glowing. The final island of Lovedrew, the key point that the whole world knows, is the place where countless pirates dream of going, where is the largest in the world buried Treasure ONEPIECE.

And now this treasure that has made the world crazy for more than 20 years is presented to them like this, and everyone can't help but breathe for a few minutes. Fortunately, everyone is strong, and the will is very firm. A few seconds later, the rolling heart quickly calmed down.

At this time, Robin got up and put the white paper of historical text on the desktop into a square in a specific order, and said at the same time.

"These three pieces of historical text, the first piece is obtained from Zhuowu, the dream island, the second piece is stolen from BIGMOM, and the third piece is that we defeated the Beast Pirate Group and obtained it from Kaido. The historical text represents the east, south and north corners of Lovedrew.”

Shi Zhihao dragged his chin with one hand and said, "That is to say, we are still short of the historical text of the West Point. We can gather at four locations and find a route to Lavdrew."

"But we don't have the slightest news about these four historical textual road signs, how should we look for them," Ace said, waving his hands.

If there is no last piece of the historical text of the road sign, even if they get three pieces, it won’t make any difference.

As soon as Ace's voice fell, a folded white paper flew out and landed firmly at the missing west corner.

The scene that happened suddenly made everyone stunned, their eyes raised up and gathered on Lin Tian. When he was shocked, he saw Lin Tian clasping his chest, and said lightly: "Here is the fourth historical signpost."

After a second, the people suddenly reacted and almost wrote the word doubt on their faces. In the end, Robin took the lead and asked: "Lin Tian, ​​how can you have the historical text of the road sign?"

"I also want to thank the guy Oka, it's not that he made trouble in the holy place, Mariagioa, and got the history text of the road sign. I didn't expect this thing to be in the hands of the Tianlong people," Lin Tian explained.

Hearing this, everyone suddenly realized that after Oka's uproar in the Holy Land Mariejoa, he was led by Kei Noda, one of the five old stars, but did not let the navy intervene. It turned out that there was such a reason.

"Quickly translate the contents of the white paper and open it, let us see this real map leading to Lavdrew!" Usopp anxiously urged.

Everyone nodded quickly, their eyes revealing Xiyi's gaze ~ ~ As a pirate, almost no one can resist the temptation of the ultimate island of Ravdru.


In response, Robin quickly opened the white paper and began to translate. Time passed, staring at the white paper on the desk, everyone closed their breaths, full of tension.

Only Lin Tian seemed very calm. Looking at the expressions of the people around him, he couldn't help but want to laugh. He had already translated the content in his hand, but before he could take it out, these guys couldn't wait to ask Robin to translate.

That being the case, Lin Tian didn't stretch out either. In fact, it was quite funny to watch these guys nervously.

After more than a minute, Robin finally finished translating the content on the white paper, and then put the other three translated content on the table, covering the original historical text.

With the translation of four pieces of historical texts appearing on the desktop, the only island that has been hidden for hundreds of years, and the only island that the Pirate King Golu D. Roger has visited, Rafdru, gently opened a corner to the world.

And it’s just a small corner that will disturb the whole world.

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