Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1174: The battle of swordsmen!

When the red slash that seemed to cut through even the sea, stopped in front of Sauron's double sword house and Zhan, the battle between the two sides changed from the sea to the land.

Fujitori took the lead to fly out of the warship. He quickly approached the Sonny when he stepped on a piece of broken plank. Seeing Fujitora, Luffy shot his feet and shot first. The two engaged in fierce battle.

With a bang, the stairs of the Sonny were put down by Frankie, and he shouted, "The Sonny cannot be used as a battlefield."

The next battle must be very tragic. Even if the Sonny is very strong, it is impossible to withstand the battles of so many powerful people. Moreover, when fighting on the Sonny, everyone will definitely feel a little afraid of not destroying the Sonny. Fearful.


Nodded, Sauron took the lead to fly down, the Sonny was too small, and there was not enough room for Sauron to display.

Immediately after Sauron, Shi Zhihao, Bista, Sanji... and others all came down, as if they had similar ideas, and the others on board the naval battleship Keiichi Sonobe also stepped off the warship.

As for Masato Hirano to stop Lin Tian, ​​the two were fighting to form a group. A few seconds after the two met, Mangrove No. 46 was lazily broken by the tremendous destructive power produced by Lin Tian's fight.

The two sides collided on both sides of the bridge between No. 35 and No. 36 mangroves, and stood facing each other at the two ends of the bridge. Angrily suddenly became serious and tense.

Without saying a word, the two sides fought in an instant. This was a battle that didn't require any more words. Both the world government and the straw hat had a reason to fight.

Sauron took the lead, and the two swords slashed out two shocking cold glows to kill the opposite crowd. Although the cold glow was shocking, the weakest in front of him was the lieutenant general of the elite navy headquarters.

But Taotu was surprised that it was Keiichi Sonobe, one of the five old stars, who went to meet Sauron. He didn't expect that Keiichi Sonobe would be interested in such a rookie pirate.

File clang...

The sword blades collided, and the huge impact repelled the two of them. Both feet stepped on the ground and retreated several steps to remove the impact.

Looking up, Yuanbei Qiyi steadily landed on the ground. It was obvious that Yuanbei Qiyi had the upper hand in the brief confrontation.

Looking at Sauron, Yuanbu opened a pair of eyes flashing bright light and said: "Rororuoya? This familiar surname is unexpectedly called this surname. It seems that the boy who fled back then was you."

As the five old star, Keiyi Soon took the initiative to meet Sauron, not only because Sauron had blocked his slash, but Sauron's last name was the biggest reason.

Hearing this, Sauron immediately clenched his sword hilt in both hands, with an angry look on his face, and said coldly: "Thanks to you, I have survived by chance. It means that the surname Roro Ruoya has revenge on you. As for I will take back the first generation of Ghosts on behalf of Rororua. You are not qualified to hold this sword."

"It seems that the trip to the country of Wa no country has let you know what happened back then," Keiichi Sonobe said lightly.

When I heard of the name Roronoa Soro two years ago, Keiichi Sonobe just thought it was a coincidence. After the Wano country incident, Keiichi Sonobe completely understood that the pirate of this supernova was the same year. Remnants of Roronoa.

"If I don't know what happened back then, I'm afraid I haven't figured out exactly what happened that night", the long sword in his hand whizzed down, and Sauron's eyes flashed a blood-red light.


Yuanbei laughed disdainfully, slightly raised his hand with blood-red thunder and lightning, and said ironically: "You Roronoa clan are just idiots who don't know the current affairs, guarding such a sword. Let it be exposed to light for hundreds of years. If you had given me this sword long ago, you wouldn't need to cause annihilation. Perhaps the King Clan of He is you, not the Guangyue Clan."

Sauron exudes a powerful murderous aura: "According to legend, the first generation of Onitoru was a demon sword. Everyone who possesses the first generation of Onitoru swordsman will lead to destruction. This is the case of the Roronoa clan, and the same will be true of your Sonobu Kaiichi.

Yuanbu Qiyi said with a look of disdain: "Rely, you are the survivor. Don't think that if you solve one of the three plagues, you will be invincible, and the road to the swordsman is still far away."

He bit the word Hedao in his mouth with his backhand, and drew out the countless big sharp swords and ghost fires from his waist. Seeing the ghost fire in Sauron's hand, Yuan Qi's expression changed slightly. Unexpectedly, this one fell on Sauron's hand, Lin Tian that The guy is really surprising, but this is how the supreme knife was handed over to someone else.

Raising the three belts of Ghost Toru and Heihuo in his hands, crossing the cross bar in front of him, Sauron announced extremely domineeringly.

"The throne of the world's first great swordsman has been reserved by me. You are just a stepping stone under the throne. Remember my name. My name is Roronoa Sorron."

"A mere devil, dare to be rampant," Yuanbei said with disdain, "Today I will let you know what real swordsmanship is."

The moment the words fell, Yuanbei Kai quickly approached Sauron in a flash, and the ghost in his hand suddenly waved, and a blood-red slash broke through the air.

"Leegui Slash!"

Suo Long jumped up and avoided Kaiyi's attack from the garden department. At the same time, the ghost fire in his hand smashed down towards the garden department like a giant axe.

Bang... bang...

Two consecutive amazing explosions sounded, sawdust flew across the sky, the sky full of green grass was rolled up by the strong wind, the entire huge mangrove was trembling, the place where the slash fell and the mountain fell and the smoke slowly dissipated, revealing two diameters A deep pit of tens of meters.

Under the raging wind, the two have already made a battle. Both Sauron and Keiichi Sonobe are the world's top swordsmen. Sauron who has solved one of the three plagues of the beasts and pirates, the reward has been as high as the flood One billion Baileys, swordsmanship can be better than Sauron, the entire world does not exceed the number of five fingers.

As for Keiichi Sonobe, one of the five elder stars, it goes without saying that swordsmanship is naturally the top class in the world, even the first generation of ghosts can be subdued.

The fighting between the two was really terrible. All kinds of superb swordsmanship flashed in their hands. If there were swordsmen nearby, they would be stunned in shock. Unfortunately, the destructive power of the two was too strong, and the whole mangrove was trembling. , As if it would be destroyed at any time, sawdust flying across the sky, the sword energy visible to the naked eye was raging like a dragon, and several people were able to approach their battle center.

Moreover, the speed of the two is too fast, which exceeds the limit of the human body's naked eye. It is like two streams of light, let alone the speed of the moves in the hands of the two, which are more than ten or even dozens of collisions per second.

After pulling back, Sauron stepped on the ground to stabilize the retreating steps. The next second, when he stepped on his feet, the soles of his feet gush out like tide, and the whole ground sinks more than half a meter with a loud bang.

And Sauron had already exploded out, holding the three generations of Ghosts and Heihuo with his backhand, raising his two swords high, rising his cyan sword aura all over his body, and the sword aura was changed into a cyan dragon to condense around Sauron.

"Three swords flow blue dragon to divert water"

Quickly rushing to the front of the garden department, Sauron's two swords cut down like a giant axe, the blue dragon suddenly roared, and the slender body swayed and hit the garden department Qiyi.


With a loud noise, Keiichi Yuanbei flew directly backwards, and after several steps with his feet back, he barely removed the impact force and his body stopped.

When he looked up, Yuanbu Qi had no trace of contempt in his eyes, and sighed, "It was a violent slash."

If he hadn't reacted swiftly just now, lifting the sword to block with Demon Toru's sword, I am afraid it would not be as simple as being knocked into the air, even if he didn't want to admit it, Sonobe Keichi had to accept Sauron's swordsmanship. He poses a huge threat.

If you still don't want to admit it, and look at the kid in front of you with contempt, his garden department Keiichi might be here to hate him.

"Mito stream"

Sauron immediately took the victory and pursued him, jumping up to a height of one meter for life. Sauron's body twisted in the air, and the long sword in his hand rotated at high speed, exuding sword energy around Sauron. At this moment, Sauron was like a spiral sword-qi dragon killing Qiyi towards the park.

The strong wind rushed towards the face, wherever the strong wind passed, the grass under his feet was broken, and the sky full of grass was rolled up by the strong wind. This is an extremely powerful sword force, this is an invincible sword force.

Soron's face was full of dignity, Sauron's move was very powerful, and he might get hate if he was not careful. He held the first generation ghost with his backhand and slid in front of him, and Soonbe slowly pushed the sharp sword into the scabbard. The right hand grips the hilt of the sword tightly with a smooth backhand, closes the garden to the waist, spreads both feet, and squats down slightly. This is the starting hand style of Juhe Slash.

"House and Cut"

Sauron's heart sank. Ju and Zan can be said to be bad swordsmanship, basically every swordsman can do it, but this can be said to be one of the strongest swordsmanship.

This move is the best way to show the strength of a swordsman, with no fancy drawing and slashing, but the swordsman’s spirit must reach the peak, gather together, and then draw the sword and cut out. The opponent often only sees one. The light flickered, and then he went to another place.

Different swordsmen use home and slash powers differently. The stronger the swordsman's move, the more powerful it can be. A swordsman like Keiichi Sonobe must be a shocking slash.

So Sauron had to use stronger power. A jet black vindictive aura emerged from Sauron. Suddenly, Sauron seemed to be a three-headed six-armed killing Shura. The endless murderous aura radiated as if he saw the blood-red Shura world.

"Asura's ghostly spirit is long and long!"

Surrounded by ghosts The mighty sword-qi dragon becomes a three-headed dragon, and the three dragon heads rise to the sky and roar. The place where the sword-qi dragon passes is a scene of destruction. Even the roots of the mangrove trees were strangled by long dragons into sawdust, exposing the seawater below, and the swinging space of the body was approaching a distance of less than one meter from Kaiyi of the garden.

Feeling the imminent sword qi dragon, Yuanbu Kaiyi's closed eyes suddenly opened, a blood glow flashed, and the next second, a blow that gathered the spirit and energy was cut out.

It was a cold light that couldn't be described in words. At this moment, it seemed that even the heaven and the earth had been cut in half, and the long river of years stopped flowing. The terrifying blow of the earth-shattering ghosts and spirits was an indescribable slash.

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