Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1175: Fierce fighting


With the loud noise of the sky and the earth, the violent shock wave of sword energy swept in all directions, and a huge fireball raged in the Chambordian Islands.

The huge Chambord Islands are all fighting. The world's largest mangroves are like forests in a violent storm. The mangroves are shaking violently under the wind. What a shocking scene.

Countless residents of the Chambord Islands looked up at the swaying mangroves and were dumbfounded. Faced with such a sight, they could not find the words to describe them. They must know that these are the largest mangroves in the world, and each mangrove has a diameter of several At a hundred meters, their huge root area is large enough to build towns.

But even such a huge mangrove is shaking, bombarding, and shaking. One can imagine how terribly destructive the collision between Sauron and Keiichi Sonobe is.

The three connected mangroves 43, 44, and 45 all broke under the impact just now, and the huge trunks fell in the sea, shocking the sky with water, or fell on the other mangroves.

Mangrove No. 44 was the place where Sauron and Yuenbu Keyi were fighting. At this moment, the thick torso of Mangrove No. 44 fell into the sea, and the huge roots of the trees were all covered by dense fog. The strong wind blew by, and the dense fog quickly dispersed. go with.

Under the thin smoke, Sauron leaped forward, the blood-covered Sauron's three swords cut out like a windmill, and the high-speed rotating blade rushed toward the garden.

File clang...

Soonbu Kai throws the long sword in his hand, holding the long sword with his backhand, and cutting out diagonally towards Sauron. I have to say that Soonbu Kaiyi's superb swordsmanship has actually seen through Sauron's trick. The long sword in his hand is already very tricky. Cut out from the angle of, the slender blade stiffly pierced into the hands of the ghost fire and the original Onitoru spinning like a windmill, and the long sword was horizontal, blocking the ghost fire and the original Onitoru.

In Sauron’s shocked gaze, the backhand of Sauron’s backhand was an elbow, and he blasted Sauron’s head like a boulder hit his head. Sauron’s head was dull, like countless bees buzzing around his head. Buzzing.

Immediately afterwards, Sauron felt that he lost control of his body, as if he was flying, and then he banged heavily on the ground, stirring up countless rubble and smoke.

Standing up from the ground with both swords in his hands, the first generation Ghost in Sauron's hands gently waved, and a strong wind blew the smoke away.

Suddenly, there was no warning that a shining blood glow pierced the smoke and rushed out. Sauron quickly raised his hand to make a ghost fire and swung it out. Accompanied by the flame-devouring ghost fire slash, the blood glow was split, but the powerful impact The force still knocked Sauron back a few steps, and the mouth of his right hand was also shattered, and the bright red blood flowed continuously.

Turning over to take back the first-generation ghost that was flying upside down, Keiichi Sonobu fell to the ground, his head was bleeding, the samurai robe was full of broken buttons, and the blood dyed the white robe red. Obviously it was not good to hit Keiichi Sonobe just now. , But a lot better than Sauron, firmly gaining the upper hand.

Without much words, the two of them stepped on their feet and shot out at the same time, making a crash like thunder.

On the other side, the battle between Lu Fei and Fujitora also reached its climax. Mangrove No. 32 has evolved into a two-person battlefield. The surrounding Chambordian Islands has already been stunned by the two fighting. At this moment, Lu Fei has used the fourth gear.

If you want to defeat Fujitora, if you don't use the fourth gear, it is impossible. Luffy naturally knows that instead of consuming energy like that, it is better to use power from the beginning to quickly resolve the battle.

With a light flick of both feet, the huge elastic force flew Luffy into the air, tightly clenched the huge fist, and compressed the fist into the fist little by little.

"Rubber Rubber Ape King Spear!"

In the shout, Luffy's fist loosened, and the compressed elastic force burst out suddenly, pushing Luffy's fist to explode, and instantly surpassed the speed of sound, with a burst of sound, the powerful fist even the air easily tore.

"Gravity shield!"

Fujitora backhand held the sword in his middle hand, the gravity fruit was activated, and the gravity within tens of meters with Fujitora as the center was deprived of all gravity. Under the control of Fujitora, the trunks and trunks of the mangrove trees that were shattered in the previous battle flew from the ground. Together to form a green rattan wood shield.

Under the gaze of the attention, the red iron fist bombarded the shield that was several meters thick, and there was an earth-shattering loud bang. Under Luffy's fist, the tough torso was like tofu, turning into sawdust flying in the sky.

The shield was easily blasted into a big hole by Luffy's fist. The giant fist pierced the sky and slammed straight towards the Fujito.

Without hesitating too much, Fujitora raised his sword with his backhand on his chest, and at the same time the fruit of gravity exploded, tens of thousands of times of gravity was like a mountain pressing on Luffy's arm.

"Gravity Space Ten Thousand Times Gravity"

Luffy can clearly feel that his fist has become very heavy, and the speed of the high-speed elongated fist has slowed down, and with a roar, Luffy's eyes are round, his feet bounce in the air, relying on the elastic force Luffy to rush towards Fujitora, Luffy's slow fist slammed heavily on the Fujitora sword.


With a muffled sound, the invisible shock wave spreads in all directions like a hurricane, and the tide-like impact force was released through the bodies of the two of them on the ground. There was a sudden shock under their feet. The dense cracks appeared like spider webs, and the entire ground was sunken tens of centimeters. More than that, the entire No. 32 mangrove was suddenly shaken. Like a huge sea quake of more than ten magnitudes, a large amount of gravel could hardly withstand the impact and fly up.


Fujitor was blasted back by Luffy, his feet pressed against the ground, making a harsh rubbing sound, leaving two parallel scorched black marks more than ten meters long on the green grass.

"How is it possible, are you not joking, what did I see?"

"Admiral Fujitora, known as the world government's highest combat power, was actually repelled by the straw hat kid, one of the supernovas. How is this possible?"

"How can it be impossible, you know, after the straw hat boy defeated the beast Kaido, the bounty has reached 1.2 billion Baileys"

There was an exclamation in the crowd, and everyone whispered that the admiral is an invincible existence to the pirates present. One admiral is enough to kill all the pirates in the Chambord Islands, but today they saw the admiral with their own eyes It was actually repelled by someone.


Both feet suddenly stepped on, and the violent power gushed out. The backward Fujitora stopped. The two forces collided, Fujitor's body trembled, and the violent wind rose out of thin air, and the ground under his feet stepped deep. pit.

Standing up, Fujitora's white eyes rolled, and said with emotion: "I didn't expect how long we haven't seen each other, you are stronger again, the straw hat boy."

In the hands of Dresrosa, the straw hat boy is not his opponent. If he hadn't kept his hand, he would be able to stay in the whole straw hat pirates in Dresrosa.

But after more than a month, when he fought again, the straw hat boy became stronger than before, and now he must break out to deal with Luffy's attack.

It’s quite normal for Luffy’s combat power to be comparable to the generals. You must know that after experiencing the gigmom pirate group incident, plus solving the beast Kaido pirate group, for more than a month, Luffy has been with two Sihuanghai It is strange that the thieves fight against each other and their combat power has not improved.

"Rubber Lion Bazooka!"

Soaring into the sky, Luffy's figure flashed, appeared in the sky above Fujitora, retracted his arms, and his fists, which had already accumulated enough strength and ready to go, burst out suddenly.

Two red lights flashed by. In the next second, the red giant fist had already blasted towards Fujitora. There was a loud explosion, and countless rubble smoke flew up. The thick smoke blocked everything. It was impossible to see what was inside. Scenes.

Suspended high in the sky, Luffy's face was solemn. It is impossible to solve the blind uncle with an attack of this level. The admiral's combat power is extremely strong.


Suddenly, there were several piercing noises from behind without warning. Luffy didn’t think much about it. His fighting instinct turned over and dodged. It turned out to be a number of broken branches of a mangrove piercing through the air, and the stationary trunk would start. The attack was obviously controlled by Fujitora, and it seemed that the blind man was fine.

But in the next second, Lu Fei's face changed drastically. He saw a streamer rushing out of the smoke. It was General Fujitora. Fujitora was holding a sword in his back, and a gravity slash was smashed out of thin air.

Controlling the tree trunk from a long distance to force Luffy to dodge, so as to seize the gap of Luffy's dodge and launch an attack towards Luffy.

Unlike other swordsmen, Sauron's slash is extremely sharp, capable of severing huge mangroves with a single sword, but Fujitor’s slash is not focused on internal force, but on strength, smashing tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of times of gravity. Out, that is an irresistible gravity.

The flying Luffy couldn’t dodge at I could only watch the gravity split, the 10,000 tons of force, the void was unbearable, twisted, the tree trunk that flew straight into a circle, Luffy even I saw my arm bend.

Thousands of tons of huge force were poured on Luffy's body. What kind of huge force was that. In an instant, Luffy's mouth sprayed out a big mouth of blood, and his huge body flew out like a flying cannonball, hitting the No. 32 mangrove heavily. There was an earth-shaking noise on the trunk.

In the next second, there was another loud noise. It turned out that Luffy had penetrated the entire trunk of the mangrove tree. The sawdust was flying all over the sky, and a hole with a large diameter appeared in the trunk.

Through the big hole, you can see that Luffy flew hundreds of meters away all the way, and finally hit the huge white number 33 on the mangrove No. 33, again with a loud noise, knocking out a deep hole with dense cracks like a spider web. , Luffy's body was tightly stuck in the No. 33 tree trunk. 2532 mobile phone users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.


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