Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1177: Sanji Outbreak

The fine needles all over the ground are inserted into the ground, and the fine needles are faintly glowing, and the densely packed fine needles seem to build a fine needle grass forest.

Feeling that there is no feeling in his left arm, the tea dolphin's face is suddenly very bad, without thinking, the figure burst out with a flick of his feet, and retreats backwards, trying to open the gap between Sanji and Usopp. distance.

After losing a left arm, the tea dolphin's combat power must be greatly reduced. If you still choose to head-to-head with Sanji and Usopp at this time, you will be a fool.

"Want to run? It's late now!"

Gently tossing a remaining ball in his hand, reaching out and grabbing the ball into the slingshot, Yang showed a confident smile on Usopp's face.

Putting down the sight on his forehead, he saw that the domineering color was pouring out like a tide, his eyes were tightly locked on the tea dolphin, and the slingshot in his hand moved slowly following the tea dolphin.

Tea dolphin is also a master of spear art, perhaps because of the instinct formed by training spears for many years. When Usopp aimed at the tea dolphin, the tea dolphin realized that he was locked by someone, and his heart was dark.

This feeling of being locked by people makes the tea dolphin very uncomfortable. The tea dolphin with high spear skills naturally understands what it means to be locked, which means that Usopp can release the slingshot at any time, even more than 50% Be sure to hit yourself, don't underestimate 50%. This is already a very high stat. You must know that the tea dolphin is a lieutenant general of the navy headquarters who is infinitely close to the general.

Faced with the lock of a real spearman, the tea dolphin is not sure that it will be able to escape, because the lock means that Usopp can release the slingshot at any time and fire the projectile. The reason why Usopp did not immediately launch an attack was just Finding the flaws in the tea dolphin increases the possibility of hitting. It is like the right to choose is in the hands of the opponent at any time, as long as the opponent detects something wrong, he can attack.

What Tea Dolphin can do is to quickly dodge the projectile launched by Usopp at the moment Usopp is launched.

I usually have a lot of confidence to do this tea dolphin, but now it is very sleepy, because Sanji is standing by and waiting for him to reveal his flaws.

"Destroy Green Star Explosive Rock!"

Finally, Usopp seized the opportunity to shoot a projectile at the tea dolphin. At the same time, Sanji rushed out, his feet flopped and burned a lot of flames, the flames burned, where the footsteps fell, the grass ash flew out, and a series of charred black appeared. footprint.


Seeing the attack by the two of them, the tea dolphin screamed in secret, but his actions were not slow, and the tea dolphin quickly lifted his foot to kick the stone under his foot, and the stone broke through the air and slammed into the ball shot by Usopp.

Tea dolphin is worthy of being an old river and lake. He secretly prepared a cracking method. First, he blocked Usopp's attack with stones, and then used swordsmanship to fight Sanji, as long as he fought close to Sanji. Using Sanji as a human shield to attract, Usopp was naturally unable to attack him because of his partner's scruples.

When the neurotoxin in the left arm fails and the strength is restored, then it is the time to counterattack.

I have to say that the tea dolphin is an excellent method. Using it smoothly and quickly can change its own disadvantages, but he underestimates the destructive power of Usopp's projectiles. The ball wrapped in the ball is powerful enough to destroy a town. Rock, although only the size of a little finger, is more than ten times more powerful than a naval gun.

When the high-speed rock hits the bead, the thin glass cover instantly shattered into countless pieces, the red liquid splashed, and the strangely patterned dynamic rock came into contact with oxygen. At the moment, an invisible but very intense chemical reaction occurred. Up.

Seeing a bright light flashed by, the dynamic rock exploded with a loud noise, a fireball instantly rose, and the shock wave produced by the explosion blasted out in all directions.

In the shocked and unbelievable gaze of the tea dolphin, the violent shock wave bombarded the tea dolphin like a 10,000-ton boulder. The tea dolphin was knocked out in an instant, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of its mouth.

"Yeah", seeing that the tea dolphin was hit, Usopp happily clenched his fist and cried out, "Go on, Sanji!"

"Don't worry, I'm already ready!"

Sanji nodded in response, and the figure quickly approached the inverted tea dolphin, and his feet leaped towards the sky. What was shocking was that where Sanji passed, there was a series of flame footprints in the air.

That's right, although the short flame footprints dissipated in a few seconds, Robin was surprised to see this scene, and Usopp was even more stunned.

Even the lieutenant general of the Navy Headquarters Ghost Spider was shocked, and the involuntary master said with emotion: "The flame footprints flowed out of thin air for a few seconds, what a terrible foot force this is."

But the next second when the voice fell, Ghost Spider's face changed, and Sanji was attacking Lieutenant General Cha Dolphin, even if he had a deep understanding of the strength of Lieutenant Cha Dolphin, at this moment, doubts arose in his heart.

"Devil Wind Foot Wind Thunder Kick"

Fast approaching in front of the inverted tea dolphin, Sanji's feet were blasted from the flames that were ready to explode like a violent storm, turning into a dense cloud of flames.

Wind and thunder kick, Sanji's kick is as fast as thunder and lightning, with the terrifying power that can melt bones like flames, and there is a gust of wind and thunder when both legs are kicked.

The tea dolphin's complexion has changed a lot. Just at this moment, the neurotoxin dissipated and the left arm regained consciousness. Without hesitation, the tea dolphin quickly raised the spear in his hand and pulled the trigger continuously. In the sound of biubiu's gunshots, more than ten bullets were shot out in an instant. , And all these flying bullets used domineering.

Bang... bang... bang...

But in front of the afterimage of the sky, all the pitch-black bullets were exploded by Sanji's flame kicking waves, and more than a dozen explosions occurred between the two.

Sanji's attacking power has not diminished at all, and it can even be said to be stronger. There are more and more afterimages in the sky, not only the deafening sound of wind and thunder, but also the strong wind resounding out of thin air. What is more surprising is Sanji's eyes. A azure blue electric arc appeared on the legs.

If Lin Tianzai can clearly understand, the lightning that appears is nothing but an electrostatic phenomenon caused by the friction of the feet of Sanji's flame in the air at high speed, but Sanji's speed is too strong, causing the static electricity to turn into high-strength lightning. Show up.

Even if the tea dolphin raises the long sword to resist it, it is difficult to resist the power of every blow. It carries the kicking blow of the wind, thunder and flame. Each blow seems to have a huge force of 10,000 tons, easily crushing several meters of boulders. The ground kicks and cracks, and the flame can even melt steel.

Bang... bang...

With each kick, the long sword in the tea dolphin's hand will make an alarm. The slender sword body is bent, and the jet black sword body is burnt red by the flames, especially the tide-like power, which makes the tea dolphin difficult to resist. Every time it hits the tea dolphin tiger's mouth, it will be torn once.

The tea dolphin's body was trembling violently, blood was constantly spouting from his mouth, and his eyes exuded anger. He was actually reached this way by a newcomer pirate, which would be unacceptable for the tea dolphin.


Sanji kicked out again, and when he was about to kick out the next, the small bones of his left leg suddenly shattered, Sanji's expression changed, and his feet stopped abruptly.

With both feet carrying flames and wind and thunder, it kicks out like a storm. This is the strongest force that Sanji can exert. It has reached the limit of Sanji. The powerful force is not completely controlled by Sanji. The small bones of his left foot are broken. Because I can't bear this force.


The tea dolphin who noticed this scene laughed, "Using power beyond your limit is a price. Power is not so easy to obtain. Now your left leg bone has been broken. If you continue, your legs will be crushed. , The final victory will belong to me".

Feeling the shattering of the left leg bone, Sanji naturally knew that if he continued to kick, it was very likely that both of his leg bones would shatter. Just as Sanji hesitated, the tea dolphin laughed.

The hesitation in Sanji's eyes suddenly disappeared, and his eyes revealed an extremely firm determination. Seeing Sanji's gaze, the tea dolphin's heart sank. Originally, what I said just now was to force Sanji to stop attacking and give him a chance to breathe. After thinking about things going in the opposite direction, Sanji was not afraid, but more determined.

"Our captain is the One Piece of the future. As a dignified One Piece crew, if I retreat because of this, what face do I have to go to the final island, chase the bull of my dreams, and what my legs can't give up?"

Sanji was all over his body, a powerful aura broke out on his body, and he made a domineering declaration to the sky.

Upon hearing this, Robin and Usopp abruptly rose in their hearts. They are the crew of One Piece, and there is never a word back in the dictionary.

Instead of weakening the attack, Sanji forced his body to explode regardless of the consequences. He lifted his uninjured right foot high, Sanji concentrated his whole body strength on his right foot, and a series of azure blue arcs flashed, and the flames became more and more prosperous. .

In Usopp's shocking gaze, the orange flame of Sanji's right foot turned into jet black. This was a move that Sanji had never used.

"Damn, I'm a dignified candidate for the navy headquarters, and even a pirate dare to be rampant."

The tea dolphin's eyes were round and his mouth roared. The dignified admiral candidate was beaten like this by a pirate. The tea dolphin couldn't bear it. He used blood to wash away the shame.

With a lifelong leap, the tea dolphin wielded a long sword, blood-red murderous intent gushing out. Sanji leaped at the same time. The speed of the two was extremely fast, beyond the naked eye, it was like a blood-red light colliding with a pitch-black light.

Approaching the tea dolphin in an instant, Sanji aimed at his abdomen, his right leg burning with black flames exuding a breath of black death, suddenly kicked at his opponent.

"Reaper's feet!"


The death foot accurately hit the tea dolphin The tea dolphin saw only a black glow flashing by. The next second, a terrible force struck, like being hit by a high-speed train. This is tea. The force that the dolphin could not resist, a large mouthful of blood spewed out of the body, and the tea dolphin flew out while spinning.

The tea dolphin slid close to the ground for hundreds of meters, arousing billowing smoke, and finally hit the roots of the huge mangrove tree. The terrible impact actually broke the entire huge mangrove tree from the roots.

Death Foot, the upgraded version of Demon Wind Foot, is different from the kick of Demon Wind Foot with orange flames, the flame carried by Death Foot is a stronger black flame, and its speed and power are far more than Demon Wind Foot.

At the moment of casting, the opponent will appear as if facing the death **** without resistance, this is the death god's feet. 21032 mobile phone users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.


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