Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1178: Strongest home and cut

Mangrove No. 44!

This is the battlefield of Sauron and Keiichi Sonobe. As the world's top swordsman, the No. 44 mangrove has evolved into a forbidden area. The endless sword aura is raging, and the torso of several people is shattered into countless pieces in the blink of an eye. The huge mangrove fell into the sea, and the towns and streets built by the roots of the mangroves have long been turned into ruins.

File clang...

The sharp blade of the sword cut through the sky with cold light, carrying the sound of gusts of wind and thunder, the blade made earth-shaking collisions, emitting orange-yellow sparks, and the raging sword energy radiated along the ground to the surroundings, and the grass was cut lazily. , The sky is flying with grass.

All kinds of swordsmanship are displayed in the hands of two people, either splitting, or cutting, or shooting like a snake, strange and strange, like a ghost, which is incredible.

The two made their moves too fast, and ordinary people couldn't see how they made their moves. They could only see a wave of cold light flashing in front of them, which was really weird.

Sauron held a stream of three swords, and three long swords burst into bright light in Sauron's hands. The three swords were swung at the same time, attacking and defending in one go, the sword aura swept, the momentum was soaring, and the continuous attack was like a storm. Park Department Keiichi.

In particular, Sauron's right hand held the supreme big sharp sword ghost fire, and ignited a raging flame while swinging. The blade burned in the void, and the flame was suspended in the air. The place it passed was bound to turn into a sea of ​​fire.

It is worthy of being one of the five old stars. Needless to say, Gardenbe Kaiyi Swordsmanship is not much different from the world's top swordsman Hawkeye Homick.

With only one long sword in his hand, under the frantic attack of Sauron's three long swords, the three-foot long sword was in the hands of Sonobe Keiichi, as if it had become a part of Sonobe Keiichi's body, and it was manipulated like an arm. Swing, the cold light flashes in the backhand, and the sharp sword cut through the sky.

When the long sword was swung, the blood-red red thunder flashed. This is the characteristic of the first generation of ghosts. There are a total of twelve supreme knives. They are the strongest swords in the world. Naturally, each Dao has its unique characteristics. .

The world's largest swordsman secretly Mihawk's strongest black sword night, the deep and generous sword body that began to be indestructible, in fact, night is a soft sword.

In Sauron's hand, the unparalleled sharp sword black fire, and the sword body burns its flames while swinging, and the sword blade must turn into a sea of ​​flames, and it is also called the flame sword.

In the hands of Keiichi Sonobe, the first generation of ghost sword is called the demon sword. The monster sword that even the owner swallowed. Legend has it that the ghost was soaked in the blood of thousands of people when it was cast. Because this knife was too **** and was intolerable by the heavens, every time the ghost was out The sheath must carry blood-red lightning, and even the slashes that the first generation of ghosts waved are blood-red.

In addition, there is Lin Tian’s Chasing the Wind, which is also one of the Twelve Skills of the Supreme Knife. Because of the ability to eat devil fruits, Chasing the Wind can transform into a giant eagle, which is known as the most spiritual sword.

The wings flickered soaring up to nine kilometers, and the huge body had a hardness that was harder than steel, and it could even fight against a navy admiral.

But the most murderous sword is indeed the first generation of ghosts. No one knows how many people's blood the first generations of ghosts drank. Every time the first generations of ghosts reveal the world, there will be a **** storm, such as the Roronoa clan behind Sauron.

Moreover, the swordsman with this sword had no good end. Either he died violently, or he did something unacceptable to the world. The three generations of Oni Toru masters recorded in history all died miserably.

File clang...

The first generation of ghosts was like a giant axe that opened the sky, smashing in the air, the blood-red thunder mountain was flashing, the light was shining, and it carried an aura of destruction directly towards Sauron.

The blood-red sword smashed the first generation of ghosts fiercely, the fire flickered, the violent shock wave radiated in all directions, the strong wind bombarded the two people, Sauron and Yuanbei continued to withdraw.


Stopping the retreat, Sauron's left hand kept trembling, no, it should be said that it was not Sauron's left hand that was shaking, but the third generation of ghosts in Sauron's left hand, constantly shaking, making a buzzing sword sound, Sauron could understand Feel the fear of three generations of ghosts.

Although the three generations of Oni Toru are also demon swords, after all, the three generations of Oni Toru are only the first generation of Oni Toru textiles. The first generations of Oni Toru are Wushuang Da Kuaishou, and the third generations of Oni Toru are at best good knives.

But when the two sides collided, the gap appeared. The first generation of ghosts was trembling and in fear, so that when Sauron waved, the third generations of ghosts would continue to shake, which greatly affected Sauron's strength.


This scene was seen by Kaiyi Soonbu, and the corners of his mouth were raised. Qiyi Soonbu sarcastically said: "As a swordsman, even the sword in his hand is trembling, how sure can you beat me?"

"is it?"

Sauron asked in a rhetorical question, slowly raised his head, his eyes flashed a bright light, instead of the slightest tension on his face, he showed the slightest arrogant smile. With the blood stains on Sauron's face, Sauron wanted to leave **** at this moment. The devil came out, and that was the smile of the devil.

Seeing Sauron’s devilish smile, Keiichi Sonobe was shocked. Who on earth is he, even the sword in his hand is terrified, why can he have such a confident smile on his face? Is he really a devil? ?

In the next second, Sonobe Keiichi shook his head violently in his mind to drive out the thoughts in his mind. How could he think of these in his mind? There was nothing more than a pirate kid in front of him. Could he still defeat him? But then Sauron's actions and words stunned Sonobu Keiichi.

Sauron suddenly raised the trembling three-generation Ghost Toru, and said calmly: "From the East China Sea into the great route, you have been with me for two years until now. Your help to me is tremendous, but..."

"I don't need a sword to face the opponent's fear. My sword must be the strongest. Since you are afraid, then I can only abandon you. I don't need a coward on the way to the future, sorry..."

As soon as the voice fell, Sauron inserted the third generation of ghosts into the scabbard, and threw them back into the air, like a windmill turning dozens of times, the third generation of ghosts threw the scabbard upside down on a big tree with a bang.

Soonbe was stunned. What did he see? The kid in front of him took the initiative to abandon the long sword in his hand. As a swordsman, doesn't he know what it means to abandon the sword in battle?

But then Kaiyi Soonbu showed a smile, and it was better for the other party to abandon the sword, so that he could solve the kid in front of him with the least cost.

Amid the squeaking and piercing rubbing sound, Sauron backhanded Hedaoyi characters and ghost fire into the scabbard, stepped forward, and sang in his mouth.

"The **** of non-heaven, non-kind, unrighteous, and non-Bacchus, this is asura, stepping through hell, stepping on the sea of ​​blood, the living fights against the sky, fights against the people, fights against the ghosts and gods, this is the way of Asura"

Accompanied by the sound of singing, when Sauron took his first step, Sauron's body suddenly burst into dark black energy, and then fell step by step. The ruthless and indifferent demon sounded, and the black air on Sauron's body became more and more. The strong, black energy beating like flames is really amazing and unbelievable.

"this is…"

Keiichi Sonobe was shocked in her heart. What exactly is the dark black air? In that black air, Keiichi Sonobe felt nothing but death, coldness, crying... He could not find any words to describe what an evil aura. .

When the seventh step fell, Sauron's body was tumbling with black energy, transforming into two **** floating on both sides of Sauron's shoulders.

At this moment, Qiyi Yuanbei saw a blood-red world, an endless sea of ​​blood under his feet, and a mountain of blood piled up with bones in the distance. What a terrifying sight.

Suddenly, the sea of ​​blood rolled, and a blood-colored figure walked out of the blood sea. When the blood-colored figure approached, Yuanbei must have a look at it. It was Sauron, and was shocked instantly.

When Kaiyi Sonobu woke up, his mouth was panting heavily, and his forehead was full of sweat. Even Qiyi Sonobu didn't notice that he already had a trace of fear for Sauron in his heart.

I quickly looked up and saw that the two **** transformed into Sauron's appearance. At this moment, Sauron became the ghost **** Shura with three heads and six arms, each holding a sharp sword in each of his six arms, doing the same thing holding the hilt of the sword. action.

After all, Keiichi Sonobe was one of the five elder stars who ruled the world government. After a short shock, he quickly woke up, and his eyes were full of solemnity.

With a deep breath, Kei Soonbe rises up into an astonishing fighting spirit, holding the chest of the first-generation Onitoru sword with both hands, and standing upright, Kei Soonbe takes a half step forward with his right foot, tilting his body 90 degrees. , Staring straight ahead at Sauron, the long sword in his hand burst into the sky with a shocking **** sword light.

Next will be the final blow of the two. After the two fights, they have suffered more or less injuries, and their physical strength has reached the limit. At least Sauron is that the garden is slightly better.

"My deep chaos, I must cut through the red dust, six swords flow asura..."

Sauron squatted slightly, without warning, and burst out in an instant, and Keiichi Yuanbu didn't even see when Sauron moved.

"House and cut!!"

"Bloodmanship breaks the world!!"

Soonbu Kaiyi's reaction was naturally not slow, almost immediately at the same time that Sauron took the sword and swung the blood-colored sword light tens of meters with the sword in both hands and suddenly cut it off.

What a shocking blow, the blood-red sword light that is tens of meters long seems to be everything in the world. All eyes are on this sword light. People in the distance are stunned to see this scene. This is something that cannot be described in words. Hit, it's almost... it's almost like the world can be split in half.

In contrast, Sauron's attacks seem much more common, but this is Ashura, born in the ordinary, fighting endlessly throughout his life, collecting time and suffering for a lifetime.

Despite the countless obstacles in front of me, I slashed them all at once. This is Sauron Kendo.

In an instant, the two finally met. There was no loud noise, no violent shock wave, and no sparks from the collision of the blades. Only a few cold lights flashed past.

The crowd onlookers in the distance didn't realize what was happening at all, and the two of them passed by and stopped their movements by coincidence.

There was no sound, and the silence was terrifying, and the two stood motionless at the moment of the attack.

The atmosphere became very solemn, and even the besieging crowds far apart were affected. They held their breath and stared at the two people in front of them intently. They were waiting for which one fell to the ground first.

Time flows slowly, more than ten seconds pass in a blink of an eye, but for the crowd, it’s almost like a year. They never think time is so long.


Eventually there was movement, and he saw Sauron's mouth spit out blood, his right foot half-kneeled, his swords in the ground, relying on the support of the two swords to not fall.

At this moment, the outcome was decided. The result was obvious. The Pirate of Supernova was defeated and lost to Keiichi Sonobe of the five old stars, but no one felt that Sauron had failed. At such an age, Keichi Sonobe could be forced into this. It seemed that it would not take long for Sauron Swordsmanship to surpass Keiichi Sonobe.

But in the next second, everyone just breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the outcome was decided. Suddenly, the sky-shaking sword light of several tens of meters in the garden was without warning in the cracking sound like glass It broke into countless pieces of red fragments floating in the air, slowly dissipating.


Yuanbu Qiyi raised up to the sky and made a stern scream, a blood splashed from his chest. Through the broken white robe, a hideous wound of nearly forty centimeters could be clearly seen, extending from Yuanbu Qiyi's left shoulder to his right abdomen. .

Exclamations rang out from the crowd, and everyone couldn't believe it. Someone stretched out their hands and rubbed their eyes before looking forward.

There is nothing wrong, the final result is that Sauron won! !

Turning his head to look at Keiichi Park who fell on the ground, Sauron's mouth curled up and said domineeringly: "I thought you could hold on for longer." 32 mobile phone users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.


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