The sea gradually returned to calm, and seven giant sea king-like lords floated on the sea like mountains, and between the mountains, several naval warships were besieged.

At the same time, the battle of the Chambord Islands has come to an end. Tens of thousands of naval soldiers in the Chambord Islands have completely gathered, step by step towards the position of Sauron and others.

There are only three places where there are still fighting, Taotu and Bista, Shi Zhihao and Huang Yuan, Fujitora and Luffy. There are still fierce battles on the three battlefields. Their destructive power is so strong that it is difficult for naval soldiers to get close to the battlefield. .

Therefore, a large number of soldiers approached the location of Mangrove No. 44 where Sauron and others were located, and the navy's front line troops had even reached the location of Mangrove No. 44, and they were able to see Sauron and others gathered not far away.

When the navy saw Sauron and others, Sauron and others naturally saw the navy, and Nami said with a bad expression: "Damn it, I didn't expect these navies to act so fast."

Normally, everyone naturally does not have to be afraid of the mere navy soldiers. Now everyone is hit hard. At this time, the navy appears too untimely.

"Come on, catch these ferocious pirates, rush!"

"This is an excellent opportunity. The members of the Straw Hat Pirates are here except for the captain Straw Hat Boy, and they are all injured."

Lieutenant Admiral Mole of the Navy Headquarters commanded the naval soldiers present. When he saw the wounded Sauron and others, Mole smiled with joy. This was really a rare opportunity in nature.

"It's over, what to do now, Sauron can't move, Sanji's leg is broken again", Usopp clutched his head in fear and shouted, Sauron and Sanji can't fight, how can they deal with these navy soldier.

"It seems that it will be difficult for us to escape this time." Only Robin could say this seriously.

Usopp leaned over and cried, "Robin, don't do this, can you say this at this time?"

At this moment, I should say something to improve morale, but Robin's words are purely to increase fear and also to reduce morale.

"Instead of talking nonsense there, it's better to repel the navy, and you can beat it," Nami scolded Usopp.

With that said, Nami took out the weather stick, snorted the weather stick quickly, and Nami held the weather stick and pointed to the sky, and said, "Go on, Thor!"

Hearing Nami's order, Leiyuntor quickly rushed out and came to the top of the navy's head. In the doubtful eyes of many navy, a thick thunder light struck the ground like a spear.

There was a loud bang, thunder light exploded, a blue arc appeared, the light was shining, and the harsh screams made dozens of naval soldiers turned into coke and fell to the ground.

"Hundred flowers dazzling. White grass!"

Robin immediately followed, his hands slowly raised, and with his hands dancing, a bunch of beautiful red flowers appeared out of thin air, floating around Robin, very beautiful.

When Robin closed his hands, white arms rose from the ground at the foot of the navy crowd. In a blink of an eye, there were vast arms on the grass.

"What the **** is this?"

With densely numbed arms and scalp numbness, this sudden strange scene shocked many navy soldiers.

In the next second, under the control of Robin's mind, countless arms began to twist, like a long snake, quickly climbing onto the ankles of many navy soldiers, trapping the navy soldiers.


There was a soft sip from Robin's mouth, and in an instant, the arms that emerged from the ground burst out with a huge force, abruptly breaking the ankles of many navy soldiers, and the screams of countless soldiers sounded.

"Damn, these **** pirates!"

Seeing the tragedy of the soldiers in his hands, a brigadier admiral suddenly furious, drew out his long sword and waved it, and ordered: "Push out all the cannons and carry out a devastating bombardment at the location of the pirates."

The crowd separated, and a cannon was pushed out. The pitch-black muzzle was aimed high at Sauron and the others. The cannonballs were already loaded, and dozens of cannons seemed to be devouring beasts.


With an order, the cannon roared, the muzzle expelled angry fire, and the cannonballs flew towards Sauron and the others under the push of gunpowder.

Seeing the shells flying, Sauron lying on the ground instinctively took a knife to chop the shells into pieces, but his dilapidated body was simply not enough for Sauron to support the action.


Screaming, Sauron had no choice but to lie on the ground, and Sanji was the same. It was the first time that the two of them needed the protection of Usopp and others.

"Green Star Wolfweed Impact!"

Usopp appeared in front of Nami and the others with a sliding step. With a loose slingshot in his hand, a green seed shot out quickly, and the seed flew more than ten meters away, exploded with a bang, and replaced by a blue green grass. Red nose wolf.

"Explode, shock wave!"

Usopp clenched his fist and screamed, and saw the red nose of Wolfweed burst open, releasing a powerful shock wave, the shock wave swept out, the sky full of cannonballs detonated in an instant, and the fire from the explosion was scattered. , Countless smoke and dust floated above the head like black clouds.

On the other side, the waters around the Chambord Islands!

Although these sea kings really want to overturn the warship in front of them and kill the ant-like humans above them, they can only stay honestly with the white star order. Unlike humans, they have 100% of the king. Loyal, they can give their lives for the king.

Lin Tian smiled slightly and said: "Talking to smart people is different, then I'll just say it straight. I have the lives of Masato Hirano and Keiichi Sonobe here as a bargaining chip. As for what I want, you should understand the red dog. Use the dignified world. The lives of government rulers are exchanged for the lives of us pirates. This should be a very good deal."


Chi Inu yelled in his heart, his face was very ugly, his hands hanging down couldn't help clenching tightly. Just as he guessed, Lin Tian was taking the lives of Masato Hirano and Keiichi Sonobe as a shield.

For Akinu, this is a very difficult choice. Use the life of Keiichi Sonobe and Masatoto in exchange for the lives of the entire Straw Hat Pirates and the captains of the third and fourth divisions of the White Beard Pirates. It seems to be a worthwhile thing.

However, as the admiral of the navy, Akino was impossible to give the entire order. After all, Masato Hirano and Keiichi Sonobe were the five old stars. His immediate boss, Akatsuki, had no right to give up the life of his boss.

On the edge, Lu Qi glanced at the hesitant Sakaski, stood up, and suddenly said: "Lin Tian, ​​if you keep your promise, I can confirm this transaction on behalf of the world government."

Luchi is different from Sakarski. As a marine marshal, Sakarski does not want to give up this opportunity to wipe out the Straw Hat Pirates. Now the Straw Hat Pirates are different from the past. They defeat the Beast Pirates and prove them like the world. Potential, if you don't seize the opportunity, from now on, the Straw Hat Pirates will become like the Four Emperors, even if the Navy wants to make a move.

Lu Qi is different. He is only a world government spy. In addition to orders, his choice is how to benefit the world's top government. However, Lu Qi's response completely angered Sakaski.

Sakaski yelled angrily: "Lucky, put your position well, you are just a mere cp0, it is not your turn to make a decision."

He is a dignified marshal of the navy headquarters, and the highest-ranking person in charge here didn't say anything, and even a Draco running dog in your neighborhood would dare to agree.

Looking at this scene, the corner of Lin Tian's mouth turned up, and he did not choose to interrupt aloud, but watched a good show there. It is impossible for an iron-blooded soldier like Sakarski to look at a noble dog like Lu Qi.

Glancing at Sakaski, Lucky said calmly: "Marshal, please pay attention to your wording. Also, this decision was not made by me, but by Lord Lades Saint. No matter what the price is paid, it must be guaranteed. Masato Hirano and Kei from Sonobe are safe, listen clearly, at any price!


Hearing that it was the order of Saint Lades, the red dog snorted, and he didn't say much. Since it is the order of Lades, it is the high-level choice. If it is a common order from the world government, his admiral must also abide by it.

At this time, the silent Lin Tian finally spoke, smiling slightly: "It seems that you have made your choice and agree to the deal I mentioned earlier."

Don’t look at Lin Tianxiao, but in fact, Lin Tian’s heart is like a mirror. This time the confrontation was won by the world government. The fisherman island was destroyed and more than 100,000 murloc fighters. The world government paid only tens of thousands of soldiers casualties. None of the high-level combat powers have died in battle, and they are compared with each other, and it is clear at a glance which one wins and which one loses.

Suddenly, at this moment, Lin Tian didn’t notice everyone didn’t notice. The Masato Hirano in Lin Tian’s hand moved. When everyone noticed this scene, it was too late, including Lin. day.

At this moment, Masato Hirano suddenly violent, and shot out his backhand, and the giant black palm that gathered the power of Masato Hirano hit Lin Tian's chest. Time seemed to stand still at this moment, and everyone in the field was shocked by this scene. stunned.

When he saw Masato Hirano violent, Lin Tian was shocked. How could this happen? Masato Hirano was seriously injured and passed out into a coma.

"Die to me! Lin Tian!"

In Lin Tian's stunned eyes, Masato Hirano was filled with a ferocious smile, and the black giant palm kept zooming in his eyes, quickly approaching Lin Tian's chest.

When the black giant palm came into close contact with Lin Tian's chest, a wave of power burst out, and Lin Tian's chest was directly sunken by the palm.

In the faint but clear audible clicking sound, Lin Tian's ribs shattered one by one, and his internal organs were squeezed by a powerful force at the same time, as if his body was being pressed by a 10,000-ton boulder. Know that this was a full blow by Masato Hirano.

With a loud bang, the air was torn apart by this force, and Lin Tian was slapped and flew out. A big mouth of bright red blood spurted out of his mouth, and Lin Tian felt as if the internal organs were about to break. It shouldn't be a feeling, but rather, the broken ribs pierced deep into Lin Tian's internal organs.

In the previous battle, Lin Tian had suffered a lot of wastage and suffered a lot of trauma. Hirano’s sudden palm was killing Lin Tian, ​​his internal organs were torn apart, his ribs were all broken, and his body seemed to be invisible. The big hands were torn apart.

"Brother Lin Tian!"

The Bai Xing who had reacted, saw Lin Tian being knocked into the air, suddenly let out a painful cry, tears gushing from his eyes like rain. ???complex

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