
Lin Tian, ​​who was flying upside down, was caught by the serpentine sea king with his tail, and there was a muffled bang, and the huge snake tail was blasted back tens of meters.

This is a terrible impact. The serpentine sea kings’ tails that are hundreds of meters long are blasted back, but this is just the impact of Lin Tian’s inverted flight. It is conceivable that Lin Tian is facing the impact of the plains. What a terrible power.

Fortunately, it was Lin Tian's strong body. If he were replaced by someone else, this palm would be enough to split his body into pieces.

At this moment, even if Akinu and others reacted with shock in their eyes and expressions, no one expected that when they talked, Masato Hirano would recover sober, but did not show it, and remained in a coma in secret.

Then he seized the opportunity of Lin Tian to speak, relax his vigilance, and suddenly made a move, so that the thunder was not as fast as the ears, and Lin Tian did not even react at all, so he was knocked out.

Lying on the snake-shaped tail of the sea king, Lin Tian's ribs were all shattered, and his internal organs were broken. This was a fatal injury. Fortunately, Lin Tian's body was strong enough to resist.

But even if he didn’t die, he was not far from death. Lin Tian could clearly feel that his body temperature was dropping a little bit, and the blood quickly flowed out of the wound. A feeling of weakness came from all over his body. The most serious was the broken chest and internal organs. The lungs were pierced by the ribs, and breathing became more and more difficult. If the blood was allowed to accumulate, it didn't take long before Lin Tian would die from suffocation.

"Damn it, that **** Hirano Masato!"

Lin Tian, ​​who was gasping in his mouth, cursed secretly in his heart, but he was blinded by geese pecking.

I was too self-confident, leading to negligence. When I met Noda Kei, I had already seen the perverted resilience of the five old stars, so I should have a guard in my heart. Ordinary people should be in a coma for days and nights, and Masato Hirano can quickly recover. .

"Brother Lin Tian!" Seeing Lin Tian's misery, Bai Xing cried out in grief, covering his chest with both hands.

There were tears in his bright eyes, and the expression on his face was full of worry and sadness. Brother Lin Tian was hurt so badly that Bai Xing had never seen anyone suffer such a serious injury.

The snake-shaped Neptune controlled its tail to send Lin Tian in front of Bai Xing. He stretched out his hands and carefully took over the blood-covered brother Lin Tian. Bai Xing cried louder and shed more tears.

Bai Xing had never seen such a battle before, dragging Lin Tian with both hands, feeling helpless, seeing Lin Tian suffered such a serious injury and wanted to help, but he didn't know what to do and could only cry all the time.

Seeing Bai Xing like this, Lin Tian wanted to speak for comfort, but unfortunately he couldn't. Lin Tian's lungs were broken and pierced. If he opened his mouth, the influx of air would tear the lung wounds and cause irreparable injuries.

Enduring the pain, Lin Tian tremblingly raised his arm and stretched out to his chest. The inside of his clothes was specially sewn into the pocket. There was a pill that Lin Tian put in just in case.

Lin Tian knew that he had too many enemies, and how many people in the world wanted to kill him. Lin Tian always likes to have a back hand when he does things. If it were not for this habit, Lin Tian would not have known how many deaths.

After groping, he took out the pill from his pocket, and sent it into his mouth trembling with his right hand. The pill melted in the mouth, like a warm stream flowing down his throat and flowing into Lin Tian's body.

In a moment, Lin Tian could clearly feel that his body pain was reduced, and his whole body was warm and warm as if he was soaking in a hot spring.

This is not a magical medicine. It can make Lin Tian recover from such a serious injury instantly. In fact, the pills in Lin Tian's hands are forbidden. They have only two effects. One is to have the same magical effect as drugs to relieve human pain. Lin Tian feels The weakening of the injury is actually just an illusion, and the drug deceives Lin Tian's nerves.

The second effect is to stimulate the human body's potential, which is very important. It can increase Lin Tian's own resilience. Of course, with such a serious injury, the enhancement of resilience is only a drop in the bucket.

Masato Hirano looked at Bai Xing and said inwardly: "Mermaid Princess Bai Xing, no! It should be said that Neptune Poseidon".

Seeing that the White Star can sit on the heads of many Neptunes, Masato Hirano has no doubt about the identity of the White Star Neptune in his heart. This world can sit on the head of the giant Neptune lord and only the rumored Neptune-Mermaid Princess.

Seeing Bai Xing crying so sad for Lin Tian, ​​Masato Hirano's eyes revealed murderous intent. The relationship between the mermaid princess and Lin Tian is so good, it is impossible to use it for her own use. In this case, she can only kill, absolutely Poseidon, the sea king, cannot be controlled by Lin Tian.

Murderous aura was revealed, his eyes flashed with a blood-red light, Masato Hirano jumped up, and followed the serpentine Neptune body to kill the white star.

Masato Hirano’s idea is good, but now the white star is no longer the original white star. At this moment, the white star can summon giant Neptune beasts and is guarded by seven giant Neptune lords over 5,000 meters in length. How could a Masato Hirano kill the white star? .

When Masato Hirano's murderous aura broke out, the surrounding sea kings suddenly noticed that the sea kings were furious, and the little ants dared to leak their murderous aura to their king in front of them.

The serpentine sea king-like body rolls, and the calm sea raises huge waves, opening its blood basin and biting like Masato Hirano.

The ostrich sea kings followed closely, with a sharp beak like a shocking spear, piercing the void, tearing the air, and stabbing at Masato Hirano. Faced with the attack of two giant sea kings, Masato Hirano did not dare to hold it big and attacked.

Lin Tian was hit and seriously injured. With such a perfect opportunity, how could the Red Dog and others on the battleship let go? Red Dog, Green Bull, and Lucky joined the battlefield soon after.

The four men fought with six giant sea king beasts. In an instant, huge waves on the sea surface, tens of meters of white waves undulating, thousands of tons of sea surface lifted up, and the entire sea surface was ruined.

Although the giant sea king beasts are strong, and the sea is still their home field, their opponents are the four top powerhouses in the world. It didn't take long for the six giant sea king beasts to be suppressed and retreat steadily.

Seeing the comrades insisting hard, the frog Neptunes at the feet of Bai Xing quickly said: "Master Bai Xing, they are not these human opponents, they won't last long, let's withdraw quickly."


Looking at the Chambordian Islands not far away, Bai Xing hesitated. She hadn't found the answer yet, and hadn't seen Lord Luffy.

At this time, Lin Tian finally recovered a little and was unable to act, but at the most basic level, he could still do it. Lin Tian thought the same, "White Star, you should leave first. These seven Neptunes cannot stop the Red Dogs for long. Now you can escape into the sea and leave."

Wiping away the tears on his cheeks, Bai Xing said worriedly: "But what should Brother Lin Tian and Lord Luffy do? If we leave, we won't be able to stop the bad guys."

Reluctantly smiled, Lin Tian persuaded: "Don't worry, Bai Xing, I won't stop here. I'm saying, these people can keep me?"

With that said, Lin Tian showed strong self-confidence. The situation is indeed not good now, but it hasn't reached the super scene yet, and he still has a back hand that he doesn't use.

"Die, Lin Tian!"

At this moment, the red dog suddenly seized the Neptunus flaw, broke through the Neptunus defense, stepped on the snake-shaped Neptunus head and jumped up, hot red lava surged.

Endless magma gathered on the red dog's right arm, transforming into a magma giant fist tens of meters long, raging high temperature, flames burning in the void, and the red dog standing on the high ground, a magma giant fist blasted out.


The red dog roared, the magma giant fist mixed with the red dog rolled murderously, the void trembled, and the burning flames illuminated the sky.

He looked up and saw the red dog attacking his head. The hot air wave rushed towards his face. The orange-yellow fire was shining on Lin Tian, ​​and Lin Tian subconsciously had thunder light flashing on his body, so he would launch an But Lin Tian's body was too dilapidated and took a mouthful. The blood spurted out of the body, and the thunder and lightning disappeared immediately.

"Damn it, this time..." Lin Tian cursed secretly, full of unwillingness.

If the red dog is nothing in ordinary times, but in this situation, it is really a long-kun shoal bed, and Lin Tian has no backhand.

"Don't want to hurt our king!"

The frog sea king guarding the white star suddenly shot, and the giant palm lurking under the sea broke through the sea, carrying tens of millions of tons of sea water and slapped the red dog flame giant fist.

The White Star is their king, how can the Neptunes let the little humans hurt their king? This is an angry blow from the frog Neptunes.

It is not an exaggeration to describe the palm of the hand for hundreds of meters to cover the sky and the ground. A huge shadow was cast on the sea, and the sea suddenly fell into darkness. Looking up at this scene, tens of thousands of naval soldiers were already dumbfounded, their open mouths unable to close for a long time.

"A mere beast, dare to stop it!"

The red dog yelled, and faced the attacking giant palm, without fear, more magma gushing out of his body, how could he be a dignified admiral afraid of a beast attack.

The giant fist of magma blasted out, and the hot magma directly penetrated the skin of the frog Neptune. The magma poured into the frog Neptune’s body along the wound. The magma burned everything, and the frog Neptune stinged. Another big hand burst out of the sea, and the giant palm slapped towards it. On the surface of the sea, a huge wave hundreds of meters high hit the red dog.

The red dog had no intention of retreating, and rushed forward. The magma on his left arm surged, and the hot magma quickly turned into a giant magma fist. The red dog quickly swung his left arm, and a series of magma giant fists burst out of the air, killing the frog sea king. The other palm.

The sea water collided with the hot magma, producing endless water vapor. These white water vapor spread out in all directions like white mist, and the red dog was immediately blocked by the white mist.

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