Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1185: The unexpected man-bear

The azure blue sea is surging with huge waves, and the billowing white water vapor is flying in all directions like mist, and a large amount of mist is floating above the sea.

The thick fog blocked the red dog, and the frog sea king broke through the sea with a big hand and stopped abruptly. The thick fog blocked the line of sight, and it was impossible to detect how the red dog attacked.

"Bai Xing, lead the Neptunes to leave here quickly", with his eyes retracted from the thick fog, Lin Tian urged to Bai Xing very eagerly.

Lin Tian knew that the red dog was very difficult to deal with. As the admiral of the navy, his combat power had improved extremely rapidly in the past two years, and he was no longer the admiral of the year.

Next, the red dog broke through the thick fog and rushed out. A giant Neptune was absolutely unstoppable. The white star would be in danger of staying here.


Bai Xing is very reluctant to leave. If they leave and no one can deal with these bad guys, what about Brother Lin Tian and Your Excellency Lu Fei, she finally has the strength to protect Brother Lin Tian, ​​how can he leave Brother Lin Tian just like that? Run away.

"Yes, Lord White Star", the frog Neptune naturally agreed with Lin Tian 100% and persuaded: "I can't stop that human being for long. If we don't leave, it will be too late."

After that, the frog Neptune was still hesitating to see the white star. In desperation, he had no choice but to make his own decision. The huge body took action and quickly dived towards the bottom of the sea with the white star. As for Lord White Star, he must punish him and wait until later. In short, it is absolutely not. Will let Wang go deep into such a dangerous situation.

Perceiving the movement of the frog Neptune, Bai Xing shouted the frog Neptune to stop, but at this moment, how could the frog Neptune obey Bai Xing's order and still go down.

And Lin Tian gave an admiring look, just to do this, otherwise he couldn't get rid of this little girl.

At this moment, a flaming red figure broke through the dense fog and appeared. The figure tore the air. The speed directly exceeded the speed of sound. The speed was extremely fast, and a leucorrhea appeared behind him.

The red dog emitted a fiery red glow, and quickly approached the white star. The frog Neptune could not react at all, and the red dog was already approaching the sky.

Seeing Lin Tian half-kneeling beside Bai Xing, the red dog exploded with extremely murderous aura. The red dog had been waiting for this scene for a long time.

The hot lava gushes out of the red dog like a tide. The right arm is replaced by hot lava. The right hand of the magma is clenched into a fist. The magma seems to be endless. The giant fist of magma has expanded rapidly, and in a blink of an eye, it has been tens of thousands. Mi's terrifying magma giant fist hovered above Lin Tian's head.

"Lin Tian, ​​suffer!"

With his eyes rounded, the red dog shouted angrily, raised his magma fist to tear the void, and blasted towards Lin Tian above the frog Sea King's head.

The red dog's fist was full of murderous aura. His target was not limited to Lin Tian, ​​but also the White Star who possessed the identity of the Neptune on the edge of Lin Tian, ​​and the frog Neptune.

Looking at the magma giant fist that was approaching suddenly, the hot waves hit his face, Lin Tian's pale face was ugly.

Bai Xing was shocked there, when she faced such a terrifying scene, she was dumbfounded for a while, and even the most basic thinking ability was lost.

The eyes of the frog sea kings instantly turned red. This is the expression of the extreme anger of the wild beasts. This person wants to attack their king in front of it. The snake-shaped sea kings’ anger burns like flames, and their hands break through the sea and head straight towards the red dog. Shoot.

But the speed of the frog sea kings has slowed down, the red dog approached the sky above Lin Tianlin's head, the magma giant fist had already blasted, and the hot wave hit, only a few dozen meters away.

Suddenly, everything happened without warning, and Lin Tian, ​​who was half kneeling on top of the frog's head, flashed thunder and lightning on his body.

In the shocked eyes of Bai Xing, Lin Tian gathered the thunder and lightning in his hand, and the palm of his right hand exhausted his final strength to shoot at the white star. The blue light flashed, and the huge white star was shot and flew out by Lin Tian.


But with this palm shot, Lin Tian opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body shook suddenly. Lin Tian, ​​who was already in ruin, acted with strength here, and his body naturally couldn't support it. His feet softened and fell heavily to the ground.

"Brother Lin Tian!"

Bai Xing didn't react until she was shot flying, and shouted in grief. How could Bai Xing not understand that it was Lin Tian who deliberately shot her flying for her safety, and resisted the attack by the red dog alone.

Bai Xing quickly stretched out his hand and grabbed it in front of Lin Tian, ​​but the distance between the two was already separated. No matter how much she stretched her arm, she would only be farther apart from Lin Tian.

It was clever force, not brute force, to slap the white star. It seemed that it took a very strong force to slap a huge white star with one palm, but this force was very gentle for the white star and slowly fell to the sea.

Looking up and seeing the red dog approaching, Lin Tian showed a bitter smile on his face. He didn't expect to die here today. Some people might say why Lin Tian didn’t use the power of the void to escape. It’s not that Lin Tian didn’t use it, but that he couldn’t use it. In this state, using the power of the void would not be able to withstand the pressure of traveling through the void. Will be crushed to pieces by the void.

Time is still at this moment, and the world seems to stop turning, more than a dozen pairs of eyes watch this scene intently. They are the Green Bull, Masato Hirano, Lu Qi...

Seeing that Lin Tian is about to die under the red dog fist, everyone has expressions of excitement, peace, grief, sympathy...

In the next second, the dazzling red light flourished, the red dog magma giant fist finally hit Lin Tian, ​​and the hot magma swallowed Lin Tian.

Xinhuan Nahan and Lindena closed their eyes at the same time, they did not want to see this tragic scene. Although Lin Tian is the enemy of justice, but for Xinhuanahan and Lindna, Lin Tian is their Bole and teacher. If it weren't for Lin Tian, ​​it would be impossible for them to get to where they are today.

Masato Hirano laughed wildly in an instant. When hit by this blow, Lin Tian would undoubtedly die. The **** who brought endless trouble to the world government and stomped the world government's face was finally dead.

Masato Hirano seemed to see how the death of the deputy leader of the Revolutionary Army, Lin Tian, ​​would set off a storm in the world. The morale of the Revolutionary Army would definitely be greatly affected, and the world would once again see the power of the government.


Suddenly there was a loud and earth-shaking noise out of thin air. The red dog magma fist burst into pieces in the loud noise, the magma fist broke apart, and the sky magma flew out like raindrops in all directions, and even the red dog was blown by the sudden explosion. Up.

This sudden scene made everyone stunned. Lindena's slender eyelashes blinked, her eyes revealed confusion, what is going on, why Marshal Sarkarski's magma fist exploded.

Green Bull suddenly turned his head back, his face changed drastically, because the guy who had been standing behind him had disappeared.

The magma in the sky fell like raindrops, and everyone looked at it, and saw an extremely tall figure standing there in front of Lin Tian.

Looking at the person in front of Qing Lin Tian, ​​Masato Hirano was taken aback, and then furiously said: "Bassoromi Bear, you **** fellow".

"How could it be Basolomi Bear,, this is absolutely impossible", Akinu shook his head and said no, you can imagine how much Akinu felt at this moment. Shocked, how unbelievable what I saw in front of me.

Basolomi. Bear is the only one in the sea of ​​Qiwu who is absolutely loyal to the world government. Even the three navy generals and even this marshal are not as loyal to the world government as the three navy generals and even this marshal. .

Regardless of the red dog or the three generals, they are all thoughtful people. They have their own beliefs, and they have their own insistence ~ ~ have the idea of ​​judging good and evil.

But Basolomi Bear is different. He is essentially not a human being. After being modified by the chief scientist of the world government, Bega Punk, Basolomi Bear’s body has long been out of the definition of flesh and blood, and it has been completely replaced by steel, even the brain. Also deprived of it, replaced by a procedure set by Vegapunk.

In essence, the Basolomi Bear is actually a human weapon similar to a pacifist, but this human weapon has devil fruits and is dozens of times stronger than an ordinary pacifist. However, he has no thoughts, no thinking, everything is set and acted according to procedures, and he has 100% loyalty to the world government. As long as he gives any order, Basolomi Bear will obey 100%. There is no fear or pain. He is just a cold one. weapon.

Regardless of whether the navy headquarters under the command of Akadog or the high-level government of the world all think so, but what happened at this moment is to prove them wrong. The high-level government of the whole world is all wrong, and everyone is taken by Basolomi. The bear cheated.

Bassoromi Bear is not a human weapon without emotions. He has thoughts. He is a living creature. Although the red dog wants to break his head and can't figure out what is going on, it is undeniable. Bassoromir Bear has always had an independent mind, and everything he has shown before is all deceiving them.

"Things have become wonderful now!"

Seeing the scene in front of him, Green Bull thought in his heart, but he didn't expect that things would suddenly change so dramatically that it became unacceptable for many strong people present.

It's no wonder that everyone is not firm. Who can think of an extremely loyal, human weapon px0 in the hands of the world government has been secretly lurking, deceiving the entire world government.

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