Looking at Bassoromir Bear in the distance, Masato Hirano was furious, and the red dog was almost the same, a five-star who controls the world, a marshal in charge of the navy headquarters, and both of them are high-level world governments, Bassoromir Bear. Playing the two of them, how can they not be angry.


Lin Tian slightly raised his head to look at the bear in front of him, and said, "I thought you guys weren't ready to take action?"

As he said, Lin Tian stretched out his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth. At that moment, he really thought he was about to die. If there was no bear to move in front of him in time, Lin Tian would really be swallowed up by the magma.

Xiong's tone was as flat as ever, unable to hear the slightest emotional color, and said: "Originally, I was going to continue lurking, Lin Tian, ​​you are too careless. It stands to reason that even if Masato Hirano sneaks, it is impossible to beat you like this."

Hearing this, Lin Tian did not refute, with a bitter smile on his face. Xiong was right. Even if he was seriously injured, he would not be attacked by Masato Hirano into such a miserable situation. Lin Tian was too careless and did not treat Masato Hirano who was unconscious. Beware of it.

After a pause, Xiong said: "But to save you, my identity has now been completely exposed."

Bassoromir. Xiong was a senior cadre of the revolutionary army ten years ago. Back then, Xiong was both a revolutionary army and a pirate. Because of his brutality, no one could live under Xiong. Therefore, the bear was also called a tyrant, even a pirate. Pirates who are all scared.

Because of Xiong's reputation, Xiong was recruited by the world government when the Qiwuhai system was implemented. In order to break into the world government and become a chess piece hidden in the hands of the world government by the revolutionary army, Xiong took the opportunity to become a member of Qiwuhai and a pirate under the world government. .

Since then, Xiong's identity has entered a state of absolute secrecy, and the entire revolutionary army is only known to Long, even if Ivankov, who was also a cadre of the revolutionary army, did not know the identity of Xiong.

After that, the bear performed naval missions perfectly every time. Unfortunately, the pirates are pirates after all. Even if the bears are obedient to the world government, the navy headquarters will always be wary of the bears, as long as relatively important things will be wary of the bears.

It was not until Lin Tian also became a member of the Revolutionary Army that Xiong came into contact with some slightly important secrets. Xiong was unwilling to do so, and then he took the initiative to become a Vegapunk human weapon experiment.

Sure enough, after the Bear was perfectly transformed into a human weapon by Begapunk, in the past two years, the Bear has been 100% trusted by the world's top government, performing many confidential tasks, and even more secrets and authority than Sakaski, who is the admiral of the navy.

If you think about it, Xiong has been completely reformed, even his personality has been erased, he has no thoughts but procedures, and will never betray the world government. Moreover, after reformation, he is extremely powerful. If the world government seniors do not reuse it, they are fools.

However, no one thought that with Lin Tian as the internal response, coupled with the ability of Basolomi Bear, the chip implanted in Basolomi Bear’s hand was taken out by his ability. As for the success of the experiment, Lin Tian secretly controlled it, naturally If you have passed without risk, you must know that before Lin Tian rebelled against the navy, Lin Tian was in charge of the naval scientific force, and the general Huang Yuan took over the post of commanding the naval scientific force after Lin Tian rebelled.

Plus the bear's performance ability, no! Where is the acting ability? Before the transformation, the bear was a guy without the slightest expression. It felt like a machine. Seriously, I didn’t know the bear for a short time. Lin Tian had never seen the expression on the bear’s face a few times. no change.

If it hadn’t been for Lin Tian’s life-and-death crisis this time, Xiong would not be able to reveal his identity. After ten years of lurking, Xiong has become the most trusted weapon by the world’s top leaders. Unfortunately, this time, Xiong’s identity and concealment were all exposed. That is to say, ten years of hard work was in vain.

Reluctantly got up and stood up, but Lin Tian said calmly: "Now the revolutionary army has the power to face the world government. The intelligence I got from Boss Long yesterday, now the revolutionary army has occupied more than 80% of the four oceans. Land, even if we fight a protracted war with the world government, we have enough confidence."

"Moreover, all the three ancient weapons have been found. We are already invincible in this battle. Although your identity exposure will have a certain impact, it is not big on the whole. Relatively speaking, your identity disclosure is not a problem. A good thing, so that we can add a super combat power."

Now the revolutionary army is different from the past. It does not have to be as much as a mouse hidden under the pursuit of the world government to obtain the four seas. The revolutionary army has the confidence to overthrow the world government.

It stands to reason that any revolutionary soldier will look happy when he hears what Lin Tian said. Unfortunately, there is no change in the bear's face. Lin Tian is completely immune to this. Lin Tian sometimes thinks, bear this Guys are not born with facial paralysis.

"Bassolomi. Bear bastard! I must not spare him" Masato Hirano yelled angrily, and his gray hair rose into the sky, which was an expression of extreme anger.

They were actually deceived by Xiong Yu for more than two years, and even handed over many classified incidents to Xiong. No wonder the revolutionary army knew the actions of the world government very well sometimes, and it turned out that there was such a high-level spy lurking in the world government camp.

Not only the bears, but also Lin Tian, ​​and the pirates of the Chambord Islands, Masato Hirano wants them all to die. Only in this way can the shame be washed away, the face of the world government can be saved, and the anger in the heart can be vented.

With an order, the warship stayed on the surface of the sea and dashed through the waves, rushing directly to the Chambord Islands. As for the sea kings, they had already protected their Wang Baixing lurking below the sea.

These humans are too strong, even the sea kings are injured. They dare not put the king in such a threatening situation, but these sea kings have already summoned their companions in the windless zone through special methods. They want to let these attacking kings. Humans pay the price.

Seeing the navy battleship that lost the sea king block and approaching the Chambord Islands, Xiong suddenly turned towards Lin Tian and said, "You are no longer in your current state to stay here and continue fighting. You should leave first."

Hearing this, Lin Tian was taken aback, and then quickly understood what the bear was going to do, and quickly said, "Hey, wait, bear, the eldest son of dragon, Luffy, they are still on the Chambord Islands."

As soon as the words fell, the bear had already raised his palm to take a picture of Lin Tian, ​​and the fleshy fruit ability was activated, and Lin Tian, ​​surrounded by the bear's palm-like shock wave, turned into a bright light and disappeared into the horizon.

"No, they want to run away!"

Upon seeing this, Sakarski's face changed drastically. If these pirates were rescued by Xiongfei, and their navy sacrificed such a huge sacrifice, but did not catch a pirate, the entire navy's face would be lost.

Even if Sakarski notices it, he can’t stop the bear at all. After the bear can use the fruit’s ability to compress the surrounding air and surround the whole body or others, just like Lin Tian, ​​it can make a spatial transfer. Stop the bear's actions.

The bear's figure flashed and disappeared directly before the eyes of tens of thousands of navies, and its body had appeared beside Mangrove No. 44 in Chambord Islands, Sauron and others.

At this moment, Usopp and others are engaged in fierce confrontation with the numerous navies that have attacked. Usopp and the others can easily deal with a large number of naval soldiers, but these naval soldiers are as many as tens of thousands, and they are coming like a tide. You can't finish it, you just solve a batch, and more navy soldiers will come in.

At this moment, the bear suddenly appeared, shocking everyone who was fighting, including the navy soldiers~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What a familiar scene. Two years ago, Lu Fei and others arrived for the first time. The Chambord Islands were also driven into desperation by the navy, and a bear suddenly appeared.

"Bassoromi Bear, how could he appear here!" Mole's face sank, full of doubts.

The Mole didn't know the identity of the bear spy, but Mole had a bad feeling in his heart. At this time, it was too abnormal for Basolomi Bear to appear here, and it always felt something was wrong.

But Basolomi. The bear is a human weapon of the world government, and he is absolutely loyal to the government. It made the Mole not know what to do for a while, but still ordered the navy not to stop attacking.

"Qiwuhai, Basolomi Bear, what are you going to do?" Usopp, who reacted, quickly pointed his sight and kept aiming at the bear. What happened in two years was really profound.

"Wait, Usopp, he is his own!"

A white jade hand held the Usopp slingshot. It was Robin. As for the identity of the bear, Robin had asked Lin Tian about it.

At this time, Xiong opened his mouth and explained: "I am taking you out of here as ordered by Lin Tian. Lin Tian was seriously injured and was just sent away by me."

When Lin Tian was seriously injured, Robin and Nami sank, and worries appeared on their beautiful cheeks.

After that, the bear raised his palm high and slapped him on Sauron who was lying on the ground. Sauron disappeared, and then Sanji, followed by Franky. The bear took Sauron and others according to the degree of injury. One off.

Seeing that Sauron and the others were slapped by the bear, the Mole hadn't reacted, that was an idiot, but even if it did, the Mole was too late to wait for the navy. The bear slapped and slapped Sauron and the others. , Not ten seconds, the only remaining on the island are Luffy, Shi Zhihao and Bista.

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