File clang... File clang...

The sharp blades clashed, the snow-white blade cut through the void, the light flashed, the white wind raged out, the sharp sword aura cut everything, wherever it passed, the grass flew up, and the thick branches cracked.

Bista and Taotu are extremely fast, like two streams of light flying, various exquisite swordsmanship are displayed in their hands, the sky is flying, the sawdust is flying, and the booming explosions are endless.

This is the confrontation between the real swordsmen. The two used nothing, relying on a sharp long sword, but burst out with the power of destroying the world. During the swing, the sword energy raged, and the void trembled, unimaginable and terrifying.

The thick and sturdy trunk of the No. 58 mangrove is full of crossed sword marks, like a chessboard. These are the traces of the battle between Bista and Taotu.


When the two collided, violent power swept out, and the two were repelled by the impact of the collision. They retreated more than ten steps. Bista suddenly stepped on both feet, and the powerful force was born on the trunk of the mangrove tree. A deep pit, the backward figure stopped immediately.

A smear of blood appeared at the corner of his mouth, and Bistan looked up and exclaimed: "For many years, I have fought against countless swordsmen in the sea, but I have to say that you are the strongest female swordsman I have ever seen."

Bista has fought against Hawkeye. Although the peach and rabbit swordsmanship is strong, it is not as good as Hawkeye, but among the female swordsmen he fought against, Bista has never encountered such a battle against him.

"The Foil Bistar, the captain of the fourth division of the White Beard Pirate Group, is indeed well-deserved, but it was a mistake to appear here today," Taotu said coldly, his tone of voice did not hide his murderous aura.

As soon as the voice fell, Taotu quickly rushed out with a sharp sword in his hand, and with a flick of his feet, the whole person turned into a stream of light. The sword in his hand tore the air and rolled up a white sword wind.

Seeing the peach rabbits fast approaching, Bista's hands were slightly bent, like a cheetah ready to go, but just as Bista was about to take action, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Bista.

When you see the figure clearly, whether it's the Bista who is ready to go or the peach rabbit who is attacking, they are all stunned. What do they see? The Bassoromi bear actually appeared here.

"Bassolomi bear appeared, it seems that reinforcements have arrived," Taotu secretly said in his heart.

These bears appeared, and with the joint efforts of the two of them, they could quickly take down the difficult foil Bista.

Bista's face changed drastically, without a second word, he clasped his long sword in both hands. The Bassoromi bear was a loyal lackey of the world government and a powerful human weapon. He and Taotu joined forces, and he was absolutely unstoppable.

Wielding the double swords, red rose petals emerged from the void, and then slowly drifted away. In fact, these beautiful petals were all transformed from sharp sword aura, possessing extremely terrifying lethality.

Just as Bista was about to make a move, both swords were swung, and just as Xueliang's blade was about to hit the back of Bartholomi Bear, a scene that happened suddenly stopped Bista's hand movements abruptly.

Suddenly, without warning, the bear raised his hands full of fleshy balls, but instead of Bista from behind, he attacked the rabbit in front of him.

Under Taotu's shocking and incomprehensible gaze, Taotu took advantage of the sharp sword in his hand and slashed on the fleshy ball of the bear's hand, only feeling that it was cut on a strand of sponge, and Taotu quickly slowed down.

In the next second, a powerful force bounced back from the palm of the bear, and the rabbit was hit hard, and its body suddenly flew tens of meters away. The last one vacated and turned back, and the rabbit landed firmly on the trunk of the mangrove tree.

How is this going? How could the bear attack her, Taotu's mind was like being struck by a thunderstorm, completely blank, when Taotu looked up and wanted to quickly, the bear and Bista disappeared.

At this time, Taotu suddenly felt a little clear in her heart, but Taotu couldn't accept the guess in her mind. It was impossible to happen, but the facts had already happened in front of them.

Sending Bista away, the bear instantly moved to the battlefield of Huang Yuan and Shi Zhihao. The battle here was more intense than that of Bista and Taotu. Shi Zhihao and Huang Yuan were too destructive, and it was really shocking when they shot. Mangrove No. 59 was broken into pieces by the two, scattered all over the bottom of the roots.

Using the same method, Xiong also sent Shi Zhihao away from the Chambord Islands. Huang Yuan was no less shocked than Taotu.

However, in the face of Basolomi Xiong and Shi Zhihao's two powerful teammates, Huang Yuan was not only unable to stop him, but also for some reason. He just stood aside and did not stop Shi Zhihao from leaving. No one knew Huang. What was in the ape's mind, what horrible idea he had.

Huang Yuan is like an outsider. He has no sense of naval justice or hatred for pirates. Everything depends on personal preference. No one can grasp Huang Yuan’s thoughts. Among the three admirals, Lin Tian looks the most. What he doesn't understand is Huang Yuan, who feels like he is playing in the world.

After solving Shi Zhihao and Bista, the only thing left on the entire island is Luffy, who is still in the Chambord Islands.

Compared with the other battlefields, the two battlefields can be said to be the easiest battlefield. After all, the two of them are fighting with all their strength. However, the trunk of the No. 53 mangrove also broke, especially the bottom was smashed into huge pits. Blowing thick smoke and flames.

Among them, Luffy's third gear blasted out, and the rest was Fujitora summoning meteorites to drop from the sky, and the meteorites dropped from the sky to directly pierce the bottom of the mangrove tree.

The bear still had a lot of trouble in order to fly. Luffy likes to mess around at critical moments. The two even almost fought, making Fujitora look dumbfounded by the side, and even the bear was helpless with the son of Long.

Suddenly, as the bear suddenly appeared on the stage and used the devil fruit ability to take away the people who had been hit **** the island, the battlefield of the Chambord Islands, which was still tragic before, suddenly fell silent, leaving only the wood chips and many broken mangroves on the ground, as well as those that were destroyed. The defeated admirals swept the world government.

Bang... bang...

The bow broke through the white waves and hit the hard mangrove roots heavily. With a loud bang, the entire battleship trembled violently. Fortunately, the naval soldiers on the battleship had long been prepared to prevent the impact.

The force of the impact directly shredded the bow of the battleship, but the angry red dog would be in the mood to care about this, and he jumped directly, and the general Lu Niu and others followed immediately.

As the crowd flickered, they came to the center of the battle near the mangrove No. 44. Luffy and others fought over half of the Chambordian Islands. The mangroves No. 35 to No. 79 were all turned into battlefields. There were nearly 30 huge mangroves. The torso broke under the battle, more than a dozen towns were destroyed, and more than a dozen mangroves completely disappeared in the world.

The number of injured people, including innocent people, reached more than 100,000. Among them, there were only tens of thousands of naval soldiers, and the rest were people from the Chambord Islands.

When the red dogs arrived, they were presented with a huge ruin in front of them, revealing the atmosphere of war everywhere, crowds on the ground screamed, and a wounded navy soldier was performing first aid At this time, someone looked from the sky and found that the original circular Chambordian Islands had become a semicircle after this battle, just like a round cake, half bitten by people.

"Damn it, Lin Tian, ​​you fellow!"

Seeing such a tragic scene in front of him, Masato Hirano's eyes widened, his heart could not be suppressed and the anger erupted, and he screamed up to the sky, roaring straight into the sky, like a substantial sound wave venting in all directions.

Bang... bang... bang... A continuous loud noise sounded on the surface of the sea. Accompanied by the explosion caused by the sound wave, a series of white water columns rushed into the sky hundreds of meters like a long dragon, and the sky was falling like raindrops.

With his fists clenched, his fingers were deeply plunged into flesh and blood, and the red dog didn't even notice it. The red dog was extremely angry, and the invisible anger burned, and a blood red murderous light flashed through his eyes.

"Lin Tian!"

The Chambordian Islands War, which must be recorded in the annals of history, finally came to an end, but more impacts swept the world like a storm. This war was called the beginning of the decline of the world government by future historians.

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