What happened in the Chambord Islands has spread throughout the world at the same time the war began!

The battle happened so suddenly that even the world government did not think that Lin Tian and the others would appear, so that when the Chambord Islands were the battlefield for both sides, the residents of the Chambord Islands had not had time to evacuate.

The battle swept across the Chambord Islands, and even half of the Chambord Islands were destroyed in the battle, and from the occurrence to the beginning, hundreds of thousands of residents of the Chambord Islands completely saw it completely.

Not only that, because the world government destroyed Merman Island, in order to show the world government muscles to the world, there were dozens of newspapers and hundreds of reporters in the Chambord Islands at that time. They carried special telephone worm film and television equipment, which originally made the world more Intuitively know how powerful the government is.

Unexpectedly, it will eventually become a channel for war declarations. This war will be fully revealed to the world through the video phone worm.

For a time, all the forces and individuals in the East China Sea, the West China Sea, the North Sea, and the South China Sea were shocked by the new world in the first half of the great route.

This war did let people and forces all over the world see that the world government forces, admirals, five old stars, and strong men have terrible power to destroy the world. That scene felt like the end of the world.

But what impressed everyone more was the performance of the Straw Hat Pirates, the Desrosa Qibukai Don Quixote Doflamingo, the BIGOM Pirates World Incident, and the Hundred Beasts Pirates Destruction. event.

Since the first two years of recovery, the Straw Hat Pirates have only done three things, but everything is so earth-shaking and shocking the world, no one in the world knows the Straw Hat Pirates.

Looking at the terrible battle scene on the screen, the countless people below were dumbfounded, and suddenly someone said involuntarily: "It's really too strong, is this the power of the Straw Hat Pirates? How can it be so terrible."

"Yes, the whole world is wrong about the strength of the Straw Hat Pirates. This is the strength of the Straw Hat Pirates."

"Unexpectedly it was so terrible"


Perhaps because of Lin Tian, ​​the whole world has different opinions on the strength of the members of the Straw Hat Pirates. Many people think that the reason why the Straw Hat Pirates can do such a world-shocking event is that there is a deputy captain who killed the **** Lin Tian, ​​and the rest of the straw hats The members of the Pirate Group are not as strong as the rumors.

Including the destruction of the Kaido Pirates, many forces and individuals believe that the real deal with the beast Kaido Pirates is actually the White Beard Pirates. As for the Straw Hat Pirates and the Red Heart Pirates, they are just cheap.

But today, watching the battle on the screen, people realize what a wrong view that is, where these straw hat pirates members are weak, but strong and terrifying.

The captain straw hat boy, the toughest admiral Fujitora of the world government's highest combat power, is not weak, the pirate hunter swordsman with a bellyband, even defeated one of the five old stars of Sonobe Keiichi, and the black suit smoking guy, Also defeated the tea dolphin who was a candidate for the admiral, and the seaman of the original Qiwuhai was very peaceful.

The rest of the Straw Hat Pirate Group is also extremely powerful, defeating many lieutenants of the navy headquarters and thousands of elite fighters.

Finally, Lin Tian, ​​a **** of killing, was added, and at this moment they unconsciously discovered that the combat power of the Straw Hat Pirate Group had already reached this level.

"Apart from the Four Emperors Pirate Group, is there any Pirate Group in this world that can suppress the Straw Hat Pirate Group?" This sentence came out of countless people's minds.

Yes! Counting the current combat power of the Straw Hat Pirate Group, it has grown to where it is unknowingly. Although there are only twelve members, it is pitiful even compared with the most common Pirate Group.

But each of the Straw Hat Pirates has a combat power of at least one thousand enemies, like Lin Tian, ​​Lu Fei, Sauron, and Sanji.

The whole world does not know that in addition to Luffy and other twelve people, the Straw Hat Pirates also have 6,500 younger brothers adventuring in the new world. When Luffy recruits them, they will show the power of the Straw Hat Ship Group to the world.

Now that the Straw Hat Pirates has combat power, it can be said that in addition to the Four Emperors, there are other Pirates in the world that are rivals to the Straw Hat Pirates.

The world was shocked by the strength of the Straw Hat Pirates, but the major forces around the world were ready to move.

A certain sea area in the New World!

At the location of the Kidd Pirate Group, after watching all the battle screens, Kidd walked out of the cabin door silently and arrived on the deck, walking all the way to the bow of the ship before stopping.

The cadres of the Kidd Pirates who came out of the cabin behind, looked at Captain Kidd standing on the bow of the ship, and everyone's faces revealed doubts, what happened to the captain.

Suddenly Kidd raised his foot on the bow, clasped his mechanical arm, and laughed wildly: "Here, our time has finally arrived. So many powerful people have been injured. Both the world government and the high-level naval forces have fallen to the extreme. To a low level, coupled with the offensive of the revolutionary army, the world government has reached the lowest point of its 800-year power."

"Anyone who is slightly smarter can see clearly that without the hegemonic suppression of the world government, how many hidden forces will come to the world, and the vortex hidden under the water will emerge, and the world will finally be completely messed up."

"In this era, the throne of the king has risen. Who can reach the end of the road to the king, step on countless bones and blood to sit on the throne, the Four Emperors, Qiwuhai or our supernova, no one knows."

After a pause, Kidd slowly raised his clenched fists, his eyes flashed with a gleam of light, and he said, "And the straw hat boy, you will be the strongest enemy on my way to the king. Who will win this future battle? Whoever loses, let us wait and see..."

The location of the Flame Tank Pirates!

Captain Carpenter Becky also finished watching the battle video, then turned on the lighter to light the cigar in his mouth and took a sip.

Staring at the image of Luffy on the screen, Capone Becky said lightly: "Straw hat boy, you are really a troublemaker. The Kaido Pirates has not ended yet. You have made another shocking thing. But I will not give way to the throne of the king so easily...".

With a bang, a pirate at the gate opened in a panic, and the pirate panicked and said: "Captain, it's not good, the Star Thousand Shou Keli and the White Knight Pirate Group are overtaking us."

"Why panic!" He scolded his subordinates, and Capone Becky slowly stood up from the ground, his mouth curled up, murderously said: "They came just right, do you really think I will only run away? With the destruction of the White Knights here, the old lady of BIGMOM will be very angry..."

Speaking of Capone Becky, he wandered outside the door. This was a basin-shaped island. Eighty percent of the island was below sea level.

In front of Capone Becky, a black phalanx stood neatly. Everyone in the phalanx was holding weapons and wearing black suits. Looking at the minimum number of 10,000 people, tens of thousands raised their heads. Wanshuang stared at Capone Becky

New World Black Sea, here is the site of the Blackbeard Pirates!

All the cadres of the Blackbeard Pirates, including Blackbeard, gathered in the conference room at this moment, watching the video of the battle in the Chambord Islands, and seeing the fighting strength of Luffy and others, the faces of the cadres of the Blackbeard Pirates were not very good.

Lafitte took the lead to break the silence. "Unexpectedly, the Straw Hat Pirates are so powerful. It seems that we have greatly underestimated them. We must re-evaluate the Straw Hat Pirates’ combat power~www.wuxiaspot.com~Lafitte In addition to being the captain of the 5th ship of the Blackbeard Pirates, he is also the staff and wisdom of the Blackbeard Pirates.

"Is that kid growing up to this point?" Looking at Luffy on the screen, Blackbeard whispered in secret, and he couldn't help but recall that it was the first time the two met on Gaya Island.

At that time, one had committed the crime of betrayal and was hunted down, and a newcomer who solved Qiwuhai just after his debut. Who could have imagined that in just two years, both of them were world-famous big pirates.

Xiliu smoking a cigar, suddenly showing a meaningful smile, and said: "This is not good news. The Navy headquarters has lost so much, it is impossible to attack us for a while, so that we can mobilize more power and execute more confidently. The Redhead Pirates".

Hearing that, the eyes of the rest of the cadres brightened, and Xiliu was right. This is indeed good news. When they solve the red-haired pirates, no pirates in this world will be their opponents, but the red-haired pirates Is it really that easy to solve?

Many cadres did not realize that when Xiliu mentioned the Red-haired Pirates, Blackbeard couldn't help reaching out and touching his chin, his eyes revealed murderousness. The battle back then...! !

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