The broadcast focused on reading at the starting point and received first-hand news of 515 red envelopes. Students who have not grabbed red envelopes after the New Year can show their talents this time.

Looking at the big crater created by the explosion, Lin Tian was shocked. If he was hit, he would probably be injured.

Before Lin Tian could breathe a sigh of relief, Lin Tian found that the ground under his feet was swelling at an extremely fast speed, and his face changed.

When the explosion just happened, the ground on which I was also standing suddenly expanded, and then a huge explosion occurred on the ground instantly.

Space armor


A violent explosion rang down on Lin Tian again, and the thick smoke completely blocked Lin Tian's figure.

With a scream, a silhouette of a figure soared out of the sky in the smoke, a figure rolled, and the figure fell directly on the open space tens of meters away.

This figure is Lin Tian. Lin Tian gently wiped the blood from his mouth. It was obvious that the explosion just now, even if Lin Tian defended, he was still injured.

Through the two explosions just now, Lin Tian understood that he was in ambush. Although he didn't know why the ground exploded, it must be a devil fruit ability.

This kind of explosion made Lin Tian think of landmines. Once touched, they would explode. This is exactly the same as the nature of landmines.

According to the previous life, Lin Tian entered the minefield just now, and there must be more than one mechanism that would explode. This is why Lin Tian fell so far.

A cold light suddenly flashed in front of Lin Tian

Lin Tian didn't even think about it, the Navy's six-style "shave" quickly used it, dodge a few meters away.

A light blue slash. Flying over from where Lin Tian was just now, he cut off a big tree that could only be hugged by several people.

Lumbago style. Sudden withered eyes.

Before Lin Tian could stand firm. A sound of breaking through the air came from not far away, and quickly turned around to take a look.

I saw one like a spiral. The high-speed rotating figure rushed towards him, and under the high-speed rotation of this figure, the surrounding air moved violently, creating whirring whirlwinds out of thin air, surrounding it.

Rolling up a lot of dead leaves on the ground, although I don't know how powerful this move is, but with this powerful prestige, Lin Tian dare not underestimate it.

See and hear

The speed of this attack exceeds the dynamic vision of human beings, and it is difficult to see its movements with human eyes. But under the domineering look, Lin Tian could still see these movements clearly.

Armed color domineering. Iron Fist

Lin Tian didn't even think about it, and directly raised the fist that was full of metallic black shadows, and hit the figure.

The figure was originally intended to take advantage of Lin Tian's unpreparedness, but Lin Tian reacted so quickly and punched directly. At such a high speed, it was very difficult to stop.

Di Omquan

The figure hurriedly changed his moves, posing with the mother of English g with both hands. A punch to meet Lin Tian's iron fist, this series of changes only happened in an instant.

Seeing this figure actually fisted against himself, Lin Tian couldn't help but sneered, and his strength increased a bit again.

The two punches collided suddenly. There was no sound and superb moves, only a battle of strength, and the two of them couldn't help but mobilize their whole body strength. Gather on the arm.

The silhouette blocked himself with a punch, and Lin Tian was surprised. You must know that your teacher is Karp. Karp's greatest strength is the domineering, physique and terrifying power used to the peak.

As a Karp student. Lin Tian's accomplishments in these areas are of course not low, and his whole body strength is extremely terrifying, and this person actually resisted it.

I don't know when the moon in the sky was blocked by clouds, and the earth was dark. I couldn't see my fingers when I stretched out my hand.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Tian let out a low drink, the strength on his arm increased again.

The silhouette was shot out immediately, flying more than ten meters away, suddenly a silhouette flew out of the haystack on the side, and caught the silhouette shot by Lin Tian.

This was not over yet, another figure came out not far behind Lin Tian. There were three people who ambush Lin Tian this time.

Looking back and forth at the three figures that suddenly appeared, Lin Tian said with a laugh.

"Unexpectedly, the famous Doflamingo really valued me. He actually sent three cadres out to kill me. Shouldn't I feel honored?"

I hadn't stayed in Corod for even a day, and the only people I provoke were two groups, one group was behind the assassination of Ai Siqi, and the other group was the Don Quixote family.

And the man behind the assassination of Ai Siqi had sent someone to kill him, but he was caught off guard.

In the end, although Lin Tian didn't make a move, with the combat power of the man in black, those people could not escape. Losing six powerful subordinates at once, the person behind the scenes will also feel heartache, it is impossible to send three powerful subordinates in a short time.

Based on this inference, only Brother Ming can attack Lin Tian, ​​and for the Don Quixote family, it is very simple to come up with such three cadres.

At this time, the moon in the sky also wanted to watch this upcoming battle. The clouds in the sky drifted away at some unknown time, and the moonlight shone on the earth again.

Lin Tian also saw the identities of these three people clearly through the Jiaobai moonlight.

Among the two people in front of him, one of them was Diamanti, who was fighting the ladyboy king Ivankov in front of him. He was wearing a wool-brimmed hat with two facial lines on his face, wearing a red cloak, and dressed like Indigenous tribes.

The other one hasn't done anything in the bar, just standing silently behind Ming Ge.

A tight with thunder and lightning a headband."

Diamanti persuaded that if the kid knew the current affairs well, it would save them time.

Lin Tian laughed and said, "You dare to arrest me not far from the naval base. It seems that you guys think I'm going to be overwhelmed."

"Honestly speaking, it won't work with the three of you"

Don't be so ironic as a kid, Diamanti and the three are extremely angry.

Rao G said in a deep voice: "Little devil, you are still so arrogant when you die. Don't think that if you have more strength, you will be invincible. Then I will show you what a real battle is."

"Is it?" Lin Tian showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth, his tone filled with disapproval.

Space Blade

ps. For children who are chasing after the change, are there any free appreciation tickets and starting coins? The countdown to the 515 red envelope list is up, I will get a ticket, ask for an increase and appreciation ticket, and the last one is to be continued. Tips: computer access into mobile phone login

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