The broadcast focused on reading at the starting point and received first-hand news of 515 red envelopes. Students who have not grabbed red envelopes after the New Year can show their talents this time.

Space Blade

A black semi-circular round blade was formed behind Diamanti and Rao at some unknown time, under the cover of darkness.

The two-meter-wide black space blade has not been discovered by the three of them. Under Lin Tian's control, this black space blade is silently bursting from behind.

These three people are all powerful pirates, it is difficult to deal with these three people with their current strength, but fighting is unavoidable.

In this way, he can only attract their attention by talking to them, and sneak attack with the blade of space, so that he can take the lead in the battle.

Although this is a bit shameful, the battle is like this. Any victory move that you can take can be used. This is a real life-and-death battle, not playing with children.

The blade of the black space melted into the darkness, and wherever it flew, the void left wounds, but it immediately returned to its original shape.

Diamanti and Raog have fought on the great route for many years and have experienced countless life and death crises, so they have an extraordinary sensitivity to crises.

When the Space Blade approached, they had an extremely bad feeling on their heads, and this feeling was only felt when facing death.

Diamanti quickly put his right hand on the hilt, and Rao G also took a strange posture that resembled the English letter g.

"Diamanti, Raog squat down, it's dangerous." Behind Guradius hurriedly said.

After years of getting along, the trust between the few people has long since risen into their hearts. Especially in this battle, I squatted down without even thinking about it.

Know it was discovered. There is no need to be cautious anymore, Lin Tian hastily controlled the speed of Space Blade to soar, but unfortunately it is still a little bit worse.

It happened to flash past their heads, causing no damage, but it was not without effect. At least the sharp corners of the pointed cap on Rao's head were gone, and the hair on Diamanti's disheveled head was almost gone.

Seeing that huge space blade flashed over their heads, the two who were still alive suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, followed by anger.

Diamantibao furiously said: "Smelly boy. I dare to fool us, wait, I want you to see how fierce the anger of the Don Quixote family cadres is."

Diamanti, who was squatting on the ground, pressed his hands to the ground and shouted angrily "Army Flag".

The ground shook violently, as if the cloth fluttering in the wind, with the ground shaking.

In this environment, Lin Tian couldn't stand firm either, so he could only do his best to maintain it or he would fall.

Sword. long sword

Diamanti drew out the long sword in his hand with a shriek and slashed towards Lin Tian. A powerful white slash attacked towards Lin Tian, ​​and the ground was under this slash, and a deep ravine was drawn, which was only caused by the sharpness of the slash.


Lin Tian leaped slightly. The right foot kicked out of thin air with extreme speed, the same light blue vacuum slash.

The two slashes collided with a loud bang. Dissipate and mid-air.

"Rao, go up"

Diamanti looked at Lin Tian who jumped into the air. With a sneer, this is a good opportunity to attack. Once it landed on the shaking ground, the little devil would be unstable and quickly said to Raog.

Shaking the ground not only makes the enemy unstable, but the same is true when the enemy stands up. The only one among the three who can reach this far and can rush in and attack is Rao.g.

"Back Pain"

After Rao g bends forward and poses the English letter g with both hands, he takes a deep breath and shakes his whole body.

"Shaped Ice"

As before attacking Lin Tian, ​​Rao g spun in midair and attacked Lin Tian.

Diamanti's plan was really good, but it was a pity that Lin Tian didn't need to stand on the ground at all, and the space controller could walk through the air.

Lin Tiantengkong lightly leaped, and escaped Raog's attack.

Seeing Lin Tian actually standing in the air, Diamanti showed a hint of surprise in his eyes. This kid could actually fly in the air like a lesser master.

Seeing Rao missed, Diamanti was not disappointed, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, revealing a sneer.

"Don't think that you can avoid the attack of seeing Rao in the air. Rao is powerful, but you don't understand that this kid"

Rao stomped on the ground with both feet, and the ground was under the rotating legs, turning out a big hole.

Under this powerful reaction force, Rao G actually completed it at a very high speed, turning 90 degrees and attacking Lin Tian in the sky.

Rotating at high speed, Rao-g has the speed and movement that surpasses that of human dynamic vision, enough to rush to Lin Tian at a speed comparable to the Navy's six-style "shave".

"Back pain type. Shaped ice"

In midair, Lin Tian saw Rao g attacking, and was shocked, but Lin Tian was ready to fight back, as if countless rotating Rao g appeared in front of him.

"Not good" This is because Rao.g's speed is too fast, and human eyes simply can't keep up with this kind of movement, which causes so many afterimages.

Bang bang bang

A string of noises on both sides of Lin Tian's shoulders rang out, and a trail of afterimages appeared in front of Lin Tian, ​​not knowing how many g-fists fell on Lin Tian's shoulders.

Rao.g's fists suddenly gathered together, gathered all the strength, and hit Lin Tian's abdomen from top to bottom.

"Puff" a mouthful of blood was spit out from Lin Tian's mouth.

It was like a sharp arrow from the string, hitting the ground with a earth-shaking sound, and the ground shook under this powerful impact.

This is not over yet, the other two will not let go of this great opportunity.

"Half Moon Funeral"

Diamanti raised the long sword in his hand and waved forward, a powerful wave of sword energy rushed in the direction where Lin Tian fell.

In the bar before, Diamanti didn't make this move with all his strength. Now, with all his strength, where the sword qi wave passed, the earth was cut in half like tofu.

"Sling and Blasting" Guradius raised his right hand, turned the gear equipped with his arm, and shot more than a dozen gray stones that resembled a rock ball.

Under the influence of the devil fruit's ability, the "explosive projectile" continuously expanded in volume, rushing into the huge smoke produced by the impact.

There were a few loud noises again, and a group of fire lights flashed in Lin Tian, ​​accompanied by a powerful wave of air, blowing away the smoke from the explosion.

The scene inside slowly appeared in front of several people

Under such a powerful attack, this kid would be seriously injured even if he did not die, but the three of Diamanti did not relax their vigilance.

Lin Tian's series of attacks and defenses just now made the three realize that this kid is more difficult to provoke than the rumors. No wonder the young master wants to send the three of them.

The smoke dissipated, only the ruined, pitted ground, the three of them glanced quickly several times, but there was still no Lin Tian.

"How could it be that that kid disappeared, where is he?" Rao g looked around for Lin Tian's figure.

Diamanti suddenly thought of something, a rush flashed across his face, and eagerly shouted: "Guradius, be careful, that kid is going towards you."

After speaking, he hurriedly dared to go to the position of Guradius.

Hearing Diamanti's reminder, the witty Guradius immediately reacted. He was alone and the best target to do it. If he was the kid, he would choose the one alone.

As long as the order is resolved, the pressure on the other two people will be much reduced.

After figuring it out, Guradius hurriedly evaded to the side. Although he didn't know where the attack came from, the position he had been standing on was not safe.

Just as Guradius moved, a dark long sword suddenly appeared on his chest, and Lin Tian's figure appeared at the hilt.

At this time, Lin Tian was completely like a ruined beggar, mud and stains all over his body, and there were solidified, dark red blood stains on the corners of his mouth.

There are holes all over the clothes, and a lot of blood stains can be seen from the holes. Obviously Lin Tian escaped from a series of attacks without a But the eyes are still radiant and exuding. With a bright light and murder.

If I hadn't just arranged several layers of space shields around him in time, there was also a space armor, plus even used the armed color domineering.

It didn't die, but the injury was still unavoidable. Rao.g's punch was really too strong, and it was several times stronger than when he was fighting against it before.

Faced with three people, the pressure was too great, so Lin Tian decided to solve the single Guradius first.

How could Guradius evade the ultimate move that Lin Tian had prepared for so long in invisibility, just when Lin Tian was about to pierce his chest.

The long sword suddenly sank and pierced into the abdomen of Guradius, only wounding him, not fatal.

ps. For children who are chasing after the change, are there any free appreciation tickets and starting coins? The countdown to the 515 red envelope list is up, I will get a ticket, ask for an increase and appreciation ticket, and the last one is to be continued. Tips: computer access into mobile phone login

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