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A cold light flashed across the sky, and Lin Tianfei rushed towards Magellan, raising his hand with a shining slash.

"Gas Bomb"

Seeing Lin Tian's move, slashing through the sky and sweeping across the sky, Magellan did not fight like Luffy. There was still Luffy attacking him.

Opening his mouth, a blue sphere emerged from his mouth. As Magellan continued to exhale, the blue sphere grew larger and larger. After opening his mouth, the blue sphere filled with gas and gas rushed towards Lin Tian's slash.

As a person with the poisonous fruit ability, the whole body toxin is the most dà defense. As long as it touches Magellan's body, it will be invaded by toxins. At that time, let alone fighting Magellan, the venom alone is enough to dissipate your life bit by bit.

For those who have fought with Magellan, the venom is the most disgusting place. You can't even touch the opponent, so how can you fight it?

But these were not a problem for Lin Tian, ​​but with his swordsmanship, Lin Tian was enough to make Magellan fearful.

The gas bomb collided with Lin Tian's slashing, and there was a sudden explosion. The purple smoke spread towards the surrounding with the explosion, and the slashing also dissipated under the collision.

"No, the director used this trick, everyone hurry up and put on the gas mask."

The whole body was covered with tumbling venom, and Magellan turned into a real poison in a blink of an eye. Drops of purple venom fell on the desert below her feet, and the corroded sand gave out white smoke repeatedly.


For a moment, Lin Tian stepped out of the void strangely, appeared behind Magellan, raised the chasing wind with the dark light in his hand, and cut off at Magellan's head without hesitation.

"Lin Tian, ​​Pushing the City is not where you should come, the poisonous dragon soars into the sky"

Perceiving Lin Tian coming from behind, Magellan shouted, the venom covered all over his body rolled, and a poisonous dragon soared into the sky. A huge body made of purple venom, while the body was shaking, several huge venom blocks shot towards Lin Tian. .

"Magellan, I have no interest in Pushing City at all, but my brother is locked here. It is best to tell me the whereabouts of Luffy. If something happens to him, I will let the whole Pushing City be buried."

After learning about Luffy's situation, Lin Tian exuded a terrible murderous aura, and even the void seemed to be dyed red under Lin Tian's murderous aura.

Seeing the flying poisonous lump and the fast-rushing poisonous dragon, Lin Tian had to change his moves, stepping on the void with his right foot, stopping the forward rushing body.

Shining thunder and lightning sprang up from his right hand, and flowed along the arm to the chasing wind in his hand. The chasing wind surrounded by thunder and lightning was like a sword in thunder!

"Thunder Sword. Force Field Slash"

With the wind chasing his hand turned into a thunder sword, Lin Tian slashed towards the poisonous block that struck forward. There was no bright slash, only a ray of thunder and lightning followed the chasing wind.

Thunder and lightning gleamed in front of him, and the changing electric current, an invisible force field rose up, and the flying venom hits an invisible shield and then dispersed.

Not only that, the huge poisonous dragon that rushed forward was not even close to Lin Tian, ​​and broke apart without warning, as if there was a sharp sword dividing the poisonous dragon in the surrounding void.

With a single blow to the poisonous dragon that destroyed Magellan, Lin Tian was about to slash it out with a sword. Magellan was already approaching him, touching the miàn horns on his head with both hands, and pulling it hard, like a big sword slashing towards Lin Tian.

"In any case, Lin Tian, ​​it is impossible for you to rescue Firefist Ace in Push City, the world's largest prison."

When he stepped back, Lin Tian flashed Magellan's attack in time, and with a loud bang, his powerful force hit a big hole with the desert below.

Raising the horns in his hand, Wu Qì waved forward, a few drops of venom cut through the sky and attacked Lin Tian who had exploded back, and his body turned into thunder and lightning to dodge the flying venom.

"It's so strong, but it's a legendary naval soldier. I still saw Director Magellan's venom being dissipated frontally for the first time." Seeing the two fighting in the distance, a jailer soldier exclaimed.

Before they came, Director Magellan, as the strongest man to advance the city, especially the poisonous fruit ability, was simply invincible.

A jailer replied: "Yes, many people dare not approach the Director, let alone fight, and destroy the Director Poison Dragon invisibly. This strange attack method should also be a powerful devil fruit ability."

"I heard back then that the strongest genius of the Navy, as a disciple of the naval hero Karp, not only possesses a powerful physical skill, but also has the weird ability to control the escape from the three generals."

With his own moves being avoided continuously, Magellan's face was very calm and he was not discouraged. If the killer Lin Tian was hit by himself so easily, the Admiral Red Dog would not be seriously injured in Lin Tian's hand, or even nearly died.

Turning around to look at Lin Tian behind him, Magellan said: "It seems that the news from the navy headquarters is not wrong. In addition to the strange abilities of the year, you have actually mastered the Thunder Fruit, which is known as one of the strongest devil fruits."

"When I heard this news, I was deeply shocked. A guy like you, who is already terrifying, can actually control a powerful ability."

Shaking his hand to chase the wind, Lin Tian said sarcastically: "Why, do you want to say that God is unfair or do you want to say something, or do you want to solve me here and justify your name."

Magellan’s venom rolled over, and three poisonous dragons emerged from behind, rushing towards Lin Tianji, “I’m just advancing the chief of the city. These things are beyond my control. It’s the navy to arrest you. But you want to push the city from inside Robbing the criminal, that's about me."

The purple poisonous dragon whizzed out, and the three poisonous dragons opened their mouths, and venom bombs formed quickly in their mouths, spraying them out towards Lin Tian.

"Poison Dragon Bullets"

One after another venom bombs shot out from the poisonous dragon's mouth, and the endless stream of poison bombs shot towards Lin Tian like a pouring rain.

Hand chasing the wind, Lin Tian faced the flying poison bomb, and did not evade and rushed out directly. The huge poison bomb rushed towards Lin Tian.

In the tense eyes of many jailers, the poison bomb was about to hit Lin Tian's body, and a shout of surprise suddenly sounded. The enemy who was hit by Director Magellan's venom could not save him unless he was given a special antidote.

But they didn't realize that instead of showing excitement, Magellan's face became more solemn, and he began to chew in his mouth, preparing something.

The next moment, the shouts of these jailers stopped abruptly. The purple venom bomb did hit Lin Tian's body, but there was no scene of the venom bomb exploding.

The purple round venom bomb passed through Lin Tian's body without any obstruction. If it was one, everyone could still explain it with the afterimage, but after all the venom bombs passed through, these jailers were terrified.

"How could it be possible that the venom bomb went straight through the body, and the venom of Director Magellan could not attack the opponent"

The strong point of Director Magellan is the whole body of venom, which can be used as defense or attack. No one dared to touch Magellan's body covered with venom.

But now the situation has changed. Director Magellan’s venom can’t touch the opponent, and Magellan’s combat power has been weakened by more than half.

"Lei Shun!"

Breaking through the endless venom bomb attacks, Lin Tian turned into a flash of lightning, and in an instant he rushed in front of Magellan, raising his hand and chasing out.

"Poison Dragon"

Seeing a flash of thunder, Lin Tian's figure was already in front of him, without much thought, under the instinct of fighting, Magellan's hands turned into poisonous dragons and rushed towards Lin Tian.


I felt a cold light flashing in my eyes, the light seemed to pierce your eyes, and everyone hadn't realized what was happening.


I saw that Director Magellan appeared in front and back of Lin Tian, ​​and time was forbidden. At this moment, Lin Tian appeared strangely in two.

The Magellan poisonous dragon burst open suddenly, and the flying venom hit Lin Tian in front of him. Under the impact of the venom, the clear figure became blurred and illusory, until the final ground measurement dissipated, which was just an afterimage produced by too fast speed.


A **** flower splashed out on Magellan's arm, a wound more than ten centimeters long appeared on Magellan's wrist, and the wound covered by the venom disappeared in no time.

Behind Lin Tian lightly shook off the purple venom that miàn had on the blade, put away the chasing wind with his backhand, and turned around and said, "Magellan, do you want to fight? I just saved my hand."

"You are not my right shǒu, only death is waiting for you to continue fighting. The purpose of my breaking into Propulsion City is for my brothers Luffy and Ace, tell me where Luffy is now."

Turning around, Magellan raised the arm that was previously injured by Lin Tian, ​​"I am not only the chief who advances the city, but also the guardian of hell. It is my duty to keep these criminals in **** forever."

"If I open the gate of **** because of the fear of death, then what face do I have to keep guarding here? Needless to say, Lin Tian, ​​Ace, I can't let him go, and I won't tell where the straw hat boy is. ?"

"Poison Dragon!"

"In this case, let's fight!"

Feeling Magellan's heartfelt persistence, Lin Tian did not continue to persuade him, and stepped hard, the entire third floor trembled under this foot, and some soldiers watching the battle almost fell to the ground.

Endless thunder and lightning emanated from ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Tian is like the true **** who controls thunder and lightning, thunder and lightning re-wrapped around the dark blade of the chasing wind, blue thunder and lightning will cover the chasing wind.

As the thunder and lightning rushed into the chasing wind frantically, a huge blue sword light more than ten meters long spread out along the chasing blade, holding a huge sword more than ten meters long in one hand.

"Giant Thunder Sword"

Holding the thunder sword in his right hand, he slowly lifted up in front of him, the bright light, the huge sword body, there was only this sword between the world, and all eyes were gathered.

The three poisonous dragons rushed towards and fell gently, seeming to swing slowly, but the thunder sword was very fast, cut at the necks of the three poisonous dragons, and the three dragon heads fell in response, turning into venom and falling under the desert.

The three poisonous dragons were wiped out with a single sword. Lin Tian did not stop, raising the giant thunder sword in his hand, and falling toward Magellan, who was extremely small compared to standing on the sand.

Lin Tian yelled, "Magellan, since you want to guard the gate of hell, then you give me a try." (To be continued.)

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