Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 662: Magellan in another state

In the third floor, above the yellow sand on the ground, a giant blue lightsaber was suspended in the sky.

The blue sword body of more than ten meters long, in comparison, everything below is so small, let alone Magellan standing directly under the blade of Thunder Sword.

Looking up at the huge sword in the sky, the thunder and lightning with stout arms split from the huge sword and fell into the hot yellow sand below, and black pits appeared in the yellow sand.

The purple venom covering the outside of the body was taken back, Magellan's eyes flashed red, and the eyes became red, like an angry beast.

At the same time, a bright red venom different from the purple venom appeared in the body. Blood-like venom came out of the body, covering the whole body in a blink of an eye.

Under the bright red venom, Magellan radiated a faint red light, and the blood-like venom slowly left the ground along his feet.

The whole body exudes a bright red like blood, making it look like Magellan is like a ghost from hell, giving people a sense of oppression from the soul.

The large group of purple venom under the feet turned red under the erosion of the red venom. Even the venom could erode. It is conceivable that the red venom used by Magellan is several times more violent than before.

A continuous stream of venom came out of the body, and in a blink of an eye, the ground Magellan was standing on was already occupied by the rolling bright red venom. More and more venom came out of Magellan’s body, and the area occupied by the red venom also increased. The bigger the desert, it seemed to become a sea of ​​venom.

Not only that, a drop of bright red venom flew out and fell on the desert below. The yellow sand around the venom quickly turned red and dispersed to the surroundings very quickly.

The terrible venom can even erode the sand. If a person is hit, it may not last long if there is no antidote to Lin Tian.

"No, the director used this trick, everyone, go back and run."

"Wait, Director... Director, we haven't left yet, Director slow down."

Seeing the red sand under your feet and the panic on the faces of the surrounding jailers, you must know that this venom is several times more intense than purple venom.

If hit by the venom, the human body will quickly turn red just like the red sand under your feet. When the whole body turns red, it is the moment of your complete death.

During this period of time, the venom will erode your body, make your nerves extremely painful, experience inhuman pain, and suffer all the pain before you die.

The most important thing is that there is no antidote to this kind of poison. There is no antidote in the whole world. It was hit by the purple venom before, and the antidote can be injected from the medical squad. If it is hit by this venom, it will die. The gods can't save you.

"It's very poisonous. Not only the venom but also the sand under your feet will be infected, and it will spread quickly, until it erodes everything in the end, and it is the strongest man pushing the city.

Looking at the red venom eroding from his feet, Lin Tian was surprised. He had never seen such a strong venom several times.

Although marveling at the strength of Magellan's venom, it does not mean that Lin Tian will stop, holding the thunder sword tightly and cutting it down at a faster speed.

The huge thunder sword slashed at Magellan without hesitation. Although he didn't know what Magellan was going to do, Lin Tian felt a sense of crisis in Magellan at this time.

As the thunder sword was pressed down, the thunder and lightning entwined around the sword continued to slash down, like a thunder and lightning rain, but the thick thunder and lightning hit the red venom below, and even the slightest spray did not rise. .

No matter what, the huge thunder sword above has dropped from the sky and slashed on Magellan's body.


The Thunder Sword was already crushed, and the sharp blade slashed into the red venom. Pieces of the venom splashed and flew around.

The giant thunder sword was chopped all the way, the earth trembled, and the entire third floor trembles with it. Under the shock of terrible energy, even the upper and lower floors could clearly feel the vibration.

In the trembling desert, huge cracks emerged, spreading quickly toward the distance, and the jailers who escaped one by one fell to the ground under the violent shock.

The floor was trembling constantly. Lin Tian's amazing sword was too powerful. He looked up at everything trembling around him, and the entire third floor felt like it was about to collapse at any time.

I don't know how long it took, ten seconds or several hours. In short, the trembling finally stopped, and the thunder sword that had been deeply cut into the red venom dissipated.

But seeing Lin Tian's changed face, everything is not so simple, the chasing wind as the thunder and lightning dissipated, revealing the dark sword body below.

At this time, Lin Tian was full of shock, "How could it happen that this kind of red venom can erode even thunder and lightning."

Although it was very subtle, Lin Tian still felt that when the thunder sword in his hand smashed into the venom, there was a feeling of erosion.

Perhaps even Magellan didn't know this, but Lin Tian could barely perceive it by relying on his super perception and enhanced domineering look.

A huge crack in the desert penetrated half a floor. If Lin Tian continued to cut down the entire floor, it would be destroyed. In order to prevent the third floor from being destroyed, Lin Tian stopped the attack.

The jailer who stood up was stunned when he looked at the huge crack in front of him. The dazed jailer couldn't believe what he saw before him.

"Master Magellan?" Magellan was no longer visible in the red venom.

A jailer said in fear: "Even Lord Magellan, I am afraid it is impossible to survive such a powerful destructive force, right?".

Although the jailer on the side did not answer, from the horrified eyes that the other party looked at Lin Tian, ​​it could be seen that these jailers already had the same suspicion in their hearts.


Like boiling hot water, the venom suddenly rolled up, and the bubbles rose and burst into the huge cracks that were cleaved by Lin Tian.

A figure slowly emerged. It was Magellan, whom many jailers thought had been defeated. The venom all around had dissipated, and the blood was left from the top of the head, and the split hat was worn on the head.

Reaching out to touch the blood on his forehead, Magellan was a little grateful and said: "It's such a powerful sword. It wasn't a timely escape, and almost died on it. The thunder fruit ability combined with the powerful swordsmanship is really hard to resist."

Lin Tian stepped on his footsteps and flew out, rushing towards Magellan holding the chasing wind, holding the chasing wind tightly with his right hand, slashing slashes and killing Magellan above the venom.

"Sword Rain Cut!"

"Huge waves!"

With his hands supported, the red venom rolled under his feet, and a huge wave made of venom flew up and blocked Magellan's head.

The slash that poured down like a torrential rain collided with the huge wave, and the venom splashed up. The spreading huge wave broke down into a ball of venom under Lin Tian's slash.

"Poison Dragon!"

Looking at the huge wave breaking up in the sky, Magellan suddenly turned around, and at the same time, his right hand turned into a poisonous dragon and struck out.

Lin Tian pierced with a sword, seeing Magellan turning around and attacking, his wrist flicked, and a stream of air blasted out of his sword, smashing the poisonous dragon in front of him.

"Magellan, you really played a good hand, you actually used red venom to erode the yellow sand and the floor along with it", after thinking about it, Lin Tian had already guessed in his heart how Magellan avoided his attack.

Without a single blow, Lin Tian, ​​who was about to rush in front of Magellan, suddenly stopped, and an unusual flush appeared on his cheeks.

Experts often make moves in an instant, but Lin Tian gave Magellan a chance to raise his red venom-stained right hand, clenched his fist and stepped in front of Lin Tian.


With a muffled sound, Magellan's fist directly hit Lin Tian's head, and he took a heavy blow, only feeling that his calm mind turned into a mass of paste, and a bunch of bees kept crying in his head.

He didn't even realize that his body was knocked out. Like a cannonball shot, Lin Tian slammed into a cell not far away, crashing more than ten cells in a row.

"Yeah! Director Magellan, Director Magellan Director Magellan!"

The jailer who had reacted looked at the smoke covering Lin Tian and cheered suddenly, his joy self-evident.

I thought that Director Magellan, who was almost cut in half by Lin Tian's sword, was determined to lose, but in just a few seconds, he staged a shocking reversal, and Director Magellan shot the killer Lin Tian away in a few strokes. .

This scene really made the surrounding jailers look thrilling!

However, Magellan stared at the and did not relax his vigilance at all, and said: "Lin Tian, ​​come out, how can you be dealt with with one punch? Two years ago, you already had a battle comparable to a navy general. Power, equal to my new combat power"

"Don't say that the punch just solved you, I am afraid that the damage it will cause is limited."

As Magellan judged, as soon as the voice fell, a roar like a beast came from the smoke.


A giant dragon made up of blue thunder and lightning swung its slender body and rushed towards Magellan. Wherever it passed, a flash of lightning flashed and the sand below was charred.

Thunder Dragon was extremely fast, and only a bright light flashed in front of him, and Thunder Dragon had already rushed to Magellan.

"Poison Dragon"

With a low drink, Magellan raised his leg and stepped on the red venom under his feet. A red poisonous dragon flew out of the venom and charged up against the shining Thunder Dragon.

Two giant dragons, turning into one red and one blue streamer, collide like meteorites falling from the sky!

A bright light rose, and the dazzling light radiated out, and the rising smoke slowly dispersed with the orange light.

The invisible shock wave set off a burst of yellow sand along the desert and dissipated around them, blowing like a violent wind on the many jailers. The strong impact and the yellow sand slagged on them, like a sharp blade on the many jailers.

In the smoke, Lin Tian's figure flashed out, blood flowing from the wound on his forehead, slowly flowing down his cheeks.

At this moment, a terrible battle took place on the third floor, and an operation to save a friend on the fifth floor began. (To be continued.)

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