Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 861: Rock family shot

In the silent room, there were only Dana and Love.

Hearing the resolute color in Miss Love's tone, Dana sighed in her heart. For this young lady who was brought up to grow up, Dana understands her character, and once a decision is made, it cannot be changed.

But as an old man for many years, Dana had to speak out: "Miss Love, if you decide I won't persuade you, but there is one thing you have to be careful of. You must know that Lin Tian not only has that powerful combat power," Another point is that the force behind him is the revolutionary army."

Behind the Rock family is cooperating with the world government, but now if they find Lin Tian for rescue, then they are cooperating with the revolutionary army.

The next game in which the Locke family and the Iko family compete for the rights of the ruler of the country of gambling will become a small game between the world government and the revolutionary army, and the country of their gambling will become the battlefield of this game.

For the two giants of the Revolutionary Army and the World Government, both the Iko family and the Locke family are small players. They are at the center of the game between the two giants. If they are not careful, the two families will be wiped out. Dana also had to say to remind Love.

Laf said with a solemn expression: "Understood, Uncle Dana, I thought of this before. To be honest, I don't want to do this, but now we have no way out. We may not be separated from this country. Why don't we take a shot? It's better to wait here until the other party puts the knife on our neck."

At this point, Love looked very excited for some reason.

Upon seeing this, Dana seemed to understand something, sighed lightly, and agreed: "Well, in this case, what are you going to do next, Miss Love".

"Of course I went to the Sadro Hotel. I went to see Lin Tian as the eldest granddaughter of the Iko family." Love didn't even want to reply directly.

After thinking and thinking, Dana didn't continue to say anything, stood up and said: "So, I will prepare first."

Turning around, Dana walked towards the door of the room.

But at this moment, there was an unusual sound outside the door, and Dana's face changed suddenly, his reaction was extremely quick, and he hurriedly rushed to the ground.

Bang bang bang...

There was an alarm sound, and the wide door was knocked out of thumb-sized holes. The orange bullets formed a stream of metal like a torrential rain, and sawdust flew around.

The hard ground was knocked out of small pits, the furniture made of sawdust was pierced, the decorations on the table were all crushed, and even the murals on the walls were destroyed into several pieces and fell down along the walls.

Sawdust, broken ceramic shards and other debris fell down, and Dana could only cover his head with both hands to prevent it from being hit by the falling foreign objects.

Hiding behind the sofa, he didn't dare to move at all. The dense bullets were still firing. Once he got out of the sofa, he would be screened by the bullets in an instant.

Dana turned his head worryingly and looked towards Love, who was lying on the boat, and saw that Love had already taken advantage of the situation to hide by the bed, Dana felt relieved.

Across the dense metal bullet, Love glanced at the gate that was about to be broken by rubble, and asked, "Uncle Denner, what is this place, and how could anyone find it here?"

Turning his head, Dana was also very puzzled: "Miss Love, we are now in the casino room that I temporarily booked. I temporarily booked this room. I didn't have the slightest preparation before, and I have always stayed in the room. Never went out."

"Even when I came in, I was a paid waiter. I came through the back door. No one had seen us. I don't know how they found here."

When Dana rescued Love from the beginning, he was always on guard against the Rock family's pursuit. He had stayed in the country of gambling for so many years. Due to his identity, Dana was very clear about the power of the Rock family in this country.

But I didn't expect that even if it was a thousand defenses, there was still no defense. In such a quick time, the Locke family found it.

At this moment, outside the casino, Rock Dali, the boss of the Rock family, appeared here.

Standing next to the casino owner was the owner of the casino, and said with a smile: "Mr. Dali, you see, for your business, even the casino has been closed, and all the guests have been invited out. This will be a great loss to us. …"

Before the casino owner was finished, Rock Dali stretched out his hand and said, "Don't worry, what I said will be honored. I will give you the 100 million Baileys now."

Hearing this, the smile on the casino's face even worsened, and he quickly nodded and bowed his waist: "As expected, Mr. Dali, it is really bold. So it seems that Mr. Dali I have to do something?"

"There is only one thing you have to do now, and that is how far you go," Dali said impatiently.

"Understand, I'm leaving now, now I'm leaving!"

Rich is the uncle, and now Dali is the jungler of the casino owner. Without a word, the casino owner retired.

"Stop for me, don't shoot, everyone rushed in together and grabbed the two guys inside with the fastest speed, and anyway, ensure that Iko Love is alive."

With a wave of his hand, Locke Dali ordered the many men in front of him to start their hands.

After the family meeting, Locke Dalí knew that the whole family was dissatisfied with him about the stupid son, especially his father.

In order to redeem his status, grab Iko Love and give it to his father, which is Rock Dali's method of saving.


The two men in black rushed out first, kicking the door that was almost damaged a long time ago, and they rushed into the room with their guns.


Two flashes of cold light flashed, and the two men in black hadn't realized what was happening. The two bright lights directly penetrated the head of the man in black and stuck on the wall behind.


The stopped gunfire sounded, and the two of Love and Dana who had just stood up quickly rolled sideways and hid to the side.

The golden bullets kept sweeping, pressing down on Love and Dana and couldn't raise their heads. Taking this opportunity, the man in black outside the door quickly approached.

The gunfire fell, and the approaching men in black quickly filed in. Love, who was hiding behind the chair, flew around at the same time. Two flying knives appeared between her fingers, shot out quickly, and two cold lights flashed past.

The strongest man in black fell to the ground with a cry, following the footsteps of the first two.

But the man in black who rushed in quickly took the place of the two of them, raising his rifle and firing at Love.

Da da…

The golden bullet rubbed against Laf's body, and with a support with both hands, Laf turned and hid behind the chair, dodge the attack dangerously.

At this moment, Denahu, who was hiding on the side, stood up with a cry, raised his pistol, and fired several shots at the crowd.

The seemingly weak Dana displayed superb spear skills at this moment, firing several shots in a row, and hitting the opponent's forehead with each shot, and he couldn't die in an instant.

After killing the rushing crowd again, Dana was not excited, but revealed a deep dignity, shouting to Love, "Miss Love, we must find a way to leave this room as soon as possible. There are many people on the other side. Continuing to fight will only become more dangerous to us."


Responding softly, Love quickly swept around the room, "Uncle Dana, let's rush out from the window. When we get outside, we can quickly get rid of these guys as long as we get into the crowd."


Bend down and got up, Dana quickly ran towards the window. Love also got up and ran towards the window.

call out…

At this moment, a piercing sound rang out, and the two of them couldn't help but look back, only to see a light of fire emerging, coming back towards them.

"No, Rockets!"

Love only came to say, and then there was a loud bang, orange-red flames spewed out, and the impact of the explosion mixed with flames instantly swept the entire room.

The objects were torn into pieces and flew around the room. The hard walls climbed into cracks of different sizes. The violent impact was caught in the flames and raged in the room. The windows naturally became the best outlets for venting.

The seemingly hard glass didn't even stop at the slightest. A fire dragon came out and broke through the window, and shards scattered on the busy street outside.


The crowd on the street was suddenly startled by this situation, countless screams rang out, and a famous pedestrian hid toward the side.

The explosion produced an impact and fell, and the room returned to calm. There was a ruin in the room and the scorched black after the flame disappeared. There were even a few small flames that did not go out.

Several people in black rushed into the room again. This time they didn't encounter the slightest obstacle. The five people walked carefully in the room, looking for the figures of Dana and Love.

With a cry, a figure suddenly rushed out of the ruins. It was Love, who shot six flying knives with a wave of both hands.

At the moment when the flying knives were shot, Love suddenly stepped on both feet, and the figure burst out. Two sharp knives did not know when they appeared in Love's hands.

This sudden flying attack shocked the five people, but the five had already prepared, and the reaction was not slow. Each side escaped Only two were killed on the spot with a slow speed.

Love quickly rushed in front of a man in black, with a short knife in both hands, quickly beheading the man in black.


A cracking sound came from behind, a man in black holding a sharp sword slashed towards Love, and Love quickly rolled sideways to the right.


The right hand was still inevitably cut through a wound with a sharp sword, blood drenched, and resisting the pain, Love quickly shot backwards with a short knife in hand, and the sharp short knife directly pierced the chest of the man in black.

Falling on the scorched ground, before Lavsong took a bite, there was a man in black who hadn't solved it, leaping forward, raising his sword and slashing towards Lav.

Seeing this scene, Love couldn't help closing her eyes. At this moment, she didn't even have the power to resist, she would definitely die.

After waiting for a few seconds, Love still couldn't feel the opponent's slashing down. Love couldn't help but look up, only to see a dark shadow appearing. This person was the disca who had saved him once.

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