At the Sadro Hotel, the manager Estal was standing in front of the luxury suite on the top floor, looking at Lockdry who was fainted at his feet with disdain.

I thought: "What a stupid, daring guy, he doesn't look at who the woman he provokes is, but in the presence of the guy who killed the **** Lin Tian, ​​there is such a thing that he doesn't even know how to die. Guy."

The patriarch of the Locke family in the country where he was just gambling led a large group of clansmen to carry the fainted Lockerley to the hotel. At the time, Estar was still wondering why they came here.

When he heard that it was coming to apologize, Estal was shocked. Who else could not afford to provoke him in the country where the Locke family was already gambling. When he heard that it was Lin Tian, ​​Estal suddenly realized.

After understanding what happened, let’s be honest, even if Estar had a touch of sympathy towards Locknand, there was no way there was such a fraud in the family.

As for Estar's staying here, the better thing to say is to control the development of things at any time, and the awkward thing is to clear the way.

I really didn't have any confidence in whether Locke and his party could get out of it. Lin Tian was really famous, not to mention that any man couldn't endure what Lockdry did, let alone a strong person like Lin Tian.

In the room!

"Master Lin Tian, ​​after learning about this incident, we have removed the Lockdry identity from the family. Our family doesn't need such bastards."

"And we have brought Lockdeley back. The killing and scraping are in accordance with Master Lin Tian's request." Locknand stood in front of Lin Tian and said respectfully. Behind the two Locke family **** and third one Keep your head down, you don't even have the courage to face it.

If this scene goes out, it will shock the entire country of gambling. As the most powerful Locke family, their patriarch and leader must treat a young man with such respect.

Because of the events of the previous year, he had seen Lin Tian's brutal methods, and Lin Tian was a nightmare for the ruling class of the country of gambling.

Seeing that Lin Tian didn't respond, Locknand couldn't stop sweating. Lin Tian said it was okay, indicating that the other party was satisfied with them, but Lin Tian's lack of a voice was the biggest problem.

Thinking of this, Locknand cursed at the fainted Lockedley in his heart, why the boss gave birth to such a stupid son, and even if he was stupid, he still pulled the whole family back.

Squinting at Robin, who was sitting next to Lin Tianduan and watching everything calmly, Locknand used a curve to save the country and said: "Ms. Nicole Robin, we are deeply sorry for this scum in our family. Robin's spirit is frightened."

"We are willing to compensate one billion Baileys to Ms. Robin as a mental loss fee. We are very careful and hope that Miss Robin can accept it."

Hearing the number of one billion Baileys, Robin was shocked. He was obviously taken aback. He was given hundreds of billions of Baileys worth of calligraphy and painting on the Great Thorode, but after all, it was calligraphy and painting, as a historian. Robin at home has also seen many valuable historical items.

But now it's different, it's a billion Baileys, a billion Baileys that the other party will offer as long as they speak.

Although heartbeat, Robin did not immediately agree. Instead, he looked at Lin Tian. Robin understood that this billion Bailey was not so easy to pick up. Now she still represents Lin Tian. If she picks up this billion , It also means that Lin Tian accepts their apologies.

At this time, the silent Lin Tian finally made a move, saying: "You are the patriarch of the Locke family, we should have met once a year ago."

"Well, Master Lin Tian, ​​you have a good memory," Locknand quickly responded carefully, and at the same time a flattery patted it.

"To be honest, I really don't feel very good about your country of gambling. It was the same in the past, and it is still the same now. When I came across this kind of thing, this is the point that Patriarch Locke is not very good for your clan."

Lin Tian, ​​who was in his twenties, taught two Locknand, who seemed to be in his fifties, everything seemed so contradictory.

But Locknand had to respond: "Yes, this is a mistake we made. After this incident was born today, we held a meeting to seriously educate the children of the clan."

After speaking, Locknand had to carefully look down at Lin Tian. To tell the truth, today is the most humiliating thing in this life for Locknand, but people have to bow their heads under the eaves. Lin Tian is not something that their family can offend. .

Without answering immediately, Lin Tian stretched out his hand and tapped on the sand sitting down. Lin Tian did not speak. How dare the three of Locknand speak first? The five of them remained silent like this, and the room was silent again. The air in the room It solidified a little bit.

Time just passed in a little bit. Under the tense atmosphere, the sweat on their foreheads couldn't stop the sweat of the three Locknands, but they didn't dare to touch them with their hands.

In this way, more than two minutes passed, and the silent Lin Tian finally spoke.

Don't overdo it and say to Robin: "Robin, since our patriarch Rock is so sincere, then you can accept it first."

Hearing this, the three of Locknand suddenly sighed with relief. Since Lin Tian asked Robin to accept it, it means that Lin Tian has not pursued it.

Looking at the three patriarchs of Locknand, Lin Tian suddenly said: "By the way, patriarch of Locknand, you have lived here a long time ago."

Although he did not understand why Lin Tian asked about this matter, Locknand immediately replied: "Yes, Master Lin Tian, ​​our Locke family was here three hundred years ago and has a history of three hundred years."


Lin Tian nodded, but no one saw the joy that flashed in his eyes, and winked at Robin.

Robin immediately gestured and said: "In this case, Patriarch Locke, I came to the gambling street and heard the advice of the tour guide. I suddenly became interested in the gambling street in the past, so I want to know more about it. Documents, preferably specific pictures".

Hearing this, Locknand became even more puzzled. Lin Tian asked about their family history. This Robin's request is even more strange. The pictures and documents of street gambling that were taken down 18 years ago are only used for pure research. .

This kind of reason is so sophisticated that Locknand would not believe it. Combining the two questions that Lin Tian asked about their family history before, and the two questions were combined, Locknand suddenly realized that something was wrong. They must have some reason. This reason is probably related to their arrival in the country of gambling.

My heart flashed quickly, but Locknand's face remained silent and respectful: "Miss Robin, let this small matter be on us, we will definitely do this thing well."

"Well, if that's the case, then you leave first!"

Seeing that the goal had been achieved, Lin Tian waved his hand and signaled them to leave.

Locknand and the others had long been eager to leave. At this moment, Lin Tian finally said that they were about to leave, but suddenly thought of Lockdry who was outside.

Locknand stopped and asked, "Master Lin Tian, ​​that Rocketley doesn't know what to do with it."

Not after being reminded, Lin Tian almost forgot the small role of Lockdeley. Although it was a small character dispensable, he actually caught Robin when he did. Lin Tian would naturally not let him go.

He stretched out his hand and said: "No matter who it is, everyone who does something wrong is responsible for his own mistakes, and he will leave it to you."

"Understand, Lord Lin Tian, ​​we will definitely give you a satisfactory deal."

Locknand immediately understood the meaning beyond Lin Tian's words, and immediately trembled in his heart, worthy of the legendary killing god.



He threw down the dead man in black, and Diska looked at Lav who was already stunned on the ground, "How about it, is it okay?"

"Oh, it's okay," Love responded quickly, who reacted.

Diska faintly replied: "Since it's okay, then go with me, the instructor is still waiting for you to give him an explanation?"

Hearing this, Lafu's heart was stunned. It seemed that he was taking advantage of their business, and the killing **** Lin Tian had seen it very thoroughly from the beginning.

Thinking of something, there was a worrier on Love's face, and he quickly stood up and ran to the side to rescue Dana, who had passed out under the ruins and passed out under the explosion just now.

The explosion just now, if it weren't for Dana's body to help her block the impact in the end, Love would end up just like her.

Seeing Dana's miserable situation, Love's nose was sour, and tears couldn't stop streaming from his eyes. Uncle Dana was the best person to him except grandpa.

Weeping in grief: "Uncle Dana, why do you do such a stupid thing, help me block what you are doing, woo..."

I don't want to hear a woman cry the least. When I hear Disca, I get upset, "Well, your Uncle Dana is not dead."

"Really!" Love was stunned, and said with joy.

Looking at Love, Diska said helplessly: "Really, but if you stay here and don't let him receive treatment in time, he will definitely die."

What kind of tasks the instructor gave me, so I shouldn’t let myself come over. It’s better to switch to Al and is the least willing to talk to girls.

call out!

At this moment, a sound of breaking through the air sounded, and in the broken window, a blue lightsaber phantom flew in from outside, the sword shadow was extremely fast, and it quickly slammed Laf, who was stunned by this scene.

"Stupid Woman"

Secretly cursed, Diska did not slow down, grabbed his right hand backward, quickly pulled out the sharp sword behind, the cold light flashed by, Diska held the sharp sword in his hand and blocked the sword shadow forcibly.

File clang...

When the two swords touched, a sharp shock wave burst out in an instant, and the broken wreckage under his feet was lifted, and even Love and Dana were lifted out.

The blue sword shadow came and disappeared quickly, and realized that it was blocked, and the black hand quickly retracted the sword shadow from behind.

"If you want to escape, this won't work!"

The figure flashed, and the sword shadow that Diska's followers had left rushed out, leaving only Love who hadn't reacted for a while.

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