The dazzling thunder and lightning flickered in the void, and the thunder and lightning with stout arms spread like a tree branch, and the powerful aura that erupted from Katerry aroused a gust of wind oncoming.

With a wave of his hand, the endless thunder and lightning gathered in his right hand, and Katri held his palm, and the swarm of thunder and lightning quickly condensed into a thunder sword and held it firmly in Katri's hand.

"What a strong thunder-sounding ability, this control is stronger than you, Lin Tian!"

Facing the violent wind swept across, Lei Li squinted his eyes slightly and couldn't help but exclaimed, while looking at Lin Tian on the side.

Nodding lightly, Lin Tian's eyes flashed with a solemn color, and Lin Tian didn't hear the implication in Lei Li's tone. Lei Li was reminding himself that the opponent he was about to face should not be underestimated.

Indeed, as Raleigh said, he is naturally not Catri's opponent under the control of lightning, and Lin Tian cannot do it with the hand just shown by the opponent.

To condense the hard-to-control thunder and lightning into a sharp sword, the control of the thunder and lightning is not as simple as what Lin Tian said, at least Lin Tian couldn't do it.


As the opponent exploded, Lin Tian naturally did not show weakness, a strong domineering look burst out, and a more violent wind was set off around, the strong aura was like a big mountain.

Bang... bang... bang...

The black armored soldiers who surrounded Lin Tian and the others felt a shock blast into their minds, their eyes turned white for a while, and a black armored soldier fell one after another.

Looking at this scene, the faces of the generals in the ranks of the five leaders suddenly changed. This scene was too weird. Nothing happened. The other party just exploded, and immediately solved the number of soldiers around. In many cases, this power is too terrifying.

"What kind of power is it that has such a terrifying power?" Katerry suppressed the shock in his heart and fixed his eyes on Lin Tian ahead.

The power these people possessed once again refreshed their cognition, and it also meant that it would be much more difficult to recapture Elif from them.

"From this point of view, this battle is inevitable, and so much nonsense is of little use!"

Hawkeye stood up, his words were still ‘rageous’ as always, and he drew out the strongest black knife behind his backhand. With a backhand, a sharp slash cut through the air and went straight to the front of the generals.


The same cold light flashed by, and the gray wolf jumped out for life, holding a sharp sword to slash the eagle eye with a powerful slash. The terrible impact was mixed with a sword force.

The house standing underneath could not bear this sword force, and collapsed with a crash, causing a piece of rubble and dust to fly. In the smoke, a group of figures suddenly leapt out and landed on the surrounding houses on both sides.

The sharp sword in his hand was swung out, and the sharp blade rolled up a gust of wind, blowing away the surrounding smoke, and the figure of the gray wolf holding the sword emerged.

"Let us continue the unfinished battle yesterday!"

The two looked at each other, without saying a word, stepped out, and the figures rushed together in flashes, the sharp blades collided, and terrible power erupted.

The hard ground under my feet collapsed inch by inch, cracks spread out like spider webs, and large patches of dust and smoke flew up.

"Eagle Eye, this guy is really anxious, and he will do it if he doesn't agree with him." Qing Pheasant sighed helplessly. He originally wanted to drag it down. Anyway, speaking is easier than everyone.

But the lazy green pheasant didn't want to do it, but that doesn't mean that the others thought so.

"Do it!"

Stopping his footsteps, Katerry's eyes narrowed, and he ordered: "Do it, remember that the five of them are going to catch alive, only they know where Elif is".


Suddenly, a powerful momentum came out, and a strong wind raged in the field. Standing lieutenant generals and generals from the surrounding houses flew out and killed the green pheasant and others in the field.


Several cold lights flashed past, and the two lieutenants holding sharp swords quickly approached the green pheasant, and the sharp blade instantly chopped the unevacuated green pheasant into two.

Stopped, one of the lieutenants looked at the opponent so easily, and said with disdain: "I thought they were all amazing guys, I didn't expect that they were only of this level."

"Be careful!"

Gulian's eager reminder suddenly sounded. Hearing this, the two lieutenant's expressions changed. Without thinking about it, they flashed to the side under instinctive reaction.

At the same time, they looked back, but they were suddenly startled. The green pheasant that had been cut into three pieces did not know when they were already merged into one. With both hands raised, a faint cold air radiated from the body, removing the moisture in the air. Condensed into white ice spears.

"Ice cube. Two spines!"

With a low drink in his mouth, hands raised, the floating ice spears shot out, the ice spears are extremely fast, the two lieutenants only saw the fast ice spears zooming in their eyes, the next moment they dodge Stepping out, the ice spear has pierced their bodies.


The lasing ice spear passed through the two lieutenants, leaving only a large hole in the mouth of the bowl to emerge, and the blue ice was stained red with blood.

Taking a deep look at the green pheasant in front of him, even if the two lieutenants were so unwilling, they could only fall to the ground and turn into a cold corpse.

"Asshole", Hong Lian, who was rushing over, stopped and clenched his fists tightly. Piles of flames were beating on Hong Lian's body, and he looked at the green pheasant ahead with murderous eyes.

The green pheasant is a former admiral, and the strength of the five general Huangquan generals that appeared is the same level. With this even an ordinary lieutenant, how could it be the opponent of the green pheasant, let alone the two lieutenant generals. Underestimate.

When he waved his hand, the flames burning on his body spewed out, turning into a long flame dragon, and slaughtered towards the green pheasant.

The anger and killing intent had suppressed the shock of the green pheasant's strength in Honglian's heart, knowing that the green pheasant could easily slaughter two lieutenant generals.


With a wave of his hand, an icicle burst out from the hand of the green pheasant. Although fire can melt the ice, the ice of the green pheasant is extremely cold. It is not easily melted by flames. The icicles mixed with strong wind will break the fire dragon. .

The collision between the ice and the flame naturally formed water vapor, and a large white gas rose out of thin air, blocking the sight of the green pheasant and the red lotus, separating them on both sides.

"Get out of the way and hand over Princess Elif to Lao Tzu!"

The giant elephant lieutenant among the five generals leaped forward. The giant elephant lieutenant was a brawny man with a naked upper body. He raised a fist several times larger than an ordinary person and blasted towards the Lin Tian trio.


Amid the terrible loud noise, the fist that was several times larger than an ordinary person possessed a force hundreds of times more terrifying than an ordinary person. The powerful force burst out. The whole ground rolled like a wave, the hard ground broke every inch, and a large piece of soil rolled over. , The dust flew up, the large gusts of wind spread in all directions, the surrounding black armor was lifted off in pieces, and fell heavily to the ground like a flying straw.

Lin Tian's trio reacted quickly, leaping quickly to avoid the fists of the giant elephant general, but they couldn't help being surprised when they saw the miserable appearance under them.

The flat ground disappeared. What turned out to be a crater measuring tens of meters, the entire ground collapsed by tens of centimeters under the fist of the giant elephant.

"It's such a powerful force, the name of General Colossus is really just what it's called", Lin Tian exclaimed.

But relying on the body itself, without borrowing any external force, to be able to exert such a powerful force, I am afraid that only the smelly old man can overcome one of the people Lin Tian has seen.

After speaking, Lin Tian looked at the two people beside him and said: "Uncle Leili, Shi Zhihao, who of you two want to play with him".

As soon as Lin Tian's voice fell, Shi Zhihao said directly: "It's still necessary to say, of course it was me. Since I came to Huangquan Township, I haven't moved my hands. I finally got the chance to be stopped by you Lin Tian last time. Don't stop me this time."

"It just happens that I have made some progress recently, so let this guy try it, it's just right!"

When the words fell, Shi Zhihao flew up and killed the giant elephant below. Upon seeing this, an imperceptible smile flashed across Lin Tian's face.

At this moment, Lei Li's voice suddenly sounded, "Lin Tian, ​​are you kid looking at the old man? You must know that the old man also fought against Kapu back then."

Lin Tian and Shi Zhihao’s small actions did not escape the sophisticated eyes of the Raleigh people. The opponent is a violent opponent like Kapu. Whether it is in strength or physical strength, Shi Zhihao is definitely better than Leili Appropriate, there is no need to ask at all.

Both Shi Zhihao and Lei Li knew this, and the reason Lin Tian wanted to ask was to take care of Lei Li's thoughts in his heart, but it was a pity that Lei Li couldn't be more foolish.

He smiled, Lin Tianxi smiled and said: "Uncle Lei Li, how is this possible? You are always the rumored king Lei Li, how can you look down on you".

Pointing at Lin Tian, ​​Lei Li just smiled and didn't say much. In fact, Lei Li was pleased with Lin Tian's little action.

Looking sideways at the four generals who didn’t make a Leili put a smile away, and warned in a solid voice: “Hey, brat, there are six strong men who are no less than us on the opposite side. Here we are. Although there are six, those lieutenants are not weak, and there are only two of the Celestials. Be careful, if we are not careful, we will most likely be planted here."

Lin Tian's smile turned serious and nodded: "Don't worry, Uncle Leily, I know this, but there is no signal yet. We will retreat when the signal appears."

Seeing that Lin Tian had already thought of everything in his heart, Lei Li nodded in relief and looked at the five generals in front. Lei Li drew out the sharp sword in his hand and raised his head slightly.

"Just let the old man try what kind of ability the strong in Huangquan Township has, and it won't be wasteful for the old man to come to Huangquan and go on a trip."

As soon as the voice sounded, Lei Li stepped out, and his figure flashed straight out towards the four generals ahead.

"I go!"

The general black shadow with a scar on his face rushed out, his hands stretched out, two pairs of sharp claws glowing with cold appeared in the general black shadow hands, facing Lei Li.

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