Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 911: Shadow invisible

File clang... File clang...

The harsh metal collision sounded, and the sharp sword blade clashed with the metal claws. Sparks from the collision splashed all around. The white wind surrounded the surroundings, and the dust was flying everywhere.

The strong wind alone has terrible power. The surrounding black-armored soldiers are blown away in pieces by the strong wind. No one can stand within tens of meters centered on the two, except for those powerful lieutenants. China is like walking on the ground.

Failure to do anything, the two of them both pulled out and withdrew. The violent wind finally dissipated, but the flat bluestone ground was already in a mess, with dense cracks all over the feet, and rubble everywhere.

Not only is the battlefield where Raleigh and Black Hawk are fighting, the rest includes the green pheasant against Honglian, Shi Zhihao against the giant elephant, and the eagle eye against the wolf. The fighting in these four places is really terrifying, let alone fighting. The center, even the periphery, can only be approached by lieutenants, not to mention the black armored soldiers.

This scene naturally appeared in Catri’s eyes, his gaze narrowed slightly, and Catri immediately said to a lieutenant admiral next to him: “Tell the surrounding black armor to retreat outside of purgatory and surround it, and rely on their strength to face this. Fighting is impossible to get involved, but it will cause unnecessary casualties."

After receiving Catri's order, the lieutenant next to him immediately left. In a blink of an eye, the densely surrounded Black Armored Army quickly retreated, building several solid lines of defense with Purgatory as the center.

Seeing that the Black Armour retreats, Katerry focused his attention on the battlefield ahead. He thought that this time it was just a group of stowaways who accidentally entered Huangquan Township, but these people had certain strength and were bold enough to hijack Elif. .

But now, Katerry understood that their inference was wrong. The mistake was so terrible. The six people who appeared in front of him each had decisive combat power and were able to match the general.

Although it is not clear how many powerhouses there are in the living world, as the relative living world and the dead world, the level of the two powerhouses should not be much different. If any team has a large number of powerhouses that can match the generals, then Their Huangquan Township has long been occupied by the dead souls who came to Huangquan Township.

In addition, they actually hijacked Elif in exchange for a pirate they had caught. Therefore, in Catri’s heart, a speculation was that these people did not enter the Yellow Spring River by coincidence like many smugglers, but they probably came deliberately. Their goal is the one named Pirate Ace caught in their hands.

After all, Katri also knows about bringing the souls of the dead back to the world of the living from Huangquan Township and resurrecting the dead.

"Air cannon!"

With a low drink, Al's white air-wrapped right hand gently shook it towards the void, and a large group of air gathered and compressed in the palm of his hand, until it finally gathered into a white ball of light, which shot straight toward the front of Katri.

Al's intention is very obvious, obviously he wants to test how strong the guy in front of him who has the same lightning ability as the instructor is.

The extremely fast air bomb naturally alarmed Catri, and reached out to stop him from wanting to move the shadow general. Catri smiled and said with a deep meaning: "Since the other party wants to know my strength, I can't refute it." other side".


The azure blue arc surrounds Catri’s arm, and from time to time there are arcs leaking out, blasting large black holes in the surrounding ground. Just one arc has such power, it is conceivable that Carter’s palm contains thunder and lightning. What a powerful force.


Raising his right hand and slamming forward, his arm thunder and lightning surged, and gathered into a dozen meters of thunder and lightning, flying out like a sharp arrow shot. Thunder Dragon opened his mouth and bit the flying air bounce tightly in his mouth with one mouthful, unable to move.

The thunder and lightning rolled in Thunder Dragon's mouth, and the dense thunder and lightning smashed into the white air bomb without money. The powerful current instantly split the air bomb into cracks.

Seeing this scene, Katerry smiled slightly, apparently confident of his powerful abilities. But when he inadvertently swept Alna's smiling face, Katerry was startled, and a very bad premonition rose in his heart.


Al sipped softly, and several air bombs with small cracks appeared, and they were immediately covered by dense cracks, and a bright light spread out along the cracks.

Everyone in the entire purgatory felt a bright light in front of them, and their opened eyes closed unnaturally. The next instant, there was a loud bang, and an earth-shattering explosion here caused the whole purgatory to shake three times.

The earth was trembling, a series of dark cracks spread towards the distance without end, large fragments of rubble flew up, and the violent force swept out as a shock wave, like a hurricane of dozens of levels sweeping across the city of Purgatory.

The shock hits, even the lieutenants standing on both sides cannot withstand the shock. This explosion is really too strong, and it came without warning. Everyone hasn't realized what happened yet, and all the forces have gathered. At the foot, the whole body bends barely to stop the shock wave.

Pieces of houses collapsed, and even the steel city wall of several meters thick cast by steel was twisted and deformed under the impact and slightly sunken inward.

This sudden scene, if you say that the most stunned person, should be regarded as Katri, and I also felt that Al's strength was not enough to worry about, and the power of the explosion that occurred in a blink of an eye can be regarded as stunned by the explosion.

Al's attack is very similar to that of a bear. A large amount of air is compressed into a small space, and the burst of power at that moment is terrible. Moreover, Al attacks are stronger than bears. Bears use their flesh palms to exert pressure on the atmosphere, and Al Nai is an empty fruit capable person. He is an air man, and he can naturally compress more air, and his power is stronger.

The thick smoke from the explosion enveloped the entire purgatory and plunged into a thick fog, which was not visible from the outside, let alone the battle inside.

Deep in the thick smoke, it is not an exaggeration to describe it with the invisible fingers. Looking at the yellow dust in front of him, Al regretted: "I knew that there was no need to compress so much air. As a result, people did not explode. All this power was wasted." .

The air bomb exploded in the Thunder Dragon's mouth. Although the mighty might not be able to resist the Thunder Dragon, if the power and impact generated by this explosion alone can't deal with the Katerry who is immune to physical attacks.

At this moment, a dagger appeared silently in the dark dust and fog. This dagger appeared silently, even if it moved, there was no sound in the air where it passed. The smoke did not move at all. The shimmering dagger didn't seem to exist in this space.

The dagger approached Al's back a little bit, but Al didn't notice it at all. In this way, the dagger approached behind Al's neck little by little until it finally reached a place where his neck was close to one centimeter away.

Even if the movement of the dagger was not noticed, the cold entrained by the dagger still made Al feel something wrong, and the puzzled Al was about to turn his head.

At this moment, a cold flash of brush flashed past, and the sharp dagger instantly cut Al's neck in half, and the round head fell to the ground with a bang. It took a few laps before it stopped, and the eyes still remained. The moment Al's neck was chopped off, he was shocked.

Stopping the pace of advancement, he chopped off Al's head with one move. As a general, the shadow was not at all excited, but quickly moved away from Al with his feet.

General Ghost, although a woman, as a general is like her name. General Ghost is hidden in the shadows like a ghost, waiting for the opportunity to give the enemy a thunder blow. This is an assassin who has become The tough woman of the general.

Squinting at the dagger in his hand, there was no trace of blood on Xueliang's dagger, indicating that he had missed the blow just now, which means that Al, whose head was chopped off, did not actually die.

Al, whose head fell to the ground, looked at the shadow ahead, and said in surprise: "Unexpectedly, the assassination technique that your general is proficient in was not discovered by me until I was close to my neck. If it weren't for me in the old battle, In the face of obstructing the view, it will maintain the habit of elementalization, and this time I will really be killed by you."

Speaking of this, Al is grateful that if it weren't for this seemingly useless habit that consumes physical strength, and hasn't changed it for many years, I am afraid that this time he will have to die in this Huangquan Township and become a true Huangquan person.

General Youying's voice was very cold, as if he had no feelings at all, "You should thank you for having this habit, otherwise there will be another dead soul under my dagger just now."

The falling head turned into a ball of air and flew to the neck. Al's head grew out again. He twisted his head. Al said, "I have to say, I have to say that to get used to it."

Raising the dagger glowing with cold light in his hand, gently slid in front of him, and the shadow full of murderous voice sounded: "Then cherish this time of next, you may be Speechless".

Feeling the murderous intent in Yuying’s mouth, Alton burst into laughter, and provocatively said to the murderous Yuying in front of him: "Really? But I don’t think this mouth can be closed so easily. It depends on you. How do you do it, do you use your hands or other places...".

Speaking of Al's eyes converging on Yu Ying's tempting red lips at the same time, it has to be said that, as Al expected, his mouthwatering really angered You Ying.

"Don't worry, you will know later."

The moment the voice fell, the shadowy figure flashed and disappeared directly into Al's eyes. Upon seeing this, Al's face changed slightly, and his eyes condensed slightly. Not only the eyesight, but also the domineering, they could not feel the existence of the shadow, as if it had disappeared. Same throughout the space.

The sharp dagger stretched out from the void again without warning, and cut it straight towards Al's neck.

This time Al had been prepared for a long time, he felt the chill the moment the dagger appeared, and raised his right hand covered by the armed color domineering and blasted it out.


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