The violent wind blows out, white waves of air blow across the ground like a sharp blade, large pieces of rubble fly up, and thick fog is blown away by the strong wind.


A big mouthful of blood spurted out of You Ying's mouth, and the bright red blood flew into the air like a blooming blood flower.

Shoo...a burst of air-breaking sound sounded, and the sharp dagger broke away from the shadow of the shadow, spinning rapidly in the air, until it finally stuck to the ground.

Although Yu Ying is a general, his combat power is naturally terrifying. It is no problem to deal with one lieutenant general. However, as a general, Yu Ying focuses on not head-to-head battles, especially when the opponent he faces is Al's ability. A strong physical skill with natural abilities in close combat.

The final result is naturally conceivable, forcibly resisting Al's full-strength fist, combined with the armed and domineering, the violent force swarmed out like a tide, the tiger's mouth burst, and bright red blood flowed out. He directly knocked the shadow dagger from his hand, and even flew out with the shadow of the whole person. It slid against the ground for more than ten meters, stirring up a large area of ​​smoke and debris, and finally knocking out a large The pit stopped.

The smoke dissipated under the gentle breeze, revealing the shadow that was flying out by Al's. At this moment, the shadow was half squatting on the ground, a bright red blood on the corner of his mouth appeared on the beautiful face, and the whole body was covered with yellowish dust. .

He stretched out his hand to wipe off the blood on the corner of his mouth. Although the short hard touch just now caused You Ying to be injured, it was not without gain. At least let You know that he is definitely not Al’s opponent in strength against the opponent. If you want to win, only Can give full play to his own advantages, continue to fight, and then find the right opportunity to give Al Thunder a blow, and fight for a kill.

After thinking about the tactics in mind, You Ying stood up while squatting, and two sharp daggers flew out of the sleeves with a wave of both hands and appeared in You Ying's hands.

The exploded tiger's mouth kept flowing blood, and the bright red blood slowly slid on the bright blade of the dagger. Against the bright blade of the dagger, the blood was so bright red, full of infinite murder.

With a leap, You Ying brandished a bright dagger with both hands, and headed straight for the incoming Al.

The entire purgatory was divided into five battles. The general level battle was too fierce, and only the lieutenant could stand beside him intact, but even with so many lieutenants just surrounded Leili and others, they did not cooperate with the action to attack Leili and others.

The combat power of the first general is too strong. If they break in, they may be beheaded before attacking the opponent, and only the elite lieutenant generals can intervene.

But secondly, generals like Gray Wolf don't want others to intervene in their battles. As generals, they are the pinnacle of combat power in the entire world.

It's rare to encounter such a level of Heaven Defender, they naturally have to fight hard and don't want to be disturbed, and see the power of the strong in the living world.

Therefore, dozens of lieutenants just surrounded Leily and the others who were fighting, watching the battle at the same time, and finding a mobile phone club. Once the opportunity comes, these lieutenants will not hesitate.

The destructive power of ten general-level battles was terrifying, and the violent impact came out, and the houses collapsed in pieces.

Fortunately, the main place of imprisonment in Purgatory is in a place tens of meters deep, otherwise it is this destructive power, I am afraid the whole purgatory will be plunged into destruction.

The destructive power of the five battles can make the entire southwest corner of Sky City clearly feel a violent tremor. Therefore, even the depths of tens of meters deep in Purgatory cannot completely withstand the destructive power of Lin Tian and others.


A stout thunder and lightning in the sky fell from the sky, the blue thunder and lightning hit Lin Tian's body, and the high-intensity electric current turned into a series of electric arcs to flash on Lin Tian's body.

With a cold snort, a more powerful current emerged from Lin Tian, ​​and the thunder pillars rising into the sky rushed into the sky, and the entire purgatory was enveloped by a light blue light.

Looking at this scene, Katerry's eyes flickered slightly. The lightning was naturally issued by Katry just now. It was used to test Lin Tian. Naturally, there was only one purpose, and that was the rumor that Lin Tian also had control of thunder and lightning. I have already determined this guess in my heart.

"The ability of Thunder, let me see who is more capable!"

The blue thunder light flickered all over his body, Katri stepped on, and the hard bluestone ground exploded with a bang, and Katri's figure turned into a thunder light and burst out.

The thunder and lightning appeared quickly and dissipated quickly. Under Lin Tian's control, all the thunder pillars rising into the sky dissipated and disappeared into Lin Tian's body.

At the moment when Lin Tian put away the powerful voltage that radiated from his body, a lightning bolt quickly approached Lin Tian, ​​and Katri's figure appeared, raising his fist wrapped in thunder and lightning and smashing it towards Lin Tian's head.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and Lin Tian's body flickered like thunder, and his whole body squatted slightly, raising his fists wrapped in thunder and lightning and blasting them straight up.

There was a loud bang. This was not a confrontation of power, but a confrontation of thunder and lightning. The high-voltage current gathered at the arm suddenly gushed out for a while.

The dazzling blue light was bright, and the thunder and lightning had centered on the two of them, splitting like a tree branch, and large black holes appeared on the ground.

"This guy has such a strong control over thunder and lightning!" Lin Tian couldn't help exclaiming in his heart as he stared at Katri.

Just felt a powerful force hit, the hard ground under his feet collapsed inch by inch, and the tumbling mud rolled like a continuous wave. Lin Tian's feet were also deeply plunged into the mud beneath his feet, and at the same time, his whole body was retreating hard to control. Both feet slid out two gullies several meters deep on the ground.

When the attack failed, Katerry retracted his fist, leaped back and burst out, his figure falling a few meters away from Lin Tian.

As Catri retracted his fist, Lin Tian felt the pressure greatly reduced, but then a faint pain came into his mind, and his hands trembled uncontrollably. The punch of Catri just now was too powerful, and Lin Tian still suffered. With a small injury, he held his hands tightly before pressing down his uncontrolled shaking hands.

Putting his hands on his knees, Lin Tian pulled out his feet one after another from the ground with a small amount of dirt.

At this time, Catri said lightly: "It seems that we understand that you are right. You actually have the same physique that is transformed into an element like our Celestial Clan, and you are very similar to me, but the same controlled lightning, but... ".

I am not surprised by this. As a prince of the Celestial Clan who was born in Huangquan Township since he was a child, I don’t know what kind of world the living world is. Naturally, the stowaways from that world are strange. Locally, Katerry would not be surprised, but believed.

Just like Lin Tian and others came to Huangquan Township, Lin Tian would not be surprised what happened. Even if fire in Huangquan Township can extinguish water, Lin Tian believed that as a different world, there are various rules. The same is different.

Besides, he himself is a Celestial Clan person who can be elementalized by thunder and lightning. How strange it is to encounter the same person who can be elementalized at this time.

Hearing this, Lin Tian shrugged without concealing anything, and directly admitted: "However, my development of Raiden is weaker than you. In Raiden, I have to admit that it is indeed not your opponent."

Lin Tian admitted so decisively that something was beyond Katerry's expectation. He thought that at least Lin Tian would cover it up, but who knew he hadn't said it yet, Lin Tian said it first.

His gaze flickered, he looked at Lin Tiankateri a lot, and said: "In that case, do you think there is still a need to fight? You, who are weaker than me in terms of lightning control, are absolutely impossible to defeat me, and continue to fight. , The only way to face you is failure."

"But if you release my sister Elif on the initiative, our Celestial Clan people can not hold you accountable, and you can even join our Celestial Clan army to become a general and have great power. This must be compared to the living world. Up".

In just a few words, they showed both kindness and power, carrots and sticks, first telling Lin Tian that they could not succeed, and then using the conditions of becoming a general to buy them.

This not only prevented the entire incident from spreading, but at the same time, it safely protected Elif, and it was able to subdue Lin Tian and the terrifying group of powerful men and become his subordinates. It can be said to kill three birds with one stone. In terms of resourcefulness, Katerry was shocked again Lin Tian.

Lin Tian shook his head and smiled. The ridiculous expression on his face already represented Lin Tian's answer. Lin Tiandao: "Prince Katerry, becoming a general and having great power is really exciting. Unfortunately, this is Huangquan Township. The pure land where the souls of the deceased stayed, although it seems that this is not a pure land, but those of us who are still alive do not want to die."

As Lin Tian’s words gradually fell, Katerry’s smile disappeared completely, and murderous intent appeared instead. Although Lin Tian didn’t say it clearly, his meaning has been very It seems you guys. It's toasting and not eating fine wine. If that's the case, then all die here." Katerry couldn't help letting out a slight anger in his tone.

Hearing this, Lin Tian's smile disappeared. When the other party said such words, he naturally didn't have a good face. His eyes fell on Katerry. Lin Tian said lightly: "We don't want to eat fine wine, and we don't want to toast. eat".

"Then let me feed it to you!" An angry scream came from his mouth.

Catri's right hand Yi Yang, thunder light flickered on his arm, and a dazzling light blue thunder pillar burst out and went straight to Lin Tiankill.

With a Yang on Lin Tian's right hand, the same thunder pillar burst out from Lin Tian's arm, and the two thunder pillars cut through the sky, like meteorites falling from the sky.


The deafening explosion sounded, and the shock waves generated by the collision spread out in all directions, like a strong wind, setting off large patches of dust and gravel.

The stout blue thunder pillar broke through the smoke towards Lin Tian.

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