Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 913: Kylin vs Lei Di

When the lightning pillars collided, the high-strength current erupted into a powerful force, but Katerry was worthy of surpassing Lin Tian in the lightning control. The high-voltage current gathered at one point and broke the lightning pillar with a point.

A dazzling lightning pierced the void, like a thunder spear that pierced the sky, to forcibly nail Lin Tian to the ground in front of him.

The lightning speed is extremely fast, it is the world's extreme speed, and quickly passed through the body of the lightning, but as Lin Tian who can also be elementalized, the dazzling lightning only blasted a big hole in Lin Tian's body, and it closed quickly in a blink of an eye.

Looking sideways at the big hole blasted out of his chest, Lin Tian's eyes narrowed slightly. Although he knew that Katerry had better control of thunder and lightning before, when he really played against him, Lin Tian realized that Katerry was stronger than he thought. Several points.

The same lightning pillar, the same voltage and high-intensity current, why Catri can break Lin Tian's lightning pillar, that is because Catri's control is stronger than Lin Tian's by several points, and the same power can be concentrated to a point.

Katerry raised his right hand surrounded by thunder and lightning, and thunder and lightning rushed into the sky. The surrounding void was already filled with a large number of electrons under the two lightning abilities. As Katerry moved, the floating ions in the void gathered in the sky. Thunder and lightning flashed above the two of them.

Lin Tian naturally sensed the gathering of void electric ions around him. He raised his head and felt the more and more violent thunder and lightning in the void above his head, and a bad premonition rose in Lin Tian's heart.

At this moment, the violent electrons calmed down, and they were huge for an instant, and a unicorn formed by thunder and lightning appeared overhead.

When the lightning unicorn appeared, a gust of wind fell from the sky, like a big mountain was pressed down, and large swaths of smoke and rubble were lifted by the hurricane.

Seeing this scene, Lin Tian's eyes condensed, and a very solemn expression appeared on his face. Although he does not know how destructive this lightning unicorn bursts out, Lin Tian can feel the terrifying power contained in the unicorn's body. .

"What is here, how can such a thing appear"

"Kirin, or a unicorn made up entirely of thunder and lightning, is this hell?"

This scene naturally appeared in the eyes of the rest of the surrounding people. Lei Li and others were shocked. The unicorn is a legendary creature, but now suddenly there is one made of thunder and lightning. The most important thing is that they also felt it. A terrible force will burst out at any time.

"Unexpectedly, Prince Katerry would use this trick shortly before he fought."

"It seems that Prince Katerry doesn't want to continue to delay, and is ready to quickly resolve the opponent. In this case, we have to speed up and decide the victory."

In contrast, the five generals seemed excited. They naturally knew that the huge Thunder Qilin in the sky was Katerry's move. This move was terrifying, and even if they were hit head-on, it would be a serious injury.


Facing the thunder and lightning unicorn above his head, Lin Tianshen breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, Lin Tian didn't have a bottom line for the next attack, but besides facing the attack, he couldn't even escape.

If he moves, Katerry will definitely control the position of the unicorn, follow his own actions and attack. The lightning speed is extremely fast, and the distance of several kilometers can be reached in an instant.

With a bang, a terrible thunder pillar soared into the sky, and the strong wind was like a white wave rolling along the ground, and large patches of dust, fog, and debris were flying.

Among the thunder pillars rising into the sky, as the thunder and lightning continued to rush into the body, Lin Tian's whole body was expanding rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in a blink of an eye, a thunder and lightning giant standing tens of meters high stood between the sky and the earth.

The giant lifted his foot and slammed on the ground. The whole ground was shaken, arousing large dust and fog, and the broken stones were flying everywhere.

With a squeeze of huge fists, Lin Tian waved his hands, and the low voice sounded through the entire purgatory.

"Lei Di is here!"

Ta Ta Ta...

Looking at the lightning unicorn appearing in the distance, and the lightning giant appearing next to them, the surrounding black armored soldiers could hardly contain the fear in their hearts. They stepped back a little bit. This level of battle is really terrifying. Get involved.

Reacting from his surprise, Lei Li's face immediately showed a smile, "Lin Tian, ​​this guy, didn't expect to still keep this hand."

Seeing that Catri actually used the electrons generated by the surrounding void fighting to converge into a huge thunder and lightning unicorn, Lei Li still worried about Lin Tian. The amount of violent violence contained in it was too strong, but now he sees Lin Tian useful for this. With the move, the worries in Raleigh's heart suddenly disappeared.

Lin Tian and Catri didn't know that because of the huge movement they made, Lei Li and the others who were fighting around and the five generals stopped at the same time. At this moment, all the attention of the two was concentrated on each other.

"Kirin!" Catri said softly in a low voice.

As the words sounded, Katerry raised his right hand, which was constantly emitting lightning, and suddenly pressed it down, the floating lightning unicorn above his head suddenly moved, and the thunder and lightning with strong arms seemed to be smashed down like no money, and the whole sky city reverberated. This deafening sound of thunder and lightning.


The unicorn looked up to the sky with a long roar, and the harsh sound waves spread out like waves, and the violent aura was undoubtedly revealed. If it were not for the flashing thunder and lightning on his body, he really thought it was a real unicorn beast.

The unicorn roared and finished, the large body there suddenly swooped down, and went straight to the lightning giant Lin Tian that stood between the sky and the earth below.

Lin Tian, ​​who was transformed into a giant, had no moves, just raised his hand and clenched his fist straight to smack the thunder and lightning Qilin from the sky.

This is the fighting method of the giants. There are no subtle moves. For the bulky giants, that huge body and terrifying power are their best combat advantages.

Clutching thunder and lightning, his fists blasted out, the huge fist pierced through the void, stirring the air flow wherever he passed, forming a white wind wrapped around the fist.

The collision between the giant fist and the unicorn was like two meteorites falling from the sky.

Boom... boom... boom...

At the moment of the collision, the sound of continuous explosions first entered the ears, terrible power erupted, continuous explosions appeared, dozens of meters high smoke column rose into the sky, the whole earth was trembling, and the flat ground suddenly appeared densely dense. Cracks, like spider webs.

With hundreds of millions of volts of thunder and lightning clashing, the bursting force set off a terrible shock wave of mighty power, spreading towards the surroundings, and large patches of dust and rubble were flying wherever it passed, and the standing houses could hardly withstand the impact. The house is now destroyed like a tofu project.

In the face of this kind of shock, even if the lieutenant general is difficult to resist, he feels a huge force bombarding his chest, and the tip of his tongue flies directly upside down. Only a few powerful lieutenants, generals, and Rayleigh can hit this shock wave. Not shaken in the slightest.


Above the smoke, violent lightning and lightning appeared, and the endless lightning fell like a storm like no money.

A faint wind blew by, and the smoke that filled the whole purgatory gradually dissipated under the breeze, and the lightning that fell from the sky also diminished, until it finally disappeared completely.

The smoke dissipated, and after a minute, the tragic thing hidden under the smoke appeared. The first thing that entered the eyes was a pit that was more than ten meters deep.

The scope of the pit is hard to describe, but the purgatory familiar to the five generals has been completely erased from the front, and then is covered by a deep pit. That is to say, the entire surface of the largest prison in Huangquan Township has been completely dissipated. The ground was cut off several meters thick.

As for what would happen to 80% of the purgatory buildings hidden underground under this destruction, this is no longer what everyone can notice at this moment.

"Guru... this might be too powerful, it will level the entire purgatory"

"I didn't expect the thunder power to be so terrifying, if it weren't for the huge sky city, I'm afraid a small island could be leveled."

"Rather than caring about this, I still care more about the safety of the instructor, such a terrible collision, who won in the end?"

At the bottom of the pit, two figures emerged, lying with Lin Tian, ​​kneeling Catri, and the final result was naturally Catri, who had more control over Xianglei, won.


Lin Tian lay on the ground, breathing heavily in his mouth, and most of his clothes were broken, revealing the **** wound and the tumbling flesh and blood below.

The blood flowed from the corners of the mouth and flowed down the cheeks all the way to the charred and faintly hot mud under his body. Although his face was charred, it was still difficult to conceal the decadence and weakness revealed in Lin Tian's eyes. Lin Tian at this moment In addition to being able to move his hands, he has no strength to stand up.

Catri's mouth was also panting With his hands on the ground, he didn't let his dilapidated body lie on the ground like Lin Tian. However, Catri is better than Lin Tian. Less, not even the strength to stand.


After spitting out the blood remaining in his mouth, Catri raised his eyes to look at Lin Tian who was lying in front, and stood up straight. But the moment he stood up straight was involved in his injuries, and his whole body was trembling, and Katerry, who had just stood up, almost fell to the ground.

It took more than ten seconds to stabilize his body. Katerry stepped and walked towards Lin Tian lying on the ground with a trembling body. Although the speed was extremely slow, the distance between him and Lin Tian was still getting closer. .

Hearing the sound of footsteps in the incoming ears, Lin Tian tilted his head, Katrina was covered in blood, and the slowly moving figure appeared in Lin Tian's eyes.

Lin Tian didn't even have to think about Catri's purpose, but at this moment, he was powerless, let alone moving, he couldn't even stand up, how could he avoid Catri.

Finally, Catri slowly moved to Lin Tian, ​​a faint thunder light flickered on his body, and a blue thunder sword appeared in Catri's hands.

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