Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 914: Signal sounded

In the deep pit, in addition to Lin Tian and Katri, there are no one such as Lei Li, as well as five generals and the remaining admiral.

Although everyone did not intervene in the battle between Lin Tian and Catri, Catri moved to lie on the ground and Lin Tian was still deeply in everyone's eyes.

Seeing this scene, Lei Li and the others naturally changed their faces. Without saying a word, they rushed towards Lin Tian's direction. Now Lin Tian is seriously injured and lying on the ground with no defense. If Katerry gets close, then When it is a man-made cutting board, I am a fish.

"No, the instructor is in danger"

"Now that Lin Tian is seriously injured and has no power to resist, Katri wants to attack Lin Tian"

"Don't say so much, hurry up and support."


Although Raleigh and others have good ideas, there are five other general-level figures on the side. Now that Prince Katerry has finally obtained the chance to win, how can Raleigh and others interrupt him.

Without the slightest hesitation, the five generals including Canglang leapt out and launched an attack towards Leili and others.

Feeling the attack from behind, Lei Li and the others knew that Lin Tian was dangerous now, but they had to stop to deal with the attack from behind, otherwise, let alone there is no chance to save Lin Tian, ​​even they would get in.

Raleigh and the others had no choice but to stop and respond to the attack from the Canglang and others. Naturally, the ten men fought together again. If one side wants to get out, the other side will not let you fight, and the fighting strength of the two sides is similar. This immediately reached a stalemate. in.

However, in addition to the five generals, there are more than a dozen lieutenants who have retained their fighting power. They certainly will not turn a blind eye to this excellent opportunity.

When the figure flashed, it rushed straight toward the bottom of the pit, one purpose was to protect Katri who was also seriously injured, and the other was to catch Lin Tian.


Catri stopped in front of Lin Tian, ​​breathing heavily in his mouth, bright red blood ran down the corners of his mouth, Catri did not immediately move, he was already very reluctant when he walked in front of Lin Tian, ​​and took a few breaths. , The body strength finally recovered a little.

Raising the thunder sword in his hand, the sharp blade hit Lin Tian's throat. As long as Katerry moved slightly, the sharp blade could clearly cut off Lin Tian's neck. At that time, the natural person's head fell and he couldn't die again.

Catri stared at Lin Tian's gaze closely, and there was a flash of doubt in his heart. It is reasonable to say that Lin Tian should feel scared and horrified in the face of this situation, but Catri did not see this in Lin Tian's eyes, and some were just calm and confident.

To be honest, the sharp blade is close to his neck, Lin Tian has never felt that death is so advanced from him, his fate is in the hands of the enemy.

But Lin Tian knew that Katri would not, because he had a life-saving charm in his hand, that was Elif. As long as the Celestial people did not find Elif, Catri would not kill himself, because he knew in his heart that if he If something happened, Elif would naturally not survive.

With a faint smile on his face, Lin Tian said: "Don't behave, you are a smart man. You should understand what the consequences will be if something happens to me. You don't know this."

Hearing this, a flash of anger flashed across Katerry's face, and with a light pressure on his right hand, the sharp blade immediately pierced Lin Tian's neck, and a trace of scarlet blood flowed down.

Holding back the anger in his heart, Katerry said: "Don't be so rampant, you have to know that your life is in my hands. If you don't want to die, you can honestly hand Elif out, maybe I can spare you not to die."

How could this kind of threat be useful to Lin Tian, ​​when Katerry said this, Lin Tian laughed, and said sarcastically: "Prince Katerry, please understand that too, I control Elif's life in my hands, my life It’s not worth mentioning to you people of the Celestial Clan, but Elif’s life is indeed extremely precious. You probably wouldn’t want my life to be exchanged for Princess Elif’s life.”


Catri was furious, holding the thunder sword in his hand and wishing to pierce Lin Tian to death, but he was very clear in his heart that he could not do this, if he did this, his sister would be finished.

Having to suppress the anger in his heart, Katerry gritted his teeth and said: "I advise you to hand over my sister, otherwise I will let you survive."


As soon as Katri's voice fell, Lin Tian's triumphant laugh suddenly sounded. Facing this Katri's suspicious gaze, Lin Tian believed to himself: "Prince Katri, you are so confident that you can kill me."

With a cry, a bright white light suddenly rose from Lin Tian's body. Seeing this scene, combined with what Lin Tian said just now, if Katerry still didn't notice something wrong, he would be a fool.

With a wave of the thunder sword in his hand, he thrust it into Lin Tian's body, not the neck but the shoulders. Just as Lin Tian said, as long as Elif was in Lin Tian's hands, Katerry would never dare to kill Elif. Unless he doesn't want Elif anymore, this is impossible.

Kang Dang...

The thunder sword was inserted, but the blue thunder sword forcibly passed through Lin Tian's body. Then Lin Tian's body flashed brightly, and he disappeared into Carter without warning, and appeared dozens of meters behind him.

And when all this happened, Catri hadn't even reacted to what was happening. After a few seconds, Catri had regained consciousness and quickly looked at the place Lin Tian appeared behind him.

I saw that Lin Tian was already standing on the ground at this moment, and after talking with Katerry, Lin Tian secretly recovered some physical strength, which could not be used to fight, but he could still stand.

Lin Tian took the lead and said: "I'm sorry, I let you down, Prince Katerry, you just lost your best chance to seize me, and it's the only chance."

Hearing that, the anger in Catri's heart erupted like a volcano, and the thunder sword in his right hand clenched tightly and slammed.

"Damn, Lin Tian! Since I can catch you once, I can catch you a second time"

The enraged Katerry didn't care about the injuries and sequelae in his body. He left them all behind and squeezed the last trace of strength from his ruined body.


Katerry's figure flashed, the terrible thunder and lightning gathered in his hands, and he lightly grasped the void, countless thunder and lightning rushed out from his arm, forming a blue thunder sword tightly held in his hand.

Catri held the thunder sword in both hands and slashed towards Lin Tian suddenly, but before the blade reached, a shining slash burst out.

Using thunder and lightning to condense into a sharp sword that can be held, Lin Tian couldn't do it, let alone the current state. Lin Tian understood that Katerry was desperate, but he was already ruined. Regardless of physical damage, Katerry had only the opportunity to use this blow. If he did not block this blow, it is very likely that Lin Tian would be greeted death.

Holding the hilt of the chasing wind with his backhand, Lin Tian quickly pulled out the chasing wind inserted into the scabbard behind him, and a bright light flashed behind Lin Tian.

Lin Tian chose to squeeze out the last trace of strength from this ruined body just like Katri.

Bang... bang...

With two muffled noises in a row, the sharp blade of the chasing wind directly smashed the attacking slash. With a step on both feet, Lin Lintian shot out, directly facing the attacking Katerry.

Two thunder swords exuding azure blue light slashed down, and Lin Tian quickly raised the chasing wind to move forward!

File clang... File clang...

The piercing sound of blade friction was transmitted to Lin Tian’s ears, and violent power erupted. Lin Tian’s arms suddenly shook at the moment of the collision, and his entire body was pressed down more than a few centimeters. The chasing wind in his hands could not control the vibration, and he made a humming sound The loud sound of swords.



The moment they collided, the two of them felt sweet in their mouths, and spewed blood at the same time, and the strength that was hard to lift in the body dissipated like a tide.

Gritting his teeth, Lin Tian quickly raised his left hand, holding the hilt of the chasing sword with both hands, and the final power burst out from his body, instantly knocking Katri away.

In the inverted flight, Katerry spewed out several mouthfuls of blood again, and after rolling on the ground several times, Katerry finally stopped, but at this moment, there was no strength in the body, only two eyes could turn, and he could not move lying on the ground. .

Lin Tian was equally uncomfortable when he flew Katerry, a mouthful of bright red blood spurted from his mouth, and his dilapidated body finally reached its limit and fell to the ground with a bang.

Lin Tian and Katri were two powerful experts, but at this time even a child could easily kill them both.

Staring straight at Lin Tian, ​​Katerry trembled and asked, "Why?"

"I have to admit that you have far more control over thunder and lightning than you know me, but I have more than just thunder and lightning, I have other powers, huh...".

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian gasped hard, even these short words are a great burden to Lin Tian, ​​it is conceivable that Lin Tian's body suffered at this moment.

"Prince Katerry!"

"Lin Tian!"

Seeing Lin Tian and Catri lying on the ground both wounded and injured, Lei Li, Canglang and others who were fighting exclaimed. There was no idea of ​​fighting. The two sides stopped by appointment and ran in their respective directions.

"Lin are you?"

"Instructor, are you okay?"

When they came to Lin Tian, ​​Lei Li and others asked worriedly.

Barely showing a smile, Lin Tian panted and replied, "Don't worry, you can't die."

Upon seeing this, Lei Li and the others gave a sigh of relief. Fortunately, there is no life-threatening. It's just that the body is too badly injured and too tired. It only takes a while to recover. It's just that they are in this kind of place and they are surrounded by this group. Leaving with a seriously injured Lin Tian is not a simple matter.

咻... 嘭...

There was a harsh screaming sound, and everyone in the pit couldn't help but look up, only to see a bright light from the sky rushing into the sky.

The faces of everyone, including Lin Tian, ​​were suddenly delighted. This was when they agreed with Cod and the others on the flare. The launch of the flare indicated that they had found Ace and rescued Ace.

In other words, their plan was successful. After they fought for so long, Lin Tian was even seriously injured and dying. These efforts were not in vain.

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