Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 915: Leaving Huangquan Township

The flare that rose high above the sky can be clearly seen, knowing that Ace was rescued, and Lei Li and the others showed joy.

But looking at the flare that fell from a high altitude, and then sweeping the joy on the faces of Lei Li and others, General Canglang and others were puzzled.

I wondered what exactly this flare meant, and it made Lin Tian and others so excited.

Sweeping his gaze diagonally, watching the flare up in the east, combined with the sudden changes in the expressions of Lin Tian and others, Katerry suddenly thought of something important, and his face suddenly changed.

Speaking of the strength of the whole body, Katerry shouted in a trembling voice: "No, we have been caught up in the game."

"How to adjust the tiger away from the mountain?"

Hearing Katerry's words, everyone thought about it, and their faces suddenly changed. They suddenly wondered why all the soldiers, including Lin Tian and others, were laughing.

There were a total of eleven defenders, and only the six Lin Tian attacked Purgatory. At that time, according to the speculation of the Tian Clan, it was likely that Lin Tian and the others had noticed something was wrong, so they first sent six people as the vanguard to test the specific situation. Pressed on Elif and hid on the side.

Therefore, when Purgatory was attacked, Katerry led the Black Armored Army to look around, but he did not find Elif at all. In the end, Purgatory was in danger and he had to come to support Purgatory.

Now they understand that Lin Tian and others are not vanguards, and Elif is not kidnapped by others. The real situation is that Lin Tian and others are divided into two parts. A group of people led Elif into Ace's detention area and rescued Ace.

And the flare just sent was from the east, where Ace was imprisoned, which meant that if Katri didn't expect it, Ace had been rescued by them, otherwise he would not show excitement.

"Unexpectedly, we were fooled from the beginning. The other party was ring after ring", shaking his head, the gray wolf said in a low tone.

Not only the gray wolf, but the other five people's faces are not very good-looking. Five generals, hundreds of thousands of troops, and the entire Celestial Clan were actually led by the nose of the other eleven people. The shame of the government army.

At this moment, Catri lying on the ground gasped and said, "No, we still have a chance. As long as we can keep the six people who broke into purgatory, we will have a huge bargaining chip in our hands, and they Will steal the chicken and lose the rice."

Catri is very right. As long as Lin Tian and others are caught, even if Lin Tian rescues Ace, at the same time they can control the six exchanged hostages, including the leader of the entire team. They are not losers in the battle, but will be winners.

After understanding this, the eyes of the Great General Canglang and others lit up, and the six people suddenly had a definition of what to do next.

The Canglang gave an order loudly: "Order all active lieutenants to join the battle, and all the soldiers of the Black Armored Army can stabilize the outer line of defense, and no one can escape by any means."

The huge shout quickly spread around the entire purgatory. After a while, the black armour began to form an array and march towards the center of the pit. All the active admirals around the navy formed a circle to surround Lin Tian and the others.

This scene naturally entered the ears of Lin Tian and the others, watching the movements of the surrounding army, even Lei Li and others' expressions changed, revealing a solemn look.

With five generals, tens of thousands of elite black armours, and dozens of lieutenants, the chance of breaking out is extremely low.

And here is the city of the sky, where many powerful people and celestial people are gathered, and their support will not take long to arrive. By then, the chance of them escaping is almost zero.

The Canglang gaze towards Lin Tian and his party, and said: "Five generals and dozens of lieutenant generals form an encirclement. It is impossible for you to escape. Now there are only two ways to face you. We defeated, then we were caught, but now we surrender."

Ignoring what the Canglang said, they had already figured out their way of retreat from the beginning, let alone being surrounded, they could escape even worse.

"How about, Lin Tian can still use abilities in this situation?" Lei Li asked with some worry. Lin Tian now doesn't even have the strength to speak fluently, let alone use abilities.

Lin Tian replied: "Don't worry, I thought about this from the beginning. I have a space stone in my pocket. I store a certain amount of void power in it, which also includes coordinates. Just crush it and we can build one. The short teleportation space leaves here".

Although he didn't understand what Lin Tian said about the power of the void, Lei Li listened clearly, and could leave by crushing the stone in his pocket.

Seeing that Lin Tian and his party didn't say anything to answer, they didn't even pay attention to them, and the gray wolf waved his hand and said angrily: "It seems that you are going to choose the first way.

Following an order, the Canglang and others as the generals took the lead to rush out, and the surrounding lieutenants followed closely. Their purpose was to capture these people alive.

Reaching out his hand and groping in Lin Tian's pocket, Lei Li found what Lin Tian said. It was a dark red stone with strange patterns engraved on it.

Looking at this little stone, Shi Zhihao couldn't believe it: "Just such a small stone has the power to break open space. Is it true?"

"Of course, don't underestimate this little stone. Its material is enough to be worth a billion Bailey," Al explained.

"This costs 100 million Baileys!" Shi Zhihao was immediately shocked.

As for the value of this seemingly dark red little stone, Al Ke knows exactly how much Pele is. One hundred million Pele is just the least.

"Well, don't say so much, don't forget that we are still surrounded by others, let's leave here first", Leily stopped the conversation between the two in a timely manner.

When the voice fell, Lei Li firmly grasped the dark red stone in his hand and squeezed it hard. The seemingly hard stone was easily broken into powder, and a bright white light was revealed from the gap between Lei Li's fingers.

When Rayleigh opened his hand, a more dazzling light burst out, forming a hemispherical dome that surrounded the group of people.

The general Canglang who was attacking, looked at this scene and hurriedly shouted: "No, these people are going to escape from purgatory."

But it's useless to be anxious. They are still some distance away from the mask. Although the wolf and others can rush through in a few seconds, let alone a few seconds, Lin Tian and the others are enough to leave.

"Qinglong Slash!"

Without much thought, General Canglang raised his sword and swung forward. The blade burst out with a long blue dragon. The dragon raised his head and let out a long roar, his slender body swayed, and went straight to Leili and the others, trying to interrupt. Reilly and others sent.


With a loud noise, the cyan dragon hit the white mask like a cannonball, and the shock wave from the explosion swept out like a hurricane, igniting large swaths of smoke and rubble, but a slash that was enough to cut the earth in half, it shook Not the slightest mask.

The bright white mask is not an ordinary mask, but is composed of the power of the void, unless your power can reach the point of shattering the space, but it is a pity that the wolf's slash has not reached this level of power.

In the eyes of Canglang and others, Lin Tian and his party turned into a bright white light and disappeared into the sky with a scream.


A small island in the middle of the lake, this is the newest station of the Red Sun Pirates.

After three days of cultivation, Lin Tian finally recovered. During these three days, they also introduced everything like the dead Ace, while allowing him to gradually adapt to these.

Ace has been rescued and Lin Tian's injury has recovered. They have no need to stay in Huangquan Township, so Lin Tian and others decided to leave Huangquan Township.

On the bank of the river, the Sonny is ready to embark on the final journey of Huangquan Township again.

"Ms. Clinton Xiujuan, thank you for your care these days!" Lin Tian smiled and thanked.

Reaching out and holding up the black hair that was blown away by the breeze, Clinton Xiujuan also replied with a smile: "It should be us that thank you, after all, you have saved our entire pirate group twice."

" I am afraid we have no chance to meet again," Robin said on the side.

"Yes!" Clinton Xiujuan's heart sighed, "From today on, we belong to two worlds. There is no chance to meet again in this life."

"There will be no deadline!"

"There will be no deadline!"

After saying goodbye, Lin Tian took Leily and the others aboard the Sunny, the huge sails swelled up, and the Sunny disappeared into Clinton Xiujuan’s eyes little by little along the panting current, riding on the sea breeze.

Clinton Xiujuan looked back and looked at the box left by Lin Tian and the others until the Sonny’s figure disappeared. In it was the 360 ​​million Bailey that Al had won in the casino. This is Lin. The last gift left by Tian et al.

As for Elif, after Lin Tian and others rescued Ace, Elif's role was no longer there. Yesterday, she had found a chance to send Elif back to the Sky City.

It can be said that before leaving Huangquan Township, Lin Tian had already explained everything. He waved his hand without taking away a cloud, leaving only a legend of purgatory circulating in Huangquan Township.

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