Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 917: Finally back to the great route

Outside the shield glowing with light yellow light, the Sonny floated quietly on the surface of the sea, the white waves patted lightly, and there were waves of water splashing in the clattering sound.

After some meditation and conversation, everyone had a decision in their hearts. Just as Hawkeye said, they did not have a choice. In any case, they could not stay in Huangquan Town forever and must return to the great route.

Raising their eyes and gently sweeping across the crowd in front of them, the information revealed in their eyes is enough to explain everything, and everyone's decision is unanimous.

Nodded, Lin Tian finally made a final decision: "If this is the case, then let's go inside. I believe we can find the last way back to the great route before the sun sets. Even the Huangquan River we have rushed over, not to mention this. Where is the forbidden area?".

With Lin Tian’s order, the stopped Sonny continued to embark on its journey. Under Rayleigh’s control, the Sonny was not very fast. After all, no one can be sure of the danger of the mask. The bow is a little bit. Rush into the photomask.

The seemingly sturdy mask, at the moment when the bow of the Sonny collided, a circle of slightly scattered waves appeared on the mask.

This kind of scene is like a fallen leaf gently falling into the calm lake surface, arousing a slight rippling ripple.

The ripples were getting bigger and bigger. In the blink of an eye, the entire mask in front of him was occupied by the scattered ripples, and the body of the Sonny slowly entered the mask.

Looking at the mask slowly approaching in front of him, Robin couldn't help but gently lifted his hand and tapped towards the mask, as if poking the surface of the lake, the faint microwaves spread out around Robin's fingers.

Robin gently pushed his fingers in, and the fingers went deep into the mask without any obstruction. Apart from the light touch from the fingertips, there was no discomfort.

Raising his head, Robin said: "There is no danger, as Ace said, if we enter the mask, there will be no obstruction."

The light-yellow mask was close to the whole body, as if it was close to a rubber, a stretch of elastic force seemed to be able to bounce Lin Tian and others out at any time.

With a slight force, the transparent mask directly passed through the whole body, as if the water flowed gently, Lin Tian could clearly feel a tremor and the faint coolness that passed through the clothes.

Finally, his body completely passed through the mask without much hesitation. Lin Tian quickly turned around, raised his hand and pressed hard against the mask behind him, but the mask that could be easily passed through before did not move at all.

Not only Lin Tian, ​​everyone couldn’t help turning their heads towards the mask as soon as the mask passed through the body, but even if the horrible slash of the eagle eye bombarded the mask, it was like a stone falling into the sea that couldn’t be lifted. The spray, the mask still doesn't move.

Withdrawing his hand, Lin Tian couldn't help saying: "Sure enough, it is peculiar. On the one hand, it can be passed through gently like the surface of water, but on the other hand it is harder than a diamond. No matter any attack, it will not move. Now it seems that we cannot do without.

After speaking, Lin Tian turned and looked towards the bow of the ship. The place he passed was still an invisible sea. The azure blue water was flowing, and the Sonny slowly moved on the surface.

Time passed quickly, and just ten hours passed. The Sonny was still flowing on the sea, and the blue sea was calm.

Lin Tian stood on the ship’s side, his eyes falling far away, and the surroundings were so peaceful that it felt a little terrifying. Not only did he not see the islands or anything, but even a bird, there was only the blue water in his eyes.

Not only that, Lin Tian used domineering, and did not feel the slightest vitality under the sea.

Hawkeye walked over and whispered: "How's it going? Lin Tian must have sensed it too, this sea area is too calm!!"

"Well, it's too calm, something is not right in the calm," Lin Tian replied softly.

Under this calmness, the entire sea area revealed a problem that shocked both Lin Tian and Yingyan. They sailed for ten hours and did not see a living creature, which means that apart from these people in this sea area, There is not a trace of life.

Lin Tian and Yingyan have never seen this kind of place. The place where there is no vitality is the dead place. The side affirmed the certainty of what Ace said before. It is really a forbidden place, without the slightest living thing. Able to survive the sun setting here.

Hawkeye calmly said: "What should we do next? This sea area has nothing but sea water, and there is not much time left for us."

Lin Tian looked up at the bright sun that had begun to set a little in the distance. The orange sun had already turned red. According to this time, it would not take two hours before the sun would set, and by then they would be here. The rules kill.

Dragging his chin, Lin Tian whispered softly in his mouth: "The time is about to come in two hours. We can't sit here and wait, we must think of a way."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian raised his eyes to look at Robin on the deck, and shouted: "Robin, come here!"

Robin, who was talking to Perona, heard Lin Tian yell, and immediately got up and walked over to Lin Tian. He asked in confusion, "What happened, Lin Tian?"

Lin Tian spoke, his tone revealed a little eagerly, "Robin, please show me the historical text you translated again!"

Although puzzled, Robin took out the historical text translation from his pocket and handed it to Lin Tian.

Reaching out to take the paper that Robin handed over, Lin Tian quickly watched it carefully. This didn't matter. After Lin Tian took a closer look, Lin Tian really saw something.

Lin Tian read along the handwriting on the paper: "The road to return is like the opposite of the opposite, the opposite is also the opposite, and the opposite is also the right. Death reveals vitality."

After reciting, Lin Tian stared at this sentence closely and fell into deep thought.

Lin Tian was lost in thought, but Robin was full of doubts. After reading this translation many times, he did not find any useful content.

"I know!"

After thinking for a few minutes, when Robin couldn't help but asked, Lin Tian suddenly screamed, and everyone on the boat was alarmed.

Especially the three words ‘I know’ attracted all the people on the deck.

Perona ran over and quickly asked: "Yes? Lin Tian, ​​do you know what, do you know the way back to the world of Huangquan".

"Instructor, do you really know?" Al couldn't believe it, and asked again for confirmation.

Nodded, Lin Tian said: "If I didn't guess wrong, I already know where the road to the living world is."

"In that case, where is the passage?" Shi Zhihao couldn't wait to ask.

Without answering immediately, Lin Tian raised his hands and said, "You said where the passage is most likely to be hidden on this quiet blue sea."

Hearing Lin Tian's question, everyone immediately began to think. There were no islands in the entire sea, and no land could be seen. Since it is not land, the sky is impossible.

A bright light flashed in Robin's mind, and he raised his fingers and said excitedly: "Lin Tian, ​​do you mean that the passage is under the sea".

But in a blink of an eye, Robin who said this shook his head and retorted: "No, this is impossible. How could the passage be on the bottom of the sea, but can there be other places besides the bottom of the sea?"

Looking at Robin’s contradictory look, Lin Tian smiled and finally said: “Robin, you are right. If the historical text is correct, then the passage can only be in the sea, because there is no land in this sea area. There can be no road, only the seabed can hide the passage."

Brooke interrupted and said, "Could it be that we have to dive into the seabed to find a passage just like we went to Huangquan Island before."

"No, no, no..." Raising his finger and shaking it, Lin Tianlian said three nos, "The passage is in the sea, but not the bottom of the sea. If we follow that way, we won't find the passage in our entire life."

"The real passage is hidden in this sentence!"

As he said, Lin Tian raised the translation of the historical text in his hand and pointed at the sentence he had just read to Leili and others.

In the eyes of everyone's doubts, Lin Tian explained: "We have to interpret the entire sentence first. The vitality hidden in death is not that vitality is hidden in death, but it should be interpreted in this way. Only when death can we reveal vitality." .

"And this is just one factor. In the first two sentences, the second factor is positive and negative, and vice versa. It expresses that since we are standing in Huang Quxiang, then the reverse is not the realm of life. And death is actually just relative".

Hearing this, Robin's eyes lit up quickly, and the wise she immediately understood Lin Tian's meaning, and Lei Li and the others reacted a little slower, but they followed Lin Tian's meaning.

"I didn't expect to explain this way!" Leily sighed.


"In this case, what are we waiting for, knowing that it hasn't been long since the sun sets."

Suddenly grasping the railing on the side with both hands, Lin Tian pushed hard to the side, and the smoothly running Sonny suddenly tilted to the side. Following Lin Tian's movements, everyone quickly pushed out.

"Hey, what are you doing? What is the method of leaving? It needs to roll the Sonny over."

"I don't know, but I think what we have to do now is to hold onto the railing tightly so that we don't fall off, oh hehe..."

On the deck, Brook did not know where to find a rope to tie his body tightly to the railing, and drank the hot coffee in his hand as if nothing had happened.

With a few people's strength, even a big mountain had to be leveled. Not to mention the little Sonny, under the push of Lin Tian and others, the sloping Sonny deck quickly approached the water.

The **** became larger and larger, and the Sonny finally lost its balance. It turned over with a rumbling, and the heavy bottom of the ship appeared on the water, causing large white waves to fly.

Lin Tian and the others had been prepared for a long time. When the Sonny turned over, they tightly grasped the boat but Perona, who was unresponsive, grabbed Brooke’s neck and burst Brooke’s eyes out. Although he has no eyes.

The Sonny tipped in the sea for ten minutes. Most of the people on the ship were capable people. Those who couldn't swim could only hold on to the railing and suffocate, but in ten minutes, the suffocation reached its limit.

A series of bubbles spouted from Perona's mouth, and Perona's feet were shaking. This situation was obviously suffocating to the limit and she would soon be unable to hold it.


Just when Perona thought she was going to die, the Sonny was enveloped by an invisible force. Lin Tian and the others only felt a flower in front of them. They had not yet realized what was happening. The surrounding sea water disappeared, and a warm sun shone on. I feel warmth on my body.

"Come back, come back, we are back!"

Perona hurriedly stood up from the deck, looked at the sea, the sky, and the white birds flying over her head, and suddenly shouted in excitement.

Wiping off the sea water on his face, Lin Tian's face immediately showed a touch of excitement, and they could be regarded as coming back.

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