Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 918: Ace Resurrection

In the first half of the great route, Cody Island is an ordinary island among the many islands spread over the great route.

Above the small island, sits a busy city and several small towns, where ships coming and going will stop.

The faint sea breeze blew by, and the Sonny returning to the great route happened to appear in the waters around Cody Island. The group did not drive far to see the small Cody Island in the middle of the blue sea.

"Hahaha...Ace, you guy finally remembered everything!"

On the deck, Lin Tian's laughter resounded all around, and anyone could hear the excitement and joy of Lin Tian's laughter.

Looking at Ace floating in front of him, Lin Tianzhen wanted to hug this guy well, but Ace in the soul state was not something that an entity could touch.

As expected by Lin Tian and others, after returning to the real world, Acena's lost memories have been completely restored. Ace remembered everything, naturally including what happened in Huangquan Township.

Lei Li and the others, who glanced at the front, hadn't rushed into Huangquan Township with Lin Tian, ​​I'm afraid he might not be able to leave Huangquan Township this time.

Thinking of this, Ace bent down and bowed deeply to Leili and the others, thanking him sincerely.

"Thank you really. Thank you for saving me in Huangquan Township despite the danger of my life. I know that a word of thanks and a bow is not worth mentioning compared to you breaking into the legendary Huangquan Township. "

"But you are the benefactors of my Ace's reconstruction. Starting from today and from now on, as long as I Ace is still alive, no matter what happens, as long as you come to me for help, I Ace will use my best, even if I don’t spare my life. !!!"

Ace’s words are sounding. This is not only a gratitude, but also Ace’s acknowledgment. He has died in the war on the top, and he can live in the world again. It is all the credit of Raleigh and others. It's not an exaggeration to wait for someone to be Ace's reproductive parents.

In the face of Ace's thanks, Lei Li and others did not stop them. They were not very familiar with Ace. It was only their own choice to go to Huangquan Township. As for the rescue of Ace, it was actually on Lin Tianmen.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? But everyone owes us a favor."

After speaking, the green pheasant squinted slightly and walked to the side. It seemed that he was going to find a place to sleep.

Shi Zhihao and the others also just nodded slightly, and walked to the side. They were not familiar with Ace, and they were only slightly shocked by the identity of the son of Pirate King Roger behind Ace, so naturally there was not much to say. .

Only Lei Li and Lin Tian remained by the side. The people who were familiar with Ace were Lei Li and Lin Tian. After all, one of them was his father's deputy captain and the other was his brother.

Looking at Lin Tian, ​​Ace said in his heart that he was not touched that it was false. For a vague vitality, Lin Tian broke into Huangquan Township regardless of danger.

But when facing Lin Tian, ​​Ace's heart full of words didn't know where to speak.

At this moment, Lin Tian smiled slightly, instinctively stretched out his hand to pat Ace's shoulder, but when he stretched out his hand, Lin Tian realized that Ace was in the state of soul at this moment.

Withdrawing his hand, Lin Tian said: "Ace, we are brothers. There is no need to say so much between the brothers. By the way, last time you died, Luffy was in a coma for more than a week, and almost everyone was decadent, but this If he sees you next time, he will be very excited."

At this moment, Ace felt that his whole heart was heavy, and his eyes were red, as if a tear was about to burst through his eyes, and his heart was full of moving.

At this moment, he never felt that he was such a lucky person, with two brothers, Lin Tian and Lu Fei, accompanying him.


The center of the windless zone, the Amazon Lily of Daughter Island, is in the center of Daughter Island, among the luxurious palaces built on the cliffs.

Hancock sat on the throne, with his jade hands on his cheeks, his bright and moving eyes looked at the distant sky through the tulle rising in the breeze, sighing from time to time in his mouth.


Granny Za, who was sitting on the side looking at the newspaper finally couldn't help it, put down the newspaper in her hand, turned her head and said, "Hey, Hancock, can't you be a little quieter? You sighed all day, you think this is Lin Tian Can you come back?"

Hearing this, Hancock, who was dragging his cheeks, suddenly gave a cold snort, reached out his hand and pointed at Granny Zai, and cursed: "Popo, you'd better close your mouth. This king is thinking of your beloved husband and you also interrupted. , If you talk too much, I will ask someone to throw you out."


Granny Za sighed deeply and shook her head helplessly. She didn't know what to say about Hancock anymore, so she could only focus her attention on the latest newspaper again.

Just as Hancock dragged his cheeks again, gathering his thoughts into his eyes, and looking into the distance, Margaret trot over, breathing heavily in her mouth.

Seeing Margaret looking so anxious, Hancock's attention was immediately attracted, and he asked in confusion, "Margaret, aren't you going to see Luffy? Why did you run into the palace so anxiously? ?"

With a few rough breaths in her mouth, Margaret pointed out the door and said anxiously: "Master Snake Ji...Lin Tian...Lin Tian, ​​they are back."

Hearing that, Hancock was taken aback, and then he showed a particularly happy smile on his face. It was really a smile, and it was not enough to describe it as a beautiful woman, even Margaret, who is also a woman. Be fascinated by Hancock's beauty.

With a shout, Hancock stood up quickly, ran straight to the gate, and said, "God must feel my miss, so let Lin Tian come back, order to go down, and prepare a banquet for me. The concubine has to pick up the dust for her husband."

The arrival of Lin Tian and others shocked Hancock, and naturally also the whole daughter country. A large number of citizens gathered on both sides of the river bank, the huge iron gate opened, and the Sonny slowly entered the inland river of the daughter country.

Countless daughters island warriors have already gathered on both sides of the river bank. At a glance, there are all kinds of women standing on both sides. For any man, there is nothing that can cause a visual shock.

Everyone on the deck gathered here, even the blue pheasant, who went to sleep every day, rarely did not fall asleep, curiously looking around.

Everyone is looking at the mythical daughter island Amazon Lily, which is famous all over the world, but has never been there.

Half of the people on the Sonny have reached Daughter Island, and half of them have not.

"A lot of women, this is the rumored daughter island, and they all wear all kinds of underwear, ah, I can't stand it, it's so exciting."

Looking at the women on both sides of the river bank, Brook was extremely excited. His eyes seemed to have red hearts, and two blood arrows spurted out of his lower nostrils. The whole person flew upside down and fell heavily on the deck and passed out into a coma.

Looking sideways at Brooke who was unconscious on the side, Perona sighed and said with a disdain: "It's a big pervert to faint like this."

"Is this the daughter island in the rumor? It's far more than the rumor," Qing Pheasant scanned the surroundings and exclaimed.

Looking at the countless female fighters on both sides, Shi Zhihao didn't feel that it was fake. He was also a real man, but Shi Zhihao was extremely determined and quickly recovered his inner peace.

Facing Hancock's welcome, Lin Tian dealt with a few words, and immediately took Hancock to the place where Ace's body was stored.

The underground underneath the palace is a huge ice cellar. It is usually used to store cold ice. However, in order to keep Ace’s body from decay, the ice cellar has been sealed off. In the middle of dense ice Si's body is lying on it.

Preventing Hancock and others from entering, Lin Tian entered the ice cellar alone and stopped in front of Ace's body.

A subtle cold wind rose in the ice cellar, and Ace's figure emerged. In order to prevent the appearance of the soul from frightening the people on Daughter Island, Ace's soul has been attached to Lin Tian's body until now.

Looking up at his own body lying on the ice, Ace sighed: "I didn't expect that one day, I would stand here quietly looking at my dead self."

For things like this, apart from Brooke in the entire world, I am afraid he is the only person in the world.

"Okay, Ace!" Lin Tian stepped up and urged: "Don't be sighed here, you should enter your body first and resurrect and talk about it, I will let people keep your body for the last time, and wait to be you It doesn’t take long for you to come alive completely.”


Replied softly Ace's face was full of seriousness, and Ace's body in the state of soul floated into a ball of yellow light and rushed into the mouth of "Ace".

At this moment, Lin Tian's heart is extremely tense, and now is the most critical moment to resurrect Ace. After all, the return of the soul can make people resurrected is only speculation. No one can be sure that Brooke has the effect of the fruit of the yellow spring, but Ace has nothing. Even Lin Tian couldn't be sure whether this would work.

But at this time, Lin Tian couldn't help if he wanted to help, and everything could only be resigned.

Time passed by one minute and one second, and it was an hour in the blink of an eye, but there was still no movement, and Lin Tian's heart had already sunk a little bit over time.

Bang... bang... bang...

The sound of the heartbeat suddenly passed through the silent ice cellar, and as the heartbeat sounded, at the same time Ace's fingers covered in frost shook slightly.

Hearing this voice, Lin Tian's anxious face suddenly showed joy, and a heartbeat indicated that Ace had come alive.

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