Ace's resurrection is a very worthy celebration. Hancock has already prepared a banquet, and the whole palace is full of laughter.

Starting from the Chambord Islands, the group was on the way, and the whole incident of resurrecting Ace to this day can be regarded as an end. Of course, everyone who has finally completed the matter needs a banquet to vent.

"Come on, smelly ice cubes, let's bet on these ten glasses, whoever hasn't finished drinking is the grandson!"

After drinking the wine in his hand, Shi Zhihao smiled boldly and raised one hand. The twenty blackjacks placed in front of him suddenly flew out and hit the green pheasant.

Looking at the direct shot of the wine glass, the green pheasant exudes a faint faint air of extreme cold, and the table top rises out of thin air to perfectly catch the coming wine glass.

The green pheasant replied indifferently: "Since it is a good wine, of course it would be better to freeze it. There is also a fat man, this time you will be my grandson."

With that said, the green pheasant directly picked up the iced glass in front of him and drank it. Shi Zhihao was not to be outdone, and took the glass without saying a word.

Shi Zhihao’s challenge immediately attracted everyone’s attention. Although Raleigh and the others were already familiar with this scene, it was different to Hancock and others. Both were top powerhouses with famous and great routes. Using a mere drinking to decide the outcome, this stunned everyone's attention.

Perhaps the battle ten years ago filled the two with hatred, otherwise Shi Zhihao wouldn't have dedicated himself to the war just to find revenge on the green pheasant.

But at the top of the war, with Shi Zhihao’s slightly weaker defeat, at the same time Shi Zhihao’s hatred of Yingyan faded away, plus the way to Huangquan Township to get along. .

Its implementation. Zhihao no longer has much hatred for the green pheasant. After all, the two became enemies because of their different positions. As the admiral of the navy and Shi Zhihao as the pirate, the two were originally rivals.

But now with the green pheasant leaving the navy, he lost his status as an admiral and became a lone man in this sea. This is similar to Shi Zhihao. At this moment, he neither joined the pirate group nor established the pirate again. The plan of the regiment.

Since there is no barrier of position, and no hatred at the same time, but the two became rivals on the way to Huangquan Township, there is nothing for the two of them to find something whether it is a quarrel or a duel.

For this scene, Lin Tian maintains a happy attitude. The so-called opponents are not necessarily disgusting or incompatible with each other. In fact, they hide friendship bonds that far exceed their performance under the fight.

Even if they show that they don’t communicate with each other from time to time, they will not hesitate to rescue each other when it comes to life and death, and they will be able to give their backs to each other without hesitation.

The opponent does not have to be an enemy, but can also be a friend. Because they are opponents, they know each other better and know each other better, so that they can believe unconditionally.

Rather than saying that they are opponents and friends, perhaps it is more appropriate to describe them as passion.

"Come on, do it, Hawkeye!"

With flushed cheeks, Al, who was already slightly drunk, put his arms around Hawkeye's neck, raised his glass and handed it to Hawkeye. In the shaking glass, a few drops of red wine splashed on Hawkeye.

It stands to reason that in this situation, Hawkeye may have taken the knife, but who knows that Hawkeye glanced at the wine glass in his hand, raised the wine glass and touched Al, and started drinking.

Everyone is on the same pirate group ship, and they have already made a certain friendship with each other, so everyone has no identity factor to participate in it, and naturally they have a good time.

On the one hand, Raleigh and the others weren't as messy as they did. Several of them sat quietly and drank each other with their glasses. I have to say that the atmosphere is really good.

"This daughter's country wine is really good!"

Ace drank the wine in the wine glass in one sip, put the wine glass down with a bang, touched the wine stains on his lips, and praised the wine in Daughter Island.

In the last battle, Ace was killed by Huang Yuan in the final battle. He had spent his life like this and never had the chance to taste the wine of the world, but Lin Tian resurrected it and let him experience the wine again. the taste of.

"Come on, Lin Tian eat this!"

"Come on, Lin Tian drink!"

The whole banquet was full of laughter, but there was only one sad reminder among the people present, that was Lin Tian, ​​with a Hancock and Robin sitting next to each other. The two women refused to accept each other, and fought each other secretly, Lin Tian Can feel a strong smell of gunpowder.

When he came out of the ice cellar and saw Hancock and Robin, Lin Tian's heart sank. He had already expected this scene at that time.

It’s okay if other women have contact with each other, but Hancock is different. Hancock is originally arrogant and self-willed. He often does things based on the ideas in his mind, sometimes with children. same.

It’s this kind of trouble. The arrogant Hancock doesn’t care about so much. Her way of doing things will naturally irritate the other women. Every woman around Lin Tian is very good and was so excited by Hancock. , Naturally war will break out, and Lin Tian is unlucky at this time because he has become a battlefield of war.

"Okay, don't make a noise!"

The quarrel between the two women was like two bees buzzing in their ears. The quarrel made Lin Tian feel upset. In desperation, Lin Tian had to make a big move and shouted.

Seeing the anger on Lin Tian's face, the voices of Hancock and Robin suddenly stopped. They naturally realized that they had angered Lin Tian. After a glance at the two people, Lin Tian got up and walked outside the palace.

Seeing Lin Tian's departure, the two did not have the need to continue the fight. They looked at each other, Hancock snorted and turned his head away, while Robin looked at the angry Hancock, as if thinking of something, the corners of his mouth slightly cocked. , Showing a faint smile.

As soon as he stepped out of the palace gate, Lin Tian breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, how could Lin Tian be angry with Robin and Hancock, but otherwise, Lin Tian could not escape the battle between the two.

A faint breeze was blowing towards the face, bringing a slight coolness to the cheeks, the bright moon was in the sky, and he looked up at the sky above his head. The sky was full of stars, emitting beautiful starlight.

"What's wrong, Lin Tian, ​​isn't it uncomfortable to be caught in between the two women fighting?" At some unknown time, Ace also walked out of the banquet and stood behind Lin Tian.

"You fellow, come to tease me at this time", turning around, Lin Tianchao scolded Ace, who was full of teasers.

Hearing that, Aston burst into laughter and stepped forward: "Lin Tian, ​​you are still the same as you were back then. You are still so carefree and there is no change at all."

Waved his hand, Lin Tian showed a wry smile, and said, "You fellow, don't hurt me at this point? I have a headache now. If I don't comfort me, let me sprinkle salt on my wound."

Hearing this, Ace smiled even more. Seeing Lin Tian today, Ace can’t help but recall the time he spent in the forest with Lin Tian and Lu Fei on Geerbo. Day, every day is extremely free, full of laughter.

Walking to the railing, Ace leaned over and looked in the direction of the East China Sea, and sighed: "Lin Tian, ​​the original days I miss so much, such freedom, carefree, you, me and Luffy".

"Yes, that period was really the happiest time for me. After all, there was that guy Luffy." As if being induced by Ace, Lin Tian also raised emotions.

Having said that, Lin Tian paused slightly, then turned the conversation, and said: "Luffy was very sad when he knew you were dead. Because of the grief in his heart, Luffy was in a coma for a whole week, and it was because he was almost completely decadent ".

Ace was taken aback for a moment, lowered his head and said solemnly: "Luffy... that day, the war was up to me. Everything depends on me. If it weren't for my waywardness, and if I didn't listen to my father and your persuasion, the next thing would not happen. , Nor will he be caught by Blackbeard and start a war on top."

"Let so many partners die on the battlefield, even the old man died in the battle, these are my faults...uuuuu..."

Speaking of the end, Ace's tears couldn't be stopped, and the regret that couldn't be stopped in his heart, so many of his companions died in the war to save him, but now he is resurrected. What is this.

Because of myself, the world’s first White Beard Pirates, the world’s strongest man, White Beard, died in battle. I don’t know how many pirates died in the top war. Hegemony has fallen, and these are all because of himself, besides regret, there is guilt in Ace's heart.

Lin Tian walked to Ace and stretched out his hand to pat his shoulder. Lin Tian could understand the regret and pain in Ace's heart at this moment.

Persuaded aloud: "Ace, what happened that day is not your fault, even if you don't go hunting for Blackbeard, there will be no war, but the advent of the times cannot be stopped."

"A powerful Blackbeard, his ambition of immersing for decades will burst out. Even if you don’t hunt him down, he will target the Whitebeard Pirates. He becomes Qiwuhai, and instead wants to become a four. Emperor, the white beard who has lived for many years will naturally be the target of the black beard."

"Not only the Pirate World has been immersed for many years. The Four Emperors have maintained the balance of the sea for many years. Many careerists have been unwilling to bear it. The Whitebeard Pirate Group has attracted the wind and will naturally be noticed."

Wiping away the tears from the corner of his eyes, Ace clenched his fists and said with a firm tone: "Lin Tian, ​​I understand these, but it is all my fault for the Whitebeard Pirates to become like this. This time I resurrected from the dead. , I will definitely let the White Beard Pirates regain their dominance."

After the resurrection, Ace has already determined his future life. In his future life, he wants White Beard to still be famous in this sea, and he wants the name of White Beard Daddy to reverberate throughout the world forever.

As soon as Ace's voice fell, a big hand stretched out in front of Ace. Who else could this big hand be besides Lin Tian? Ace's eyes were immediately attracted by what Lin Tian held tightly.

It was a devil fruit with the same shape as the Hami Pavilion, covered with strange spiral patterns. This small fruit had the power of the devil.

"Since you have made a decision, as an older brother, I will naturally support you. This devil fruit is a gift for you."

Lin Tian smiled slightly and put the devil fruit in Ace's hands.

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