Navy fleet!

As the navy headquarters, naturally, he would not miss this decisive battle to determine the position of the four emperors. Although there was no preparation to intervene, the red dog still sent two strong men here just in case.


On the deck, the Warring States Period was carrying a bucket of delicious instant noodles, not caring about the earth-shattering battle not far away. For the Warring States period, the kind of ramen that had not been made in the hands of the war was delicious.

After the war on the top, although the navy won, but with the emergence of the Revolutionary Army, Blackbeard, Shanks and other three forces, and everything that happened on the battlefield was transmitted to the world by the phone worm.

This victory for the navy was actually just a tragic victory, and when such a big thing happened, someone had to come out and bear the consequences. Who else could the entire navy have except for the qualifications of the Marshal and Warring States.

However, although the Warring States period retreated to the second line and was replaced by Akadog as the admiral of the navy, the world government did not abandon the idea of ​​a powerful war force of the Warring States period and became the chief commander of the navy headquarters.

Having lost the tiring job of admiral of the navy, the serious Warring States period that year has disappeared, regardless of dressing and speaking, he is so casual.

Wearing a navy justice cloak, a patterned beach pants on his legs, and a patterned shirt on his upper body, where is the appearance of the marshal of the justice navy headquarters.

On the edge of the Warring States Period, sitting on the side of the World Conscription is called a monster, the newly appointed admiral Fujitora, who has been exceptionally improved, smiled.

Wearing a lavender bathrobe, tied with a dark purple belt, wearing a purple cloak, wearing an admiral's coat, feet on wooden shoes, bandages on his arms, handguards on his hands, two hideous scars covering his eyes, rumors The Chinese admiral Fujitora is actually a blind old man.

"Oh, I didn't expect that Lin Tian boy finally appeared. I thought he would not come." He raised his head and glanced at Lin Tian who was standing volley in the distance. Zhan Guo was slightly surprised, and then he focused all his attention on the instant noodle in his hand. .

If half a year ago, the War Congress had taken a shot to catch Lin Tian, ​​this bastard, but now he is no longer in the Warring States Period of the Navy Marshal, nor is he responsible for being a Marshal of the Navy, it is no longer his business for Lin Tian to escape.

Hearing what the Warring States had said, Fujitor stopped eating noodles and looked towards Lin Tian with pale eyes, and said with interest, "Oh, Lin Tian? That famous naval genius who was famous in the world back then, I was there. Many navy soldiers have heard his name in their mouths, but he did not expect him to appear."

Hearing Fujitor’s compliment, Sengoku stopped eating noodles and raised his head to complain: “What genius, this guy is a troublemaker. When I was in the navy headquarters, I didn’t know how many times I wiped his **** and how many times I carried a scapegoat. , More hateful than that guy Karp."

Hearing this, Fujitor smiled, "However, at the navy headquarters, the number of pirates who died in his hands was unknown. Even the pirates called him a **** of murder. To be honest, I really want to see him. This legendary navy".

Although I couldn't see Lin Tian, ​​I could feel a strong figure appearing with Fujitora's strong vision.


"Lin Tian, ​​why do you guys want to stop us? Knowing that we still have a deep hatred between us", Jack stared at Lin Tian in front of him and shouted.

Many pirates around were sweating profusely, clutching weapons in their hands, their palms were scared and sweaty, and they were killing gods in front of them. Even members of the Four Emperor’s Pirate Group could not bring them much sense of security.

Hearing Jack mentions hatred, Lin Tian raised his mouth slightly, and said sarcastically: "Jack, your life is really hard. He didn't die in that situation back then. However, I can advise you that you can rely on your current strength. I am afraid that revenge is impossible in this life."

Jack, who was already suppressing his anger, suddenly burst out of anger under Lin Tian's words, and said, "In this case, Lin Tian, ​​then we should find a place to fight the battle, dare you?"

After speaking, Jack grabbed one of his steel spears, held them tightly in his hands, and threw them towards Lin Tian.

Under Jack's terrible power, ordinary steel exploded with terrible speed, and even the air was torn apart, making a sound of breaking through the air, and the strong wind swept towards Lin Tian's head.

"Thunder flash!"

Faced with Jack's attack, Lin Tian didn't even have the slightest idea of ​​moving his footsteps. At the very least, he gave a soft drink, and thick thunder and lightning radiated from Lin Tian.

The approaching iron spear was shrouded in thunder and lightning, and instantly melted into a ball of orange-yellow molten iron by the powerful heat of thunder and lightning, and fell into the sea below.

Looking at this scene, Jack's eyes shrank slightly, and it was clear to Lin Tian that he had two devil fruits, one was the space-related weird ability, and the other was the thunderous fruit known as the strongest nature.

The weird ability of a single space has made countless pirates frightened. Even if the three admirals of the navy teamed up and were escaped by Lin Tian, ​​they still have a powerful thunder-sounding ability. The combination of Lin Tian's combat power is not one plus. One is so simple.

In the past, Jack might be able to draw a tie with Lin Tian, ​​but now, against Lin Tian, ​​even Jack has no bottom in his heart.

"What are you going to do? Lin Tian"

There was not so much entanglement, Jack asked, Lin Tian's sudden arrival must be purposeful, otherwise he would not have failed to make a move before, and would wait until they acted before making a move.

Without saying more, Lin Tian said calmly: "Jack, don't even want to inquire about what I am going to do. You only need to know one thing. This time the Black Beard Pirates and the White Beard Pirates battle, you and Charlotte ·Kata Kuri don’t even think about getting involved, just stay here and wait for everything.”

When the voice fell, Lin Tian's body flashed with thunder, and the bright thunder and lightning radiated from Lin Tian's body as if money were not needed, smashing into the void around him.

The gusts of wind rose out of thin air, and the calm sea raised waves of several meters high. Amidst the thunder and lightning, Lin Tian's figure stood in the air, like the **** who controls the thunder sea.


Jack's face changed, his nostrils were panting, he was obviously very angry. Lin Tian did not know the purpose of Jack, he was obviously showing his strength to warn them not to cross the line, otherwise he would not keep his hands.

"What should I do, Lord Kata Kuri, do we still have to take action? That fellow Lin Tian is blocking," Pokmu Si asked softly when he reached out and reached out.

Looking at the man standing in the thunder, even Pokmus couldn’t help swallowing. As a pirate, everyone had heard of this name. As the navy Lintian’s beheading of the pirate back then, it shocked the entire pirate. world.

After thinking about it, Charlotte Katakuri shook his head and said: "Forget it, we still watch the changes. Originally, we didn't intend to be involved in this battle. It was Jack who took the action, so we followed. Now that Jack Being blocked, we have no need to continue to be involved."

Charlotte Kata Kuri said it was a lot of reasons on the surface, but in fact he just didn't have the confidence to defeat Lin Tian. Although he could predict the future, he was not Lin Tian's opponent in the real battle.


In the fierce battlefield, the cadres of the Blackbeard Pirates, headed by Xiliu, had the upper hand. Margau was defeated by Blackbeard, and Whitebeard lacked top combat power.

Many captains can only withstand the attacks of the cadres. The captains are so, not to mention the other members of the Pirate Group. In the first battle, the White Beard Pirate Group's elite losses were too great, dignified 1,600. The famous pirate, only a thousand survivors came up, how could he be the opponent of the newly born Blackbeard Pirate Group.

"Margau, have you seen your surroundings? The Whitebeard Pirates are old, you will eventually be eliminated by the times, and the future will be Lao Tzu!"

Blackbeard stepped on Margau, raised his hands and his face was full of pride and pride. After waiting for so long, he also became a captain. He was finally about to board the father's position, and his excitement couldn't be described in words.

After that, Blackbeard looked down at Margo, whose eyes were full of dissatisfaction, with a brutal smile on his face.

"It's a pity that you can't see this scene anymore, Margo, die for me!"

As the voice fell, Blackbeard raised his fist covered by the pale yellow light, and blasted Malgau's head with a punch.


In the crowd, a swift figure crossed the battlefield, and instantly rushed in front of Blackbeard, flying and kicking out, terrifying power burst, the void in front of him was kicked and exploded by this ordinary kick, shiny cracks like tree branches Spread.

"what happened!"

As for the black beard who couldn't react, he was kicked out, just like a kite with a broken line. The black beard rolled in the air several times, and finally fell heavily on the ground, arousing a large amount of dust.

In this scene, what happened was so unpredictable and so strange that everyone hadn't realized what happened, and the black beard, who was the last winner, was knocked out.


Van Oka exclaimed and was about to run over, but was dragged by Kuliair and could only turn around to deal with the battle in front of him.

Although it is not clear who the person is, since the opponent attacked Blackbeard, the enemy's friend was a companion. The captains immediately desperately involved many cadres and prevented them from intervening to fight on the other side.

"How about it, okay", the black-robed man asked with concern when he looked at Margao sideways.

"Who are you? Lin Tian?" Looking at the man hidden in the black robe in front of Margau couldn't help asking.

Margo thought he was dead. Not only could he not avenge his father, Ace and others, but also led the white beard to annihilate here. Margo was full of unwillingness, but what happened was far beyond expectation. Someone will break into the battlefield on their own.

Margau's first reaction was Lin Tian, ​​only Lin Tian had a deep hatred with Blackbeard, and at the same time had the ability to fly Blackbeard.

Hearing the question, the black-robed man turned around, slowly raised the black hood that was sitting on his head, and said at the same time: "Marco, we haven't seen you for half a year, can't you hear my voice? You would be so embarrassed."

As the hood was lifted, Margau, who was still curious before, was immediately replaced by shock. His open mouth could not be closed for a long time, and his two eyes seemed to burst. The whole person stayed here, unable to speak a word. Come.

Not only Margau, anyone who looks at the appearance of the black-robed man, whether he is fighting or after solving his opponent, is as strong as Captain Diska and Shiliu, and weak as ordinary pirates, they are all frightened, even if they have more will. The determined person was also dumbfounded when he watched this scene.


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