Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 930: The shock of the resurrection

The fierce battlefield just now came to a halt in such a short period of time. The entire island, whether it was the Blackbeard Pirates or the Whitebeard Pirates, stopped, and was blown by a hurricane. It was a blank, and even the most basic judgment ability was lost.

Not only the desert island, but also on the pirate boats floating around, tens of thousands of pirates were petrified in pieces.

Thousands of pairs of eyes were dumbfounded at the figure that lifted the black robe, and the solidified face still kept the shock at the previous moment, this kind of sight was like being petrified by the female emperor Hancock's ability.

A faint breeze blew across the sea, and a faint sea breeze rushed to the deserted island with a little bit of moisture, and blew everyone's cheeks head on, with a touch of dampness.

"Guru... Guru..."

Time passed just a little bit like this, and I didn't know if it was awakened by the sea breeze, or if he reacted, a famous pirate woke up, his throat was dry, and he swallowed his mouth.

Many pirates rubbed their eyes, convinced that the black-robed man in front of them was still there, and only then could they believe that everything they just saw was true.

It's not that their will is not firm enough, but the scene before them is too scary, scaring the hearts of tens of thousands of people on the battlefield.

A black robe that flutters in the wind, that familiar cheek, and familiar smile, many members of the white beard will not be mistaken, it is indeed their second division captain Huoquan Ace.

"is this real?"

"Is that really Ace?"

"How is this possible, can anyone tell me what happened?"

"Ace... actually...resurrected..."


"That's right, that guy is Firefist Ace, what happened? He actually resurrected after he died."

Staring at the figure that appeared on the battlefield in the distance, Jack was full of doubts and shocked his face.

The whole world is sure that the dead are actually resurrected. This kind of thing is really unheard of. Jack has sailed the sea for many years and has never heard of it.

The closed eyes suddenly opened, and the moment Charlotte Kata Kuri reacted, she used her domineering vision to see the future as much as she could.

"Huang Quan, does that place really exist?" He couldn't help whispering softly.

On the naval warship, countless soldiers were stunned, and the shock of seeing Ace in their hearts was beyond words.

Even the Warring States period did not have the thought of eating instant noodles again, and stood up with a scream, his face full of shock.

"How is this possible? The Fire Fist Esmin was pierced by the Yellow Spring Laser Cannon, and even the life paper was burned to ashes. How could it appear here again", the Warring States period was unbelievable. Ace's death was confirmed by him. There may be an error.

In the war that day, there were countless strong men, the Marshal Warring States, the generals, and many captains were not sure that Ace died, which meant that Ace could not be killed, he was really dead.

"Since he is a confirmed dead person, he has appeared in the decisive battle between the White Beard Pirates and the Black Beard Pirates at this moment. There is only one explanation, and that is the dead person who came back to the world from Huangquan. "Besides, Fujitora could not think of any explanation.

Standing up from the pit, the kick just made Blackbeard spit out a big mouthful of blood and wipe the blood from the corners of his mouth. When Blackbeard saw the appearance of the man in the black robe who knocked him into the air, Blackbeard was shocked. shocked.

"How is it possible, why is this guy Ace not dead, why is he still alive!"

The three sentences in a row clearly showed that Blackbeard was shocked at the moment, but Ace was arrested by his own hands, and it was also his death that he saw with his own eyes.

A member of the White Beard Pirates group came to a sense of consciousness and looked at that familiar face, but still couldn't believe that what happened before was true.

Looking up at the cheek engraved on his heart, Margau regained his consciousness for a while, still a little bit unbelievable, and asked in a trembling voice: "Ace, is it really you?"

Ace died in front of him when he was at the top of the war. Even the corpse was seen with his own eyes. A big hole penetrated his chest. The whole person was already dead and could not die again. How could he be resurrected and stood in front of him.

Reaching out and handing it to Margo, who was lying on the ground, Ace smiled: "Of course it is me. Is there anyone besides me in Firefist Ace? Back then, we fought side by side, and Dedis Island wanted It wasn't you and I almost died."

Hearing that, Margau’s eyes flashed a light, and only the two of them knew about the incident that he rescued Ace. It was the mission that the two of them went to perform together. Even the father did not say what happened in the middle. Over.

Reaching out his hand, Malgo grasped Ace's outstretched hand, a force struck, and Malgo stood up from the ground.

At this time, Margau suddenly recalled in his mind that at the funeral of his father, Lin Tian told himself to save Ace. At that time Margau did not think too much that it was possible. It was a legendary talent for people to come back from death. It appeared, but he didn't expect Lin Tian to actually succeed.

With a delighted smile on his face, Margo hugged Ace and wept with joy: "Ace, it's really great, you guy is resurrected, great!"

Holding Margau tightly, Ace couldn't help but tears of joy in his eyes. After so much, he was finally able to reunite with his former fighting partner.

After speaking, Margo pushed Ace up and said excitedly: "Lin Tian, ​​that guy really did it, he actually resurrected you."

Nodding, Ace's eyes were also filled with tears of joy, "Well, if Lin Tian hadn't brought me back from Huangquan Island, I would never see you."

"It's really Ace, great, Captain Ace is resurrected!"

Seeing Margau's actions, many shocked White Beard Pirate crew members were immediately convinced that it was their second division captain Ace in front of them.

joy! Silent joy rushed to my heart, and many pirates cried with joy just like Margau. No one cares about why Ace is resurrected. They only understand one thing, that is, the captain of their second division, Firefist Ace, is still alive and intact. Appeared in front of them.

Wiping away the tears from the corner of his eyes, Ace turned his gaze to the black beard on the side and said, "Marco, black beard, leave it to me, you go somewhere else first."

Margau didn't stop Ace, just now Ace rushed out and knocked Blackbeard out, which was enough to prove his combat power at this time.

He reminded softly: "Ace, this guy Blackbeard has two devil fruit abilities, one is the dark fruit that defeats you, and the other is the latest fruit crushing ability. Both objects and vitality can be crushed, but the armed color is domineering. Able to resist".

Hearing this, Ace nodded lightly. The information Margau said was indeed very useful for Ace to deal with Blackbeard.

A few steps forward, Ace stared at the black beard who had met again after half a year, and an unknown feeling rose in his heart.

The war broke out, the old man died, a new era began, and the peaceful new world was caught in a battle for supremacy. So many things happened from the chase of the two.

"black beard!"

Blackbeard had already reacted from the shock of Ace's resurrection, and his heart had completely calmed down. He laughed, and it felt like seeing a friend he hadn't seen for many years.

"Captain Ace, I didn't expect that you weren't dead in that situation, and you can actually be resurrected in this world."

Ace replied coldly: "That's because I haven't personally killed you, the traitor who killed the old man, so Huang Quan doesn't want to take me."

"Haha..." Blackbeard waved his hand and said indifferently: "What Huangquan? This era belongs to Lao Tzu, and even my father died in my hands, not to mention your defeated general."

"Even if Captain Ace is resurrected, you were defeated by me back then. Now I can naturally kill you. Maybe I can start a war to the top again."

Regarding Blackbeard's words, Ace's face was calm, and his expression had not changed at all. After he had died once, both his character and his work were much more stable and decisive than before.

Slightly clenching his fists, Ace said indifferently: "What the final result is, I didn't say it by my mouth. Then I will naturally let you know what the power of revenge is."

"It's a good phrase'not spoken by the mouth.' I will let you see the mighty power that Lao Tzu will stand at the pinnacle of the new world in the future," Blackbeard was very confident.

Blackbeard, who possesses the ability of two devil fruits, is no longer weaker than any of the four emperors. Even if he is resurrected, Ace cannot be his opponent.

As the voice fell, a jet of black smoke appeared behind the black beard, and jet black smoke rose into the sky.


A strong domineering color came out, like an invisible strong wind that instantly swept across the battlefield, and an invisible wave spread out.

Suddenly, on the already fierce battlefield, the eyes of the pirates who were fighting turned white, and they passed out into a coma and fell to the ground. The densely packed fighting crowd instantly decreased by more than half.

"Overlord looks domineering, worthy of Captain Ace"

Blackbeard’s face changed slightly It’s not that I was shocked by Ace’s overlord appearance. As the son of One Piece Roger, it’s not normal for the firefist Ace, the captain of the Whitebeard second division, to have overlord appearance Thing? What really surprised Blackbeard was that when Ace made his move, the domineering and domineering stunned the audience. The domineering and domineering power was different from the rest of the power. This power was uncontrollable, regardless of the enemy.

As soon as he stepped on his feet, Asshao leaped out, raising his armed domineering fist and blasting towards Blackbeard.

Without hesitation, Blackbeard lifted up and was blasted out by armed domineering fists, and rushed forward. Two dark fists cut through the sky, like meteorites falling from the sky.


The invisible strong wind has scattered around the two people, the white strong wind swept away, the dust and the rubble were flying, the hard ground under the feet collapsed in pieces, and the cracks spread out like a spider web.

In the invisible void, trails of strange blood-red lightning material appeared, the lightning flashed with blood-red light, and the violent shock wave emanated. The entire island trembled, and the white waves tens of meters high spread out in a circle.

This is an overbearing collision! ! !

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