The blood-red lightning material gleamed in the void, and the strong wind produced by the collision of the overlord color swept the entire battlefield, and even rushed out of the desert island.

Blocked by Lin Tian, ​​Jack, who could only stop in the surrounding waters, felt a strong wind blowing on his face, and his whole body seemed to blow back.

"Overlord look domineering, those two people have the posture of the legendary king!" Jack murmured softly as he braced the oncoming wind, both Blackbeard and Ace had terrifying potential.


There was a muffled noise when the fists met, and Blackbeard and Ace retreated together. This short collision was just a mutual test of strength. They did not use the power of the devil fruit between the two fights, just relying on the domineering and domineering Self-power collision.

Landing steadily on the ground, Ace shook his whole body gently, leaking all the impact of his body to the ground.

Back then, Ace even fought against Blackbeard. Due to Dark Fruit's restraint on the natural element, Ace and Blackbeard fought against each other completely with physical skills, but in the end Ace was defeated. In physical skills, Ace was naturally not Blackbeard's opponent.

But now the situation is different. The two men used their armed forces to collide domineeringly, completely evenly divided, and they are not weak to each other.

Blackbeard naturally realized this, his eyes condensed slightly, and he thought in surprise: "I didn't expect that after rebirth, Ace is no longer weaker than me in physical skills."

Not to mention the surprise in Black Beard's heart, Ace, who stopped his footsteps, stepped out, and his figure flashed directly in front of Black Beard, his armed and domineering fist blasted out.


Once again, the two fists collided, the dark fists slammed into each other, powerful force erupted, large patches of dust and rubble were lifted by air pressure, and the whole earth trembled.

"Blast me!"

Ace drank in a low voice, a stronger force gushing out of his body, the powerful force bombarded out like a tide, and the black beard was hard to resist and was directly knocked out.

There was a muffled sound, and Blackbeard was like a cannonball fired from the muzzle, falling to the ground below his feet, a large cloud of yellow smoke rose into the sky, and a violent wind rushed out against the ground.

With a scream, the black beard stood up from the pit and couldn't believe it: "How is it possible, how can your strength be so strong".

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and Ace sarcastically said: "Titch, no, Blackbeard, I am not the Ace back then. You are not the only one who has made progress in this world."

At this moment, Ace is not only on par with Blackbeard in physical skills, but Ace is already slightly better than Blackbeard in physical skills.

Six months after Ace's resurrection, Lin Tian gave Ace the power of shaking fruit. In order to maximize the ability of shaking fruit, Ace dived on an island like Luffy, and accompanied him. It is necessary to strengthen the development of Lin Tian, ​​the fruit of thunder.

Ace is known as the Fire Fist. It is a natural demon fruit capable person. However, after his resurrection, Ace ate the Superman Shock Fruit, and the fighting style could not be the same as the natural one. The weakness of physical skills lies In front of Ace, in the battle with Blackbeard, he was defeated by Blackbeard because of his ability to restrain his physical weakness.

During half a year of mutual practice with Ace, Lin Tian trained Ace well. The young Ace was able to easily solve more than a dozen punks. He was also taught by Karp along with Luffy. Time, when he first broke into the sea, he gained fame by relying on a physical technique.

Since acquiring the natural demon fruit ability, like all capable people, the physical immune attack allows them to obtain almost invincible defense except domineering, and their physical skills naturally decline.

But Ace is still there. After more than half a year of abuse, Ace's physical skills are advancing by leaps and bounds. After all, Ace’s talent is there. If it weren’t for the battle between the White Beard Pirates and the Black Beard Pirates, Ace still There is half a year of cultivation time, but it is enough to deal with a black beard.

"Don't think that I can repel Lao Tzu, it's Lao Tzu's opponent, Ace, I will show you the power of Lao Tzu's two demon fruits", Black Beard yelled.

"Dark Water!"

The pitch-black smoke gathered along the arm to the palm of the black beard, the smoke condensed in the palm like a black spinning windmill, erupting a strange suction.

Without resisting this strange suction, Ace suddenly kicked his feet, and the explosive force stepped out of a deep pit on the ground, catching this strange suction, Ace turned into a bright light and burst out, and went straight to Blackbeard. .

At the same time as he sucked Ace over, Blackbeard raised the fist covered by the light yellow mask and blasted his fist towards the flying Ace.


With the earth-shaking loud noise, the entire desert island trembled under the force of the collision between the two, and the shock wave generated by the collision was like a strong wind sweeping the entire desert island instantly.

The terrible air pressure directly lifted the numerous pirates who were fighting around, flying into the air into the air.

A tyrannical wind was oncoming, and the battle between Bista and Xiliu couldn't help being interrupted. The two drew their swords and retreated, reaching out to block them in front of them to resist the strong wind that seemed to blow them away at any time.

"What a strong power, it will be resurrected again after half a year, and Ace's combat power has improved a lot!" Feeling the amount of violent violence in the air, Bista couldn't help but think with joy that the stronger Ace appeared, the better he was at this moment. The disadvantaged are more beneficial.

Compared to Bista's awakening, Xiliu was surprised, "Firefist Ace didn't use his abilities, but he was able to collide with the captain who used the crushing power. How could this be possible? It is impossible for a genius to disappear in just half a year. Grow so much".

A strong wind was raging, a large amount of dust was blown out, and the figures of Ace and Blackbeard were exposed, and the fists of yellow and white covered by the vacuum mask violently collided.

Looking at the familiar moves, Blackbeard instantly recognized Ace's daddy's ability to shake fruits.

It was precisely because of the recognition that Black Beard couldn't believe it in his heart, and shouted excitedly: "How can this be, why is the ability of the father in your hands, why? This is originally my ability."

Shocking Fruit, the strongest fruit of the Superman family, is said to have the power to destroy the world. The owner of this fruit power is the strongest man, the white beard.

And this fruit is indeed what Blackbeard wants to get every day and night, but the person who holds him is Whitebeard, even if it is rampant, Blackbeard does not have the courage to fight his father.

Back then, Blackbeard broke into the top war to take advantage of this excellent opportunity to kill Whitebeard at the last moment before Whitebeard's death to gain the power of Shock Fruit. But Whitebeard killed them, but the Fruit of Shock When Blackbeard ate it into his mouth, he was snatched by the hateful guy Lin Tian.

However, it is impossible to win the fruit of Zhenzhen into Lin Tian's hands. Although Blackbeard still got the powerful crushed fruit in the end, the fruit of Zhenzheng has always been the pain in Blackbeard's heart.

Now that Ace actually eats the shocking fruit he has dreamed of, Black Beard's anger and excitement can be imagined.

"Lin Tian, ​​it must be the hateful fellow Lin Tian, ​​who will win the shaking fruit from my hand and give it to you, hateful!" Blackbeard yelled, and the hatred against Lin Tian erupted like a volcano in his heart.

With a cold snort, Ace roared: "Daddy's ability can only be inherited as a son. You are not worthy of killing the traitor of Daddy and wanting to shake the fruit."

The two of them retracted their fists in unison, and amidst the shouts of anger, the power gathered from the whole body burst out again.

The anger and hatred in the heart erupted along with the powerful force in the body, and the trembling fist blasted into the void in front of him. The void in front of him was instantly shattered, and shiny cracks appeared in front of him.

The light yellow mask on Blackbeard's right fist was instantly shattered, and the shock wave caused by the vibration erupted, and Blackbeard was directly knocked out.

Amidst the babble, several mouthfuls of blood spurted out of his mouth, and the black beard fell into the crowd like a broken kite, slid all the way and knocked out large swaths of pirates.

The vibrating force erupted, and the entire sea area was drawn. The deserted island fell into violent tremors for a while, and the calm sea raised white waves tens of meters high.

Not only the deserted islands, but the entire surrounding continental plates were drawn. The waves rolled over the sea as if irritated. The flat sea surface began to bulge high. The many pirate boats watching around suddenly fell badly, and the waves hitting dozens of meters high Many pirate ships were destroyed by the waves in the swing.

From a high altitude, one can clearly see that a white circle formed by a tsunami tens of meters in height has rapidly expanded as visible to the naked eye.

"The tsunami is coming, and all residents take refuge."

On Enda Island, the ear-piercing siren sounded. Finally, the pirates left and fell into a calm island causing a greater crisis. A tsunami tens of meters high quickly approached Enda Island.

Many residents of Enda Island haven't reacted to the earthquake just now. The devastating tsunami has washed up on Enda Island, and the little Enda Island was immediately submerged in the waves.

The entire desert island was trembling and tilting, and the fighting on the desert island also stopped. On the sloping ground, a famous pirate had to stop fighting, trying his best to grasp everything around him with both hands to prevent it from following the sloping ground. Slide into the sea.

Click... Click...

The vibration force was too strong, and a crack appeared at Ace’s feet. The crack had spread extremely quickly. In a blink of an eye, the desert island was divided into two, but it did not stop. The crack went all the way into the deep blue sea, as if to Divide the entire continental plate into two.

"This is Shaking Fruit, Ais is a natural person with the ability to burn fruits, how could he have the ability of an old man, his body is not as peculiar as Titch", Malgau was full of doubts.

Qiao Zi said with joy: "I didn't expect it to be the daddy's shocking It seems that Lin Tian gave Ace, this is good, the daddy's ability is obtained by Ace, the Whitebeard Pirates The crisis can be resolved."

"Ace, good work, let the traitor Titch look at the power of the Whitebeard Pirates!" A smile appeared on Bista's face.

Ace has the fruit of shaking, which not only represents the inheritance of the power of the old man, but also rekindles the fire of hope for the white beard pirates who are slowly going downhill.

The violent shaking lasted for dozens of seconds, and the trembling desert island gradually calmed down. A crack tens of meters wide and bottomless split the desert island in two. At the same time, the white beard pirate group and the fighting white beard pirates were separated. Members of the Blackbeard Pirates.

Standing up stubbornly from the ground, the bright red blood ran down the corners of Blackbeard's mouth, and Blackbeard looked towards Ace with murderous eyes.

Although the smashing power is powerful, it is still not as strong as the strongest shock power of the Superman system, which is a terrible power that can destroy the world.

"Damn it, **** it!"

A strong murderous and mixed anger erupted from Blackbeard's body, and two blood lights flashed from Blackbeard's eyes.

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