Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 982: 2 years have passed

After the Battle of Enda Island, the resurrection of Firefist Ace, the son of Pirate King Roger, was like a hurricane that blew across the world. The battle for the four emperors that brought the world's eyes together was finally over.

Both the White Beard Pirates and the Black Beard Pirates had scruples about each other, and finally ended up. This result disappointed many overlords in the New World.

I thought that no matter which side of the battle was defeated, both the victor and the loser would suffer both losses, but Ace's intrusion made the battle come to an abrupt end as soon as it reached its climax.

The past two years have passed since the war on the top of the era. In these two years, a series of major events have occurred, and the whole world has been shrouded in a brewing storm.

The first is the revolutionary army that is regarded as the enemy by the world government!

Under the oppression and pursuit of the world government, the revolutionary forces in various parts of the world are like rats hiding in the sewers, afraid to appear in the world, otherwise they will face the crush of the world government.

But this does not mean that the revolutionary army does not have much power. On the contrary, in recent years, under the plan made by Monkey D. Long and Lin Tian, ​​the revolutionary army hidden underground is like a small drop of black ink, quickly on the water. Expanding, the strength is increasing rapidly.

Ten years ago, the Heavenly Gold Incident and the investment of tens of billions of Bailey funds made the revolutionary army a period of rapid development in the past ten years. In addition, several countries including the Kingdom of Gambling secretly took refuge in the revolutionary army and the revolutionary army. Funding can be described as abundant.

Under the revolutionary army's purpose of overthrowing the unequal rule of the world government and pursuing freedom and peace, more and more people have joined the revolutionary army. The layout of the revolutionary army for a whole decade has allowed the revolutionary army to burn all over the world.

But not long after the battle between the White Beard Pirates and the Black Beard Pirates, the revolutionary army that had been hiding in the dark suddenly burst out with bloodthirsty fangs.

The world government intelligence agencies have not yet realized what is happening, the Revolutionary Army headquarters has gathered a group of elite troops, and in a blink of an eye, they are attacking the city in the weakest East China Sea.

In just one month, the number of countries destroyed has reached eight. These countries were infiltrated by revolutionary forces a few years ago, and fighting did not consume much power for the revolutionary forces.

One month was enough time for the world government to respond. Many countries in the East China Sea formed an alliance, and with the cooperation of the navy and army directly under the world government, formed a coalition to block the revolutionary army.

On the other hand, in the New World, the world government originally believed that it was their limit for the revolutionary army to gather a large number of forces in the weakest East China Sea.

Unexpectedly, not long after the outbreak of the East China Sea War, the New World Revolutionary Army actually ignited the flames of war again. The New World is home to the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army, and most of the elite of the Revolutionary Army also gathered here, naturally including Shadow.

Not only in the East China Sea, the revolutionary army immediately started a war in the new world, and the power of the revolutionary army in the new world caught the world government by surprise.

Even if the world government reacted in time in the end, the revolutionary army still destroyed several small countries and occupied a lot of territory among the many countries in the new world where the strong were like forests.

The power erupted by the New World Revolutionary Army shocked the world government and made the world government feel a great crisis. Fortunately, the East China Sea is only the weakest ocean. Although the revolutionary army is powerful, it is not worthy of the world government. mention.

But the new world is different. It is a battlefield where the strong are like forests, but the revolutionary army still breaks through several countries, which is enough to show that the revolutionary army is powerful.

For this reason, Ganggukong, as the marshal of the three armies, personally led the army and confronted the revolutionary army headquarters headed by Lin Tian and Long on the battlefield of the new world.

It was a terrifying battle. The severity of the battle and the number of people involved far exceeded the top war. The scale of the battlefield swept the entire country.

That battle was like the end of the world. The battle lasted for five days and five nights. The whole country was shattered into ruins and scorched earth. No creatures could live in it for decades, and it became a real no man's land.

At the end of the war, the commander-in-chief of the three armies of the world government, Ganggukong, won the victory, and the Revolutionary Army failed. For this reason, the Revolutionary Army forces successively ceded three countries and gathered their strength to build a strong defense line. The two armies suddenly fell into confrontation and stalemate .

In two years, it was not only the battle between the revolutionary army and the world government, but also the peaceful world into the flames of war. Similarly, the fighting between the pirates and the navy did not stop.

The death of White Beard and the escape of many heavy criminals who pushed the city to escape, the two things combined, made the entire Pirate World a storm.

Many heavy criminals who escaped from prison, when they returned to the great route after ten years or even more than ten years, many people's pirate group and companions were wiped out.

Therefore, the year after the top war is not only a year of competition for many hegemons, but also a year of revenge. The entire Pirate World can be described as turbulent.

Those legendary pirates collided fiercely with the pirates that emerged in the last ten years. The entire pirate world was shrouded in the flames of war. Except for a few powerful overlords who were able to get involved, many pirates on the great route were involved. In the struggle for hegemony.

Coupled with the collision of the black beard and white beard pirate groups, the entire pirate world is in the flames of war.

On the other hand, after Akinu became the admiral of the navy, the world conscription that swept the world in half a year began. Countless famous masters with a heart of justice joined the navy headquarters. The new navy generals Fujitora, Green Bull, and many navy general.

With the injection of a large number of fresh blood, the red dog finally completely controlled the entire navy, and a little bit eliminated the influence of the Warring States in the position of the admiral of the navy.

Now the entire navy is permeated with the red dog's concept of absolute justice, and no evil is allowed. It is also cultivated by this concept. The current navy headquarters is stronger than in the Warring States period, with more iron-blooded figures and more iron-blooded justice.

One year later, the navy headquarters was integrated, and the ambitious Akadog finally showed his fangs. With the New World Naval Headquarters as a base, a large number of iron-blooded navies launched attacks against numerous pirates under the generals.

In the second year, the navy fought fiercely with the pirates. Although many naval soldiers died in the battle, the veterans who had experienced the war finally got off the appearance of recruits.

The battle situation was also brilliant. I don't know how many pirates were wiped out by the navy, and even the criminals who pushed the city to escape also wiped them out. For these criminals who escaped, Akinu kept a decision that he didn't need to live. In the eyes of Akadog, since these pirates escaped from Pushing City, they have no hope of change. Since they are placed in prison for fear that they will escape again, it is better to solve everything once and for all.

The red dog sits on the throne of the marshal, although the means are very iron and blood, but the navy's repeated big moves have earned a lot of fame for the navy, and saved the face lost in the war on the top, and at the same time promoted him like the world. The reputation of Marshal Dog.

"The navy is no longer the navy of the year. The navy will not compromise with any pirates!"

This is the idea that Akadog told many navies at the Navy Recruit Conference after he became the admiral of the navy.

It can be said that the series of attacks by the red dog against the pirates made the five old stars of the world government give a high evaluation of the performance of the red dog. For the senior government of the world, what they need is this kind of navy that can deal with the pirates. marshal.

Marlene Vandor was destroyed and the new navy headquarters was established in the new world. Everything shows that the navy is about to face the many pirates in the new world in the most just posture.

In this last year, in addition to the collision between the pirates or the pirates and the navy, a great war shocked the world, known as the war of the century.

The Red Earl Barloric Lederfield, who is known as the lonely red by the world, escaped from the city and was able to compete with the White Beard Pirates, Roger Pirates, and Golden Lion Pirates. A legendary pirate who sits on an equal footing.

After the war on the top, a storm was set off, and he challenged and defeated the current navy marshal Akadog. The newly built naval headquarters was almost destroyed in that battle. In the end, Akadog teamed up with the other three generals, but still did not leave him. , He escaped from the navy headquarters.

However, after half a year, the Red Earl Barloric Lederfield found Lin Tian. That day, the battle took place on a deserted island. The two fought for ten days and nights, and finally Lin Tian was defeated. End.

In that battle, Lin Tian was severely injured and weak and almost died at the hands of Red Earl Barloric Lederfield. In the end, it was the revolutionary army commander Monch D. Long who finally rushed to shoot.

In that battle, the dragon, the leader of the revolutionary army, showed its powerful combat power to the world. The two were not weak in the first battle. In the end, they fought for three days and three nights, the Red Earl Barloric Lederfield proudly left~www. In that battle, the Red Earl Barloric Lederfield challenged Lin Tian and Long in succession, but at the end he still drifted away, showing his terrifying power in the rumored world like the world.

Although the world does not know exactly how the battle was, the three adjacent islands that stood in the sea disappeared from the map.

Therefore, that battle is called the battle of the century.

In the windless zone, no matter how chaotic the outside world is, Daughter Island still maintains calm and tranquility. It is like a paradise beyond the world.

Two years passed in a blink of an eye, and Luffy, who had practiced on a nearby desert island, finally completed her retreat, and Lin Tian also recovered from the injuries suffered during the battle against Red Earl in the past six months.

Luffy has been trained by Leily and Lin Tian. Two years have allowed Luffy to grow too much. In the past two years, Lin Tian has not stayed in place. The continuous battles have greatly increased Lin Tian's ability development.

Outside the daughter island, Hydra’s ships left the daughter island and headed for the Chambord Islands under the welcome of many subjects.

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