Outside the Chambord Islands, a faint sea breeze is blowing from the sea, and countless bubbles reflecting colorful light float in the air.

In the surrounding waters, the pirate ship with the flag of Hydra was docked at sea. When seeing this ship belonging to the Empress of Qiwuhai, many pirate ships quickly avoided.

On the boat, Lin Tian and Luffy were standing on the side of the boat looking at the Chambordian Islands that they saw again after two years. So many things happened in two years, and it was from here.

Behind the scenes, Hancock was ordering many national defenders, and there were still a lot of things in the huge bag that was already taller than Lin Tian.

Looking at this scene, Lin Tian asked: "Hankuk, what are you doing? There are so many things in there."

Hearing Lin Tian’s question, Hancock turned around and explained: “These are all things I prepared for you. There are 500 pieces of clothes in the backpack and a thousand-person bento for you. There are also handkerchiefs, tableware and Five-year-old paper and various household utensils...".

After listening to this introduction, Lin Tian was stunned. He couldn't help but draw the corners of his mouth. Five-year papers. This is really an exaggeration. Let alone whether he can use them for five years, and whether these papers can be stored for five years. These are all uncertain things.

Before Hancock could finish his introduction, Lin Tian hurriedly reached out and stopped and said, "Well, Hancock, no introduction, we two won't use so many."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian hurriedly shouted to Luffy on the side: "Hey, Luffy, tidy up the contents, leaving only the lunch box and a few pieces of clothing, and take out the rest."

"Good Le!"

Hearing the word bento, Luffy suddenly leapt out with light in his eyes and searched in his backpack.

A few steps forward, Lin Tian walked to Hancock, stretched his hand over his smooth jade cheeks, and whispered, "Hankuk, I am leaving this time, and take Luffy and the others to Xin The world, I am afraid it will take a long time to reach Daughter Island again."

"Although you are Qiwuhai, you still have to be careful, there have been many powerful pirates recently but want to sit in the position of Qiwuhai, last time Bundy Wald was a lesson."

Reaching out and gently grabbing Lin Tian and slid his hand on his cheek, Hancock grumbled his mouth, revealing a little woman's mentality, and his eyes were full of reluctance. It is sad to leave at any time, even more. Besides, between lovers.

Hancock reluctantly said softly: "Be careful. After the war of the century, you were targeted by many criminals who pushed into the city and escaped. Although you have recovered in the past six months on Daughters Island, but Many people in New World want to borrow your reputation Yang Ming."

"Don't worry, you don't know my combat power!"

Lin Tian's expression on his face was very relaxed. Last time, he almost killed himself when he encountered the perversion of the red earl Barloric Lederfield. If there were other strong people, Lin Tian would not be afraid.

"I hope you can reunite with your partner, Luffy!"

"Well, thank you for taking care of me for two years"

"good luck!"

Standing at the bow of the ship, Luffy waved goodbye to Margaret and many other defenders.

A bright white light shone from Lin Tian, ​​and the bright white light revolved around the two people like a long dragon. With a sound, a dazzling light flashed, and the two disappeared.

Chambord Islands, Island No. 16, a dazzling light flashed, and Lu Fei and Lin Tian, ​​carrying a large package, appeared on the green grass.

Looking around, Luffy, who is half-way obsessed, naturally didn't recognize the way, and asked: "Lin Tian, ​​where should we go next!"

To be honest, Lin Tian didn't know where to go for a while. Today was indeed the time for them to meet, but Lin Tian didn't know where the Sonny was docked. He had to ask Lei Li and Xia Qicai to know.

This was what Lin Tian planned just now, but when he saw the huge sign with Brooke painted on it, which was more than ten meters around, Lin Tian suddenly knew where he was going.

Pointing to the billboard not far away, he said: "I heard that Brook has become a famous musician in the world in the past two years, so let's listen to Brooke's concert first."


Touching the back of his head, Lu Fei looked in the direction Lin Tian was pointing, and instantly surprised: "That is actually Brooke. I didn't expect Brooke to have become so handsome after two years of not seeing him, and he even had a concert."

Luffy is the kind of person who likes to be lively. Luffy hasn't seen a concert yet, and he didn't even think about agreeing: "Okay! Let's go to the concert."

So the two walked to island 24 as written on the billboard. One Luffy carrying a huge package, and Lin Tian carrying a long sword, they walked on the street in this posture and immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Walking on the street, Luffy's figure dashed around in front of the shops on both sides of the street. Last time in the Chambord Islands, they played in an amusement park. Then, just to search for Kemi, Luffy hadn't visited Chambord. Islands.

As the final destination of the first half of the great route, Chambord Island is very prosperous, and many strange things on the great route can be found here.


Lin Tian and Lu Fei walked to the street well, when suddenly there was a thunderous sound from a clothing store in front of them. The door of the store was blasted open by the impact, and a large amount of smoke came out.

Looking at this scene, not only Luffy and Lin Tian were taken aback, but many residents on the street were also taken aback. Everyone has gossip. Many people on the street gathered on both sides of the shop and stretched their heads toward the windows. Look at it.

But in the room, a dusty mist was flying, and nothing could be seen clearly, just when everyone was wondering what happened inside.

A golden thunder and lightning flashed out of thin air in the smoke, with a muffled sound, and the whole shop shook again, and a strong wind mixed with smoke flew out from the windows and doors.

Looking at the golden lightning, Lin Tian was stunned for a moment. The lightning had a very familiar feeling. Before Lin Tian could think about it, several figures flew out of the smoke with the strong wind, and fell heavily on the open space in front of the gate.

A scorched black color flew out of the figure, lying on the ground and screaming, looking at the pirates from the costume.

Step on...

There was a faint sound of footsteps in the smoke, and the pedestrians around couldn't help but look at them, wanting to see who made so much noise and beat the pirates like this.

Amidst the smoke, a beautiful figure slowly appeared in everyone's eyes, with a protruding figure, a beautiful face, and the long orange wavy curly hair covering his shoulders, reaching the smooth back.

A peerless beauty, many people around were stunned by the beauty, especially the hearts of many men were pounding instantly, the speed increased more than doubled, and the eyes seemed to have red hearts, and they were all stunned by the beauty of the beauty that appeared. Got suffocated.

On that beautiful cheek, there is a different kind of charm, and he stretches out his hand and gently swings the hair that floats in front of him, every move is temptation.

Not far away, Lin Tian showed a smile on his face, who was this person besides Nami. I haven't seen him for two years. Nami is still as beautiful as ever, but with a touch of mature beauty in comparison.

However, his temper remained the same, as hateful and full of violence, these pirates probably didn't know where to provoke Nami before they were beaten like this.

Nami's beautiful cheek was covered with anger at the moment, and the weather stick in her hand was pointed at the pirates on the ground.

Nami said angrily: "Dare to ruin our reputation. If I see you doing that next time, it won't be as simple as being powered by thunder and lightning, huh..."

After warning the pirates in front of him, Nami was about to leave at a glance. Luffy, who rushed out of the crowd, raised his hand and shouted, "Hey, Nami!"


The pace of advancement stopped suddenly, and Nami was stunned. How could this voice be forgotten, it was already deep in her heart.

Turning her body slowly, when she saw Luffy and Lin Tian standing in front of her with a full smile carrying the package, Nami's eyes flickered, crystal tears appeared at the corner of her mouth, Nami's body couldn't help trembling slightly.

"It's been two years. In the past two years, I don't know how many times I have dreamt of this encounter. Now it has finally come true."

"Luffy! Lin Tian!"

Unable to restrain the excitement in her heart, Na Mei yelled excitedly with a smile of joy, and then stepped forward to leap into Lin Tian's embrace.


Nami flew into her body, and the huge impact almost caused Lin Tian to fall to the ground. The joy in her heart turned into tears.

Reaching out to hold Nami's body, Lin Tian smiled and said, "Nami, I haven't seen each other for two years, but you have gained a lot of weight."

It is impossible for any woman to be fat, even Nami is no exception. Nami immediately retorted, "You are only fat, people have grown taller!"

After finishing speaking, Nami straightened her body slightly, raised her head and looked directly at Lin Tian, ​​and blamed: "Two years have passed, why have you never looked for me in two years?"

"This is because…"

Lin Tianzheng was thinking about how to explain ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and was interrupted by Nami aloud, and angrily said, "Don't say so many reasons, Basolomi Xiong and you are friends. You must know me." Where is it".

Hearing that, what else could Lin Tian explain, a wry smile appeared in his heart, as expected, this woman is too smart, it is really a troublesome thing.

Looking at the several pirates lying on the ground beside him, Lin Tian quickly turned the subject and said: "By the way, what is going on, how did these pirates provoke you".

The smart Nami didn’t know why Lin Tian was deliberately changing the subject, but as a smart woman, Nami knew more about what is enough to stop. When she deliberately mentioned this matter, in addition to her temper, she also wanted Lin Tian feels ashamed of himself, will he dare to treat himself like this next time?

Looking at several pirates at her feet, Nami explained: "These guys pretend to be members of our Straw Hat Pirates and corrupt our reputation in the Chambord Islands."

Before Lin Tian could speak, Luffy, as the captain, couldn't stand it.

"What, there is such a thing!"

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