Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 934: Straw Hat Pirates!

On the street, Luffy carried the package and walked forward along the street angrily.

After hearing what Nami said that someone dared to be in the Chambord Islands, they had already acted as a threat to destroy the reputation of the Straw Hat Pirates, so angry Luffy suddenly decided to go take a good look. Those guys have a lesson.

Both Nami and Lin Tian felt necessary for this. Although the other party was likely to be a small character, the reputation of the Pirate Group could not be ruined. It was necessary to take action to rectify their name.

Holding Lin Tian's arm, Nami looked very happy. She hasn't seen Lin Tian for two years. Nami misses her very much and is finally able to be together. Naturally, Nami is very happy in her heart, but unfortunately there is more Luffy, otherwise Better.

In contrast, Lin Tian is tortured. Nami's chest is pressed against Lin Tian's arm, and she can clearly feel a beautiful wave of waves. Compared with Nami's childishness two years ago, Nami's figure is taller two years later. A lot of it, while maintaining beauty, it also adds a sense of maturity.

"Here, it's here!"

Stopping, Nami looked up at the No. 46 Island ahead. According to the news she had received, the guys posing as them were here.

Glancing at a group of people on the surrounding streets, Luffy was breathing heavily in his nostrils, and he recognized them one by one, but unfortunately everyone didn't feel too alike.

Touching the back of his head, Luffy looked confused and said, "Nami, which one of these people is posing as us?"


As soon as Luffy’s voice fell, a powerful fist struck him, and the fist hit the back of Luffy’s head heavily. The powerful fist directly knocked Luffy out, and rolled against the ground for several laps before Luffy finally stopped. Down.

Turning over and standing on the ground, Luffy touched the bag on his head and asked with aggrieved expression: "Nami, why are you hitting me?"

Clenching her fist, Nami said angrily: "Idiot, how could there be those guys who pretend to be us here, all said that those guys are now collecting a large number of pirates under our name?"

Sitting on the ground, Luffy said, "Nami, what should we do next?"


Nami was asked by Luffy all of a sudden. Although she knew that those who impersonated them were recruiting pirates on the island under their name, she hadn't had time to investigate because she saw Lin Tian and others.

"Go, in that direction"

Suddenly, Lin Tian, ​​who was talking, took Nami's hand and walked towards the southeast of Island No. 46. Under Lin Tian's powerful and domineering look, no one on the entire island could hide Lin Tian.

"Really? Great! I want to beat all the guys who pretend to be us", Luffy jumped up happily, patted the dust on his body, and surpassed what Lin Tian and Nami pointed towards Lin Tian. The direction ran over.


With a muffled sound, Luffy sprinting didn't see a figure suddenly knocked out at his feet, and the figure that was hit by Luffy was actually Chopper.

"Ah, my delicious beanbag!"

Looking at the beanbag that flew out from his hand in front of him, he only took a bite. Chopper shouted, his face full of heartache.

Feeling that he had hit something, Luffy stopped running quickly, looked curiously at the guy on the side who was hit by him, and his eyes lit up.

"Damn it, which **** knocked me off and paid for my beanbag!"

An angry Chopper stood up from the ground, holding the branch in his right hand tightly, almost writing the word anger on his face, but when Chopper just turned around, he didn't realize what happened, he saw a black line. Ying quickly rushed in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, he seemed to be hugged tightly by something, and at the same time he was hugged. What happened suddenly made Chopper look dazed by surprise.

"Chopper, it's really you, it's really great!"

A familiar voice came to his ears, and Chopper was taken aback for a moment. Then he reacted immediately and took a look at it. Luffy's familiar face clearly appeared in front of him.

Joy, joy that cannot be described in words suddenly appeared on Chopper's face, and Chopper immediately stretched out his hands and grasped Luffy tightly.

Excitedly shouted: "Luffy, it's really you. It's really great. You haven't changed much from two years ago."

"Chopper, I didn't expect it to be you!"

"How can I meet you like this, Chopper!"

"Lin Tian, ​​Nami", when he heard a voice coming from behind, Qiaoba looked back and shouted with joy.

Nami and Lin Tian came over. Although the way they met Chopper was a bit special, they all seemed very happy to meet again.

Chopper smiled happily: "Hahaha... I was still thinking about how to find you, but I didn't expect to meet it so easily."

Putting Chopper down, Luffy stretched out his hand to compare with himself, and suddenly said in surprise: "Chopper, you actually grew taller!"

Hearing this, Qiao Ba immediately said proudly: "Of course, I have studied with Uncle Kolokas for two years, and now I am not what I used to be."

Seeing Chopper's proud look, Lin Tian and Nami looked at each other and laughed at the same time. Although everyone's appearance has changed a bit, their hearts are still the same.

"By the way, Luffy, where were you going to go in a hurry?" Thinking of Luffy hitting himself into flight just now, Chopper asked curiously.

When he was reminded by Chopper, Luffy realized that he had something serious, "Ah, I almost forgot, I'm going to beat those guys away."

"Beat Fei?"

Looking up at Luffy's angry look, Chopper was even more confused.

Lin Tian explained with a smile: "Just now we discovered that someone used the name of our Straw Hat Pirate Group to pretend to be us here to recruit troops, and at the same time corrupt the reputation of our Straw Hat Pirate Group. We are preparing to settle accounts with these guys."

"What!" Hearing this, Qiaoba was shocked. He hadn't expected that someone would pretend to be them. But then Qiaoba became angry. These people were bold enough to pretend to be them, and said angrily: "I want to go too. Beat those guys away."

"Okay, let's go and beat that guy!"

At the southeast corner of Island No. 46, a large number of pirates gathered on the calm grassland after seeing the ‘Straw Hat Pirates’ recruiting.

In the middle of the crowd, many members of the straw hat group are standing there! The guy in the middle was full of fat, with a big belly, and a torn straw hat shouted in front of many pirates.

"Little ones, I see. You are surrounded by strange faces. You will all become my little brothers. As the blade in my hand, you will accompany me to the new world, which is the day when I become the One Piece. You will become the crew of One Piece"


Under the crowd, there was a burst of cheers, and many pirates were extremely excited.

"I saw it, that was the Supernova Straw Hat Pirates gang back then, and that was the Straw Hat boy Luffy. He was brilliant in the war on top."

"Of course, his father is Dragon, the leader of the revolutionary army who is now fighting the world government, and his brother is Baidi Aisi, the leader of the White Beard Pirates. Lin Tian, ​​the **** of murderer shoulder to shoulder"

"Unexpectedly, I could actually meet Lin Tian, ​​can you see it? The one next to him is Lin Tian, ​​the **** of death, which is really exciting. This kind of powerhouse is in the Straw Hat Pirates, and the Straw Hat Pirates will definitely be in the future. Will become the One Piece".

"That guy is Lin Tian? Why don't you feel a little bit different?"

Looking at the guy wearing a black robe and carrying a long sword behind his back, Galip couldn’t tell him **** countless pirates according to the rumors. Lin Tian, ​​who was called the **** of death by the pirates, was so strong The person must be extremely domineering, how can one look like an ordinary person.

The pirate wet hair Galip, a powerful pirate who has emerged in the past two years, has a bounty of up to 210 million Baileys. Although it is not comparable to the supernova of the year, it is still one of the famous pirates. As for why this Kind of pirates will appear here, the purpose of which is unknown.

"This kind of guy can also pretend to be us. I wonder what the heads of these deceived pirates are. They can actually cross half of the great route to reach here. Isn't the great route not so terrifying now?" When this happened, Nami asked herself unbelievably.

I glanced at these impersonated guys, and they all looked like ordinary people, especially the one who impersonated himself. It was not a few grades of difference from her, but a world of difference.

Moreover, their reward list has been spread all over the world, and there are photos of them on it. How can these pirates believe it? Nami really can't figure out how the pirate with this kind of head lived here.

After listening to Nami's words, Lin Tian smiled and said, "Don't blame them, we have disappeared for more than two years after Most of these are new pirates recently, and we have never seen them. We look like, although we have a reward list to compare with us, but these people look similar to us, and it is normal to be deceived."

In fact, there is one thing that Lin Tian hasn’t said yet. Who would have thought that someone dared to pretend to be Luffy with a bounty of 400 million, and Lin Tian with a bounty of 1.3 billion, but it turns out that there are still some in this world. Many are not afraid of death.

"Is this kind of guy, dare to impersonate us?" Chopper was also surprised.

"Okay, it's them, let me beat them up!"

Seeing the ten guys standing on the high platform, Luffy was about to rush out with a hammer with both hands, but Lin Tian suddenly grabbed him and stopped his movements.

Looking back at Lin Tian who was holding him, Luffy said in doubt: "Lin Tian, ​​what are you doing with me?"

"What are you doing in such a hurry, someone wants to deal with those guys more than we do."

Looking at the naval soldiers coming in the distance, Lin Tian smiled at the corner of his mouth, and it seemed that a good show was about to unfold.

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