Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 835: General candidate debut

On the 46th island, several adjacent islands have been surrounded by the navy. The residents on the island have been evacuated, and a large number of naval soldiers have been supported from the current G1 branch of the original navy headquarters.

Step on...

Amid the intensive footsteps, a large number of naval soldiers carried their weapons and began to pour into the 46th island. The huge shock naturally shocked the ‘Straw Hat Pirates’ group that was opening the oath.

When many pirates saw the densely packed navy soldiers around, a panic sounded in the crowd, and many pirates immediately prepared to take steps to escape.

The pirates gathered here are just small characters. Except for the two bounties of hundreds of millions, the other pirates are tens of millions of characters. This level of pirates was really strong when they first entered the great route.

But when it reaches the end of the first half of the great route, the Chambordian Islands, potential pirates can come here, basically the bounty is over 100 million.

The potential of these tens of millions of pirates can be imagined, otherwise they would not believe that the straw hat pirate group needs to recruit members to fight for the new world. If you want to join a powerful pirate group, the truly ambitious pirates are all running. Become the One Piece dream and enter the new world.


The navy hadn't arrived yet, one by one slid through the void, making a shrill sound like a sea train, and dark cannons popped into the sky.

Boom...boom...continuous explosions sounded, smoke and gravel flew up, orange fireballs slowly rose on the ground, and the air waves from the explosions raged on the grass like a hurricane.

One by one shells exploded, many pirates were directly lifted out by the air waves caused by the explosion, and the rubble flew across. The unpredictable rain of shells directly blasted many pirates.

The ten members of the ‘Straw Hat Pirates’ group standing on a high place were taken aback by the sudden explosion. The sound of the explosion sent all ten people to the ground.

"Lin Tian" said in fear: "What to do? Boss, the navy is here, and the surrounding is surrounded by navy."

'Luffy' slapped the panicked hand on the head, and said sharply: "Why don't you panic, I didn't see these guys around, they are not worth worrying about in the Navy."

When the pirates reacted, the crowd on the side suddenly lost a lot of time, thick black smoke was dazzling, and many corpses were lying on the ground.

"The fighting style has not changed. I don't know who is leading the team this time, Lindna or Sin Huan Nahan?"

Seeing that the navy soldier belonging to the G1 branch encircled the entire island No. 46, Lin Tian showed nostalgia at the corner of his mouth, and finally whispered softly.

Dozens of cannons lined up in front, the pitch-black muzzle kept roaring, and the endless cannonballs smashed down at the pirates like a storm.

The cannon roared for several minutes, firing all the shells it brought. Under the fierce gunfire, all the buildings on the No. 46 island were blasted into ruins by the artillery fire. The grass was full of black smoke. The pit emerged.

The densely packed hundreds of pirates were less than half under the bombardment of artillery fire. The weaker pirates all died under the artillery fire, and only the powerful ones could survive the artillery fire.


Under the order of a beautiful lieutenant admiral dressed in a navy cloak and light red, many navy soldiers who had been prepared rushed into the scorched island No. 46 like a tide.


Many pirates climbed up from the ground, and the dark smoke around them was blown away by the breeze. Before the pirates could realize what was happening, they were surrounded by a large number of navy forces in an instant.

"The straw hat boy and his comrades obediently surrender to me. The entire 46 islands have been surrounded by groups, and the surrounding exits have been sealed. You have nowhere to escape."

Suddenly swallowing the nervous saliva in his mouth, a pirate suddenly shouted: "Don't be afraid, we have Lin Tian with a bounty of 1.3 billion Baileys here, and a straw hat boy with a bounty of 400 million. How could these navies be our opponents in a mere mere ounce."

"That's right, we have the murderer Lin Tian here, even the admiral is not its opponent, let alone these ordinary navy soldiers."

When the voice fell, the navy and the pirates immediately fought into a battle, but dozens of pirates broke out with great power, and they actually blocked the attacks of ordinary navies abruptly.

In order to perform well in front of the many cadres of the straw hat pirate group that is about to join, these pirates have all put out a powerful force.

Especially among them, the recently popular pirate wet hair Galileo, and at the same time, the brother of the pirate who has a bounty of 190 million, especially the natural ability of Galepu, is a large piece of silt. After coming out, the surrounding navy soldiers were wrapped in mud, and they were suffocated to death by the mud.

Although these dozens of pirates are offering a bounty of tens of millions and blocking naval attacks, the opponent they face is the G1 branch, which was the G1 branch that frightened many pirates in the New World under the leadership of Lin Tian. , Is the strongest of all branches. They are naval soldiers who can survive the battle with many pirate overlords in the new world. The strength of G1 is only slightly weaker than that of the navy headquarters.

After the top war, in order to flood the navy headquarters, all major branches drew their forces into the navy headquarters. As the strongest G1 branch, it is no exception.

But even if most of the strong are missing, the strength of the G1 branch is more than enough for the pirates in the first half of the great route. Otherwise, the navy headquarters will not place the G1 branch on the Malinvando island where the original navy headquarters is located, as the first half of the great route. The end must have a strong naval deterrent.

"Haha... these guys are really strong, little ones, in this battle, I will ban them as cadres, and I will make them cadres, haha..."

Looking at this scene, the "Luffy" who climbed up from the ground, waved his fists and shouted excitedly, with these powerful men, even in the new world, he dared to go forward.

"A naval soldier of this level dare to come and catch me as a villain? Die to me, haha..."

Gary Pu stretched out his disgusting tongue, his right hand turned into mud to wrap a struggling navy soldier little by little.


At this moment, an afterimage flashed in front of Gary Spectrum, and he didn't realize what was happening in the next moment, only seeing a dark fist quickly magnified in his eyes.


The fist was in close contact with the disgusting face of Gary Pu, the violent power burst, blood flew all over, Galli Pu was knocked out without any resistance, and several white teeth flew out of his mouth.

The navy cloak screamed from behind, gently steadying his footsteps, Xinhuannahan, wearing a light blue suit, slowly retracted his fist and lightly glanced at the Gary spectrum under his feet.

He said lightly: "Galipu, who offered a bounty of up to 210 million, was successfully captured."

The plain tone, as if Gary Pu, who is known as the recent super newcomer at his feet, is like a small character who is not very important.


Kribb, who was holding the iron tree, yelled worriedly, and then said nothing. Angrily, he rushed towards Xinhuan Nahan to avenge his brother.

With a scream, a pale red figure flashed past, and quickly rushed in front of Kribb. It was the other Lieutenant General Lindena who had arrived.

With a light step, Lin Dena's beautiful body turned slightly, and at the same time a whip leg swept out, causing bursts of breaking air.

I only felt a strong wind hit, and the sweeping leg had already approached him. Kribb's face changed drastically, and a touch of fear suddenly appeared on his face. At such a rapid speed, only one figure could be seen clearly, and the navy came so strong. By.

Like the wet-hair Galicus, when faced with Lindna's attack, Kribb was unable to resist, and was kicked from the front. Like a cannonball fired from a barrel, he fell heavily into the thick trunk behind him.


With a loud bang, the hard trunk was knocked out of a human-shaped pit, and the sawdust flew up under the strong wind, Kribb plunged into the trunk, his eyes whitened and he passed out.


Looking at this scene, a pirate suddenly swallowed the saliva from his mouth, dozens of pairs of eyes were dumbfounded, many pirates rubbed their eyes, and realized that they were not hallucinating before they dare to believe what they saw just now. It is true.

"How is it possible that there is such a powerful navy, just a single blow to defeat the Galibe with a bounty of 220 million and Krib with a bounty of 190 million, these two navies in the end? Who is it?"

Lindena and Xinhuannahan shot like lightning, and instantly solved the highest bounty of all the pirates, Galibe and Kribb. The powerful combat power shocked many pirates, and their hearts rose while shocked. Fearing, even the two pirates with the highest bounty were resolved, not to mention them, I'm afraid they can't even handle a single move.

"That's...Lindena and Sinhuannahan, candidates for navy in the G1 branch of the Navy, I didn't expect them to be dispatched."

"Isn't that nonsense? Lin Dena and Xin Huannahan were Lin Tian's proud subordinates back In the face of a strong like Lin Tian, ​​they naturally wanted them to take action."

Lindena and Sinhuannahan are both the rulers of the G1 branch and the lieutenant general of the navy headquarters. In recent years, under the iron-blood justice concept of the red dog, the battle between the navy and the pirates can be said to occur every day, although the number of naval casualties increases with Fighting increases.

However, in the fierce battle, many navy powers have grown up. As Lin Tian's most valued subordinates, Lin Dena and Xin Huan Nahan can grow up step by step in the battle with many pirate overlords. The potential is naturally imaginable. , After two years of fighting, the combat power of the two increased rapidly.

That is to say, they have risen in the past two years. The two are called by the world to be candidates for the navy headquarters with the two names of Taotu. They are powerful and are monsters in people's mouth.

Normally, the two of them commanded the G1 branch to deter the first half of the great route. This time it was because the Straw Hat Pirate was recruiting members of the Pirates. Because of the existence of Lin Tian, ​​the two came together.

Only when I got here, I discovered that the "Straw Hat Pirate Group" that originally recruited members was actually just a group of weak pirates posing here, pulling tiger skins to make coats.

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