Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 836: Luffy's growth


The faint sea breeze blows to the coast, and the faces of many pirates around are full of horror. The strongest pirate of them can't even hold the opponent's blow. What a powerful force it must be. Instead, they even attack the opponent. Can't hold it.

"It's actually Lindena and Xinhuannahan who are the two general candidates. We are going to die and we can't escape."

"Don't be afraid, although we are not their opponents, but don't forget, we still have straw hat boys here."

"Yes, even the Killing God Lin Tian is on our side. Even if Lin Dena and Xin Huan Nahan are strong, they are only Lin Tian's subordinates. How could they be Lin Tian's opponents."

Thinking of them with Lin Tian standing behind, the fear on the faces of many pirates was suddenly replaced by brutality. With Lin Tian, ​​how could these navies be his opponents.

And if they can seize this opportunity, they will slaughter a large number of navy heads, but they have a chance to become a cadre of the Straw Hat Pirates.

"Where is that guy Lin Tian, ​​come out to Lao Tzu!"

Suddenly a huge roar came from the navy crowd, and the densely surrounded navy immediately moved to the side, giving way to a passage.

I saw Sammomaru wearing a navy cloak, a bellyband, and a big axe on his shoulders, and two pacifists approached with him, his face was not angry, his frown and the scar on his face , Giving people an extremely cruel feeling.

"Zhan Momomaru?!"

Lin Tian's tone was surprised and doubtful. It was not that Zhan Taomaru appeared, but Zhan Taomaru became a navy, and this was also the doubt in his heart. Begapunk would make Zhan Taomaru a navy.

"Hey...Isn't that guy who was in Chambordian Islands two years ago and followed the general Huang Yuan to stop us?" Pointing to the Zhan Momomaru who appeared, Nami looked surprised, and suddenly remembered.

"What, it's this guy!"

Chopper was also taken aback. He easily crushed Luffy back then. The terrible fighting force forced the whole group to flee separately.

"En? Who is this guy?"

Only Luffy touched the back of his head and looked confused. Up to now, he hasn't remembered who Zhan Taowan was or where he had met him.

There was another heavyweight navy on the scene, and two pacifists who could kill pirates with a bounty of less than 100 million in seconds. Many pirates couldn't help but swallowed their mouths. This level of navy was not something they could deal with.

As soon as Zhan Taomaru's voice fell, many pirates hurriedly backed away, and they suddenly revealed the delusion that they were mixed in the pirate group, and escaped here in the chaos of the "Straw Hat Pirate Group".

"Master Lin Tian hurry up and kill these navies."

"You navies are really daring. We are the Straw Hat Pirates here, and your navy can deal with it."


Under the yelling of many pirates,'Luffy' suppressed the fear in his heart, sweating profusely and pointed at the three of Zhan Momomaru in front of him and reprimanded.

"Hey, what do you guys want to do? Are you going to be lighted up? I am the big pirate with a bounty of 400 million, the grandson of the naval hero Karp, and the son of the revolutionary dragon. My brother is Lin. Heaven and Ace, are you trying to die?..."

Many pirates raised their hands and shouted in excitement, but there was a lot of laughter from the navy crowd. A naval soldier who was nervous and serious before burst into laughter. The smile that rang through his ears could be heard by anyone. Out of the ridicule.

"That guy is actually Lord Lin Tian, ​​'s so funny"

"How could Master Lin Tian be such a wretched fellow? I thought I was going to go to Master Lin Tian next, which made me nervous for a long time. I didn't expect it to be a bunch of fakes!"

Looking at the appearance of this group of straw hat pirates, many navies burst out laughing. They were naval soldiers who belonged to the G1 branch of the Navy. Lin Tian was their commander back then. They could tell the truth of Lin Tian at a glance, and they immediately understood that this was actually just A group of fake guys.

Before the'Luffy' could finish reading the name that Luffy had, Zhan Taomaru raised his big axe and shot'Luffy' on the ground.

"How can Straw Hat Boy Lu Fei and Lin Tian be you **** guys!"


Looking at this scene, the pirates on the side suddenly screamed in surprise. By this time, they still didn't understand, it was not stupid but stupid.

The scary Straw Hat Boy and Lin Tian in their eyes are actually fakes. Many pirates cannot accept this fact for a while. That is to say, they stand underneath for so long, being taught by others, and swearing allegiance with admiration. In fact, the target is a group of fakes. Guys.

After being surprised, many pirates became angry, as if the pirates who were about to be angry at any time, staring at the middle group of ‘Straw Hat Pirates! ’

Seeing the reaction of the surrounding pirates, Zhan Taomaru also reacted: "So, these guys are actually deceived and become companions of fake straw hats!"

Looking sideways at the'Luffy' who was unconscious at his feet, Zhan Taomaru asked: "px_5, since he is not a straw hat boy, what is the real identity of this guy?"

As a human weapon of the world government, the pacifist’s database contains information on all criminals wanted by the world government in the entire world, and this person can be quickly identified.

"Dimalo Braque, the pirate's liar, is offering a reward of 26 million Pele!"

"Twenty-six million Pele!"

Hearing this sound, many pirates once again screamed in surprise, and there was no anger in their eyes randomly looking at the counterfeit in the field, instead they were uncontrollable murderous intent.

"Using the name of the straw hat kid to deceive us"

"Damn it, it turned out to be just a mere 26 million guy, then..."

Which one of them is not a powerful pirate with a bounty of more than 50 million Baileys, and came here through half a great route, without knowing how many competitors have been defeated along the way.

But just now actually swearing allegiance to a pirate with a bounty of only 26 million Baileys. This is really a shame. If it hadn’t been surrounded by many navies, the pirates in the field would have rushed to these guys. Tear off for life.

Zhan Tao Maru and the others didn't bother to care about these pirates being deceived, although the straw hat pirate group that appeared in front of them was fake, but what was hidden secretly was real.

Zhan Tao Maru took a half step, raised the giant axe in his hand and pointed at the numerous pirates in front of him, without concealing his mockery.

"Those who deceive are all idiots, but being deceived is just a more stupid idiot. Today, your good fortune is at the end of the day. This guy has done a big favor to our navy by bringing you together. I want to arrest you all."

Hearing that, many pirates gathered together immediately, and there was no time to control these counterfeit goods. The most important thing in front of them was to escape from the numerous naval blockades in front of them.

As soon as Zhan Taomaru's voice fell, Lindena stared at the ruins in front of her, her red lips opened her lips, and a sweet voice came from her mouth.

"Master Lin Tian, ​​since you are already here, let's meet with our subordinates. What a coincidence, I didn't expect you to be here."

Zhan Tao Maru's voice immediately sounded, "When I entered this area, px-5 already felt it, and px-5 found them for me."

Zhan Taomaru's voice fell, and the huge body of the pacifist behind him leapt up, directly past the numerous pirates in front of him, and landed firmly on the ground.


In the strange sound, the pacifist's mouth opened, the dazzling light rose, the laser particles gathered in the muzzle, and with a buzz, a light yellow lightning beam shot out, the light pierced the sky, and reached Lin Tian etc. in no time. Hidden location with many people.

Suddenly, when Nami and Chopper attacked, before Nami and Chopper could react, the laser beams had already hit them. They wrapped Nami's waist with his right hand and grabbed Chopper with one hand. Lin Tian's figure flashed and appeared on a high platform.

As for Luffy, he is no longer that year. In the past two years, Luffy's progress has been terrible, and even Lin Tian sighs that the laser beam in this area can't hit Luffy.

Carrying a huge package on his back, Luffy easily dodged the flying laser beams. There was a loud bang, and the entire island was shaken. A fireball several meters high slowly rose, and the explosion produced strong wind. Swept out.

The pacifist did not stop attacking without a single blow. The system in his brain instantly locked Luffy's tumbling sky, raised both hands, the dazzling light rose in the palm of his hand, and dozens of rays of light burst out towards Luffy.

Just as her feet landed steadily on the ground, before Luffy could stand still, a dozen rays of light had already approached her. Seeing this scene, Nami suddenly felt worried.

Involuntarily shouted: "Luffy! Be careful?"

They were defeated by these pacifists back then, and the power of the laser beams they launched was not much worse than that of the general Huang Yuan. A dozen laser beams attacked, and Luffy was more fortunate.

Luffy lowered his head lightly and stood steady, only to see that his figure was swaying slightly at a rapid speed, and during this shaking, he easily avoided all the laser beams, but Luffy’s feet did not move. Cents.

Bang... bang...

A series of terrible explosions sounded on another island, dozens of firelights erupted on the trunk, and the entire island tremble violently.

"so slow!"

Lu Fei whispered softly in his mouth. Compared with two years, the unavoidable laser beam has almost crawled like a tortoise in Lu Fei’s eyes. After two years of teaching in Lei Li and Lin Tian, ​​Lu Fei is no longer the way back then. fly.

"Second gear!"

Raising the arm and flicking it lightly, Luffy's arm agitated like an air pump, not only the way but also the time was much faster than in the past. Two years later, Luffy has developed his own abilities more no longer You need to use your feet as before to start second gear.

call out!

Luffy's figure flashed and appeared directly above the pacifist, his speed has surpassed the limit of human eyes.

Perceiving Luffy in the sky, the pacifist quickly raised his head and opened his mouth. The gun barrel was pointed directly at Luffy in the sky, and a bright yellow light rang out.

"Rubber rubber jet pistol!"

With a low drink, Luffy's fist suddenly blasted and directly hit the pacifist's head. The terrifying force exploded, and the powerful fist instantly blasted the pacifist's head into pieces of iron.


The huge body of the pacifist hit the ground heavily, and the flat ground was suddenly smashed into a pit of several meters. The entire island trembled under the huge impact. The powerful pacifist was instantly killed by Luffy.


Seeing this scene, Zhan Tao Maru couldn't help exclaiming.

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