Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 837: Sauron and Sanji appear

In the deep pit, the pacifist who could easily kill less than 100 million pirates in a second, turned into a pile of scrap iron lying in the pit. The body that could withstand the bombardment of artillery cracked cracks and destroyed so severely, this pacifist. It is useless to return to the factory for repairs, and can only be turned into scrap repairs.

"What! The guy in the straw hat is surrounded by domineering!"

Zhan Tao Maru was suddenly taken aback by Luffy's display of combat power, although he knew that two years later, the straw hat boy's combat power would definitely improve a lot, Zhan Tao Maru was also prepared.

But now, Zhan Tao Maru finds that he still underestimates Luffy. He has learned to be domineering, and even solved the pacifist in one blow. How far has the straw hat boy grown in two years? Zhan Tao Maru couldn't help thinking.

And Luffy, who caused all of this, killed a powerful pacifist with just one punch. Two years later, from the time when he used his best to deal with a pacifist, Luffy’s combat power has now risen to a terrible one. Point.

"One... one blow to solve the pacifists!"

Luffy’s show of strength in the place shocked many pirates, and at the same time, it made everyone confirm the authenticity of Luffy. Such a powerful strength is worthy of a big pirate with a bounty of 400 million.

"Sure enough, it looks exactly the same as the bounty. This is the real straw hat boy Luffy, and Lin Tian, ​​the **** of death on the side!"

A pirate held the reward list of Lin Tian and Luffy against each other, and suddenly shouted with great excitement, the last doubt in his mind finally disappeared.

With a leap, Luffy leaped onto the high platform with the package on his back. Seeing that there was nothing wrong with the package behind, Luffy was relieved immediately.

Fortunately, said: "Fortunately, there is nothing wrong with my bento, these bentos are extremely precious."

Raising the giant axe in his hand, pointing at Lin Tian in the air, Zhan Tao Wan said: "Lin Tian, ​​see, I am now a navy, I am different from two years ago."

Putting his hands on his chest, Lin Tian grinned and said: "Zhan Tao Wan, you are still an old man all day, I am curious, how could the old man Begapunk release you to become a navy."

"Hmph, this is Lao Tzu's business, you don't need to worry about it!"

With a cold snort, Zhan Tao Maru didn't say much, but only said a word, as if there was something in it that he must be wary of.

"Master Lin Tian, ​​it's been a long time since it has been two years!" Lindena's red lips kissed her, her voice was very pleasant, and she couldn't tell that Lindena was a powerful candidate for the admiral.

Xinhuannahan also said with emotion, "Master Lin Tian, ​​you still have the same style as before."

Although many soldiers of the G1 branch did not speak, they still saw respect and admiration in Lin Tian’s eyes, as if they had returned to the era of fighting for justice that year. The new world pirates were awed by the power of the G1 branch, but now everything is They are still the navy, Lin Tian is no longer Lin Tian, ​​and has become a powerful pirate.

Three years ago, Lin Dena and Xin Huan Nahan were lieutenants of the G1 branch. Lin Tian was also a lieutenant general of the navy headquarters. Because of a report to the navy headquarters, Lin Tian betrayed the navy and even killed five Tianlong People become terrible criminals with a bounty of up to one billion.

At that time, the two of them were still outside on Lin Tian’s account. When they returned to the base, they didn’t believe it the first time they heard the news. How could Lord Lin Tian betray the Navy, not just the two of them. Even the navy soldiers of the entire G1 branch could not believe it.

Everyone can see what Lin Tian has done to become the minister of the G1 branch. It is already clear to Lord Lin Tian how justice can betray the navy.

It can be said that Lin Tian has been in the G1 branch for two years, and the prestige he has forged is incomparable even in the Warring States period. At that time, the G1 branch was almost mutinous. In the end, it was the green pheasant that was frightened. At the same time, everyone understood what happened. , Why Lin Tian would betray the navy.

"Compared with the previous year, Master Lin Tian feels more domineering"

"Of course, Lord Lin Tian was the strongest genius of the navy back then, and he possessed the ability of two devil fruits, even the admiral of the navy could defeat."

"It's just a pity. If it weren't for the hateful Tianlong people back then, Master Lin Tian wouldn't betray the new world. Master Lin Tian is probably already a general now, and maybe he will continue to lead our G1 branch to fight in the new world. Now dispatched here"

"That's right, but that is a Tianlongren. Even the Marshal of the Warring States period can't help it. In any case, Master Lin Tian can't stay in the navy."

These are the veterans of the G1 branch that can whisper. For most recruits, Lin Tian was instilled in the concept of the enemy of justice when they joined the navy. However, the dialogue of these veterans also made many soldiers hear some secrets of the year.

Looking at the two men standing in front of the navy crowd, Lin Tian smiled slightly, and said in nostalgia: "Xinhuannahan and Lindena, have not seen each other for two years, but you two have changed a lot. You have all become the navy. Candidate general".

Having said this, Lin Tian couldn't help nodding in his heart. Back then, he dug out the two of them in the G1 branch. He thought that they would stop at the navy headquarters at best.

I didn't expect them to be candidates for generals. It was really unexpected, but they were able to go so far, Lin Tian was also happy, after all, he was half a teacher.

"And Master Lin Tian is not back then", Xin Huan Nahan's tone was a little low. The former chief became an enemy and met again, and the two sides were in relative positions.

Lindena took the conversation and said, "Master Lin Tian, ​​although we are grateful for your teaching, we are the navy. As the navy, it is our task to catch pirates."

When the voice fell, Lindena erupted with a strong aura, Xin Huannahan also broke out a strong aura at the same time, the two auras melted and a gust of wind swept out invisibly.

"Is this the candidate for the admiral? It's too strong!"

The powerful aura rushed towards the face, and many pirates were terrified, but the oppression of the aura made them feel powerless. If they played against each other, they might not even be qualified to use their full strength.

With the strong wind blowing on him, Lin Tian's face showed a look of expectation, and he could have the opportunity to fight against his proud subordinates.

Turning his head to look at Nami on the side: "Nami, you take Luffy to retreat first and find the Sonny to set sail. I will stop these two people, and then I will come over."

"it is good!"

Without saying much, Nami is a very smart woman. Their continued stay here will not help Lin Tian, ​​but will become Lin Tian's burden.

Moreover, Lin Tian stands at the top of the world today. It is not that no one in this world cannot defeat Lin Tian, ​​but it is definitely not the two people in front of him.

With her right hand pulling Luffy on the edge, with Chopper in her left hand, Nami jumped off the platform and ran towards the edge.

"Xinhuan Nahan, Lin Tian will give it to you two, I will hunt down the straw hat boy!"

Seeing that the straw hat boy was leaving, how could Zhan Momomaru let Luffy do what he wanted, carrying a giant axe on his shoulders, carrying pacifists and a team of navy soldiers, and chasing them straight towards Nami and others.

"Damn it, boy with a straw hat, stop for me, don't run!"

A group of navy soldiers from behind chased over, and the three of Luffy suddenly speeded up their pace. Before they ran far, two figures ran over from the street.

"Hey, Luffy! Why do you get involved in trouble every time," Sauron said helplessly, carrying the knife.

Seeing the people from Qing Dynasty, Luffy's face suddenly showed joy, and he shouted happily: "Sanji, Sauron! Long time no see"

"It's really Sanji, Sauron, that's great!" Chopper shouted with joy, seeing everyone again, Chopper was very happy.

"Miss Nami, it's really nice to see you!"

Looking at Nami who was running, Sanji suddenly had red stars in his eyes, and two nosebleeds came out directly from his nostrils.

"Blackfoot Sanji and Pirate Hunter Zoro, you really are still alive, px-7 will keep them for me." Zhan Momomaru waved his hand and shouted,

The pacifists behind heard the order and leapt out, and the dazzling laser particles of the two-handed gun barrels gathered and aimed at the rushing Sauron and Sanji.

Looking at the pacifists who struck, Sauron's expression changed, and Sanji, who was almost unconscious, woke up instantly. The two of them will never forget the human weapon that nearly defeated their entire pirate group two years ago.

Shanji quickly turned on one foot and raised his right foot, which was exuding hot red, and Sanji flew straight to the pacifists without showing any weakness.

Sauron backhanded the three generations of ghosts in his mouth, stretched out his hands and pulled out the double knives pinned to his waist, spinning and leaping out.



The sharp blade slipped past, and the pacifist's steel-cast body was like tofu dregs, facing Sauron's unstoppable slash, it was instantly cut in half.

Sanji's devil's feet hit the pacifist's head at the same time. With a strong kick, his steel head was knocked off with a single kick, and the fiery high temperature burned the steel red.

In just a moment, the powerful pacifists faced Sauron and Sanji’s attacks. It was just a torture. After two years, not only Sauron and Sanji also grew up. Too much.

"I cut it!"

"I broke his neck..."

But one thing has not changed, that is, people, the two are still the same as before, and they can quarrel about anything.

"Never let the straw hats run away!"

The brigade of navy soldiers poured in from all parts of the island, and the tide of naval soldiers wanted to surround Lu Fei and others again.

"Hey, let's go, everyone, the rest are waiting for you on the boat." Sauron shouted after looking at the surrounding naval soldiers.

It was not that they were afraid of these navies, Sauron just didn't want to get into unnecessary battles with these navies, delaying their sailing time, but they had waited a full two years for this sailing.


Led by Sauron and Sanji, Luffy and the three rushed towards the island where the Sonny was located!

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