Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 888: Future battlefield!


Some pirates couldn't help but swallowed the saliva from their mouths suddenly. The air condensed in the surrounding atmosphere was a bit terrifying. A large number of navy soldiers surrounded them.

But now they seem to be reduced to dispensable roles, and the eyes of the many navy in the audience are all focused on Lin Tian. As for them, compared with Lin Tian, ​​their original value suddenly disappeared.

"Okay, let me see, what kind of combat power my two most proud of my subordinates have now!" As the voice fell, Lin Tian suddenly burst into a powerful fighting spirit.

For Xinhuannahan and Linda, Lin Tian focused on training when he was in the G1 branch, and they did not disappoint Lin Tian. When they left, they were already lieutenants admirals. Now three years later, both of them have become the navy headquarters. General candidate.

After three years of seeing each other, even Lin Tian's calm heart couldn't help raising a look of expectation to be able to fight against the growing up Lin Dena and Xin Huan Nahan.

Lindena and Xinhuannahan looked at each other. The tacit understanding cultivated over the years has allowed the two of them to understand everything they want to express without having to speak, and nodded lightly.

Xinhuan Nahan opened the mouth and said: "In this case, Master Lin Tian, ​​let you return to the G1 branch for a while."

Hearing this, Lin Tian was stunned, and then he couldn't help laughing as he reacted, "Well, you two have enough confidence, but I don't know if you have the strength to match your confidence."


Lin Dena and Xin Huan Nahan both shot at the same time, their figures flashed and disappeared instantly, and the whole ground rumbling revealing two huge deep pits.

When the two appeared again, they had already approached Lin Tian, ​​and at this moment Lin Tian's voice had just fallen, and the extremely fast speed had surpassed the speed that the naked eye could catch.

"So fast!"

Looking at the two people who appeared in front of him in an instant, Lin Tian couldn't help but exclaim. Compared with the previous year, the speed of the two has increased a lot.

Lin Dena and Xin Huan Nahan took a step forward and appeared on both sides of Lin Tian. The two sweeps of their legs simultaneously swept towards Lin Tian's head with the sound of breaking through the air. Their legs rushed before a strong wind.

But at this speed, Lin Tian still couldn't hide behind his intrepid sight and domineering, quickly raised his hands and crossed them in front of him.


The close collision between the leg and the hand caused a loud bang, and Lin Tian was knocked out in an instant, but the flat ground under his feet caused the impact of the collision of the three people, and a pit several meters deep appeared.

The shock wave generated by the collision was like a hurricane sweeping out in all directions, and the nearby navy soldiers were blown out by the impact and plunged into the sea outside the island.

Lin Tian was knocked into the air, like a cannonball flying out of the barrel, hitting the thick mangrove trunk behind him.


The entire island trembled. Large swaths of smoke mixed with sawdust flying, cracks and cracks covered the thick trunks of mangroves, the smoke dissipated under the breeze, and a deep pit with a diameter of more than ten meters and dense cracks appeared numerous navy before.

In the deep pit, a dazzling lightning flashed, and a thunderbolt with a strong arm shot out. The target was Lindena and Xinhuannahan.


In the face of the thunder and lightning, Xinhuan Nahan reacted extremely quickly, pulling out the sharp sword worn on his waist like lightning, slashing the sword with both hands to the thunder and lightning, and the dazzling light caught the eye.

File clang...

With a crisp metal crash, Lin Tian's figure emerged from the thunder and lightning, holding the chasing wind to easily block Xinhuan Nahan's slash.

Slightly raised his head and looked at Xinhuan Nahan in front of him, Lin Tian said lightly: "The speed is okay, but it's a pity that your strength is still not enough."

As soon as the voice sounded, Lin Tian turned his wrist, chasing the wind with Xinhuan Nahan's sword in his hand, pressing it toward the side, and at the same time, his right foot wrapped in thunder and lightning exploded and kicked out at the speed of lightning.

"Thunder kick!"

Xinhuan Nahan saw through Lin Tian's movements, but couldn't keep up with Lin Tian's speed comparable to thunder and lightning. He could only see the sweeping leg wrapped in thunder and lightning slamming on him.

The terrifying power hit like a tide, as if a huge boulder hit his chest heavily, and Xinhuannahan couldn't stop his body from flying upside down.

"Wan Yue cut!"

At the moment when Lin Tian hit Fei Xinhuan Nahan, Lin Dena's attack had already been killed, and the sword was exuding a faint glow. A slash burst out from the tip of the sword. The bright white slash was like a waning moon hanging in the night sky. When Chao Lin Tian was killed, his fierce sword power broke out, and the leaked sword energy cut a ravine several meters deep into the hard ground.

Faced with Lin Tian, ​​neither Xinhuan Nahan nor Lindena left any hands, as soon as they shot, they did their best.

Slashing from behind, although Lin Tian didn't turn around, he could clearly feel a faint crisis flooding into his heart. Without hesitation, thunder light flashed on his body, and he was swept out by the sword wrapped in thunder and lightning.


When the two sword auras collided, Ying Bai Wanyue easily chopped the slash that Lin Tian had swung his sword in half, and the prestige did not lose weight and bombarded the wind chasing sword.

Lin Tian's hastily counterattack was greatly discounted, and naturally he couldn't resist Lin Dena's attack. Lin Dena was a navy whose combat power reached the navy candidate's general, whose strength was all above swordsmanship.

The amount of violent violence struck the arm through the chasing sword body, and the tiger's mouth was directly shattered by the force, and the blood was blurred.

Step on...

After retreating for several steps, a deep pit appeared every time it fell on the ground. It was not until Lin Tian suddenly stepped on the ground with his right foot that he could barely stop the violent impact.

"It's not just Xinhuan Nahan, I didn't expect that Lindena has improved so much in swordsmanship, and has been able to injure herself." She squinted her eyes and was shattered by the tiger's mouth. The blood donation dyed her entire palm bright red. think.

Before Lin Tian could catch his breath, Lin Tian, ​​who had just stood firm, felt a burst of air coming from his ears, and Xinhuannahan quickly cut Lin Tian's body into an arm with a sharp sword covered in armed color. two.

"Have you been injured? It is indeed Lieutenant General Xinhuan Nahan!"

Seeing this scene, many G1 naval soldiers suddenly cheered. As soldiers of the G1 branch, they understood Lin Tian's combat power more than many people, and also understood how difficult it is to defeat Lord Lin Tian.

Compared with the excitement of many navies, Xinhuannahan himself has not weakened the seriousness of his face. If he could defeat Lin Tian so easily, the navy headquarters would have done it.

The thunder light flickered, and Lin Tian's body that had been cut in two turned into thunder and lightning, and Lin Tian's undamaged figure appeared again in front of the numerous navies.

"How is it possible, even the domineering has no effect"

Seeing this scene, hundreds of pairs of navy soldiers were suddenly stunned, and some of the navy couldn't help but exclaim.

It is well known that those with natural demon fruit ability will be restrained by domineering, but Lin Tian was cut in half by a domineering sword but he was not injured at all, completely subverting the cognition of many navy soldiers.

In fact, only the newly joined naval soldiers were exclaimed. Those veterans understood that as long as the natural ability can be the first to complete the elementalization when being attacked by domineering, even if it is attacked by dominance, it cannot cause damage to those with the ability, such as the top war In, even if the green pheasant was penetrated by the domineering white beard, he did not suffer any injuries.

"As expected of Master Lin Tian, ​​you are stronger who got the strongest thunder fruit from the Nature Element!" Xinhuan Nahan exclaimed after wiping out the blood on the corner of his mouth.

Hearing that, Lin Tian’s calm complexion has not changed much. Although he has changed a lot, Lin Dena and Xinhuan Nahan have greatly shocked Lin Tian because of their increased combat power. It is no wonder that the two can be selected by the red dog as candidates for the admiral. By.

A smile appeared at the corners of his mouth. Looking at the two people in front of him, Lin Tiandiao smiled: "I have to say that compared to two years ago, the combat power of the two of you has improved a lot, but it's almost impossible for the two of you to catch me. ".

Leaping over to Xinhuan Nahan, Lindena snorted and said dissatisfied: "Master Lin Tian, ​​it is still unclear who wins and who loses. We haven't used it yet...".

As if anticipating what Lindena was going to say, Lin Tian quickly reached out to stop him: "No, you two should not use that trick. Even if you two are already strong, it won't last long. Besides, I don't have time now. There is a big battle with you two here. Today is the time for our Pirate Group... to set sail."

When the words fell, Lin Tian leaped quickly and ran straight to the outside of the island. He turned his head and finally said to the two people: "Lin Dena, Xinhuan Nahan, if you two really want to capture me, come to the new world, there This is the battlefield of the future!"

Before the voice fell, Lin Tian had completely disappeared, leaving only a voice echoing in the air.

"Never let Pirate Lin Tian run away"

Numerous naval soldiers around heard the order to follow the direction of Lin Tian's escape.

"No, let Master Lin Tian leave. We are the Master Lin Tian who cannot stop leaving."

Xinhuannahan gave orders and prevented numerous naval operations.

Looking at Lin Tian's departure direction, Xinhuan Nahan asked Lin Dena on the side: "Madam, did you hear what the instructor just said?"

"I heard, the future battlefield is about to be in the new world. It seems that the new world will set off a stormy sea", Lindena said softly.

After a few seconds of silence, Xinhuan Nahan and Lindena turned their heads together, the two looked at each other, and a faint smile appeared on their faces.

Just now, the two people made a decision in their hearts, that is, they can't stay in the first half of this peaceful and great route, and the new world shrouded in war is where they should stay.

The new era of the future is about to be born in the new world, the future of this world is in the new world, and a war about the future of the world is about to unfold.

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