"Lin Tian! You said this is a murloc pirate ship."

Usopp fixed his gaze on Lin Tian. Obviously, he couldn't believe Lin Tian's statement. It was not that they had never seen the Murloc Pirate Group. They were defeated by the Aaron Pirate Group in Nami's hometown of Kekexili Village.

But to be honest, Usopp had never heard of this kind of murloc pirate group in the deep sea.

"En" lightly nodded, Lin Tian explained: "Because a large number of pirate groups have to go to the new world through Mermaid Island, some murlocs set up pirate groups and their goal is to go to the many pirate groups on Mermaid Island."

"Because they are in the sea thousands of meters deep, and the murlocs can exert stronger power in the sea, many pirate groups have also suffered poisonous hands."

After listening to Lin Tian's explanation, Frankie exclaimed, "I didn't expect it to be like this."

But one thing Lin Tian didn't say was that this murloc pirate group was different. They were important wanted criminals on the murloc island. There were many things involved, so Lin Tian didn't specifically explain it.

"Haha, Nami, I didn't expect you to come too!"

The singing from the previous flying Dutchman Pirate Ship naturally alarmed the three of Luffy. Following the sound source, the three of them also discovered the existence of the Sonny and hurried over.

"Luffy, Sauron, Sanji, it's great that you are fine," Usopp exclaimed with joy waving his hands.

Waving his hand, Luffy smiled and said, "I have been looking for you for a long time."


Returning to the Sonny, Sauron breathed a sigh of relief, "It's really a group of unreliable guys, they got separated from the ship."

"Oh, the soap bubbles of Sanji and I broke, so we hid in Sauron's house, but we tame the octopus sea monster. When he finishes the humanoid sea monster, I will drag us. The Pirates marched towards Murloc Island"

Speaking of this, Luffy seemed extremely excited, as if he had seen the next scene where the octopus monster was pulling the Sonny and heading towards Mermaid Island.


On the other hand, the battle was at the last moment. The octopus monster's dozens of tentacles shot out like a storm, and each of them hit the humanoid monster's body like lightning.

The humanoid monster was suddenly hit by this terrible attack. The octopus monster's power was terrible. It directly knocked the humanoid monster out and hit a sea mountain peak. The terrible impact directly gave the sea mountain peak. It broke.

"Hahaha, the squid is good, come here to pull the boat", Luffy shouted with joy when the octopus monster triumphed.


"This is the name I just gave him, Xiaoqi."

"Luffy, this really has your style."


"Damn, that idiot was defeated in such a simple way, but that pirate ship looks good, there should be a lot of treasures on it, but these are all Captain Van der Dyken", the arrogant laugh From the pirate ship.


At this moment, the seabed trembled for a while, clouds of smoke flew out of the seabed cracks, and the seabed peaks collapsed under the shaking.

With the violent shaking, cracks spread to the seabed, and a large amount of molten slurry emerged in the cracks. Facing the ice-cold seawater, the molten slurry solidified, but the molten slurry that had just solidified in the vibration cracked again, and the red molten molten was exposed again. , The molten slurry solidified and shattered, and it was repeated again and again, but the shaking became more and more severe.

Suddenly, a large group of fiery red light illuminates the dark seabed, and large swaths of marine fish flee in the opposite direction of the red light, as if the red light is something terrible.

Under Luffy's order, the octopus monster who had solved the humanoid siren dragged the Sonny with two tentacles, slowly moving towards the direction of Mermaid Island.

At the same time, Nami and others naturally noticed this strange scene, and Luffy touched his head, puzzled by the sudden red light.

Na Meiliang understood something, her face suddenly changed, and she immediately shouted to Luffy anxiously: "Luffy, hurry up and order the following octopus to leave here quickly."

"Okay, Squid, hurry up", under Luffy's order, the octopus monster suddenly accelerated.

Looking back, Luffy touched the back of his head and wondered: "Nami, what happened, and why are we speeding up to leave here".

"It's the submarine volcano that erupted!" Lin Tian replied instead of Nami. Under the domineering induction of seeing and hearing, Lin Tian clearly felt a powerful energy rising from the bottom of the sea.

As Lin Tian said, there was a loud bang. Not far away from the depths of the red light, a magma rose to the sky, standing on the deep layer of the dark seabed. The light red light suddenly illuminates the dark sea. The magma column rushing up seems to be able to reach the sea directly, and the temperature of the icy seafloor has risen rapidly by several points, even if it is far away, you can feel a scorching sensation.

The huge submarine volcano erupted, and the powerful force of the volcanic eruption shattered the seabed, and the continuous hot molten slurry gushed out from the cracks, like a tide, rushing in all directions.

The octopus monster seemed to have sensed the eruption of the submarine volcano, and immediately rushed forward in an embarrassed manner. The situation was enough to see the terrible eruption of the submarine volcano, and even the giant sea king like the octopus monster could show fear.

Although the octopus monster is not slow, it is not a little bit slower than the spreading magma. It hasn't been far to see the crimson magma rushing towards them like ocean waves.

"Run quickly, Xiaoqi, hurry up!"

Seeing the magma getting closer, Usopp anxiously urged the octopus monster under him, if they were caught by the magma, they would be dead.

Seeing the magma waves coming from behind, Lin Tian's eyes also revealed dignity. This power of heaven and earth is terrifying, but it is still safe to protect only a Sonny Lintian. As for the octopus monster at his feet, if it is really caught by magma. , Lin Tian will never waste too much energy to save a sea king.

The magma raged on the seabed, and the surrounding icy sea water rose rapidly under the high temperature of the magma, and the water was about to boil. Everyone on the Sonny seemed to be in a hot pool.

The octopus monster dragged the Sonny to rush, but the spewing magma was rapidly getting closer to the Sonny. The two sides were only hundreds of meters apart, and it didn't take a minute for magma to catch up with them.

A huge crack appeared in front of them, and the running squid leaped and jumped out of the crack without hesitation.

With the octopus monster dragging the Sonny, the Sonny, who jumped into the crack, has slowly landed towards the location of the Murloc Island below at a steady speed.

"Great!" Upon seeing this, Nami breathed a sigh of relief, and finally hid the magma.


Although the magma has escaped, the danger has not been lifted. Volcanic eruptions and magma raging caused mudslides. A large number of rocks fell from the sky, and densely packed rocks fell like torrential rain.

"It seems that you can only cut off these broken stones from the outside!"

The power of the thunder will be infinitely weakened by the sea in the sea. All Lin Tian can do is use slashing to chop up the broken stones. Although the power of the void can swallow these, it consumes too much physical strength.

When he pulled out his backhand to chase the wind, Lin Tian was about to rush out of the soap bubble, but Robin suddenly grabbed Lin Tian and stopped Lin Tian's actions.

Objected: "No, Lin Tian, ​​there is an eight-kilometer deep seabed outside. If you go out, you will be crushed instantly."

This is actually not a big deal to Lin Tian. Although the thunder is not very strong in the sea, it is enough to build a force field to protect himself.

Before Lin Tian could tell, Usopp, who was standing on the bow of the ship, took out a slingshot and suddenly shot.

"Kill. Green Star. Waterweed"

A blue projectile flew out in the eyes of everyone's astonishment, everyone was stunned. How could it be possible to stop the huge mudslide in front of you with these little projectiles?

The green projectile exploded with a bang. After a while, a large piece of seaweed emerged from the projectile. The seaweed relied on the cliff to temporarily block the huge mudslide. Although it was a short time, it gave the squid time to stay away from the cliff. .

"That's great, Usopp, how did you do it?" Chopper looked at Usopp in admiration with bright eyes.

With his thumbs up, Usopp said proudly: "I have not spent the past two years in vain. The hard work every day has allowed me to rapidly improve my skills. Next...".

With the small squid leading the way, the Sonny fell steadily towards the bottom of the crack, a short distance of two kilometers, and the Sonny dived to the deepest part of the crack within a few minutes.


The dazzling light hits their eyes, and everyone who has adapted to the darkness of the deep sea for a while can’t help closing their eyes that feel the slight pain and reaching out to block them in front of them~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's so dazzling, it makes me dazzled."

"Light, why is there sunshine? Isn't this 10,000 meters under the sea?"

Feeling the dazzling light hit, Robin was full of doubts. It stands to reason that 10,000 meters under the sea should be dark, and he can't see his fingers. How could such a dazzling light hit.

After a few seconds of adaptation, Lin Tian slowly opened his eyes, and what appeared in front of him was an extremely shocking scene.

The seabed is 10,000 meters shrouded in light, and huge whales swim over the sky. The deepest part of the seabed is not covered by dark mountain peaks as imagined. What you see is a forest composed of various corals and underwater plants. Unexpected marine fishes are wandering.

"Hey, come and take a look, look at the top!" Lu Fei pointed at the top, shouting excitedly.

Hearing that, everyone looked up at the same time, only to see a giant tree that emits bright light and was bigger than an island standing in the deepest part of the seabed. When you looked up, you couldn't even see the branches. The giant tree was terribly tall. .

In the dazzling sunlight, among the Neptunes, an island surrounded by huge soap bubbles appeared in front of them. Under the sunlight, the soap bubbles refracted dazzling colorful rays. Everything looks so beautiful, this kind of sight is simply unusable. To describe it in words, it is like a dreamlike wonderland.

"It's not wrong, there is the place pointed by the record pointer, and it is also our destination Fishman Island"

Even though they were far apart, everyone could vaguely see that an island was located in soap bubbles, the sky, white clouds, these things that shouldn't have appeared at a depth of 10,000 meters under the sea, were clearly presented to everyone's surprised eyes.

The mermaids are dancing, the dreamy island in rumors, they finally arrived!

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