Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 945: Enter Murloc Island

The huge Mermaid Island is like a dreamlike wonderland, so beautiful and so unbelievable, how can such a dreamy scenery appear in front of you.

It lasted for a full minute, and the exclamation in everyone's hearts was slightly weakened.

"Hey, look at what those are?"

Frankie suddenly pointed to the front and shouted. Everyone quickly took a look, and saw several black shadows appear in front of everyone. They were a few huge strange sea beasts, and on top of the sea beasts were murlocs.

"Siren, why do you want to follow the command of humans".

Several sea beasts stayed above the Sonny. When the murloc seated on it spoke, he spoke from a high above, condescendingly looking down at the people below.

Hearing the mermaid shouting, the siren suddenly sweated profusely, as if the murloc's voice was like a **** reminder, and he threw the Sonny away without saying anything, and fled back quickly.

The Sonny was thrown into a tumbling, and fell heavily to the bottom of the sea. Everyone on board was smashed. Usopp directly vomited, and the Sonny that fell into flight happened to land on the sea animal group. intermediate.

Before Luffy and the others could speak, the murlocs sitting in the sea animal group took the lead in calling out the identities of Luffy and the others, "Presumably you are the rumored group of straw hat boys, and the rumored God of Killing Lin Tian."

"Who are you and why do you know our name?" Lin Tian asked curiously.

The murloc sitting in the group of sea animals replied faintly: "Looking up to the big name for a long time, it is said that the reputation of the killer **** Lin Tian is the whole great route. No one knows who does not know. Our Mermaid Island is not a remote place. Besides, you Lin Tian is a few times. Lead the naval fleet and go deep into the fisherman island to catch the pirates who fled here."

"There is also the Straw Hat Pirates. Back then, they shattered the ambitions of Aaron's group and put these guys in the naval prison. It was enough to introduce them briefly. But I heard that you were in Chambord Islands two years ago. Eight actually killed the Tianlongren who attacked, so it seems that you hate the Tianlongren as much as we do. It seems that we should be all the same."

"It's a headache, what should I do with you, that's it, I'll give you a choice, then surrender to our rookie pirate group and become our subordinates."


Hearing this, Lin Tian finally couldn't help but laughed, "What do you say, let us be your subordinates, this is the biggest joke I have ever heard in my life."

"Huh..." Sauron snorted coldly, and said with a mocking face: "I finally understand what a frog at the bottom of the well is ridiculous."

Their Straw Hat Pirate Group is a powerful pirate group that is famous all over the world. The entire pirate group offers a bounty of more than 2 billion. Just a few murlocs in this area will call them their subordinates, even if they are described as frogs at the bottom of the well. Praise.

"No, I won't join you", pulling his lips with both hands, Luffy's single operation was full of mockery and provocation.

The sound of taunting words spread into the ears of several murlocs, and the murlocs sitting on the sea beasts were enraged, and violent veins appeared on their faces.

The leading murloc said angrily: "I wanted to give you a chance, but since you don't appreciate it, let you know what will happen to offending our noble murloc race, let me destroy it here."


There was a huge roar, and the visible ripples spread towards the surroundings. Under the order of the murloc, several huge sea beasts floating around attacked the Sonny.

The sea beast swayed its fins, and its huge size rushed towards the Sonny. The murloc on the sea beast said cruelly at the same time: "Death to me, Straw Hat Pirates, even if your bounty is as high as 400 million. What can you do to kill the gods, here is a murloc island with a depth of 10,000 meters."

"No matter how strong you lowly races are, in this deep sea, our murlocs are well-deserved kings, and our murlocs are the strongest."

Lin Tian snorted coldly, and scolded with disdain, "Really a second-hand."

Indeed, their murlocs have ten times more wrist strength than ordinary humans, and can sail freely in the sea, but in the final analysis, the murloc race is just a cross between a group of people and fish.

Humans dominate the land. Although the basic quality of humans is relatively weak, the human population has a large base and the potential far exceeds that of murlocs. I don’t know how many strong people have emerged. If humans really want to take action, the murlocs may no longer exist. .

And the huge sea kings that rule the sea, the huge and incomparable size of the sea kings make them well-deserved overlords of the sea, and the murlocs just survive between the two big races.

It was such a race, but now he claimed to be the most noble race in front of him, so Lin Tian couldn't help thinking of the little character Along.

As the top powerhouse of the human race, the entire murloc race, apart from the fact that Jinping can slightly stop him, Lin Tiankan can wipe out most of this race with just one person. (The strong murlocs are even considered one.)

The huge sea beast swam, and the huge body rang out with waves of sea currents, and the sea beasts did not strike. The invisible sea current had already bombarded the Sonny, and the Sonny shook violently.

"court death!"

call out…

With a low shout in his mouth, Lin Tian's figure flashed, and he moved directly outside the soap bubble. The chasing wind behind him pulled out slightly, and a sharp sword light radiated from the sheath.

"The wind is coming!"

Lin Tian was about to kill several sea beasts in front of him, but the Sonny suddenly moved. The huge jet at the tail shot out a large amount of air. The Sonny flew out under the air jet, like a sharp arrow. The huge fisherman island not far away.


Looking at this scene, Lin Tian who was about to attack was stunned. The Sonny ran away with Nami and others, leaving Lin Tian alone in the group of sea animals.

Not only Lin Tian, ​​but everyone on the Sonny was also taken aback by this unpredictable scene. They exclaimed that they actually left Lin Tian outside.

Before hearing the words of the murloc, Nami knew that this battle was inevitable, and it was absolutely impossible for Luffy to be someone else's, or a few weak murlocs.

So Nami secretly told Frankie to start the wind to spray and let the Sonny rush into the Murloc Island, but who would have thought that Lin Tian suddenly shot and ran outside the Sonny, and at the same time the Sonny started the wind. injection.

"Ah, what should we do now, we lost Lin Tian"

"Lin Tian! How could this happen, stop now, Frankie"

"Ah, what are you talking about, Nami, how could the Sonny stop while the wind is blowing"

"Don't worry, Nami, with Lin Tian's strength, a few sea beasts can easily solve it, he will be fine, let's go to the fisherman island and wait for him."


The Sonny broke through the ocean current like a sharp arrow, and rushed to Murloc Island in a blink of an eye, crashing heavily into the soap bubbles and disappearing.

And Lin Tian just realized that the Sonny had already rushed into the soap bubble, even if Lin Tian wanted to use teleport to move it, he couldn't do it.

"What's this, I'm still outside, these guys just threw themselves here", touching the back of his head, Lin Tian thought helplessly.

"But these are all caused by you guys, in that case you will die."

Looking at the sea beasts that came around, Lin Tian's murderous gaze had no emotion, and a shining sword light rose behind him.


The sharp blade retracted the scabbard little by little, and the blade rubbed against the scabbard slightly. Several murlocs around hadn't realized what was happening.

Hearing a bang, a violent force erupted in the sea, calm sea water surged rapidly, the shining slash cut the sea water away, and even the surrounding mountain peak was chopped off from the mountainside, even if it was 10,000 meters deep. The deep seabed can hardly stop that domineering sword aura.

As for the several murlocs and several sea beasts at their feet, they have long turned into a pile of minced meat, suspended in the blood-stained sea water.

Blue arcs flashed on Lin Tian's body, and tens of millions of electric currents were chased by the wind behind the metal sword body changed, turning into an invisible position to drain the surrounding sea water, even under the sea pressure of tens of thousands of meters deep. withstand.

The figure flashed to the side of the soap bubble, glanced at the dreamlike fish island, Lin Tian accelerated into the soap bubble.

Beyond the soap bubbles, the oncoming sea is tumbling. The soap bubbles outside the fisherman island are divided into two layers, and there is an air layer between the two layers of shields. If the boats coated on the Chambord Islands break into the Murloc Island following an incorrect path, the coating will automatically peel off and merge with the shield on the island, and some boats will fall to the ground in the middle air layer, even if it is successful Hard to break through the shield, the invading ship will be washed away by the sea water in the shield.

Looking around the circle in the sea, there was no trace of the Sonny. "It seems that Luffy and the others should have been washed away by the current, so let's go to Mermaid Island and talk about it."

Since no traces of Luffy and others were Lin Tian didn’t waste too much time, and the figure flashed through the air layer between the two layers of shields and passed through the other layer of soap bubble film. Murloc Island.

When entering the fisherman island, white clouds and sunlight appear in front of Lin Tian. The giant tree "Sun Eve" that grows near the fisherman island can transmit sunlight from the ground to the fisherman island, so the fisherman island located in the deep sea can only There are changes between sunlight and day and night, and local residents even describe this phenomenon as "benefit from the sun."

When I looked down, I saw a variety of beautiful corals. In fact, Fishman Island is an island made up of land and various coral reefs.

On the beautiful street made of coral, you can see many mermaids and murlocs walking on the street. Not to mention all of them, the murlocs and mermaids in the world basically live on Murloc Island.

Looking around the circle, Lin Tian still felt that he would first find the separated Nami and others, and then go to the Dragon Palace to visit the king of the fisherman island.

Step on...

A panicked footstep sounded, and there was a little mermaid running towards Lin Tian with something like a swimming ring around his waist.

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