The sudden arrival of King Neptune of the murloc kingdom disrupted Lin Tian's plan to go to find Kelna. In any case, since King Neptune personally greeted him, Lin Tian must go, and Lin Tian was ready to go. Dragon Palace Island, there is nothing to do if you go ahead.

And perhaps it is better to find Kelena with the help of King Neptune's power, than to find many people like him on the strange fisherman island.

Stepping forward to the whale, Lin Tian and King Neptune rode the whale under their feet towards the Dragon King Palace above the Murloc Island, and the many guards on the ground immediately followed.

The many murlocs on the street hadn't reacted from the scene just now. King Neptune personally came down to meet the rumored **** of murderer Lin Tian. The two big figures gathered, and no one could guess what happened next.

However, many murlocs seem to have a hunch in their hearts, and what they have been talking about in their identities is likely to bring unknown changes to the murloc island.

"Lin Tian, ​​after three years, you who were supposed to command the revolutionary army to fight in the new world, what do you want to do when you come to the fisherman island this time?" Neptune asked, wondering.

Although the battle between the revolutionary army and the world government has come to an end, everyone with a discerning eye understands that it is the accumulation of strength between the two sides, and they want to solve the opponent in one blow.

At this moment, as the deputy leader of the revolutionary army, Lin Tian, ​​who has the power to influence the battle, appeared here, this question as the king of Neptune had to think deeply.

Lin Tian faintly replied: "It's nothing, our pirate group set sail again in the Chambord Islands two years later, I will naturally appear as the deputy captain."

"Oh, it's the Straw Hat Pirate Group, I remember their captain Straw Hat Luffy is the son of the revolutionary leader Dragon", King Neptune's tone was slightly surprised.

Regarding Luffy’s reputation, King Neptune only heard about it after the war at the top. Although Luffy had previously offered a bounty of up to 300 million yuan, it was still an evil generation, but it was only a bounty.

However, after the top war, with the exposure of Luffy’s dazzling identity as the leader of the revolutionary army, Long Son, including the relationship between the three brothers Ace, Luffy and Lin Tian, ​​Luffy’s name has officially entered the world’s major overlords and In the eyes of careerists.

King Neptune thought that Lin Tian entered the little pirate group, perhaps because of the dragon’s help to take care of his son. After all, it is indeed difficult for Lin Tian to join a little pirate group with the weakest reputation. Believe.

But now it seems that it’s nothing like what he thought in his heart. If so, then the problem is coming. Although the Straw Hat Pirates is now famous all over the world, it’s really not suitable for Lin Tian to become a strong person. Neptune was very curious about why Lin Tian wanted to join this little pirate group as the deputy captain.


Lin Tian glanced at King Neptune and said, "Luffy is indeed the son of the dragon. As for the battle in the new world, there are dragons and three army commanders. Now there is no big battle, so you fish Human Island does not need to worry about anything."

Hearing this, King Neptune showed an embarrassment on his face. He did not expect Lin Tian to see through his thoughts. The battle between the revolutionary army and the world government did not seem to have much to do with the 10,000-meter deep fisherman island.

But this battle is about the dominance of the future world. Even if it is 10,000 meters deep, it is difficult for Fishman Island to escape from this hegemony fight. As the King of Fishman Island, these things must naturally be considered.

After a little thought, King Neptune secretly said in his heart: "It seems that our fisherman island is about to make some preparations."

Although it seems from Lin Tian's tone that the Revolutionary Army and the New World are restraining for the time being, if a final battle breaks out, they will be unable to escape from this whirlpool at the depth of 10,000 meters under the sea.

Looking at it this way, how to stand in a team is an important issue. If you stand right, standing wrong is a disaster for Fishman Island.

Looking at King Neptune in deep thought, Lin Tian suddenly said, "King Neptune, you have to think about it. There is not much time left for you on the fisherman island."

In addition to prompting this tone, there is also a slight threat.

For the revolutionary army, the location of the fisherman island is very important, because the fisherman island is one of the two passages connecting the great route.

There are two leading to the new world, one is the fisherman island and the other is the holy place of Maria. Don’t mention Maria. If the revolutionary army can defeat Maria, this world will almost fall into the hands of the revolutionary army.

If it can be said that the fisherman island joins the revolutionary army, then the revolutionary army of the great sea route can be connected to each other through the fisherman island. This is of great significance to the revolutionary army's future strategy and is enough to add an important weight to the victory scale.

In addition to going to the new world this time on Fishman Island, Lin Tian also had another purpose to test King Neptune’s thoughts. Since King Neptune mentioned this matter, Lin Tian also gave a slight warning to King Neptune. It is impossible to be neutral.

"Haha..." King Neptune hit Hache and said, "Lin Tian, ​​we are going to Longgong Island soon, I'm afraid Bai Xing will be very happy to see you."

King Neptune turned the topic on purpose, Lin Tian didn't know how, but Lin Tian didn't break it. After all, this is about the survival of the fisherman island next, and King Neptune certainly cannot make decisions so easily.

"Well, after what you said, it's true that I haven't seen the White Star for a long time." After three years of absence, what happened to the shy White Star now? Lin Tian is looking forward to seeing each other again.

Having said this, King Neptune smiled and said: "I really envy you, Lin Tian, ​​at this point, my father and king never let this daughter miss so much."

"Who told you to lock Bai Xing in the tower all day long, if you take her out like me, then he will miss you father and king every day", Lin Tianzheng said, and it was not him who caused all this.

Bai Xing was locked in a sturdy tower every day, and only had five minutes to deliver meals every day, and he could see a corner of the small world through the gap between the doors.

The only thing that accompanies Bai Xing every day is the empty room. This is too cruel for Little Bai Xing, who has been living since the age of six, so when he first came to Fishman Island, Lin Tian took Bai Xing out secretly. Up.

Later, Lin Tian would take Bai Xing out every time she came to Fish Man Island, so for Bai Xing, Lin Tian's arrival meant she could go out to the outside world, so White Star wished Lin Tian could come to Fish Man Island every day.


After a deep sigh, King Neptune showed deep guilt and self-blame on his face, and said: "For Bai Xing, I feel that I owe too much. As her father, I have no strength to protect her safety. Let him stay alone in the hard shell tower."

King Neptune rarely went to see the White Star. Apart from her safety, he did not know how to face the White Star.

And Lin Tian is strong enough to block the attacks that don't know where it comes from, so every time Lin Tian takes the white star out, King Neptune will not stop it at all.

Lin Tian suddenly said: "If it is possible this time, I will remove that guy."

Hearing this, King Neptune was taken aback, with an extremely happy smile on his face, and he couldn't believe it: "Lin Tian, ​​you can really get rid of that nasty guy."

Lin Tian confidently replied: "Of course, when I came to Fishman Island this time, I ran into that guy driving the flying Holland who was about to attack us, but because of the volcanic eruption, I didn't have time to shoot."

"If it is true, Lin Tian, ​​then you are my greatest benefactor of Neptune!"

Depressing the surprise in his heart, Neptune patted his chest and promised that if it was someone else, he might not believe it, but Lin Tian’s powerful strength and weird ability are very likely. Besides, if Lin Tian is not sure, he will not. Say this.

It is true that Lin Tian in the past may not have such a certainty, but he has the ability to sound thunder to bless the domineering of seeing, hearing and color, as long as Lin Tian is given a little time, there will be no problem finding that guy.

During the conversation, the whale under the feet has come to the entrance of Dragon Palace Island. Unlike Mermaid Island, Dragon Palace Island is built on top of the Mermaid and connected through a special channel. Because Lin Tian is welcome, the channel has already been opened.

Riding a whale, Lin Tian and Neptune rushed through the passage all the way to the dreamy Longgong Island. Various beautiful corals appeared in front of them. Among the colorful corals, a beautiful palace was located in it and above the palace. A yellow dragon entwines.

This is the Dragon Palace Island that countless fisherman island residents dream of entering! ! !


Along the stairs made by the white coral reef Before Lin Tian could step into the middle of the palace, a sound of breaking through the air came from his ears.

Looking back, I saw a giant axe that was several people high and continuously rotating cut through the barrier of the sea, rushing out of a tower in the palace extremely fast.

"Damn it, this guy again", King Neptune looked very angry when he saw this great axe, but he didn't stop it.

This kind of unknown weapon appears on Dragon Palace Island, and it happens every day, once or several times a day, for King Neptune who lives on Dragon Palace Island has become accustomed to it.

But whenever he thinks that his daughter is forced to stay in the hard shell tower for ten years because of this, King Neptune will be very angry.

call out…

Turning into a flash of lightning, Lin Tian's figure teleported directly in front of the flying giant axe, kicked out with one kick, and the powerful kicking force directly kicked the giant axe to pieces.

As long as the attacking objects are destroyed, the attack can be ended. This is what Lin Tian has discovered in many fights.

After solving the flying giant axe, Lin Tian looked in the direction of the giant axe and said to himself: "I was still talking about you just now. I didn't expect to appear now. This time, let me take you as a guy once and for all. To solve the problem.”

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian immediately shouted to King Neptune below: "King Neptune, wait for the banquet first, let me see if I can take this opportunity to get rid of that guy."

When the words fell, Lin Tian's figure disappeared into the void without warning. King Neptune did not find the slightest movement track. In order to catch the guy who was hiding in the dark and attacking Van der Dijken IX, Lin Tian directly used teleport. Rushed out of the fisherman island.

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