Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 950: On the rebellion


Outside the fisherman island, there was a deep sea tens of thousands of meters deep. The huge sea pressed down, and the slow current suddenly surged, and Lin Tian's figure appeared in the dark deep sea little by little.

At this moment, Lin Tian is already thousands of meters away from the fisherman island. From this position, the fisherman island is like a huge bubble floating in the sea.

Lin Tian’s teleport distance is related to the distance seen by the naked eye. It can teleport as far as the naked eye can see. Of course, if there is Lin Tian’s special space mark, it can teleport even if it is invisible to the naked eye. Sky can teleport the farthest distance.

"Where is it?"

Lightning flashes on his body, and azure blue lightning passes through the force field cover around his body. The lightning is already spreading in the sea extremely fast. With electromagnetic waves, Lin Tian's powerful sight and dominance suddenly gushes out of his mind like a tide.

The domineering sprawl is like a thin line invisible to the naked eye, quickly spreading in the direction of the big axe. The small thin line is not let go, whether it is a big hole in the sea or a sea mountain peak, just like digging the ground three feet in search The trail of Van der Dijken IX.

While looking for it, Lin Tian also moved towards the direction where the giant axe flew. Although the seawater would block the domineering induction, Lin Tian saw and heard that the domineering range was enough to cover half of the fisherman island, but he moved away from the fisherman island. After tens of kilometers, Lin Tian still found no trace of the flying Holland.

"This is weird. They are all tens of kilometers away. I haven't found the trace of that guy yet. It shouldn't be." Lin Tian was full of doubts.

Van der Deeken IX was able to target the life of the locked white star at any time and no matter where he was. Although he did not know the specific ability of the opponent, he could basically be sure that it was a demon fruit ability.

It is precisely because of this that even if the guy Van der Deeken IX is not strong, he can hide where he does not know and launch an attack on the white star no matter where he is hiding.

Therefore, even if King Neptune has an army of murlocs, it is difficult to find the guy hiding in the dark. The sea is too big. As long as you want to hide, the difficulty of finding it is no less than finding a needle in a haystack.

And the fellow of Van der Dijken IX also knew that he was the hate of King Neptune. For ten years, the Flying Holland had never been close to the Murloc Island.

Although Neptune is the king of the murloc kingdom, there is no way for Van der Deeken IX. Placing the white star in a solid hard shell tower is also a helpless move.

Tens of kilometers away from the fisherman island, the deep sea here has not been exposed to the slightest sunlight, it is pitch black, and only some shiny fishes provide a faint light on the unblack seabed.

A sense of fainting penetrated into his mind, Lin Tian quickly took back the domineering look and feel, and Lin Tian couldn't hold it when he opened such a large area for a long time.

Stopping on a submarine mountain peak, after waiting for a minute to see the domineering recovery, Lin Tian can continue to act.

The bottom of the sea is so calm that it feels terrifying. Only sea beasts swimming by can cause ocean currents to move, and the place where the eyes are swept is also pitch black. In this kind of deep sea, the naked eye has no much effect. Only seeing and hearing color domineering can judge the basic position.

One minute passed very fast, Lin Tian's figure flew out in a flash, and the strong and domineering look and hearing came out again. This time Lin Tian finally found something.

"War? I hope that guys are there, otherwise I will run away for nothing this time", the voice fell, and Lin Tian's figure turned into a stream of light and flew towards the sea somewhere.

In the dark sea, in an unknown strait, a huge pirate ship missed the specific location of Fishman Island because it lost its way, and landed at a place tens of kilometers away from Fishman Island.

However, their bad luck was not only that, a huge bald sea monster appeared in front of them along with the rumored flying Holland, just a few punches, the bald sea monster saw the pirate ship wiped out, as for the remaining pirates above. At the moment when the soap bubble broke, they were crushed into a mass of flesh by the huge sea pressure deep in the sea.

"Come here!"

While shouting, the Kraken reached out and grabbed the broken wreck of the pirate ship, and pulled it to the front. At the same time, on the flying Holland, more than a dozen murlocs flew out and climbed onto the broken ship. On the pirate ship.

After some searching, the fishermen came out of the cabin carrying several large boxes.

"Hey, I thought I met a big fish, but I didn't expect to have such a treasure, which is not as good as the one I encountered before", a murloc shook his head and looked very disappointed.

"Forget it, it would be nice to have these, at least this is not a pauper pirate boat", there are also murlocs who are very open.

Although pirates sail on the sea, **** gold and silver treasures from merchant ships, and even rush to land to rob towns, it is well-known that pirates are rich, but in fact, they are different. On the matter, maybe he died in any battle.

Therefore, many pirates are drunk at present, no matter how much money is spent, they will spend a short time. After a few days of drunken life, most pirate crews don't have much money. Only the captain and some cadres will have a separate small vault.


There was a sea current surging behind, and the fish people who noticed this hurriedly turned around and saw a blue streamer rushing from a distance.

The streamer rushed to the wreck of the pirate ship and stopped abruptly. In front of the many murlocs, it was a human carrying a sharp sword.

The visitor was Lin Tian, ​​who raised his head and glanced at the Flying Holland floating in the sea not far away. Lin Tian's face showed a touch of surprise. A search for the ship was not in vain, and he whispered: "Finally found you This ship, Van der Deeken IX, today is your day of death."

"Humans? I didn't expect to encounter humans here, hey, humans, what are you doing here?"

Just as Lin Tian was about to enter the flying Dutchman, a shout came from under him. Lin Tian looked down and saw a dozen or so murlocs carrying a treasure chest. Two of them were rushing towards him. Swim with a sharp harpoon in his hand.

"Humans, although you don't know how you can survive in the sea, you are unlucky when you meet our murloc and pirate group today"

"Hand over the treasure in your body, maybe we can spare your life and let you be our murloc slave"

The two murlocs spoke frantically, as if they had captured Lin Tian and left them at their disposal.

"A murloc again?" Lin Tian frowned slightly. He came to the murloc island today. This is the third time he has fought with the murloc. Is it true that he is the same as King Neptune said, is really a troublemaker.

The two murlocs quickly approached Lin Tian, ​​holding the harpoons in their hands and slaying them towards Lin Tian, ​​but the two weak murlocs were not even qualified to draw their swords. They just punched the two murlocs. Boom into pieces.

When seeing this scene, the rest of the many mermaid people who thought the victory or defeat were divided were suddenly shocked, rubbing their eyes, and after confirming that they were not dreaming in front of them, they shouted in disbelief: "How is it possible that weak humans are in the ocean? Will it still be this strong?"

With a squeak, Lin Tian's figure had appeared in front of many stunned murlocs, waving a sea current and knocking several murlocs carrying boxes on the side.

Bang... bang...

The heavy box immediately fell on the deck, the lock was shaken to loosen, the lid of the box was lifted, and suddenly a large number of treasures rolled down the inclined box everywhere.

Sure enough, just as Lin Tian had expected, this hapless group of pirates was touched by the murlocs. They naturally had no resistance to the murlocs in the sea, let alone a giant sea monster.

Although the remaining seven or eight murlocs were frightened by the scene that Lin Tian set off the ocean current and knocked their companions flying, there were also murlocs who suppressed the fear in their hearts and raised their swords in their hands. The angry murlocs leaped towards Lin Tian and slashed. under.

"Damn, humble human beings die for me!"

In the shout, with a bang, the big knife in the murloc's hand was gently squeezed by the dark **** and it was completely broken and turned into pieces of iron and fell on the deck.

"Originally, I didn't want to kill you, but now it seems that you are looking for death by yourself," Lin Tian said calmly, looking up at the frightened murloc.

Reflexively kicked out, the violent force directly kicked the murloc out like a cannonball, and I don’t know if Lin Tian deliberately, the murloc who was kicked together drove all the murlocs around, leaving only The next terrifying murloc is still on the Devil, you are the devil! "

Amidst the shouts full of fear, the remaining murlocs quickly turned around and were about to flee to the Flying Dutchman, but Lin Tian was faster than him, and instantly caught up with the escaped murlocs and stepped heavily on the murlocs. Above the deck.

"Say!" Lin Tian asked, "Where did your Captain Van der Deikken IX guy go?"

Through seeing and hearing the domineering, Lin Tian just discovered that the flying Dutchman did not have a breath of life, and Li Lintian was not here to find the ultimate goal, Van der Dijken IX.

It may be that he was scared by Lin Tian’s terrifying power. The murloc stepped on under his feet did not hesitate at all. He quickly replied: "Captain Van der Dijken went to the fisherman island to meet with Hordy. You need to know that I have already I told you, please let me go, I don't want to die yet, let me go".

"Murman Island? Hordy?"

Hearing these two words, Lin Tian was stunned. He was outside the fisherman island and went deep for several tens of kilometers. After searching for a long time, he did not expect that the guy finally learned the news that Van der Dijken IX was actually on the fisherman island. , Isn’t this a long time for nothing?

Most importantly, there is also the fellow Huo Di. This is the third time Lin Tian has heard this name. Every time Lin Tian fights against the murloc, he can get involved with Huo Di.

Lin Tian couldn’t help wondering, who on earth is that guy Hodi, so he asked again: “What’s Hodi’s identity? Why did Van der Dijken IX go to meet Hodi, and the two of them? What are you going to do when you meet?"

Lin Tian asked three questions in a row. Lin Tian had a bad feeling for the guy Van der Dijken IX who hadn't entered the fisherman island for ten years.

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