Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 963: Everyone grows up!

Lin Tian actually said the word cruel in his mouth, enough to show the powerful power of Sauron's slash from the side.

Two years later, with the teachings of Hawkeye, the world’s largest swordsman, plus Sauron’s own talent for swordsmanship, and that far more effort than ordinary people, including that evil ambition and Sauron’s growth rate Luffy is no exception.

Now, even Lin Tian had to treat Sauron's slash with a little dignity, it was not the same year, and he could easily dodge it with his eyes closed.

Two years later, Lin Tian didn't know how far Sauron had grown. I am afraid that only Eagle Eye, as a master, would know everything.

Putting the three generations of ghosts in his hands on his shoulders casually, Sauron's mouth was slightly tilted, and he grinned: "I thought you murlocs are not as good as the navy elite, but I still overestimate you in this way."

In front of Sauron, among the crowd that rushed out, a passage that could see the outside of the square was blasted out. With this move alone, hundreds of murlocs died under Sauron's attack.

"Hey, stinky woman, what are you looking at?"

The sudden shout will watch Sauron and Sanji fight Robin awakened. Some of the murlocs who had passed the three of Luffy had already approached the Sonny.

When the voice fell, dozens of murlocs rushed towards Robin brandishing their weapons. The three monsters in front were not opponents, and this little woman could always solve them easily.

"Thirty rounds of flowers bloom!"

Robin waved his hands and petals rose up beside Robin. As Robin moved, his arms appeared behind the many murlocs.

The arms that grew suddenly made many murlocs startled. Before they could realize what was happening, Bai Run's arms hooked the murlocs' necks so fast that they couldn't catch the thunder.

With a soft click, the murlocs' necks were twisted in an instant, a faint trace of blood flowed out, and the murlocs rushing forward fell to the ground in pieces.

Waving his hands again, all the growing arms turned into petals and disappeared. Robin then said lightly: "Murman Island, this country with thousands of years of history has important history buried here. There is nothing that can let you damage".

Robin is a noble murloc like a tulip. Apart from Lin Tian, ​​the only thing in this world that drives the change of this tulip is the history buried in the world.

And the behavior of these murlocs is destroying this thousand-year-old history, even if Robin's mind is already in his heart, a faint anger flashes.

"Ah, Miss Robin, I haven't seen you in two years, and you have become a lot stronger!" Seeing Robin's performance, Brook couldn't help but laugh and praise.

"Die, you **** skeleton!"

Amid the ferocious shouts, several murlocs holding sharp swords leaped out, raising their swords to pierce Brooke's head, and at this moment Brooke's eyes were all on Robin.

Seeing that the sharp point of the sword was getting closer and closer to Brooke's head, a faint smile appeared on the murloc's face behind him. It seemed that they would be the first to kill the Straw Hat companion.

The next moment, the Murloc's face suddenly changed, and the smile on his face was replaced by horror, and Brook, who was still close at hand, disappeared from them.

At the same time, behind the murlocs, Brook, who had disappeared, did not know when to appear behind them, with the sharp sword in his hand retracting the scabbard little by little.

"The Revolutionary Army March Dance. The tail sword cut!"

The moment the voice fell, several screams came from behind, blood arrows shot from the abdomen of the murloc, with a muffled sound, the murloc flying in mid-air split into two suddenly, and fell heavily to the ground.

"So fast!"

Looking at this scene, Usopp couldn't help but exclaimed. At that moment, even Usopp didn't see the move to pay Brooke clearly.

But it wasn't this that really surprised Usopp, so he asked, "Brook, are you awakened and domineering!"

Just now Brooke was able to dodge a surprise attack by several murlocs from behind, as if he knew it. This kind of thing can only be done when he is awakened and domineering.

"Yo ha ha..." Brooke replied with a smile: "Of course, since returning from Huangquan again, I have noticed that my soul power has doubled, and not long after that, I actively awakened. Seeing and hearing are domineering".

"Huang Quan? Come back again? What are you talking about?" Usopp touched the back of his head, looking confused.

Only Robin and Lin Tian looked at each other and showed a faint smile. After returning from Huangquan that day, everyone on the boat felt that their souls had undergone special changes. The most obvious point was that Lin Tian included a few others. People can clearly feel that they have become more aggressive.

And Brook, Robin, and Perona, the three people who are not domineering, also awakened to the powerful and domineering in the following days.

Why did this happen? Lin Tian and the others did not explain the reason after deliberation. They can only attribute this to the period of time they stayed in Huangquan Township. The soul has undergone an unknown change in subtle changes, except for the experience. Lin Tian and the others have not discovered the specific effects besides the enhancement of color domineering.

Seeing Brooke's growth, Usopp felt a surge of excitement in his heart, put on the scope on his forehead, and then took out his slingshot from his pocket after two years of improvement.

Usopp proudly said: "Although you have grown a lot, I am not slow. Not only have I been learning new sniper techniques all day for the past two years, but I also finally met that man, so you can see me very well." .

"Kill Star. Catapult Demon"

Usopp flung a few green seeds into the air and quickly pulled the slingshot in his hand, and the same green seed flew out.

The flying green seeds cut through the sky, and the seeds flying in the sky have been bounced at an extremely precise angle, flying in all directions.

What a powerful sniper technique, not only to calculate the movement position of each seed in the short instant when several seeds are flying, but also to perfectly calculate the most ingenious time to determine when and where these seeds should be. On one track.

And also need to accurately grasp the seed that oneself launches, when and how much strength has already been exerted, in order to perfectly coincide with the calculated orbit at the same time.

Just thinking of these makes people headaches, but Usopp can calculate these perfectly in an instant, and do it accurately. This alone is enough to show that Usopp's sniper technology is so powerful.

However, the performance is more than that, the flying seeds fell on the ground, and the seeds split in a muffled sound. In a blink of an eye, a giant man-eating plant tens of meters high has grown extremely fast, quickly devouring the surrounding murloc To the mouth.

"How about, I am the Green Star Magic Master, Mr. Usopp!" Usopp laughed triumphantly.

Suddenly, a thunder of lightning appeared behind him. Usopp was taken aback. He quickly looked back and saw a murloc who appeared behind him and was about to attack. He was being black floating above his head. A bolt of lightning descended from the cloud split into coke.

"Stupid, I thought you guys have grown a lot in two years, and finally become a little reliable. I didn't expect it to be the same as before." Nami's helpless words sounded.

As she said, Nami waved the weather bar in her hand, and light yellow arcs immediately rose from the top of the weather bar.

The golden yellow light became stronger and stronger, and with a sizzle, a dazzling lightning rushed into the black dark cloud floating overhead, the lightning rushing in was like adding a catalyst to the dark cloud.

Suddenly, the calm dark clouds rolled violently, and a series of thunder and lightning with strong arms smashed from the dark cloud, and the dazzling lightning continued to fall like a heavy rain.

The continuous thunder and lightning seemed to be free of money, but the murlocs around Nami who were about to attack were bad luck. One thunder and lightning was enough to chop a murloc into coke, but at this time the thunder and lightning fell like a downpour. Hundreds, or thousands, even Nami of the initiator didn't know.

The thunder and lightning only lasted a few seconds, but in these few seconds, the ground that fell was enough to chop all the murlocs around into coke, and large black holes appeared, and the entire ground was as if it had been destroyed by a cannon.

"Jiu-Jitsu Strengthen..."

The shape of Chopper, who restored the original shape of the elk, suddenly changed, his hands turned into an afterimage, and the fishmen who surrounded Chopper before they could see what was happening, they were hit by a powerful force, unable to control their own. The body flew upside down like a broken reached out his hand and raised his nose domineeringly, and Chopper waved to the fish people who surrounded him: "Wow...just, no matter how many people there are. Give it to me, but you have only one destiny, and that is to be knocked into the air by me. I am no longer the Chopper who was two years ago."

An army of fifty thousand like a tide, but the three monsters they faced, Luffy, Sauron, and Sanji, instead of pushing one step forward, they kept retreating under the attack of the three. At the same time, Luffy left Huo. Di's distance is getting closer.

Even if a few fish that slipped through the net could break through the three, there would still be a line of defense composed of Usopp, Brook and others, but this was only the second line of defense.

Not to mention the third line of defense that Lin Tian personally guarded, protecting Bai Xing's safety, and these murlocs were able to break through the three Luffy guys at most, and finally stopped in front of Usopp and others.

"Really some useless guys." Seeing the changes on the battlefield, Hordy had to stand up from his seat. For these useless men, Hordy had lost his last patience.

Fifty thousand people were actually beaten back by three people, and even the other party was not dealt with. If it weren't for these guys to be useful, Hordy couldn't help but stuff them into the pit one by one.

However, it is not that the fish people are too weak, but after two years, the Luffy who grew up are too strong, as terrifying as monsters.

With a cold snort, Huo Di disdainfully said: "Hmph... Do you think you can protect the princess in the huge square? Then try it, hit the water!"

After speaking, a stream of water quickly gathered in Hordi's hand, and his whole body's strength was concentrated on his right arm. With a full swing of Hordi, the high-speed flying water turned into a sharp arrow and flew out towards the white star surrounded by the crowd.

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