Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 964: Lin Tian in 2 years!

call out…

The azure blue water arrow burst out far beyond the sound? The speed of, instantaneously passed through the tragic battlefield, and smashed into the huge crowd in the crowd, like a white star standing out from the crowd.

"not good!"

Backhand slashed dozens of murlocs. Sauron looked up at the water arrows flying above his head. Instinctively he wanted to block them, but the speed of the water arrows was too fast, and the distance of tens of meters was instantly reached. , Even if Sauron slashed out now, he couldn't catch up.

But Suolong didn't have much worry in his heart. Bai Xing was guarded by Lin Tian personally. Not to mention this faint drop of water arrow, even a thousand drops or tens of thousands of drops would not hurt a single hair of Bai Xing.

So Sauron reflexively joined the battlefield again, rushing into the crowd again, and seeing Sauron's action on the other side, Sanji, who reacted, flew up without a word.

Seeing the water droplets flying, the frightened Bai Xing suddenly covered her mouth and let out an exclamation, her eyes closed subconsciously, and after waiting for a few seconds, Bai Xing didn't feel the slightest, she opened her eyes slightly in doubt and looked forward.

I saw the water arrow that was enough to smash a house, floating quietly in front of the white star tens of centimeters, where there was the previous shocking power.

"This... Brother Lin Tian, ​​did you do this?" After a brief shock, Bai Xing turned his head to look at Lin Tian sitting on his shoulder and asked softly.

To stop the water arrow with such destructive power so easily, besides Lin Tian, ​​Bai Xing couldn't think of anyone else who could do it.

Lin Tian nodded lightly and said with a smile, "Well, don't worry, Bai Xing, no one can hurt you with me here."

This kind of seemingly powerful water arrow actually has no effect in the face of such a strong person, let alone being close to Lin Tian's body, even if Lin Tian uses a layer of force field constructed by his ability to break through.

Suddenly Lin Tian grabbed it across the void, and the thumb-sized stone flew to Lin Tian's palm. Lin Tian reached out and threw the ordinary stone in his hand.

"What is Lin Tian going to do? Holding an ordinary stone", looking at this scene, Frankie curiously asked.

No matter what Frankie thought, he couldn't think of what effect Lin Tian suddenly sucked up an ordinary stone from the ground.

Shaking his head, Brooke also looked confused, "I don't know, but Lin Tian must have some own thoughts in doing this."

In the past two years, Brook has spent all of his life in the shadows. Similarly, Brooke knows better than Robin, what kind of place Lin Tian is in the shadows, how many members of the shadows worship Lin Tian, ​​if you have to use one To describe it in words, like a god.

So although Brook didn't understand what Lin Tian was going to do, he believed that he already had Lin Tian's character and would never do these seemingly useless work at this time.

However, it is also not to be indecent. Originally, Lin Tian didn't want to take a shot at a character like Huo Di, but since the opponent shot at Bai Xing, Lin Tian naturally wanted to respond.

"Hordy, let me try the power you think can rule mankind." The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and Lin Tian didn't conceal the ridicule in his tone.

When the voice fell, Lin Tian caught the thrown stone and waved his backhand. Everything seemed so casual and normal.

Even Hodie, who was extremely nervous, saw this scene and burst into laughter suddenly, "Lin Tian, ​​you are too arrogant, don't you think you can deal with me with a small stone? Then I will let you I saw the terrifying power of the Murloc clan."

Hordy's eyes condensed slightly, and a strong momentum erupted. He gently shook his hands, and several muffled noises sounded from the palm of his hand. Here, the sound of the air bursting, Hordy's wrist was so strong that even the air could be crushed.

"Really?" Lin Tian asked rhetorically.

The next moment, Lin Tian emits blue thunder and lightning, and the dazzling thunder and lightning spread out in the void like a tree branch. At the same time, the stone thrown by Lin Tian is pushed by an invisible force, and bursts with terrible speed in an instant. , Directly breaking through the speed of sound, and getting faster and faster.

This is not just an ordinary stone, but also an iron ore with a large amount of iron elements. Driven by the surrounding invisible electric field, this ordinary stone, which seems to be suspended in the void, is actually in an invisible muzzle.

The speed of the stone was getting faster and faster, and finally it turned into a stream of light. Huo Di, who was laughing loudly, hadn't realized what was happening. He only felt that a stream of light hit his body, and the streamer ran through Huo Di's arm.

At the same time, a terrible force struck, and the whole body was out of Hordy's control, as if being hit head-on by a high-speed car.

Hoodi flew over half of the square until he hit the cliff behind him. There was a loud bang. Large pieces of rubble were knocked off, arousing large patches of dust and dense fog, and cracks were spreading at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, the small pebble that easily knocked Hodie into the cliff had already rushed into the cliff, and the cliffs within a hundred meters of him collapsed one by one, and the entire square was trembling continuously, as if a dozen-magnitude earthquake had occurred.

It was not only the square that trembled, but also the hearts of hundreds of thousands of murlocs around. Seeing this scene like the end of the world, the murlocs could hardly imagine how powerful the seemingly ordinary man sitting on the shoulders of White Star was.

"Is this the power of the legendary strong man?"

"It's too strong, Hordy has no power to resist"

"It's like... this feeling is like facing a god..."


Just waving a stone casually can knock Hoodi away, and destroy the earth in an azimuth of 100 meters. This power has exceeded everyone's imagination on the fisherman island.

This kind of terrible destruction scene, for countless murlocs who have stayed on the fisherman island all year round and have never seen the world, is like facing a god, and there is no resistance.

"Is this the power that humans can possess?" This sentence flashed in the minds of countless murlocs.

Bai Xing was so scared that he stretched out his hand to cover his mouth and exclaimed, "It's really too strong, Brother Lin Tian."

"Lin Tian, ​​how strong is this guy!" Even Sauron, who is also a partner, was frightened by this scene.

A small stone in Lin Tian's hand can destroy the earth in a radius of 100 meters. It has not been seen for two years. It is not just that they are growing. The potential of Lin Tian, ​​the strongest navy genius of the year, can be imagined.

"We have all grown so much, let alone Lin Tian!" Sanji sighed deeply.

In the past two years, Sanji knew better than anyone about his growth, but Sanji knew that if he faced Lin Tian, ​​the end result would not be much better than two years ago.

Compared with Sauron and Sanji's surprise, Luffy seemed careless. Since childhood, Lin Tian had crushed him and Ace. From Luffy's point of view, it would be strange if Lin Tian was not that strong.

Of course, if there are human scientists here, they can quickly penetrate what is happening. In fact, this is an electromagnetic gun.

The electric field force generated by the electromagnetic field in the electromagnetic system is used to accelerate the metal cannonball to achieve the kinetic energy required to strike the target. Compared with traditional gunpowder, the electromagnetic cannon can make the projectile have more terrifying power and speed.

Although the world of One Piece seems to be very backward, in fact there are many powerful black technologies in this world. Even the terrible laser light cannons have appeared in the hands of Begapunk, and the theory of electromagnetic cannons is naturally known by many scientists. .

Lin Tian used the thunder-sounding ability to form an electric field with a voltage of hundreds of millions in the surrounding void, and then accelerated the small iron ore, so that the seemingly ordinary stone could erupt with such terrible power.

Of course, these are unknown to the hundreds of thousands of murlocs in the square.

Perhaps the hundreds of thousands of murlocs in the square were shocked by Lin Tian's strength, but in Lin Tian's view, possessing such destructive power for the development of thunder-sounding ability within two years is the most basic.

For example, admiral Huang Quan can kick a huge mangrove with one kick, the green pheasant can freeze the sea for hundreds of kilometers in an instant, and the red dog can destroy a warship with one punch.

Lin Tian who is one point better than them, isn't it normal to have this kind of strength?

"Hey, Lin Tian, ​​they all told you not to make a move. Now you actually beat Hoodie to death." Luffy's curse broke the silence in the air.

Luffy was going to break through the crowd and beat Hoodie to the fly, but then suddenly Lin Tian made a move and Hoody was knocked into the air without any now buried deep. Under the ruins, he couldn't even live or die. How could Luffy beat Hoddy to fly, Luffy was naturally very angry.

"This idiot", looking at Luffy not far away, Nami covered her forehead and said helplessly: "If Hody is resolved, won't it be possible to end this war ahead of time?"

"Who said that Hoodie is dead", Lin Tian asked back, and then said: "Hoodie is not dead yet. Now that guy is still alive, don't worry, Hoodie who has the fullest potential will not be caught The little stones were killed."

"En?" Luffy tilted his head with a look of doubt.

As if to confirm Lin Tian's words, with a bang, a large piece of rubble in the ruins was knocked into the air by the explosion, and a black shadow crawled out of the ruins in the slowly rising smoke.

The smoke gradually dissipated under the breeze, revealing Hody, who was half squatting on the ground. At this moment, Hody was covered with blood and yellow mud. His strong right arm was blasted out of a big hole, and the blood continued to flow down his arm. , The whole one is miserable and indescribable.

But Hoddy is still alive. I have to say that the drug es is really powerful. Although it stimulates the human body at the cost of strong vitality, it can double the human body's strength, even if it suffers damage.

Looking at the miserable situation of Hordy, several cadres of the new murlocs shouted worriedly: "Captain!"

Ignoring the screams of his cadres, Hordy escaped from his pocket with a handful of es medicines he carried, stuffed it into his mouth suddenly, and quickly swallowed all the medicines into his mouth with a bit of chewing.

The medicine had just entered Hordi's belly, and there was no time for him to react. Hordi's face was distorted and he immediately raised his head and shouted.


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